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Ségolène Royal,
Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development
and Energy
Programme and priority projects for
the 2015 Paris Climate Conference
Monday 23 November 2015
Civil society actions for energy and climate supported by the
Ministry of Ecology ....................................................................................................................................................4
1. Ocean and climate: protecting the oceans and restoring their
climatic role ............................................................................................................................................................4
2. Renewable energy: supporting an acceleration in its development
and seizing opportunities for market growth ................................................................7
3. Carbon pricing: promoting the emergence of carbon pricing in as
many countries as possible at the COP to guide investment ......................9
4. Towards sustainable mobility: supporting the development of
electric vehicles and the call for affordable electric vehicles for all... 12
5. Forests and climate: moving towards sustainable forest
management and supporting reforestation ................................................................. 14
6. Energy efficiency: reducing energy consumption in buildings ............... 18
7. Supporting the energy transition in the regions ..................................................... 20
8. Supporting green growth companies .................................................................................. 23
9. Women and climate.................................................................................................................................... 25
10. Africa and climate ...................................................................................................................................... 25
The Climate Generations Area: an unprecedented idea in the
history of climate conferences 27
Ségolène Royal's participation at the main COP21 events ............................... 28
The enforcement of the energy transition act: a strong priority in
parallel with COP21 ................................................................................................................................................ 29
Ségolène Royal, the leader of the French delegation at COP21................. 32
Civil society actions for energy and climate
1. Ocean and climate: protecting the oceans and restoring their
climatic role
The fundamental climatic role of the oceans
The oceans, which act as the planet's thermostat, are the world's
biggest net supplier of oxygen and absorb 25% of its CO2. As the
world's second maritime power, France has a particular responsibility in
this area, and blue growth represents 450,000 jobs.
France sets ambitious targets
France will exceed the 20% target for protecting its seas and
oceans with protected marine areas by 2016 with:
the recent creation of the Bassin d'Arcachon and Mer des Pertuis
marine parks;
the forthcoming creation of the Cap Corse marine natural park;
the extension of the French Southern Territories national nature
reserve by 550,000 km².
The Paris Climate Conference must also be an opportunity to make
progress on banning plastic bags, the same way France has done it
with the Energy Transition for Green Growth Act.
The oceans at the heart of the Paris Climate Conference
The oceans are a particular focus at the Paris Conference, with 31
events entirely dedicated to the subject. Seven stands will also promote
the issue in the Climate Generations Area.
Following work carried out by the ministry, Ségolène Royal has asked
for a sequence to be dedicated to the oceans in the official
programme of the week of action, as she had announced during the
Ocean Week in Washington last June. This will take place on Tuesday 2
December from 1.30 to 3 pm in the conference centre, during the week
devoted to the Lima-Paris Action Agenda.
This day will be an opportunity to highlight the proposals of the
Ocean platform and concrete solutions to better protect the oceans
and develop blue growth:
a target for reducing gas emissions by shipping,
the creation of marine protected areas,
solutions based on nature, including mangroves and corals,
scientific research programmes.
Main events
France-Oceania Summit, 26 November 2015
Conference "Because the Ocean", 29 November (6.30 pm), Paris
(Pont Alexandre III – Tara Pavilion "Ocean and Climate")
Session organised jointly with the Ministry of Ecology, the Chilean
government, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, IDDRI (the
French Institute of Sustainable Development and International
Relations) and Tara Expeditions
Wednesday 2 December – 9.30 am – Conference centre
“Focus Ocean” as part of the week of action – Lima-Paris Action Agenda
– Meeting about commitments to the oceans and water
Wednesday 3 December – 11 am – Conference centre
Opening of the Ocean and Climate Forum
Wednesday 3 December – Climate Generations Area
"Ocean" day opened by Ségolène Royal in the auditorium (conference,
debates, films, events, etc.)
Thursday 4 December – Climate Generations Area
Global Ocean Forum Ocean Day
Saturday 5 December – 1 pm – Conference centre
Action day – Lima-Paris Action Agenda: conference and political
segment "A message from the Artic" by the Norwegian embassy
Monday 7 December – 4.45 pm – Conference centre
Conference session "The Importance of Addressing Oceans and Coasts in
an Ambitious Agreement at the UNFCCC COP 21", an opportunity to
review all these events.
Wednesday 9 December – 3 pm – Conference centre
Conference "The role of the oceans and marine protected areas in
mitigating the impact of climate change: prospects for taking into
account this issue in future climate negotiations"
2. Renewable energy: supporting an acceleration in its
development and seizing opportunities for market growth
France sets ambitious targets
France, including the mainland and overseas territories, benefits from
exceptional assets that will allow it to become a major producer of
renewable energy.
The Energy Transition for Green Growth Act sets a target of 40% for
renewable energy as a proportion of final electricity consumption
by 2030. This means doubling the share of renewables in the French
energy system over the next fifteen years. In 2014 renewable energy
provided 19.5% of the national consumption.
Global Solar Alliance
The Paris Climate Conference will see the implementation of the
International Solar Alliance, supported by the Indian prime minister
Narendra Modi and many heads of state and business leaders.
Invitations were sent to 110 heads of state (including African countries
and other states between the tropic of Cancer and the tropic of
Capricorn) to join the Alliance, which will be presented on 30
The Alliance will act as a platform to enable countries to share their
Global Geothermal Alliance
The Global Geothermal Alliance will be presented on 7 December by
Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, the President of Iceland. It is built on the work
of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).
Ségolène Royal prepared for its launch over several visits to Iceland in
July and October.
Main events
Monday 30 November – 4-7 pm – Conference centre
Opening day of COP21 – International Solar Alliance
Sunday 6 December – Palais Brongniart, 75002 Paris
Renewable energy day organised by SER (the French Union of
renewable energy sources), IRENA, the European Commission and the
United Arab Emirates
Monday 7 December – 10 am – Conference centre
Focus on energy – Lima-Paris Action Agenda – Press conference (30
minutes) – Opening of the Energy Focus Day
Tuesday 8 December – 1 pm – Conference centre
Conference and political segment "The energy and climate approaches
of non-state actors in Morocco: from Paris to Marrakesh, the civil
society is committed to the fight against climate change" organised by
ADEME (France's Agency for Environment and Energy Management)
3. Carbon pricing: promoting the emergence of carbon pricing
in as many countries as possible at the COP to guide
France sets ambitious targets
Already a member of the carbon market established at the European
level for the most-consuming economic sectors (European Union
Emissions Trading Scheme or ETS) since 2005, France has enshrined
the carbon price trajectory in law as an element of the tax system,
with a price of €56 per tonne in 2020 and €100 per tonne in 2030.
Currently set at €14.50/tonne, it will rise to €22/tonne in 2016 and the
amended finance act draft for 2015 specifies a carbon price of
€30.50/tonne in 2017. This measure will accelerate investment in
transport and buildings to increase energy efficiency and reduce
greenhouse gas emissions.
The increasing carbon price in France will be "compensated by a
corresponding reduction in the taxes on other products, works or
income" (article 1 of the energy transition act). This system should
boost our economy: with the energy transition for green growth
100,000 green jobs are expected over three years in the fields of
energy-efficient building renovation, renewable energy (as shown by
the 15% rise in wind power jobs in 2014, recently announced at the
European Fair on Wind Energy ), electric vehicles, etc.
Along the same lines, the Energy Transition for Green Growth Act
specifies that companies and institutional investors must take
climate risk into account in their annual accounts and indicate how
they plan to increase the green proportion of their investments.
The decree implementing this provision of the act will be opened to
consultation so that it can be published by the end of the Paris Climate
Carbon pricing: an essential tool for action to protect the climate
Putting a price on carbon helps promoting investment in low-carbon
technologies and fuels and an increase in their use. Forty states and
over twenty local authorities have put carbon pricing in place or
are in the process of doing so. The executive secretariat of the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
published a report on 18 November 2015 encouraging other countries
to join the movement.
New initiatives will be announced as part of the Solutions Agenda.
Main events
Tuesday 1 December – 5.15 pm – Climate Generations Area
Monday 7 December – 3 pm – Conference centre
Conference "The green growth revolution is accelerating: the Energy
Transition for Green Growth Act and its accompanying actions"
Friday 4 December – 10.15 am – Conference centre
Focus on private financing – Lima-Paris Action Agenda
Saturday 5 December – all day – Conference centre
Action Day – Lima-Paris Action Agenda
High-level meeting on climate action
Monday 7 December – 10.15 am – Conference centre
Focus on energy – Lima-Paris Action Agenda
Opening of the Energy Focus Day
Tuesday 8 December – Conference centre
Caring for Climate Business Forum – Meeting between companies and
governments organised by UN Global Compact, UNEP and the UNFCCC
Tuesday 8 December – 11 am – Hôtel Méridien, 75017 Paris
Business Forum on Caring for Climate: Ambition, Innovation,
Tuesday 8 December – 1.30 pm – Conference centre
Focus on business – Lima-Paris Action Agenda
Opening of the Business Focus Day
4. Towards sustainable mobility: supporting the development
of electric vehicles and the call for affordable electric vehicles
for all
France sets ambitious targets
In France, the provisions of the Energy Transition for Green Growth Act
of 17 August 2015 enable the national deployment of seven million
public and private charging points and accelerate the renewal of
public and private transport fleets with clean vehicles.
Charging points are becoming mandatory in all new buildings and
whenever tertiary buildings are renovated.
Support for electric mobility in France is also based on financial
a bonus of 10,000 euros is offered when replacing an older
diesel vehicle with an electric car from 1 April 2015;
individual charging points for private use are eligible for a 30%
refund via the energy transition tax credit;
in small companies, a programme of energy savings certificates
will soon be available to help fund the installation of charging
Thanks to these initiatives, France will be the European leader in
electric vehicles, with nearly 53,000 registered, by the end of 2015.
Global call for electric vehicle projects
On Transport Focus Day” (3 December), Ségolène Royal will launch a
global call for the design, development and sale of an electric
vehicle for under 5,000 dollars to facilitate universal access to clean
mobility, improve air quality in towns and reduce the use of fossil fuels.
A joint declaration by France, Spain and Portugal is also planned to
support the deployment of a charging infrastructure network for
electric vehicles in southern Europe and encourage electric mobility.
Main events
Tuesday 1 December – 5.15 pm – Climate Generations Area
Monday 7 December – 3 pm – Conference centre
Conference "The green growth revolution is accelerating: the Energy
Transition for Green Growth Act and its accompanying actions"
Wednesday 2 December – 12 pm – Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace du
"Climate Solutions" awards ceremony
Thursday 3 December – 9.15 am – Conference centre
Focus on transport – Lima-Paris Action Agenda
Meeting on commitments to clean transport during the Transport Focus
Saturday 5 December – all day – Conference centre
Action Day – Lima-Paris Action Agenda
High-level meeting on climate action
Tuesday 8 December – 2.30 pm – Climate Generations Area
Conference "Positive-energy territories, accelerating the transition"
Tuesday 8 December – Climate Generations Area
Conference "Zero Emission Vehicle Initiative" – Lima-Paris Action
5. Forests and climate: moving towards sustainable forest
management and supporting reforestation
France sets ambitious targets
Forests in mainland France are not threatened with disappearance, but
they need to be mobilised within a framework of sustainable
to promote the harmonious use of wood in construction, industry
(board and paper) and energy;
to accelerate the mobilisation of wood, an essential element in
the implementation of the national low carbon strategy.
Support for the French wood industry with the "Dynamic wood" call for
The goal of "Dynamic Wood", launched on 17 March 2015 by the wood
industry strategy committee, is to select 24 projects that will be
supported by the Ministry of Ecology with a funding of €35
The projects will aim to better exploit and develop French forests to
contribute to the fight against climate change, the energy transition
and the preservation of biodiversity.
The 24 selected projects, spread across mainland France, involve about
200 actors in the wood industry and several thousand forest
landowners and will mobilise an estimated 4 million m3 of additional
wood over three years, half of which will supply the wood-burning
boilers supported by the Heat Fund.
The projects will also improve the quality of forest stock in the
medium and long terms to prepare French forests to adapt to the
consequences of climate change. They will thus contribute to the
sustainable management of forests, enabling them to fulfil their
function as a "carbon sink" (French forests store the equivalent of 15%
of the country's emissions every year) while supplying materials and
energy with lower greenhouse gas emissions.
Forests are the second-largest carbon sink in the world, after the
oceans. And yet 18 million hectares of forests disappeared in 2014.
Events dedicated to forests during COP21
On Thursday 29 October 2015 Ségolène Royal took part in a Ministerial
Meeting on REDD+, Forests and Climate Change in London at the
invitation of the Prince of Wales, where delegates were reminded that 1
December would be a day dedicated to the issue of forests and climate
change at COP21.
In parallel, over twenty forest-related events will be organised in the
Climate Generations Area at Le Bourget.
"Agro-reforestation" project in Haiti
The actor Sean Penn visited Ségolène Royal in November to present his
agro-forestation project in Haiti. The minister mobilised all the
technical support networks, including the national forestry agency
(Office national des forêts) and the French development agency
(Agence française de développement).
A commitment related to the first plantations could be announced
during COP21.
The New York Declaration on Forests: holding back forest loss
Arising from the UN Secretary General's climate summit in September
2014, the New York Declaration on Forests is a political declaration
approved by about a dozen governments, over thirty of the world's
biggest companies and more than 50 civil society and local
Their common goal is to reduce losses of natural forest by half by
2020, and to end them altogether by 2030. The declaration also calls
for the restoration of forest and cultivated land over an area larger than
Reaching these targets would eliminate 4.5 to 8.8 billion tonnes of
carbon pollution per year.
Satellite-assisted environmental monitoring in Gabon (SEAS)
In August, Ségolène Royal took part in the operational launch of the
SEAS satellite-assisted environmental monitoring project in Gabon,
which was completed with support from France.
The first project of its kind in Central Africa, it will provide a direct
supply of satellite images and it includes a centre of remote-sensing
expertise to contribute to the monitoring of forests and the
environment in Gabon and Central Africa. With 300 million hectares,
the forest of the Congo basin is the second largest forest area in
the world after the Amazon.
Main events
Tuesday 1 December – 9.30 am – Conference centre
Focus on forests – Lima-Paris Action Agenda
- Press conference (30 minutes)
- Opening of the Forest Focus Day
Tuesday 8 December – 9.30 am – Climate Generations Area
COP21 workshop "Forests, Land, Oceans" – WWF
6. Energy efficiency: reducing energy consumption in buildings
France sets ambitious targets
The energy transition act introduced many measures to save energy in
buildings, affecting both the existing building stock and new
construction, and a number of supporting measures have been put in
place. The goal is to reduce final energy consumption by 50% by
2050 compared to 2012.
Buildings account for 20% of France's greenhouse gas emissions.
Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction: increasing the sector's
potential for climate action
This worldwide Alliance, to be launched at COP21 in Paris, aims to
gather countries, cities, and public and private organisations in the
building sector in order to scale up the implementation of ambitious
actions towards the "below 2°C" pathway in buildings and the
construction sector.
The planning, design, renovation and construction of buildings
offer considerable potential for achieving rapid growth in
renewable energy and energy efficiency.
They are an opportunity to deploy resilient climate change
solutions that are adapted to local situations and make the most
of local resources.
The initiative also aims to create better, safer living and working
environments with substantial savings on operating costs,
increased potential revenues and significant reductions in
greenhouse gas emissions.
As cities continue to develop – they are predicted to house seventy
percent of the world's population by 2050 – helping the sector to
evolve in order to reduce its environmental impact is becoming more
and more crucial for climate action.
Main events
Tuesday 1 December – 5.15 pm – Climate Generations Area
Monday 7 December – 3 pm – Conference centre
Conference "The green growth revolution is accelerating: the Energy
Transition for Green Growth Act and its accompanying actions"
Thursday 3 December – 3 pm – Conference centre
Focus on construction – Lima-Paris Action Agenda: Launch of the
Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction
7. Supporting the energy transition in the regions
France sets ambitious targets
The mobilisation of 500 "positive-energy territories for green
growth" is an operation of an unprecedented scale. The
projects supported by local councillors represent innovative
solutions for local deployment.
€66 million of state aid can already be committed, covering
nearly 20 million inhabitants.
153 territories have committed to the "zero-wastage, zerowaste territory" programme, involving over 30 million people.
Their commitment should result in a minimum reduction in waste
production of 1 million tonnes in the next three years, achieving a
potential saving of €63 million a year compared to the current
25 communities have been selected for the "Breathable cities
within 5 years" call for projects: they cover 735 municipalities
and nearly 15 million people, or 24% of the French population.
Summit of local officials for the climate – "1000 mayors" at the Paris
city hall (4 December)
From Adelaide to Bogota, from Paris to Quezon and Tshwane, cities are
coming together to concentrate on ambitious climate action as part of
the Covenant of Mayors cooperation initiative.
The initiative, a part of the Lima-Paris Action Agenda (LPAA), was
launched at the UN Climate Summit in New York in 2014 by the UN
Secretary General's Special Envoy for Cities and Climate Change,
Michael R. Bloomberg.
The Covenant of Mayors is a cooperative effort between mayors and
city representatives to:
commit to reducing greenhouse gas emissions;
monitor progress;
prepare for the impact of climate change.
The Covenant consolidates cities' climate actions by systematically
publishing transparent data on greenhouse gases. The data-based
platform, similar to the one used by countries when creating their
national climate plans, will help to direct resources and policies to
accelerate and support local climate action better.
In its turn, the platform will encourage and present innovative climate
actions implemented by cities and inspire change at global level.
Conference of the state governors of Washington, California and New
York: solutions for the climate (7 December)
Several regions of the world made an ambitious commitment in May at
the initiative of the governor of California to reduce their emissions
by 80 to 95% by 2050 compared to 1990, or to cap their perperson emissions at 2 tonnes a year.
The solutions deployed by these regions will be presented at several
high-level conference sessions at COP21.
For example, Jerry Brown, the governor of California, has taken steps to
double energy savings in buildings and to source half of the electricity
generated in the state from renewables by 2030. The largest American
state is showing the way through innovation in how to conduct the
energy transition in the regions.
Main events
Tuesday 1 December – 5.15 pm – Climate Generations Area
Monday 7 December – 3 pm – Conference centre
Conference session "The green growth revolution is accelerating: the
Energy Transition for Green Growth Act and its accompanying actions"
Friday 4 December – Hôtel de Ville de Paris
Summit of local officials for the climate – Commitment by 1000 mayors
Monday 7 December – 11.30 am – Climate Generations Area
Conference of the state governors of Washington, California and New
York (USA): solutions for the climate
Tuesday 8 December – Climate Generations Area
Positive-energy areas for green growth: presentation of the "Under Two
Degrees" protocol with Governor Brown of California
8. Supporting green growth companies
France sets exemplary targets
Through its “Investing for the Future” programme (Investissements
d'Avenir), the French government is supporting the emergence of
innovative solutions in the areas of "demonstrators of the
environmental and energy transition" and "vehicles and transport
of the future".
The programme, led by ADEME, has a budget of €3.1 billion. Nearly half
of this amount has so far been committed to over 240 projects for
which contracts have already been signed.
A meeting of heads of state to support investment
A meeting of heads of state is scheduled for 30 November to
encourage the majority of countries to make a commitment to
increasing public research funding and private investment in renewable
energy, energy efficiency and low-carbon technologies.
France has already committed an annual budget of €1 billion dedicated
to public research in these areas, and plans to double the credits it
allocates to the “Investing for the Future” programme by 2020.
Towards the end of polluting industry
In September 2015, France confirmed the immediate withdrawal of
export credits for all new coal-fired power station projects without CO2
capture and storage systems.
Since then, several large French companies have announced that they
were ending their investments in coal (Engie, Société Générale, BNP
Main events
Tuesday 1 December – 5.15 pm – Climate Generations Area
Monday 7 December – 3 pm – Conference centre
Conference session "The green growth revolution is accelerating: the
Energy Transition for Green Growth Act and its accompanying actions"
Wednesday 2 December – 12 pm – Aéropostale, Musée de l'Air et
de l'Espace du Bourget
"Climate Solutions" awards ceremony
Tuesday 8 December – 9.30 am – Conference centre
Caring for Climate Business Forum – Meeting between companies and
governments organised by UN Global Compact, UNEP and the UNFCCC
Tuesday 8 December – 11 am – Hôtel Méridien, 81 Boulevard
Gouvion Saint-Cyr, 75017 Paris
Business forum on Caring for Climate: Ambition, Innovation,
Tuesday 8 December – 1.30 pm – Conference centre
Focus on business – Lima-Paris Action Agenda
Opening of the Business Focus Day
Tuesday 8 December – 3 pm – Conference centre
Focus on low-carbon innovation – Lima-Paris Action Agenda
Opening or Closure of the Innovation Focus Day
10. Women and climate
Main events
Tuesday 8 December – Moroccan Pavilion
Women and Sustainable Energy Day
- Opening of the "Women and Climate" Day
- Launch of the joint UN Women-UNEP programme
11. Africa and climate
Ségolène Royal's trips to Africa in preparation for COP21:
July 2015 – Senegal: Official visit by Ségolène Royal as the
government's envoy to prepare for COP21;
August 2015 – Namibia: meeting with the President and visits
on the theme of renewable energy (PV, wind) and biodiversity;
August 2015 – Zambia: meeting with the President and visits on
the themes of hydroelectricity and national parks. Cooperation
agreement on the development of renewable energy;
August 2015 – Botswana: meeting with the President and
signature of an agreement on the fight against traffic in
protected species;
August 2015 – Ghana: meeting with the President;
28 August 2015 – Gabon: launch of the satellite-assisted
environmental monitoring (SEAS) project;
September 2015 – Morocco: presidential visit;
October 2015 – Algeria: official visit by Ségolène Royal and
meeting with the President and government to prepare for
On 11 and 12 November, Ségolène Royal and the French
President attended the Malta summit with African heads of
state – preparations for COP21: the discussions covered the
issues of renewable energy, deforestation, drought, access to
water and sustainable water management, biodiversity, coastal
erosion and coastline monitoring. Emblematic subjects such as
Lake Chad and the Niger river were mentioned in particular.
Main events
Tuesday 1 December – Elysée Palace
Summit of African heads of state
Tuesday 8 December – 1 pm – Conference centre
Conference session and political segment "The energy and climate
approaches of non-state actors in Morocco: from Paris to Marrakesh,
civil society is committed to the fight against climate change"
organised by ADEME
Wednesday 9 December – 1 pm – Conference centre
Event at the French Pavilion with Abdelkader Amara, the Moroccan
Minister of Energy, Mines, Water and the Environment.
The Climate Generations Area: an unprecedented idea in
the history of climate conferences
The "Climate Generations Area" is a symbol of France's interest in the
solutions generated by the civil society in the battle for the
climate. Due to their proximity to the negotiations and their scale in
terms of area, they are a first in the history of the COPs.
The 27,000 m2 of the Climate Generations Area will host over 345 civil
society organisations, immediately next to the Conference Centre
dedicated to the international negotiations.
Open to the public free of charge and to the participants and observers
at the climate negotiations, the Climate Generations Area will be open
between 1 and 11 December 2015 from 10.30 am to 7 pm, except
Sunday 6 December.
The programme of conferences and debates can be found in the
"Climate Generations Area" section on the
Ségolène Royal's participation at the main COP21 events
24 November – Inauguration of the Exit installation presented by
the Cartier Foundation for Contemporary Art – Palais de Tokyo
26 November: "Resilience in a Time of Uncertainty: Indigenous
peoples and climate change", UNESCO
28 November: Place 2 B – "pop-up co-working space"
4 December: Solutions 21 at the Grand Palais
The enforcement of the energy transition act:
a strong priority in parallel with COP21
Ségolène Royal has made it a priority to publish executive texts
applying the act quickly in order to give stakeholders a clear framework
for making the energy transition an operational reality as soon as
Texts on renewable energy
The decree on new methods of remunerating renewable
electricity has received a favourable opinion from the Higher
Energy Council (Conseil supérieur de l'énergie), was submitted to
the Council of State (Conseil d'Etat) and notified to the European
Commission for application from 1 January 2016.
The order and decrees related to the modernisation of
hydroelectric concessions management have been submitted
to the Council of State.
A decree on participatory investment for renewable energy
will be sent to the Council of State for publication by the end of
A decree reforming authorisations to operate electric power
stations and cutting red tape for renewable energy has been
approved by the Higher Energy Council and will be published
before the end of the year.
A decree simplifying tendering procedures and shortening
deadlines has also received the green light from the Higher
Energy Council.
Texts on buildings
The conditions governing the operation of third-party finance
companies will be published shortly.
The decree specifying the minimum energy performance
standards in the sale of social housing will also be published
Texts on transport
Decrees on restricted traffic zones, the definition of vehicles
with low and very low emissions and the renewal of the fleets
operated by public transport, vehicle hire firms and taxi
companies will be published before the end of 2015.
The order aiming to facilitate the development of cablepropelled transit was published in France's Official Journal on 21
Texts on planning
The decree defining the "carbon budgets" and approving the
National Low Carbon Strategy (SNBC) was published in the
Official Journal on 19 November.
Energy planning for Corsica has been finalised and will be
published very soon. The first concrete guidance in the MultiYear Energy Plan (PPE) on energy efficiency, renewable energy
and security of supply was presented on 19 November.
A decree on supply and demand forecasts for electricity and gas
networks will be published this year.
Circular economy
A major decree on waste management and circular economy
will be published in December. This decree will enable the rapid
implementation of several major measures in the Energy
Transition for Green Growth Act, including waste sorting by
businesses, the obligation for building materials suppliers to take
back construction waste, traceability in the management of
electrical and electronic equipment waste to curb illegal trading
The decree on the withdrawal of single-use non-compostable
plastic bags has been submitted to the Council of State and will
be published this quarter.
Other texts
A set of texts defining the conditions of support for heavy
electricity consumers in exchange for improvements in
energy efficiency have received a favourable opinion from the
Higher Energy Council and will take effect this year.
The order on all the certifications specified by the act for the
nuclear industry (nuclear safety, waste management, prevention
of malicious acts etc.) is being examined by the Council of State.
Consultations are under way on the decree modifying the
procedure for dismantling basic nuclear installations and
regulating the use of subcontractors for operations with
important safety implications.
A decree on the statutes of the Institute of Radiation
Protection and Nuclear Safety will be published this year.
Ségolène Royal, the leader of the French delegation
at COP21
Ségolène Royal will lead a French delegation of 1,000 people:
200 from the offices of the President and the Prime Minister, as
well as a dozen ministers and their teams;
150 in the negotiating team and the COP21 general secretariat;
about 150 members of parliament;
about 50 members of the National Council for Ecological
Transition (CNTE);
about 50 business leaders sponsoring the COP;
staff from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International
Development and the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable
Development and Energy, as well as committed public figures