Download Puppy Sales Contract and Health Guarantee Red Hawk Ranch

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Puppy Sales Contract and Health Guarantee
Red Hawk Ranch Chihuahuas
Texas Breeder's License # 254
402 Red Hawk Dr. Dale, TX 78616
Facebook: Red Hawk Ranch Chihuahuas
[email protected]
Dominique Lowe (512) 601-3331
(512) 496-8951 Cell
Dog and cat breeders are regulated by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, P.O. Box 12157, Austin, Texas 78711,
1-800-803-9202, 512-463-6599,
Whereas Red Hawk Ranch Chihuahuas, hereafter called “Seller” is the breeder of a Chihuahua Puppy, further described as:
Breed: CHIHUAHUA Registration Application:
CKC Sex: Male Female DOB: ______/______/______
Color and Markings: ____________________________________________________Microchip #: AVID____________________
Sire: _________________________________________________________________Reg.# ____________________________
Dam: ________________________________________________________________Reg. #____________________________
As whereas,
Name: _______________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________
City:________________________________State: _________ ZIP: ______________
Phone: __________________________ E-Mail: ______________________________
Hereinafter called “buyer,” is desirous of purchasing the animal described above; now therefore in consideration of the following:
Total purchase price: $_____________ (Price of puppy + 6.75% Texas state sales tax)
Check # _______________Square transaction# ______________________
Puppy has been dewormed with:
Evict DS_________________________, Drontal_________________________, Safeguard_________________________
Puppy has received the following vaccinations: Vanguard 5 on ________________________________________________
Please refer to your puppies health record for more information.
Seller can not guarantee that this puppy is anything but pet quality. No guarantee is made as to size, disposition, conformation, working ability, or breeding ability. At time of sale, seller states that this puppy is healthy to the best of her
knowledge. Once the puppy leaves the sellerʼs premises, the puppy is under the buyerʼs control, and the puppy is the
sole responsibility of the buyer. Notice of any problems with this puppy must be received within 48 hours under the
terms and conditions below:
Buyer agrees to have the puppy examined by a currently practicing, reputable veterinarian within 48 hours
from the time of purchase, excluding weekends and holidays (Buyer will be responsible for this examination and any
other charges incurred from this examination). A Veterinary Examination Report shall be completed as a result of this
and a copy sent to seller immediately. Failure to return this written report within 10 days of exam VOIDS this contract.
If this Veterinarian determines that there is a major problem (excluding internal and external parasites, umbilical hernias, undescended testicles or other common, easily treatable conditions) with the puppy, the puppy may be returned
at this time (return must be made within 24 hours). Seller reserves the right to have puppy examined by a veterinarian
of sellers choice before exchange is made, and a replacement puppy will be given.
Puppy is guaranteed for 48 hours from date and time of purchase against infectious diseases such as Parvo*,
Corona, or Distemper as long as all terms of this contract have been followed. *The puppy has some immunity from
the Parvo disease from the mother, and if the puppy has had a vaccination for Parvo, it also has some immunity. But,
because Parvo is such a contagious disease, and the puppy can be exposed to the disease in any public place or
even on your own property without your knowledge, it is extremely important that you watch your puppy and be extremely cautious where you allow your puppy to go or who touches your puppy until it is completely safe from the
Parvo virus.
The puppy is guaranteed for one year from the date of purchase against genetic defects as long as all terms of
this contract have been followed.
If a major problem has been determined and return of the puppy is desired and agreed upon by both parties, a
replacement of comparable size and value will be given to the buyer as long as all terms of this contract have been
followed. If a replacement puppy is not available at this time, buyer will be given a Voucher for a puppy and notified
immediately when a comparable puppy is available. No cash refunds will be given, only an exchange. Any veterinarian
expenses incurred determining the problem/health status of this puppy will be the sole responsibility of the buyer and
no refunds or reimbursements will be expected from seller.
If the puppy dies within the 48 hour guarantee period, buyer will take the deceased puppy to a veterinarian of
his/ her choice for the purpose of an autopsy at buyers expense. When a confirmation of cause of death has been determined, buyer will get in contact with seller immediately with the results. If seller desires to talk to the buyerʼs veterinarian that determined the cause, buyer will arrange for this conversation to happen and if seller disagrees with
buyerʼs veterinarian, seller reserves the right to have the deceased puppy taken to a veterinarian of sellerʼs choice and
a second autopsy will be performed at sellerʼs expense to determine if the two veterinarians agree. If the two veterinarians agree that the puppy died of natural causes of warrantable conditions, a replacement puppy will be provided
to buyer.
If at any time in this dogʼs life, you find you can not care for or do not wish to care for this dog anymore, you promise to not take this dog to a shelter or give to an irresponsible owner. I will take the dog back
as long as dog has no contagious diseases and all registration papers, health records, etc., will be given back
to me. NO refunds will be given.
It will be the responsibility of the buyer to register this puppy if it can be registered. Any cost to do so is the responsibility of the buyer. Seller guarantees to provide all papers, signatures, or information needed to do so.
This contract represents final and all guarantees, agreements, and terms of the sale of this puppy between seller and
buyer. This agreement is made and entered into the State of Texas and shall be enforced and interpreted under the
laws of this State. By signing below, both parties are bound by this contractual agreement.
OTHER TERMS:________________________________________________________________________
Date Transferred _____/_____/_____
Buyer Signature:____________________________________
Seller Signature: ____________________________________
Dominique Lowe, Home: (512) 601-3331, Cell, text or iMessage: (512) 496-8951 Email: [email protected]