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Kudos for Stealing Fate by Berinn Rae
From Jessie Pots at USA Today Happy Ever After blog
E-Book Gem
Stealing Fate is the second in Rae's Unspun series. She weaves Greek mythology and lore with brutal
gods and sensual goddesses. This novella is fast-paced and vibrant. Her characters are in a love/hate
relationship, which, of course, mean oodles of chemistry and sparks. Lachesis craves one god, and this
god happens to be the son of Ares and Aphrodite. You know how hot and alpha that means he is. He's
also the god she caused to be cast down from Olympus. Phobos is the god of terror. A predator, he wants
to regain his lost heritage, and he wants Lachesis to pay … but he just might lose his heart in the
This novella has it all: Greek mythology, sexy gods and a rekindling that cause e-readers to spark.
From Courtney Marie at Romance Junkies
STEALING FATE is a short novella of the Greek Gods. It is a fast pace story filled with love, loss,
vengeance, and guilt of the past. Berinn Rae does a great job with putting questioning thoughts into both
the lead characters’ minds that show how they truly feel about one another. This is a strong short story
filled with action. The readers’ are not left hanging at all. I really enjoyed reading STEALING FATE and
can’t wait to see more from the author.
From Kat at Smitten With Bad Boy Heroes
5 (out of 5) stars
Some may not feel this way but I’m a big fan of novellas and short stories. It takes an incredible amount
of talent to write a good story with just the right amount of detail that will capture a reader’s interest, hold
that interest and leave a reader with a satisfied ending. Berinn Rae is one of the very special authors who
have this talent.
I was immediately intrigued with the mythological element of the series to begin with. Then, my curiosity
was piqued after discovering the tragic past of the hero and heroine; enthralled with the intensity of their
passion and completely engaged throughout the story wondering how it would all play out. Their desire
for each other was intoxicating from the very beginning and felt throughout the entire novel.
In such a short story, Rae made me love these characters, fret when obstacles were thrown in their way
and want to slap Hera silly. Those are some pretty varying emotions to feel from a 100-page novella. A
true testament to this author’s mastery of the written word.
Happy Reading!!
5 Stars – Absolutely Loved It!!!!
From Close Encounters With The Night Kind
5 (out of 5) stars
This is book two in the unspun series, and yes all of these delicious delights can be read as a
standalone. The sisters seem to have their own Fate playing out in different areas, but I must admit that
Lacey has been running from hers for far too long. Ever since she had first spied Terror in the battle field,
she has wanted him. She was present at all of his battles, watching as he weaved his sword, painting a
macabre portrait of death in his wake. He was art in motion and she never tired of watching him from
afar. Until one day her caught her, never realizing just how long he already had her!
Terror didn't strike passion in women. Most women, be them immortal or mortal, steered clear of
him. But this Fate was different and he couldn't suppress his own curiosity at the oddity. Or his
desire. But Lacey had dealt him a cruel hand for being on the wrong side of a bloody battle. Cast out of
Olympus and stripped of his powers, Terror plotted his revenge against Lacey. But when all is said and
done, can Terror actually hurt the only women he ever loved?
This was an excellent addition to the series. I have immensely enjoyed these little shorts and can't wait to
dive into the next one. This one was quite an unusual adventure with a dark twist. I loved every minute
of it!! Fabulous Read!!!
From Cecile of All I Want and More
Oh wow... Let me just say Ms. Rae put an Author's Note page at the beginning and let say it is worth
reading. She made me giggle right off the bat! I stole this last paragraph from her page...
There is no mythological evidence to support Lachesis and Phobos hooking up. But, there is also no
evidence that they didn‘t. One of the joys of being an author, I get to ask, what if, and so their story
I love her sense of adventure, of passion, her sense for going out of the box! I love how she just grabbed
this story with both hands and wrote it! Ms. Rae is a delightful author with a wicked sense of humor. Let
me tell you more...
Although this is a short story, there is nothing short about this story! And there is nothing missing from this
story... Ms. Rae gave me a story that fueled my imagination and satisfied the inner Greek mythologist
geek in me! She gave me drama, action, suspense and some sexy God loving! Or I should say some God
size hating, lol. This story has it all... Family drama, relationship issues and the God of all God's - Zeus.
Lachesis, Lacey as she is known in our world, is a Fate.. The Fate that weaves the fates of others. She
knows your path before you even know it... However, she can't see the fates of those closet to her... Or
even her own. That kinda sucks, really, lol. But she loves life to the fullest. And she loves the one man
who could be the death of her... Her heart belongs to the god of terror... Phobos. The one man, that if he
gets his hands on her, would probably kill her...
Phobos, God of Terror, is a man... I mean, god you should be very careful of. He has brought men down
in battle without the need for a weapon. But in the end, those that face Phobos in battle know their fate...
Death. But his heart wasn't always made of hatred... No, one woman who captured his heart... Is the
same woman that brought him to his doomed fate... But is there a crack in the wall he built...
Oh my gosh, these two together are awesome! Ms. Rae delivered one hellva good story! You will feel the
lost love, you will feel the animosity, you will feel the hatred... You will also see true love in action... You
will see evil that lurks in the shadows... You will feel the breath of death... But you will escape with your
life in the hands of a man that has vowed revenge to the one woman that could be his salvation..
This book is a Must!
From J9 at The Book Vixen
4 (out of 5) frogs
In a Nutshell: This is a sexy, tender and action packed short story. Great read!
The Set Up: Lachesis is a Fate, one of the ancient goddess who ensure destinies of gods and humans
alike stay true. Lacey had to betray her lover, Phobos, god of terror, in order to save the earth from total
collapse. Phobos has searched for centuries for Lacey to bring vengeance on her. But when these two
finally meet again, Phobos has more on his mind that punishing Lacey.
Why I Read this Book: I reviewed this author’s book, Hellhound, on TBV and really enjoyed it so thought
I’d give her short story a try.
What I Liked: This is a great romance with fun characters. I’ve always loved the Greek myths and this
uses those characters beautifully. Given that this is a short story, I wondered how the author would
develop a romance but she did this very successfully by showing how Lacey and Phobos first met and
became attracted to each other. In fact, the romance wouldn’t have worked for me if this backstory hadn’t
been included—kudos to the author!
What I Also Liked: The resolution both with the romance and Phobos’ quest to get his powers backed
worked very well. It was believable without being simplistic. This is an all-around good short story.
What I Didn’t Like: I wouldn’t say I didn’t like it, but I do think the author is likely a fan of Sherrilyn
Kenyon’s Dark Hunters series. Hera is referred to flippantly as the “Hussy Goddess” instead of the
“Heifer Goddess” as in Kenyon’s books. Given the popularity of the Dark Hunters, it’s impossible for me
not to draw some comparisons. But it didn’t bother me, just something of note.
IMO: This is a very good short story with fun leads and a good romance. Fans of retold Greek myths
(me, me!) will enjoy this as much as I did.
From Laurie at Bitten by Paranormal Romance
4 (out of 5) stars
Very vividly written novella! Welcome to a fast pace Greek Mythology tale and a sexy romance. This is
the first book I have read by this author and I will be coming back for more. I love how she gets into the
detail and how she carries out the romance between the hero and heroine. You know how you get some
romance books that are just all about sex and romance in the story. Well, this one you get some hot sex
but you get more romance with teasers here and there, it made for a great build up and I loved every
minute of it.
I am a sucker for a love hate romance epically if it’s well written. I liked how the author took Lachesis and
Phobos down a road of truly finding out their love for each other after years of thinking they hated each
other. I really enjoyed reading Lachesis she one tuff Fate and I sure can’t blame her for wanting the son
of Aries and Aphrodite, you know he has to be one hot Greek God). I also loved the role Phobos’s brother
plays in the story. I never suspected a thing.
If you’re one for Greek Mythology this is a must read to add. I for one am so glad I have gotten to read
this and I’ll be going back for the other Fate stories.
From Grace at Books of Love blog
4.5 (out of 5) stars
Who doesn’t love a good romance. This book was scorching hot. I love that this book was filled of action
and the mythology was done in a way that was really unique.
What was unique was you have two characters who are Gods themselves living on earth in modern
times. I like that because they are going about their business. Lachesis calls herself Lacy because it’s
easier for her. (RN: Lachesis is a bit of a long name) She is a Fate, and can’t see her own fate or anyone
who might be involved in her own fate. I like her character because she has a bit of sassiness to her.
Phobos is such a great bad-ass guy that you immediately like him. He comes across as one pissed off
guy who is wrestling with how he feels about this woman. Phobos feels angry at the woman he thinks
betrayed him. Yet she didn’t really betray him but rather made a choice that he saw as a betrayal.
What made this book so good was that Phobos twin brother makes an appearance and no is one happy
to see him. Deimos is certainly a character who makes his impact felt in this novella in a big way. At one
point you really wish he would just leave. He makes our characters lives more complicated than they are.
Yet he serves to make our heroine and hero realize that they need each other in ways they didn’t think
they needed.
I love how something happens that makes Phobos realize what a pig headed idiot he’s being when the
woman he loves almost dies. He starts to show that he has a tender heart and this is the woman he
should have forgiven. Not to mention Zeus and Hera make an appearance in the book, but for their own
reasons. Everything has a purpose.
The sex scenes between Phobos and Lacy were hot. I literally had to have a glass of water reading those
intense love scenes. They were so well written. You understood the intense feelings these characters had
for each other and the yearnings they wanted. Not to mention the misunderstandings all came to an
intense emotional climax for these characters.
My only complaint was that I wished it had been longer.
From Vanessa at The Jeep Diva
4 (out of 5) stars
Stealing Fate (very appropriately titled) is the second book in the Unspun series. This series follows the
three Fates to their happily ever after and is written by three different authors. I found that Stealing Fate
works perfect as a stand-alone. One does not need to read the first book to jump right in this series.
Lachesis, the Great Measurer who weaves the length of life is now known as Lacey. She knows first-hand
that her role as a Fate is not difficult. She has had to shorten a life, the life of her one true love. In a
desperate act to save her father she had to kill Phobos.
Phobos has still harbors what he thinks is anger towards Lacey. He has searched for her, determined to
have his vengeance, regain his powers and be returned to his station in godhood. Without his full powers
being the God of Terror on the human plane is not as amusing as he had hoped.
Lacey and Phobos were fun to read. They are the classic I love you but I thought I hated you couple, at
least on Phobos’s part. He soon finds out the hard way that there is someone that wants Lacey’s death
even more than he does. It takes this heinous evil doer to open his eyes.
This installment in the series definitely has more mythology. Both the hero and heroine are immortals.
Bored Olympians are also more meddlesome and add to the drama that Phobos and Lacey have to go
through to find their common ground so that they can get past the betrayal from their past. I have certainly
enjoyed reading the Fates having to go through the trails that they weave as Fates.
From K. Victoria Smith at The Storyteller Grove
5 (out of 5) stars
Stealing Fate, a novella, by Berinn Rae, is a thrilling and steamy telling of part of the story of Phobos and
Lachesis in the modern world. In the midst of the modern club scene a god and goddess dance to the
anger and attraction as they have for millennia. WOW! Ancient gods and goddesses can hold
grudges. And then there are the parents who just happen to live on Mount Olympus and the twin brother
who takes sibling rivalry to Olympic heights. Yes, I know I use similar words in the same sentence but I
couldn’t resist any more than than….sorry, no spoilers…you’ll have to read for yourself.
I thoroughly enjoyed this story. It was tightly written with a good dose of steam and kick-ass fights. It is
just the right length, omitting nothing with no scenes I would consider wasted pages. It was well-edited,
any minor typos were just that MINOR.
While I have not read the other two books in the trilogy: Creating Fate by Rachel Firasek and Chasing
Fate by Elle J Rossi (release date August 7). If they rise to the quality and fun of Stealing Fate---I’m in.
I want to more about what came before for Lacey and Phobos!
From Rhonda at Sam’s, Elena’s, and Rhonda’s Awesomeness
4 (out of 5) stars
They sat together in the park
As the evening sky grew dark
She looked at him and he felt a spark tingle to his bones
’Twas then he felt alone and wished that he’d gone straight
And watched out for a simple twist of fate - Bob Dylan
When I heard about this series of novellas in the works I was very excited that I would be introduced to
two new authors. This is the first time I've read Berinn Rae, and I loved what she brought to this series!
These are the stories of the three Fates; life, destiny, and death. This is the the story of Lachesis aka
Lacey, the Fate of destiny and Phobos the Greek god of terror.
Centuries ago Lacey betrayed her one true love Phobos, after which time Phobos was banished from
Olympus along with his twin brother Deimos also known as Fear. They were stripped of their godly gifts
and sent to earth. Phobos swore vengeance against Lacey for her betrayal. Over the centuries the two
have engaged in somewhat of a game of cat and mouse, and Lacey always slipping away. This time it
wouldn't be so easy, Lacey is sent to earth, and dropped right in the middle of a night club practically
face to face with Phobos. This time Phobos' prey won't slip away so easily.
"How I've dreamed of tearing the life from your veins," he said. "The dark maiden who sealed my
doom." - Phobos
Berinn Rae did an excellent job with this story in setting it up, and the writing was clean, and the
character development was great! I really enjoyed Lacey who is sassy, strong, and quick witted. I loved
the contrast between she and her sister Chloe, and I think that's one of the things I really enjoy about
this series, is that each author brings something different to the table, and I have really enjoyed them so
far. I also thought Phobos was presented very well, he just oozed dangerous sexuality from the moment
he appeared in the story, YUM! I was kinda sad when this story was over, I found myself invested in the
characters very quickly. Berinn Rae has a great voice, and I really look forward to more from her.
"Give up the self-loathing thing, Phobos. You're scrumptiously sexy. Deal with it."-Lacey
From Colette at A Buckeye Girl Reads
3 (out of 5) stars
This is the second book in the Unspun trilogy, but it works well as a stand lone novella. While this series
is about the three fates, each one is completely different.
When Lacey was sent on vacation by her father Zeus, she isn't all that surprised when she finds herself
dropped somewhere unexpected without her sisters, because that's how Zeus sometimes rolls. She is
however surprised to see herself come face to face with Phobos. He's the one immortal she's loved,
however he hates her with a passion because when the Gods on Olympus were at war with the giants, he
sided with the giants. She couldn't let the Gods lose, and betrayed him & caused him to be kicked out of
Olympus. She's regretted her decision, but knows that it had to be done, even if it cost her the man she
Lacey is not afraid to tell it how it is, and when she finds herself in trouble she gets herself out of it. I liked
her a lot. She made me laugh & Phobos was a perfect match for her. There isn't anything he's afraid of &
he's never forgiven Lacey for his downfall. I liked that these two didn't fall instantly back in love and that
each gave other an equally hard time.
The main problem I have with this series is that to me, this series reads more like contemporary romantic
suspense novel with a touch of paranormal thrown in. I think part of this is because the books are just 9
chapters in. However, it says a lot about the writing that I'm able to finish them because everyone knows
by now how I feel about Romantic Suspense novels. :) I have to say that I am looking forward to the last
book in the series.