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arXiv:1503.03461v1 [math.RA] 11 Mar 2015
Skew polynomial rings over abelian and
idempotent reflexive rings
Mohamed Louzari
Let R be a ring and σ an endomorphism of R. In this note, we study
skew polynomial rings and skew power series rings over idempotent reflexive rings and abelian rings. Also, we introduce the concept of σ-right
(resp., left) idempotent reflexive rings which generalizes right (resp., left)
idempotent reflexive rings and σ-abelian rings. Certain results are obtained as corollaries from our results and many examples are given to
illustrate and delimit the context.
Throughout this paper, R denotes an associative ring with unity. Let Id(R)
be the set of all idempotent elements of R. A ring R is called abelian if all
idempotent of it are central (i.e., re = er for all r ∈ R and e ∈ Id(R)). Following
Hashemi and Moussavi [4], a ring R is σ-compatible if for each a, b ∈ R, aσ(b) =
0 if and only if ab = 0. Agayev et al. [1], introduced σ-abelian rings as a
generalization of abelian rings. A ring R is called σ-abelian if it is abelian and
σ-compatible. A left ideal I is said to be reflexive [10], if aRb ⊆ I implies
bRa ⊆ I for a, b ∈ R. A ring R is called reflexive if 0 is a reflexive ideal.
The reflexive property for ideals was first studied by Mason [10], this concept
was generalized by Kim and Baik [6, 7], and they introduced the concept of
idempotent reflexive right ideals and rings. A left ideal I is called idempotent
reflexive [6], if aRe ⊆ I implies eRa ⊆ I for a, e = e2 ∈ R. A ring R is
called idempotent reflexive if 0 is an idempotent reflexive ideal. Also, there is an
example of an idempotent reflexive ring which is not reflexive [6, Example 5].
Kwak and Lee [8], introduced the concept of left and right idempotent reflexive
rings. A ring R is called right idempotent reflexive if aRe = 0 implies eRa = 0 for
a, e = e2 ∈ R. Left idempotent reflexive rings are defined similarly. If a ring R is
left and right idempotent reflexive then it is called an idempotent reflexive ring.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 16U80, 16S36
Key words and phrases. Idempotent reflexive rings, Abelian rings, Skew polynomial rings,
Skew power series rings, Ore extensions, σ-idempotent reflexive rings, σ-abelian rings
It can be easily checked that every reflexive ring is an idempotent reflexive ring.
Abelian rings (i.e., its idempotents are central) are idempotent reflexive and
hence semicommutative rings are idempotent reflexive since semicommutative
rings are abelian. For a subset X of R, rR (X) = {a ∈ R|Xa = 0} and ℓR (X) =
{a ∈ R|aX = 0} will stand for the right and the left annihilator of X in R
For an endomorphism σ of a ring R, a skew polynomial ring (also called an
Ore extension of endomorphism type) R[x; σ] of R is the ring obtained by giving
the polynomial ring over R with the new multiplication xr = σ(r)x for all r ∈ R.
Also, a skewP
power series ring R[[x; σ]] is the ring consisting of all power series
of the form ∞
i=0 ai x (ai ∈ R), which are multiplied using the distributive law
and the Ore commutation rule xa = σ(a)x, for all a ∈ R.
In this paper, we study skew polynomial rings and skew power series rings
over idempotent reflexive rings and abelian rings. Also, we used the idea of
Agayev et al. [1] to introduce the concept of σ-right (resp., left) idempotent
reflexive rings which is a generalization of right (resp., left) idempotent reflexive
rings and σ-abelian rings. Agayev et al. [1], studied abelian and σ-abelian
properties on skew polynomial rings. Also, Kwak and Lee [8], investigated
reflexive and idempotent reflexive properties on ordinary polynomial extensions.
In this note, we continue studding abelian and idempotent reflexive properties
on skew polynomial and skew power series extensions. For a ring R satisfying
the condition “ σ(Rf ) ⊆ Rf ” for any f 2 = f ∈ R, we show that:
1. If ee0 = e for any e2 = e ∈ R[x, σ] with e0 ∈ R the constant term of
e. Then R is abelian (resp., right idempotent reflexive, left idempotent
reflexive, idempotent reflexive) if and only if R[x; σ] is abelian (resp., right
idempotent reflexive, left idempotent reflexive, idempotent reflexive).
2. If ee0 = e for any e2 = e ∈ R[[x, σ]] with e0 ∈ R the constant term of
e. Then R is abelian (resp., right idempotent reflexive, left idempotent
reflexive, idempotent reflexive) if and only if R[[x; σ]] is abelian (resp.,
right idempotent reflexive, left idempotent reflexive, idempotent reflexive).
We obtain [5, Corollary 6] and [1, Theorem 2.21] as corollaries of our results.
Several examples are given to illustrate the context.
Idempotent reflexive property
In [9, Theorem 3.1], a ring R is idempotent reflexive if and only if R[x] is
idempotent reflexive if and only if R[[x]] is idempotent reflexive. One might
expect if idempotent reflexive property can be preserved under skew polynomial
and skew power series extensions.
Proposition 1. Let R be a ring andPσ an endomorphism of R such that ee0 =
e and σ(Re0 ) ⊆ Re0 for all e =
i=0 ei x ∈ Id(R[x, σ]). Then R is left
idempotent reflexive if and only if R[x, σ] is left idempotent reflexive.
Proof. ⇒) Let e(x) = i=0 ei xi ∈ Id(R[x, σ]) and f (x) = j=0 fj xj ∈ R[x, σ].
Assume that e(x)R[x, σ]f (x) = 0, then e(x)Rf (x) = 0. Thus for any b ∈ R, we
have the following system of equations.
e0 bf0 = 0
e0 bf1 + e1 σ(bf0 ) = 0
e0 bf2 + e1 σ(bf1 ) + e2 σ 2 (bf0 ) = 0
From equation (0), f0 ∈ rR (e0 R). Let s ∈ R and take b = e0 s in equation
(1). Then e0 sf1 + e1 σ(e0 sf0 ) = 0, but f0 ∈ rR (e0 R). So e0 sf1 = 0, hence
f1 ∈ rR (e0 R). Now, in equation (2), take b = e0 s for each s ∈ R. Then
e0 sf2 + e1 σ(e0 sf1 ) + e2 σ 2 (e0 sf0 ) = 0, since f0 , f1 ∈ rR (e0 R) so e0 sf2 = 0.
Hence f2 ∈ rR (e0 R). Continuing this procedure yields fi ∈ rR (e0 R) for all
i = 0, 1, 2, · · · , n. Hence e0 Rfi = 0 for all i = 0, 1, 2, · · · , n. Thus fi Re0 = 0 for
all i = 0, 1, · · · , n because R is left idempotent reflexive.
On the other hand,
f (x)Re0 = f0 Re0 + f1 xRe0 + · · · + fn xn Re0
= f0 Re0 + f1 σ(Re0 )x + · · · + fn σ n (Re0 )xn
Since σ(Re0 ) ⊆ Re0 , it follows that f (x)Re0 ⊆ i=0 fi Re0 = 0, then f (x)Re0 =
0. With the same method as above, we obtain
f (x)Rxe0 = f (x)Rx2 e0 = · · · = f (x)Rxn e0 = 0.
So f (x)R[x, σ]e0 = 0. But e(x)e0 = e(x), hence
f (x)R[x, σ]e(x) = f (x)R[x, σ]e(x)e0 ⊆ f (x)R[x, σ]e0 = 0.
Thus f (x)R[x, σ]e(x) = 0. Therefore R[x, σ] is left idempotent reflexive.
⇐) Is obvious.
For the case of skew power series rings, an argument similar to the above
one yields the following.
Proposition 2. Let R be a ring and
of R such that ee0 =
Pσ∞an endomorphism
e and σ(Re0 ) ⊆ Re0 for all e =
Then R is left
idempotent reflexive if and only if R[[x, σ]] is left idempotent reflexive.
Following Agayev et al. [1]. A ring R is called σ-abelian if it is abelian and
σ-compatible. In the next, we use the same idea to introduce σ-idempotent
reflexive rings as a generalization of idempotent reflexive rings and σ-abelian
Definition 1. Let R be a ring and σ an endomorphism of R.
(1) R is called σ-right (resp., left) idempotent reflexive if it is right (resp., left)
idempotent reflexive and σ-compatible.
(2) R is called σ-idempotent reflexive if it is idempotent reflexive and σ-compatible.
A ring R is right (resp., left) idempotent reflexive if R is idR -right (resp.,
left) idempotent reflexive, where idR denotes the identity endomorphism of R.
We can easily see that σ-abelian rings are σ-idempotent reflexive. Also, note
that if R is σ-compatible then σ(e) = e for all e ∈ Id(R).
a b
Example 1. Consider the ring R =
| a, b ∈ Z4 , where Z4 is the
0 a
ring of integers modulo 4. Let σ an endomorphism of R defined by
a b
a −b
a b
for all
0 a
0 a
0 a
By [1, Example 2.2]. The ring R is abelian so it is right and left idempotent
reflexive. Also, R is σ-compatible. Thus R is σ-right (left) idempotent reflexive.
We can find a right idempotent reflexive ring such that its polynomial extension R[x] so is. In the next, we show under some conditions that if R is right
(resp., left) idempotent reflexive then so is for its skew polynomial and skew
power series extensions.
Proposition 3. Let R be a ring and σ an endomorphism of R such that R is
1. If ee0 = e for all e = i=0 ei xi ∈ Id(R[x, σ]). Then
(a) R is right (resp., left) idempotent reflexive if and only if R[x, σ] is
right (resp., left) idempotent reflexive.
(b) R is idempotent reflexive if and only if R[x, σ] is idempotent reflexive.
2. If ee0 = e for all e = i=0 ei xi ∈ Id(R[[x, σ]]). Then
(a) R is right (resp., left) idempotent reflexive if and only if R[[x, σ]] is
right (resp., left) idempotent reflexive.
(b) R is idempotent reflexive if and only if R[[x, σ]] is idempotent reflexive.
Proof. (1a) It is clear that if R[x, σ] is right (resp., left) idempotent reflexive
then so is for
right idempotent reflexive and
PnR. Conversely, assume that R is P
let e(x) = i=0 ei xi ∈ Id(R[x, σ]) and f (x) = j=0 fj xj ∈ R[x, σ] such that
f (x)R[x, σ]e(x) = 0. Thus we have the following system of equations where b is
an arbitrary element of R.
f0 be0 = 0
f0 be1 + f1 σ(be0 ) = 0
f0 be2 + f1 σ(be1 ) + f2 σ 2 (be0 ) = 0
Equation (0) yields f0 ∈ ℓR (Re0 ). In equation (1) substitute se0 for b to obtain
f1 σ(se0 ) = 0, but R is σ-compatible then f1 se0 = 0 and so f1 ∈ ℓR (Re0 ).
Continuing this procedure yields fi ∈ ℓR (Re0 ) for all i = 0, 1, · · · , n. Since R is
right idempotent reflexive, it follows that e0 Rfi = 0 forP
all i = 0, 1, · · · , n. We
claim that e0 R[x, σ]f (x) = 0. Observe that e0 Rf (x) = m
j=0 e0 Rfj x = 0 and
e0 Rxf (x) = j=0 e0 Rσ(fj )xj+1 = 0 because R is σ-compatible. Also, we have
e0 Rxk f (x) = 0 for all nonnegative integers k. Consequently e0 ϕ(x)f (x) = 0 for
all ϕ(x) ∈ R[x, σ]. Thus e0 R[x, σ]f (x) = 0. Since e(x)e0 = e(x), it follows that
e(x)e0 R[x, σ]f (x) = e(x)R[x, σ]f (x) = 0. Therefore, R[x, σ] is right idempotent
reflexive. Similarly we also can prove that R[x, σ] is left idempotent reflexive
when R is left idempotent reflexive.
(1b) is obvious from (1a).
(2) can be proved as (1).
Corollary 1. Let R be a ring and σ an endomorphism of R.
1. Assume that ee0 = e for all e = ni=0 ei xi ∈ Id(R[x, σ]). Then
(a) If R is σ-right (resp., left) idempotent reflexive then R[x, σ] is right
(resp., left) idempotent reflexive.
(b) If R is σ-idempotent reflexive then R[x, σ] is idempotent reflexive.
2. Assume that ee0 = e for all e = i=0 ei xi ∈ Id(R[[x, σ]]). Then
(a) If R is σ-right (resp., left) idempotent reflexive then R[[x, σ]] is right
(resp., left) idempotent reflexive.
(b) If R is σ-idempotent reflexive then R[[x, σ]] is idempotent reflexive.
Proof. This is an immediate consequence of Proposition 3.
Abelian property
From the next lemma, we can see that σ-abelian rings are strictly included in
the set of the rings satisfying the conditions σ(Re0 ) ⊆ Re0 and ee0 = e for any
idempotent e ∈ R[x, σ] or e ∈ R[[x, σ]] with e0 ∈ R is the constant term of e
(see Example 3).
Lemma 1. Let R be a σ-abelian ring. Then
1. For any idempotent e = i=0 ei xi ∈ R[x, σ], we have σ(Re0 ) ⊆ Re0 and
ee0 = e.
2. For any idempotent e = ∞
i=0 ei x ∈ R[[x, σ]], we have σ(Re0 ) ⊆ Re0 and
ee0 = e.
Proof. (1) If e =
i=0 ei x
∈ Id(R[x, σ]) then e0 is a central idempotent in R.
(1 − e0 )e0 = 0 ⇒ (1 − e0 )σ(e0 ) = 0
⇒ σ(e0 ) = e0 σ(e0 ) = σ(e0 )e0
⇒ σ(Re0 ) ⊆ Re0
On the other hand, from e2 = e we have the following system of equations, we
will freely use the fact that e0 is central and R is σ-compatible.
e20 = e0
e0 e1 + e1 σ(e0 ) = e1
e0 e2 + e1 σ(e1 ) + e2 σ (e0 ) = e2
Multiplying equation (1) on the left by e0 to obtain e0 e1 σ(e0 ) = 0, then e0 e1 =
e1 e0 = 0. By equation (1), we have e1 σ(e0 − 1) = 0, so e1 (e0 − 1) = 0,
which gives e0 e1 = e1 = 0. Multiplying equation (2) on the left by e0 to get
e0 e1 σ(e1 ) + e0 e2 σ 2 (e0 ) = 0, but e1 = 0 so e0 e2 σ 2 (e0 ) = 0, also e0 e2 e0 = 0
then e0 e2 = e2 e0 = 0, which gives e2 σ 2 (e0 ) = 0 and so e2 = 0, then e2 = 0.
Continuing this procedure yields ei = 0 for i = 0, 1, · · · , n. Thus e = e0 ∈ R.
(2) With the same method as in (1).
We can easily see that Id(R) ⊆ Id(R[x]). However Id(R) 6= Id(R[x]). We
can take the next example.
Example 2. Let F be a field and consider the ring
, then e =
0 F
1 0
0 1
x is an element of Id(R[x]). But e 6∈ Id(R).
0 0
0 0
According to Kanwara et al. [5, Corollary 6], a ring R is abelian if and only
if R[x] is abelian. In the next, we give a generalization to skew polynomial rings
and skew power series rings.
Proposition 4. Let R be a ring and σ an endomorphism of R such that σ(Re) ⊆
Re for any e2 = e ∈ R.
1. Assume that f f0 = f for any f 2 = f ∈ R[x, σ] with f0 ∈ R the constant
term of f . If R is abelian then Id(R[x, σ]) = Id(R). In this case, R[x, σ]
is abelian.
2. Assume that f f0 = f for any f 2 = f ∈ R[[x, σ]] with f0 ∈ R the constant
term of f . If R is abelian then Id(R[[x, σ]]) = Id(R). In this case, R[[x, σ]]
is abelian.
Proof. (1) It suffices to show that Id(R[x, σ]) ⊆ Id(R). Let e =
Id(R[x, σ]), then we have the following system of equations
i=0 ei x
e20 = e0
e0 e1 + e1 σ(e0 ) = e1
e0 e2 + e1 σ(e1 ) + e2 σ 2 (e0 ) = e2
e0 en + e1 σ(en−1 ) + · · · + en σ n (e0 ) = en
On the other hand, ee0 = e implies ei σ i (e0 ) = ei for all i = 1, 2, · · · , n. From
equation (1), we have e0 e1 = 0 because e1 σ(e0 ) = e1 . Also, equation (2)
implies e0 e2 + e1 σ(e1 ) = 0 because e2 σ 2 (e0 ) = e2 , since e1 = e1 σ(e0 ), then
e0 e2 + e1 σ(e0 e1 ) = 0, hence e0 e2 = 0. Continuing with the same manner to get
e0 ei = 0 for all i = 1, 2, · · · , n.
Since σ(Re0 ) ⊆ Re0 , we have σ i (e0 ) = σ i (e0 )e0 for all i = 1, 2, · · · , n. Then
ei σ i (e0 ) = ei becomes ei σ i (e0 )e0 = ei , so e0 ei σ i (e0 ) = ei for all i = 1, 2, · · · , n
because e0 is central. Hence ei = 0 for all i = 1, 2, · · · , n. Therefore e = e0 ∈ R
and so Id(R[x, σ]) ⊆ Id(R). In particular R[x, σ] is abelian.
(2) The same method as in (1).
Corollary 2. Let R be a ring and σ an endomorphism of R such that σ(Rf ) ⊆
Rf for any f 2 = f ∈ R.
1. If ee0 = e for any e2 = e ∈ R[x, σ] with e0 ∈ R the constant term of e.
Then R is abelian if and only if R[x, σ] is abelian.
2. If ee0 = e for any e2 = e ∈ R[[x, σ]] with e0 ∈ R the constant term of e.
Then R is abelian if and only if R[[x, σ]] is abelian.
Proof. Obvious from Proposition 1 and Proposition 4.
In the next, we will give an example
Pn of a ring R and an endomorphism σ of
R such that for any idempotent e = i=0 ei xi ∈ R[x, σ], we have σ(Re0 ) ⊆ Re0
and ee0 = e, however R is not σ-abelian.
Example 3. Let K be a field and R = K[t] a polynomial ring over K with
the endomorphism σ given by σ(f (t)) = f (0) for all f (t) ∈ R. Since R is
commutative then it is abelian.
(1) R is not σ-abelian. Take f = a0 + a1 t + a2 t2 + · · · + an tn and g = b1 t +
b2 t2 + · · · + bm tm , since g(0) = 0 so, f σ(g) = 0 but f g 6= 0. Therefore R is not
(2) R
only two idempotents 0 and 1 then ee0 = e and σ(Re) ⊆ Re for all
e = i=0 ei xi ∈ Id(R[x, σ]).
Remark 1. (1) If a ring R has only two idempotents 0 and 1 then we can easily
see that Id(R[x, σ]) = Id(R) and thus R[x, σ] is abelian.
(2) By Lemma 1,
Pnif R is σ-abelian then σ(Re0 ) ⊆ Re0 and ee0 = e for any
idempotent e = i=0 ei xi ∈ R[x, σ]. But, the converse is not true by Example
(3) If R is σ-abelian then R[x, σ] is abelian [1, Theorem 2.21]. But the converse
is not true by Example 3.
Corollary 3 ([1, Theorem 2.21]). Let R be a ring and σ an endomorphism of
R. If R is σ-abelian then R[x, σ] is abelian.
Proof. Clearly from Proposition 4 and Lemma 1.
We can find an abelian ring R, an endomorphism σ of R and an idempotent
e ∈ R[x, σ] such that ee0 = e but e 6∈ R. Note that R[x, σ] need not to be
abelian whenever R is abelian.
Example 4. Let Z2 is the ring of integers modulo 2, take R = Z2 ⊕ Z2 with the
usual addition and multiplication. Consider σ : R → R defined by σ((a, b)) =
(b, a). Let e = (1, 0) + (0, 1)x, f = (0, 1) + (0, 1)x ∈ Id(R[x, σ]). We have
ee0 = e and f f0 = f0 6= f .
(1) R is abelian because it is commutative.
(2) Since (0, 1)e = (0, 1)x 6= e(0, 1) = 0, then e is not central. Thus R[x, σ] is
not abelian.
Example 5. Let F be a field.
R= 
 0
Consider the ring
b 0 0
a 0 0 
 | a, b, u, v ∈ F
0 0 v 
0 u u
and σ an endomorphism of R defined
 
a b 0 0
u v
 0 a 0 0   0 u
 
 0 0 0 v  =  0 0
0 0 u u
0 0
0 
 for all
b 
 0
 0
0 0
0 0 
0 v 
u u
(1) R is abelian. But R[x; σ] is not abelian by [1, Example 2.17].
(2) The condition “σ(Re) ⊆ Re for all e ∈ Id(R)” is not satisfied. Let eij
denote the 4 × 4 matrix units having alone 1 as its (i, j)-entry and all other
entries 0. Consider e = e11 + e22 ∈ Id(R). Then
0 0 0 0
 | a, b ∈ F
σ(Re) = 
0 0 0 b
0 0 a a
Thus σ(Re) * Re.
Re = 
0 
 | a, b ∈ F
0 
Corollary 4 ([5, Corollary 6]). Let R be a ring. Then
1. R is abelian if and only if R[x] is abelian
2. R is abelian if and only if R[[x]] is abelian
Proof. This is an immediate consequence of Proposition 4, because if R is
abelian, we have e = e0 for all e ∈ Id(R[x]) or e ∈ Id(R[[x]]) with e0 ∈ R
the constant term of e.
a t
Example 6. Consider the ring R =
| a ∈ Z , t ∈ Q , where Z and
0 a
Q are the set of all integers and all rational numbers, respectively. The ring R
is commutative
abelian, let σ : R → R be an automorphism defined by
it’s a t
a t/2
0 a
0 a
0 0
1 0
(1) Since R has only two idempotents
, it follows that
0 0
0 1
ee0 = e and σ(Re0 ) ⊆ Re0 for all e = i=0 ei xi ∈ Id(R[x, σ]).
(2) Also, we have Id(R[x, σ]) = Id(R), hence R[x, σ] is abelian.
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Mohamed Louzari
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of sciences,
University Abdelmalek Essaadi,
Tetouan, Morocco
[email protected]
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