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Applied IT Security
System Security
Dr. Stephan Spitz
[email protected]
4 OS Security
Applied IT Security, Dr. Stephan Spitz
• Overview & Basics
• Network Protocols and the Internet
• Operating Systems and Applications
• System Security
• Operating System Security
• Security Threats on Networks
• Firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems
• Applied Cryptography
• Public Key Infrastructures
• Authentication Protocols
• Encryption and digital Signatures in topical Applications
• Device Security
• Smart Cards, Secure µProcessors and Crypto Libraries
• Security Certification
• The Future of IT Security
4 OS Security
Applied IT Security, Dr. Stephan Spitz
• Overview & Basics
• Network Protocols and the Internet
• Operating Systems and Applications
• System Security
• Operating System Security
• Security Threats on Networks
• Firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems
• Applied Cryptography
• Public Key Infrastructures
• Authentication Protocols
• Encryption and digital Signatures in topical Applications
• Device Security
• Smart Cards, Secure µProcessors and Crypto Libraries
• Security Certification
• The Future of IT Security
4 OS Security
Applied IT Security, Dr. Stephan Spitz
Overview Operating System Security
• Operating System Security
• General Security Design Criteria
• Risks
• Secure Configuration and Tailoring
• OS Security Requirements and Models
• Examples
• Trusted Solaris
• The Java Runtime Environment
• Malicious Code
• Structure of a Virus
• Overview malicious Code
• Counter Measures
4 OS Security
Applied IT Security, Dr. Stephan Spitz
General Security Design Criteria
• Security concept: Provable and as simple as possible
• Closed security concept which can not be bypassed
• No „security by obscurity“ i.e. security mechanisms are public
• Security mechanisms have lowest possible impact on usability
• Design principle of „need to know“ i.e. user or process has
exact the necessary rights and not more
4 OS Security
Applied IT Security, Dr. Stephan Spitz
• Unauthorized access on data (e.g. read on freed memory
which is not really deleted like swap files)
• Faked user identification (e.g. interrupt of user authentication
can create a successfull login)
• Attempts to corrupt the OS (e.g. wrong input creates an
inconsistent OS state, try to create a bufferoverflow)
• Security holes in applications (e.g. internet worms take
advantage of bugs in sendmail or ftp deamons, forgotten debug
code and insufficient parameter checks in applications)
Always install the topical security patches
4 OS Security
Applied IT Security, Dr. Stephan Spitz
Secure OS Configuration = Tailoring
• Purpose driven configuration (workstation with user access,
application or file server, WIN Domain Controller, etc.)
• Which default installed network services are really necessary ?
• Strict divison of privileges between user, system (e.g. lp) and
root or administrator accounts
• Disable or delete unused system ressources (temporary files and
shared directories)
• Try to establish a hacking resistant reporting mechanism for
security incidents (checksums, IDS)
4 OS Security
Applied IT Security, Dr. Stephan Spitz
Unix Tailoring Examples
• Scanning for programs with setXid (X=user/group) i.e. process is
executed under the preset user:
find /\ (-perm -02000 –o –perm -04000 \) -ls
Be careful: Don´t disable necessary administration programs e.g. passwd
• Lookup of all available network adapters (from a remote machine) with
ifconfig –a and disable the not necessary locally in ipchain/iptable
• Logging of syslog messages via entry in the file /etc/syslog.conf:
Program.loglevel destination (file, pipe, logserver, user, terminal)
e.g. daemon.notice /var/log/deamon.log
• Installation of integrity checks (e.g. with the program md5sum):
md5sum /bin/ping bin/su /etc/ld/so.conf
Hacker prefer files in
/etc/ to
modify: inetd.conf, host.conf, ftpaccess
4 OS Security
Applied IT Security, Dr. Stephan Spitz
Server Tailoring Examples
• BIND Unix DNS server : Remove all unnecessary information
records in named.conf/named.boot e.g. CNAME containing host name,
SAO containing administrative information and check it with
host –t txt
• Apache Unix/Win HTTP server: Only the root/admin should be owner
of the Apache directory
• Apache Unix/Win HTTP server: Disable all unnecessary preinstalled
modules like mod_cgi and mod_status and mod_info
• Apache Unix HTTP server: Install Apache in a chroot container i.e.
limit the access of Apache process httpd to a certain directory tree e.g.
• Anyway: If possible avoid to use Apache under WIN
4 OS Security
Applied IT Security, Dr. Stephan Spitz
OS Security Control Mechanism (1/2)
• User identification and authentication i.e. the system
uniquely identifies and authenticates users prior to all other
user interaction.
• Discretionary Access Control i.e. the system distinguishes
and administers access rights with an object between each
user, group or both (standard with file access in UNIX)
• Mandatory Access Control i.e. the system provides all subjects
and objects with attributes which are the basis for the rules to
grant access (e.g. labeled security in Trusted Solaris)
• Role Based Access Control i.e. the system grants priviliges
based on the role of the user (sysadmin role in Trusted Solaris)
• Object and Data re-use protection i.e. all storage objects
returned to the system are treated in such a way that the
preceding content can not be reused by other subjects.
4 OS Security
Applied IT Security, Dr. Stephan Spitz
OS Security Control Mechanism (2/2)
• Principle of Least Privilege i.e. each subject in the
system is granted the most restrivtive set of privileges
• Trusted Path The system supports a trusted communication
path between itself and a user which is logically isolated and
unmistakably distinguishable from other paths
• A Trusted computing base (TCB) consists of a collection of
hardware, firmware, software and databases used by the
software, and document and administrative procedures that
enforce the system‘s security policy.
• Roles are given to authenticated and authorized entities based
on strictly seperated environments.
4 OS Security
Applied IT Security, Dr. Stephan Spitz
OS Security Mechanisms and Models
1. Simple Models for Access Control (ACL, Capabilities
and XrML)
2. Introduction to the Security Model from Bell and
3. Security Mechanism in the OS Trusted Solaris and the
Java Runtime Environment
4 OS Security
Applied IT Security, Dr. Stephan Spitz
Access Control List (ACL)
File X
File Y
4 OS Security
Applied IT Security, Dr. Stephan Spitz
File X
File Y
4 OS Security
Applied IT Security, Dr. Stephan Spitz
Xtensible rights Markup Language (XrML)
• XrML 2.0 adopts a simple model consisting of four entities
and the relationship between those entities.
• The basic relationship is defined by the XrML assertion grant
• Structurally, an XrML grant consists of the following:
The principal to
whom the
grant is issued
The resource that is the
direct object of the
.right. verb
The right that the
grant specifies
The condition that must
be met for the right to
be exercised
4 OS Security
Applied IT Security, Dr. Stephan Spitz
<license xmlns="xrml2core" xmlns:sx="xrml2sx"
xmlns:dsig="xmldsig#" xmlns:xsi="XMLSchemainstance" xmlns:cx="xrml2cx"
<!– keyHolder is the principal
authenticated by a cryptographic key -->
<!– further tags containing public key .. -->
<cx:print /> <!– print is the right -->
<!– locator specifies the resource -->
URI="" />
4 OS Security
Applied IT Security, Dr. Stephan Spitz
Bell-LaPadula Model
• Elements of the Bell-LaPadula Model are Subjects,
Objects, Access Attributes and Security Levels
• ACLs containing Subjects, Objects and Access Attributes
are used for Discretionary Access Control
• Security Levels form the Mandatory Access Control (Top
Secret, Secret, Confidential, Unclassified with NRU, NWD)
• Bell-LaPadula does not address how access rights are
established (creation/deletion of subjects and objects) and
does not differentiate between executable data and code
4 OS Security
Applied IT Security, Dr. Stephan Spitz
No Read Up (1)
Top Secret
Read OK
Top Secret
4 OS Security
Applied IT Security, Dr. Stephan Spitz
No Read Up (2)
Top Secret
Top Secret
Read OK
4 OS Security
Applied IT Security, Dr. Stephan Spitz
No Write Down (1)
Top Secret
Top Secret
Write OK
4 OS Security
Applied IT Security, Dr. Stephan Spitz
No Write Down (2)
Top Secret
Top Secret
Write OK
ri t
4 OS Security
Applied IT Security, Dr. Stephan Spitz
Main Characteristics of Tusted Solaris
• Trusted i.e. OS that satifies a number of stringent security
requirements (roles, trusted path, DAC, MAC, RSBAC, etc.)
• MAC is based on labels i.e. all objects (files and so on) and
subjects (processes) on the system are labeled.
• RSBAC can be used to represent special groups (e.g.
engineering, sales, administrator)
• The Principle of Least Privilege is introduced by distinct roles
which replace the privileged superuser root of standard Unix
systems i.e. admin, secadmin, oper and root
• There are different purpose driven predefined configurations like
trusted desktop, trusted server, trusted database application and
trusted firewall
4 OS Security
Applied IT Security, Dr. Stephan Spitz
The Java Sandbox Model
• The Java Sandbox defines a secure execution environment for
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) bytecode
• The Java Sandbox consists of the three parts Bytecode
Verifier, Class Loader and Security Manager
• The Bytecode Verifier checks the compiled bytecode before it is
executed (correct class format, forged references, access
restrictions, incorrect class type information)
• The Class Loader is responsible for loading and allocating new
classes i.e. name spaces (Java knows only references by name).
• The Security Manager makes decision which resources (files,
network connections, etc.) can be allocated during JVM bytecode
4 OS Security
Applied IT Security, Dr. Stephan Spitz
Anatomy of a Java Application
4 OS Security
Applied IT Security, Dr. Stephan Spitz
The Java Security Package
• The security package (classes in the package +
security extensions) allows for adding security features to
applications and helps to exetend the Sandbox model
• The security package provides the basis by which Java classes
may be signed.
• The security package is a complex API including:
• The security provider interface (JCA)
• Message digests
• Keys and certificates
• Digital signatures
• Encryption (through JCE and JSSE)
• Authentication (through JAAS)
4 OS Security
Applied IT Security, Dr. Stephan Spitz
Structure of any Virus
• Search for possible targets (boot sector, exec-file, scripts)
• Establish virus code in the target
• Hide the code in the target
• Trigger starts the replication (main virus characteristic)
• Trigger starts the payload execution
• Trigger events are timer interrupt, system boot, file access
• Payload contains the malicious code
• Broad range of activities (simple message to system break down)
• Payload sequences are a good way to identify viruses
4 OS Security
Applied IT Security, Dr. Stephan Spitz
Overview malicious Code
• Trojan Horse: Virus to gain an account on a target system not
necessarily with a replication mechanism
• Worm: Virus without an infection mechanism i.e. security holes
in running (mainly network) processes are abused e.g. Email, FTP
• Boot (Sector) Virus: Virus writes its code into the boot sector of
a floppy or harddisk (mainly the master boot record)
• Macro Virus: Virus infecting applications (e.g. WordBasic or VBA
script viruses in the Microsoft Office Suite) instead of an OS
• Hoax: Only a rumor about a virus
4 OS Security
Applied IT Security, Dr. Stephan Spitz
Virus Example: MyDoom (11.02.04)
• MyDoom is a worm: E-mail user is seduced to klick on
attachment „Mail transaction failed. Partial message is available“
i.e. no own infection mechanism
• Trigger: The Windows registry is manipulated to load the
MyDoom code memory resident during the system boot
• Payload and Replication: The MyDoom code looks for every
stored email address on the hard disk and sends a copy of itself
• Trojan Horse: MyDoom/Novarg establishes a backdoor on
the infected system i.e. a little server on the TCP ports 3127
and 3198 allows intruders to start a Distributed Denial-ofService (DDoS) attack from the captured system
4 OS Security
Applied IT Security, Dr. Stephan Spitz
Virus Example: Sasser (03.05.04)
• Sasser is a worm: A bug in the WindowsXP, 2000 Local Security
Authority Subsystem Service (LSASS) i.e. LSASRV.DLL (Active
Directory service functions) can be used to cause a buffer overflow
and to execute malicious code.
• Trigger: The Windows registry is manipulated to load Sasser during
the system boot via the program avserve.exe (15.872 bytes) which
executes simultaneously 128 attacks in the available net
Registry entry in Windows: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft …
• Payload and Replication: Sasser copies itself by FTP download
to c:\windows\system32\[XXXXX]_up.exe and causes the infected
system to reboot
4 OS Security
Applied IT Security, Dr. Stephan Spitz
Trojan Horse Example: Troj/DSNX-05 (09.04.05)
• Troj/DSNX-05 is a trojan horse: A faked Windows security
update page is used to seduce user to install a malicious patch
which contains Troj/DSNX-05. It has neither a infection
mechanism nor an replication mechanism (social infection
mechanism and replication via faked Webpage).
• The payload of Troj/DSNX-05 contains a background server
process allowing a remote attacker (using a certain client program)
to gain access and control over the machine.
• A Windows registry entry is used as trigger event:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\WinDSNX =
<Windows System>\<Trojan name>
Before this entry is created Troj/DSNX-05 copies itself to the
Windows System directory using the name of a randomly chosen
DLL file and an EXE extension.
4 OS Security
Applied IT Security, Dr. Stephan Spitz
Counter Measurements
• Virus scanners try to identify viruses according to a certain
characteristic (virus signature) stored in a database
• Heuristic virus scanners try to identify a virus with a
forecast about the runtime behaviour of code (sophisticated
approach, but not really efficient)
• Signed Code on a Trusted Operating Base prohibits the
execution of not authorized code e.g. viruses on a system
• Checksums and/or Encryption make it possible to detect/avoid
modifications done by a virus
• Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) monitor a system to
detect processes which may be the result of a virus infection
4 OS Security
Applied IT Security, Dr. Stephan Spitz