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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
CURRICULUM VITAE INFORMAZIONI PERSONALI Cognome PASQUINI Nome LUCIA Data di nascita 12/07/1972 Amministrazione Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi Qualifica DIRIGENTE AREA MEDICA Incarico INCARICO PROFESSIONALE DI BASE Struttura MATERNO INFANTILE - OSTETRICIA E GINECOLOGIA 1 Numero telefonico ufficio 0557949368 Fax ufficio 0557947605 e-mail ufficio [email protected] Sito internet istituzionale TITOLI DI STUDIO E PROFESSIONALI ED ESPERIENZE LAVORATIVE Titolo di studio Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia Altri Titoli di studio Specializzazione in Ostetricia e Ginecologia Esperienze professionali (incarichi ricoperti) Dal 01/10/2003 al 01/02/2006 Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital, London - Impiegata nel Sistema Sanitario Nazionale Inglese (NHS) presso l'Ospedale Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital (parte dell'Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust) come Clinical Assistant and Honorary Associated Specialist in Fetal Medicine e Responsabile della Integrated Test Clinic. Partecipazione a tutte le attività dell'area ostetrica dell'ospedale compresa l'attività di sala parto come locum work. Il Centre for Fetal Care del Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital, diretto dal Professor NM Fisk, e' un Centro di Riferimento Internazionale per la medicina materno-fetale e per la gestione delle gravidanze gemellari monocoriali ed e' ospedale universitario (Imperial College London). Dal 01/02/2002 al 30/09/2003 Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital - Research Fellow in Fetal Medicine and Fetal Cardiology: partecipazione all'attivita' clinica e di ricerca del Centre for Fetal Care presso il Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital, Imperial College Londra (Direttore Prof NM Fisk), Centro di Riferimento Internazionale per la medicina materno-fetale e per la gestione delle gravidanze gemellari monocoriali. Capacità linguistiche Inglese: parlato Fluente, scritto Fluente ALTRO (partecipazione a convegni e seminari, pubblicazioni, collaborazioni a riviste, ecc., ed ogni altra informazione che il dirigente ritiene di dover pubblicare Altro Pasquini L, Tondi F, Rizzello F, Pontello V, Paoletti E, Fontanarosa M The impact of tissue harmonic on the measurement of nuchal translucency thickness Accettato per pubblicazione su Ultrasound in Obstetric and Gynecology Pasquini L, Tondi F, Pontello V, Filippeschi M First trimester diagnosis of hypotriploidy (68XX) with elevated fetale head to trunk volume ratio and small placental volume Accettato per pubblicazione su Prenatal Diagnosis Arnaoutoglou C, Pasquini L, Abel R, Kumar S Outcome of antenatally diagnosed fetal anterior abdominal wall defects from a single tertiary centre Fetal Diagn Ther. 2008;24(4):416-9 O'Donoghue K, Barigye O, Pasquini L, Chappell L, Wimalasundera RC, Fisk NM. Interstitial laser therapy for fetal reduction in monochorionic multiple pregnancies: loss rate and association with aplasia cutis congenita Prenat Diagn. 2008 Jun;28(6):535-43 Gardiner HM, Belmar C, Tulzer G, Barlow A, Pasquini L, Carvalho JS, Daubeney PE, Rigby ML, Gordon F, Kulinskaya E, Franklin RC. Morphologic and functional predictors of eventual circulation in the fetus with pulmonary atresia or critical pulmonary stenosis with intact septum J Am Coll Cardiol. 2008 Apr 1;51(13):1299-308 Pasquini L, Pontello V, Kumar S. Intracardiac injection of potassium chloride as method for feticide: experience from a single UK tertiary centre BJOG. 2008 Mar;115(4):528-31 O'Donoghue K, Giorgi L, Pontello V, Pasquini L, Kumar S. Amniocentesis in the third trimester of pregnancy Prenat Diagn. 2007 Nov;27(11):1000-4. Pasquini L, Mellander M, Seale A, matsui H, Roughton M, Ho SY, Gardiner HM Z-scores of the fetal aortic isthmus and duct: an aid to assessing arch hypoplasia Ultrasound in Obstetric and Gynecology 2007 Jun;29(6):628-633 Gardiner HM, Belmar C, Pasquini L, Seale A, Thomas MJ, Dennes W, Taylor MJ, Kulinskaya E, Wimalasundera R Fetal ECG: A novel predictor of atrioventricular block in Anti-Ro positive pregnancies Heart 2006 Nov 3; [Epub ahead of print] Lucia Pasquini, Anna N Seale, Cristian Belmar, Salome Oseku-Afful, Matthew J Thomas, Myles JO Taylor, Michael Roughton, Helena M Gardiner PR interval: A comparison of electrical and mechanical methods in the fetus Early Human Development 2006 Jul 7; [Epub ahead of print] Pasquini L, Wiamalasundera R, Fichera A, Barygie O, Chappell L, Fisk N High perinatal survival in monoamniotic twins managed by prophylactic sulindac, intensive ultrasound surveillance, and caesarean delivery at 32 weeks Ultrasound in Obstetric and Gynecology 2006 Oct;28(5):661-667 Lucia Pasquini, Cristian Belmar, Anna Seale, Helena M Gardiner Prenatal diagnosis of absent right and persistent left superior vena cava Prenatal Diagnosis 2006;26(8):700-702 Gardiner HM, Pasquini L, Wolfenden J, Barlow A, Li W, Kulinskaya, Henein M Myocardial tissue Doppler and long axis function in the fetal heart Int J Cardiol 2005 Dec 14; ?Epub ahead of print? Gardiner HM, Pasquini L, Wolfenden J, Kulinskaya E, Li W, Henein M Increased periconceptual maternal glycosilated haemoglobin in diabetic mothers reduces fetal long axis cardiac function Heart 2005 Nov 8; ?Epub ahead of print? Gardiner HM, Wimalasundera R, Pasquini L, Wawryk S, Ho SY Pericardiocentesis at 14 weeks: effective management of pericardial effusion complicating right ventricular diverticulum Circulation 2005 Aug 30;112(9):e120 Barigye O, Pasquini L, Galea P, Chambers H, Chappell L, Fisk N High risk of unexpected late fetal death in monochorionic twins despite intensive ultrasound surveillance: a cohort study Public Library of Science 2005;volume 2, issue 6:521-527 Vanderheyden T, Fichera A, Pasquini L, Tan TYT, Lee LY, Frusca T, NM Fisk Increased latency of absent end-diastolic flow in the umbilical artery of monochorionic twin fetuses Ultrasound in Obstetric and Gynecology 2005;26:44-49 Pasquini L, Tan T, Ho SY, Gardiner HG Abnormal arrangement of abdominal vessels: implications for fetal outcome? Cardiology in The Young. 2005 Feb;15(1):35-42 Pasquini L, Fichera A, Tan T, Ho SY, Gardiner HM Left superior caval vein: a powerful indicator of fetal coarctation Heart 2005; 91:539-540 Pasquini L, Wimalasundera R, Fisk NM Management of other complications specific to monochorionic twin pregnancies Best Practice