Download lottario lottery game conditions

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These Game Conditions apply, until amended or revised, to the LOTTARIO lottery game.
1.0 Rules
1.1 LOTTARIO is governed by the Rules Respecting Lottery Games of the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (the
“Corporation”) which are available upon request and which include limitations of liability.
1.2 Words used in the LOTTARIO Game Conditions which are used in the Rules Respecting Lottery Games shall have the
same meaning as those used in the Rules Respecting Lottery Games.
2.0 Game Participation
2.1 A player may play one or more selections. For each selection the player shall select six numbers from the
class of 45 consecutive numbers from one to 45.
2.2 A player may choose Combination Play as a means of choosing 6-number combinations, in such case the
player may select to play:
(a) five numbers, in which case a player shall be deemed to have selected those five numbers with the 40
remaining numbers as the sixth number, and to have 40 6-number selections; or,
(b) seven numbers, in which case a player shall be deemed to have seven 6-number selections; or,
(c) eight numbers, in which case a player shall be deemed to have 28 6-number selections; or,
(d) nine numbers, in which case a player shall be deemed to have 84 6-number selections.
Where a Combination Play is selected, each 6-number combination selection made and paid for shall constitute a
separate and individual selection of six numbers.
2.3 For each 6-number selection chosen, the on-line system shall choose for the player six additional computer-generated
numbers from the class of one to 45. In the case of a Combination Play, if a player selects five, seven, eight or nine
numbers, the on-line system shall respectively generate five, seven, eight or nine additional selections.
2.4 If the ticket is issued before 12:00 a.m. Eastern Time on the Friday preceding the date of a draw, it shall be
identified as an Early Bird ticket for that draw. An Early Bird ticket is eligible for both the Early Bird draw
and the 6/45 draw.
2.5 Quick Pick, Advance Play and Repurchase play are also available.
3.0 The Draw
3.1 On the date of a draw, the Corporation shall draw (“6/45 draw”) at random and without repetition, six numbers
(“winning number”) from the class of 45 consecutive numbers from one to 45, followed by a draw at random of one
of the remaining numbers in the class (“bonus number”).
3.2 After the Corporation completes the foregoing draws, the Corporation shall then draw (“Early Bird draw”) at random
and without repetition four numbers from the class of 45 consecutive numbers from 1 to 45 (“Early Bird number”).
4.0 Prize Structure
4.1 Prize Structure for Early Bird Draw
(a) If an Early Bird ticket matches all four of the Early Bird numbers drawn, the ticket is entitled to an Early Bird
(b) The Early Bird prize pool shall be the sum of $50,000.
(c) The Early Bird prize shall be calculated by dividing the amount of the Early Bird prize pool ($50,000) by the number
of Early Bird prize winners. When there is no Early Bird winner for a draw, the amount of the Early Bird prize pool
shall be added to the prize pool total (as defined in paragraph 4.2) for that draw.
4.2 Prize Structure for 6/45 Draw
(a) The “total prize pool” for any draw means one-half of the dollar value of all tickets issued for that draw and not
cancelled, less (i) the aggregate amounts of all the $5 fifth prizes (ii) less $50,000, the amount of the Early Bird prize
pool (unless added back as per paragraph 4.1(c)).
(b) With respect to any draw, where the selection matches the winning numbers drawn, each selection may only win one
prize, and the one prize is determined based on all of the winning numbers matched by that selection. The prizes are:
Prize Categories
First prize pool
Number of Winning
Numbers Matched
6 of 6
Second prize pool
5 of 6 plus
the bonus number
Third prize pool
5 of 6
Fourth prize pool
4 of 6
Fifth prize
3 of 6
44% of the total
prize pool
5.4% of the total
prize pool
19% of the total
prize pool
31.6% of the total
prize pool
(c) If there is at least one first prize winning selection and the first prize pool is less than $100,000, the first prize
pool is increased to $100,000.
(d) If for any draw there is no winner of a first, second, third or fourth prize, the amount shall be rolled over (the
“rollover”) and added to the first prize pool for the next draw.
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(e) The amount of the first, second, third, and fourth prizes, for any draw shall be the amount of the pool for such
prizes and, in the case of the first prizes, the amount of any rollover from the immediately preceding draw,
divided by the number of winners who are entitled to share in such pool.
(f) In making the calculations required by this section, the Corporation shall express the quotient resulting from such
division in dollars and cents with the number of cents being rounded to the nearest ten cents or multiple thereof.
Where the number of cents is less than five, the number shall be rounded down and where the number of cents is
five or more, the number shall be rounded up.
(g) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the fractions in paragraphs 4.2(b) to 4.2(f) above shall be subject to adjustment
upwards and downwards respectively to the extent necessary so that for any draw the amount of first prize shall
be no less than one and one-half times the amount of a second prize, the amount of a second prize shall be no less
than one and one-half times the amount of a third prize, the amount of a third prize shall be no less than one and
one-half times the amount of a fourth prize, and the amount of a fourth prize shall be not less than $7.50.
5.0 Miscellaneous
5.1 The Corporation may amend the Game Conditions at any time and in any manner.
5.2 The headings in these Game Conditions are for convenience of reference only and do not affect the interpretation of
these Game Conditions.
5.3 Unless otherwise specified by the Corporation, these Game Conditions are confirmed to be effective and supersede
previous Rules for the LOTTARIO lottery game as of November 12, 2008.
November 12, 2008
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