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Original material from
Goodrich, Tamassia, Goldwasser 2010:
Data Structures and Algorithms in Java
Ford, Topp 2005:
Data Structures with Java
Last Lecture
– Covered trees and binary search trees
This Lecture
– Applications of trees to other ADTs
– Achieving balance:
● Self-balancing structures
Important properties of BSTs
< Lecture 33 >
[Balanced] Binary Search Trees do
– Store elements in order, keeping the order
– Find elements in log-time
– Update single elements in log-time
What can we do with BSTs?
– Implement SETs
– Implement MAPs (aka Dictionaries)
Applications of BSTs,
especially to ADTs
Tree Sort
TreeSort uses a BST to sort the elements
Adding elements to a balanced tree is O(logn)
per element (on a tree with n elements)
Assume we use a self balancing tree
Performance: n insertions, O(logn) per insertion
→ O(nlogn) cost
Without self balancing tree: O(nlogn) in
average, but O(n²) in worst case (like QuickSort)
Tree Sort: In-Order
Other tree traversals
IN-ORDER. Recursive List building.
– inord(Node t)=
● [], if t is null
● inord(t.left) + [t.value] + inord(t.right)
Main idea: first process left subtree, then
node at hand, then right subtree
– By process we mean to visit or to do
something else to the node
TreeSort: build List this way, return it
Breadth-first traversal
PRE-ORDER. First node, then left subtree, then
right subtree.
– preord(Node t)=
● [], if t is null
● [t.value] + preord(t.left) + preord(t.right)
POST-ORDER. First left subtree, then right
subtree, then parent node.
– postord(Node t)=
● [], if t is null
● postord(t.left) + postord(t.right) + [t.value]
Exercise: tree traversals
Mainly used in combinatorial optimization and
artificial intelligence
Go through all the elements of the level
(same depth or height), from left to right,
then navigate the next level, and repeat
Better use a Queue for this one
Exercise: tree traversals
Example: 1. implement a basic binary tree
// this class implements a simple binary tree
// as a linked structure, rather than the ADT
public class BT {
BT left, right;
int value;
public BT(int val) { value = val; }
public BT(int val,BT left,BT right) {
value = val;
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
2. Get elements in tree's order
2. Get elements in tree's order
// we will return the elements using a LIST
import java.util.*;
// in-order traversal of the tree
public List<Integer> inord() {
List<Integer> L = new ArrayList();
if (left!=null)
L.addAll( left.inord() );
L.add( value );
if (right!=null)
L.addAll( right.inord() );
return L;
public class BT {
BT left, right;
int value;
public BT(int val) { value = val; }
public BT(int val,BT left,BT right) {
value = val;
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
// it continues next slide -->
Collection of
elements with no
concern of order and
without repetition
Sets and sets:
– union
– intersection
– difference
– subset
// let us try our code
public static void main(String[] sad) {
BT b = new BT( 0, new BT(-1), new
BT(3,null,new BT(4)) );
Set ADT – performance
Sets and elements:
– add
– remove
– contains
If only set-set
operations, we can
implement using
ordered array or linked
Set-Set operations (union, etc)
– O( n + m ): reduce sets to ordered arrays,
do merge, construct answer tree from
merged array
Set-element operations (add, etc)
– O( log n ): these are BST operations
Else, we can use a BST
Map ADT (dictionary)
Map ADT links a key to a
– Arrays are like this, if
keys are 0..n-1
– General Map ADT uses
any kind of key
Important methods:
– get(key) → value
– put(key,value)
– remove(key) → value
– containsKey(key)
– containsValue(key)
Most operations are
about searching for a
– If the keys have a
natural ordering, or are
comparable, or we
supply a comparator,
– then can implement
Map using a BST
Map using BST: each
node stores key, value;
but search by key
Self balancing trees
Problem of balancing
Balancing yields good performance
– Many variants of BST introduced!
Naïve solution: randomize input—can't always do
AVL Trees: rotations
Splay Trees: simpler rotations
Red-Black Trees: dedicated nodes
2-4 Trees: not binary—nodes can overload
– (a,b) trees: instead of 2-4, they are a-b
– B-Trees: name for (a,2a) trees
– Isomorphic to Red-Black trees, but simpler
2-4 trees: full nodes are splitted
2-4 Trees
Nodes can have 1, 2, 3 values
– Thus can have 2, 3, 4 children
This is general
culture for CS; I will
not ask about how
2-4 trees work. You
will likely study
them later.
Growth? Never add a leaf
– In leaf:
Try to add new value
If overload (4 values), split node, and tell
– In parent:
● Try to allocate new sibling
● Can't? Repeat overload process
– Root overload? Create new sibling and root
AVL Trees: rotations
Splitting a node sends a value to
a parent. If root, create new root!
This is how a 2-4 Node looks at full
capacity. The order is as BSTs, but
with more values. S 1<a<S2<b<S3...
AVL Trees
1. Recall order in BST
I will NOT follow standard explanations of this
The idea of AVL Trees can be simplified A LOT
from what is in the book and online
Key insight:
– We can re-arrange the BST cheaply while
preserving the order (in-order) of the
(We will only focus on double rotations
– They generalize single rotations...)
(and S4)
1. Recall order in BST
2. Abstract order from tree
3. Different trees, same order
3. Different trees, same order
3. Different trees, same order
3. Different trees, same order
4. Same order, different imbalance
When to balance the tree?
After update!
AVL tree will be balanced, except for path
involved in insertion/deletion
Rebalance tree [if necessary] in subtrees rooted
in nodes from path
O(log n) nodes involved in path! (AVL tree will
be nearly balanced)
Each rebalancing (rotation) takes O(1) time
because of finite possibilities!
5. Algorithm: pick best balance for same order