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Chiropractic - Healing Touch Natural Wellness
What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic is one of the largest primary-contact healthcare professions in Ontario; it is a
non-invasive, hands-on (Chiropractic is from the Greek “treatment by hand”) healthcare
discipline that focuses on the neuromusculoskeletal system (nerves, muscles, joints). Chiropractors are trained to diagnose, treat, and provide preventative care for a variety of
neuromusculoskeletal conditions for not only the spine, but also the extremities (shoulder,
elbow, wrist, hip, knee, ankle, and foot).
Watch a Video: The Chiropractic Story
Chiropractic Treatment
The Chiropractic Adjustment
The Chiropractic Adjustment (or Manipulation) is meant to increase mobility in the spine (or
joints of the extremities), correct postural abnormalities, normalize the function of the nervous
system, and enhance the body’s innate ability to heal itself. The adjustment involves placing
the joint in a specific position and applying a high velocity, low amplitude thrust. Upon thrusting,
you may hear a “popping” sound in the joint. This is a normal response and represents the
release of gas bubbles within the fluid of joints; however it is not a measurement of the
effectiveness of the adjustment.
Watch a Video: The Chiropractic Adjustment
Dr. Cheryl incorporates several modalities to address the soft tissue dysfunction that
accompanies many conditions, in addition to treating the joint dysfunction. This may include
Chiropractic - Healing Touch Natural Wellness
Ultrasound and/or Electrical Muscle Stimulation; these modalities, used either in combination or
isolation, are designed to reduce pain and inflammation, reduce scar tissue, and relax the
muscle fibres. Dr. Cheryl may also recommend other complementary techniques as part of
your therapy, such as:
Applied Kinesiology Techniques
Graston Technique
Kinesio Taping
As healing progresses, therapeutic exercises are incorporated into the treatment regimen. The
goal of these exercises is not only to help restore full strength and function to the injured tissue,
but also to help stabilize the area, and prevent re-injury.
For more information about Chiropractic, please visit:
Ontario Chiropractic Association
Canadian Chiropractic Association