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Khwaja Enayetpuri and his Sufi Tradition in Bangladesh: its impacts
on cultures and encounters with fundamentalism
Works by Khwaja Enayetpuri in Bengali
1. LvRv Gbv‡qZcyix, kwiq‡Zi Av‡jv, Gbv‡qZcyi `ievi kixd
2. LvRv Gbv‡qZcyix, M‡Ä Avmivi, Gbv‡qZcyi `ievi kixd
Works on Khwaja Enayetpuri in Bengali
1. LvRv †gvRv‡¤§j nK, Avmiv‡i †gv¯—dv (imyj inm¨), Gbv‡qZcyi `ievi kixd, 1407
2. LvRv †gvRv‡¤§j nK, †`v‡i© GK&Zv (nhiZ eocxi gv), Gbv‡qZcyi `ievi kixd
3. LvRv †gvRv‡¤§j nK, Awbe©vY wkLv (wmivRyg gywbiv), Gbv‡qZcyi `ievi kixd
4. LvRv †gvRv‡¤§j nK, Awgq evYx (nhiZ LvRv Gbv‡qZcyixi Dc‡`k I e¨vL¨v), 3 LÛ,
Gbv‡qZcyi `ievi kixd, 1986
5. LvRv †gvRv‡¤§j nK, Zvcm LvRv Gbv‡qZcyixi Rxeb `k©b, XvKv, 1999
6. LvRv †gvRv‡¤§j nK, LvRvi mvabv Rxeb, Gbv‡qZcyi `ievi kixd, 1975
7. LvRv mvB‡q‡`j †gviQvjxb, Akª †fRv ¯§„wZ, XvKv, 1999
8. LvRv mvB‡q‡`j †gviQvjxb, LvRvi `„wó‡Z Avgvi fwel¨Z, XvKv, 1998
9. LvRv †gvRv‡¤§j nK, evevi we`vq †ejvi w`b¸wj, cÖKvkK, LvRv Kvgvj DwÏb,
UvbevRvi, bvivqYMÄ, 1371 evsjv
10. LvRv nv‡kg DwÏb, ZwiKv‡q gyRv‡Ï`xqv, Gbv‡qZcyi `ievi kixd, ?
11. LvRv Avãyj KzÏym, kZvãxi †gvRv‡Ï` I nhiZ LvRv Gbv‡qZcyix I Zuvi wk¶v,
12. LvRv Avãyj KzÏym, m~dxZ‡Ë¡i gg©K_v, AvwRgcyi, XvKv, 1994
13. gvIjvbv LvRv QvBdzÏxb, Bmjv‡g ZvQvId, gyRv‡Ï`xqv ZwiKZ wgkb, jvjKzwV `ievi
kixd, k¤¢yMÄ, 1375 evsjv
14. LvRv Qv‡qd DÏxb, Av`k© gywk©`, 2 LÛ, cÖKvkK- LvRv Kvgvj DÏxb, Gbv‡qZcyi
`ievi kixd, 1951 Bs, wØZxq ms¯‹iY, 1988-1989
15. LvRv Qv‡qd DÏxb, ZvQvID‡di IwRdv ev gv‡idvZ ZË¡, gyRv‡Ï`xqv ZwiKZ wgkb,
jvjKzwV `ievi kixd, k¤¢yMÄ, 1989
16. gvIjvbv LvRv QvBdzÏxb, m~dx `k©b I `vk©wbK, gyRv‡Ï`xqv ZwiKZ wgkb, jvjKzwV
`ievi kixd, k¤¢yMÄ, 1984
17. gvIjvbv LvRv QvBdzÏxb, Bgv‡g iveŸvbx KvBqy‡g¾vgvbx gvney‡e †mvenvbx nhiZ
gyRv‡Ï‡` Avj‡dQvbx, gyRv‡Ï`xqv ZwiKZ wgkb, jvjKzwV `ievi kixd, k¤¢yMÄ,
18. LvRv †iRvDj nK Avj gyRv‡Ï`x, fvjevmv, gyRv‡Ï`xqv ZwiKZ wgkb, jvjKzwV `ievi
kixd, k¤¢yMÄ, 1999
19. gvIjvbv LvRv Kvgvj DwÏb (b~n wgqv), IwRdv wk¶v, Gbv‡qZcyi `ievi kixd,
1399 evsjv
20. cxiRv`v LvRv Kvgvj DwÏb, cy‡®úv`¨vb (MR‡ji eB), Gbv‡qZcyi `ievi kixd,
10g ms¯‹iY, 2006
21. ‡gv: Avãyi ingvb, cy®únvi (MR‡ji eB I evsjv wkjv` kixd), gaycyi, Uv½vBj,
1399 evsjv
22. ‡gv: Avãyi ingvb, ZwiK‡Zi IwRdv wk¶v, gaycyi, Uv½vBj, 1399 evsjv
23. cxiRv`v wPbvayKzwiqv, Qv‡q‡dvj †nv¾vr: †MvbvnKZ©bKvix Z‡jvqvi, 1399 evsjv
24. LvRv wmivRyj nK, nhiZ LvRv Gbv‡qZcyixi A‡jŠwKK Rxeb, Gbv‡qZcyi `ievi
kixd, 1420 wnRix
25. gynv¤§v` †Kvev`y¾vgvb Kvq‡Kvev`, gywk©‡` einK, gyRv‡Ï`xqv ZwiKZ wgkb, jvjKzwV
`ievi kixd, k¤¢yMÄ, 1993
26. Wv: LvRv mwjgyj−vn, IwRdv‡q Kvjv‡g Kvwig, XvKv, 2003
27. LvRv †di‡`ŠwQ †eMg, LvZz‡b RvbœvZ: gyQv‡idv eo cxi gv, XvKv, 1373 evsjv
28. gvIjvbv kvn&m~dx dwi`cyix (nvmgZ Dj−vn), bwmnZ, 24 LÛ, wek¦ Rv‡Ki gwÄj,
AvUiwk, dwi`cyi, 1991-1998
29. mvßvwnK †gNbv, XvKv, cÖKvkK- wek¦ Rv‡Ki gwÄj
30. ˆ`wbK Avj †gvRv‡Ï`, XvKv, cÖKvkK- wek¦ Rv‡Ki gwÄj
Hundreds of ghazals written and performed by his followers in memory
of Enayetpuri
Documentaries on Enayetpuri by Syeda Rubayet Hossain
Heads of the shrine and followers will be interviewed
Works on Enayetpuri by Golam Dastagir:
1. Dastagir, Md, Golam, “Khwaja Enayetpuri,” in Leaman, Oliver (ed),
Biographical Encyclopaedia of Islamic Philosophy, Vol. I, London & NY:
Thoemmes Continuum, 2006
2. -------------------------, “The Global Mystical Union,” in World & I: Innovative
Approaches to Peace, edited by Glenn Strait, 3600 New York Ave., NE,
Washington, D.C. 20002, Winter [December] 2006, pp. 44-51
3. -------------------------, “The Metaphorical Dimensions of the Term ‘Light’
(nur),” in Copula, vol. 20, Department of Philosophy, Jahangirnagar
University, June 2003, pp.
4. -------------------------, “Some Aspects of Khwaja Enayetpuri’s Sufism,” in
Copula, vol. 19, Dept of Philosophy, JU, June 2002, pp.
5. -------------------------, “Contextual Analysis of the Sufi Concept of Nafs”,
Copula, vol. 16, Dept of Philosophy, Jahangirnagar University, June 1999
6. -------------------------, “Sufism in Bangladesh,” in Sufism: An Inquiry, vol. VI,
No. 2, International Association of Sufism, San Rafael, California, USA, 1996
Works on Sufism in Bangladesh & South East Asia
1. Ahmed, Rafiuddin (ed). Islam in Bangladesh: Society Culture and Politics.
Dhaka: Bangladesh Itihas Samiti, 1983. Pp. x, 276.
2. Ahmed, Rafiuddin [1981]. The Bengal Muslims, 1871-1906: A Quest for
Identity. Delhi: Oxford University Press.
3. Ahmed, Rafiuddin, ed. Understanding the Bengal Muslims: Interpretive
Essays. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2001. Pp. xii, 271. Banu, U.A.B.
Razia Akhter. Islam in Bangladesh. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1992.
4. Anonymous. "The Durgahs and Mahomedan Saints of Hindostan." The Asiatic
Journal (1836), pp. 185-94. Notes on shrines at Burhanpur, Khuldabad, and
Aurangabad, with ludicrous confusion of the Sufi Burhan al-Din Gharib with
Isma`ili Bohras.
5. Bertocci, Peter. ‘A Sufi movement in Bangladesh: The Maijbhandari tarika
and its followers.’ Contributions to Indian Sociology 40.1 (2006), 1-28.
6. Buehler, Arthur. Sufi Heirs of the Prophet: The Indian Naqshbandiyya and the
Rise of the Mediating Sufi Shaykh. Columbia: University of South Carolina
Press, 1998.
7. Carl W. Ernst. Eternal Garden: Mysticism, history, and Politics at a South
Asian Sufi Center, SUNY Series in Muslim Spirituality in South Asia, Albany:
State University of New York Press, 1992
8. Carl W. Ernst & Bruce B. Lawrence, The Chishti Order in South Asia and
Beyond: Sufi Martyrs of Love, Palgrave Macmillan, NY, 2002
9. Census of India. "Beliefs and Practices Associated with Muslim Pirs in Two
Cities of India (Delhi and Lucknow." Monograph 1, Monograph Series, Part
VII-B. New Delhi: Ministry of Home Affairs, 1966.
10. Eaton, Richard M. "The Political and Religious Authority of the Shrine of
Baba Farid in Pakpattan, Punjab." In Moral Conduct and Authority: the Place
of Adab in South Asian Islam, edited by Barbara Metcalf, pp. 333-356.
Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984.
11. -----------------. Sufis of Bijapur 1300-1700: Social Roles of Sufis in Medieval
India. Princeton University Press, 1978.
12. -----------------. The Rise of Islam and the Bengal Frontier, 1204-1760.
Comparative Studies on Muslim Societies, 17. Berkeley: University of
California Press, 1993.
13. -----------------. ‘Who are the Bengal Muslims? Conversion and Islamization in
Bengal’ In Rafiuddin Ahmed, ed. Understanding the Bengal Muslims:
Interpretive Essays. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2001, pp. 26-51.
14. ----------------, ‘Approaches to the Study of Conversion of Islam in India,’ in:
R. C. Martin (ed.), Approaches to Islam in Religious Studies (Tucson, 1985),
pp. 106-23.
15. ---------------, ‘The Political and Religious Authority of the Shrine of Baba
Farid,’ in: B. D. Metcalf (ed.), Moral Conduct and Authority: The Place of
Adab in South Asian Islam (Berkeley, LosAngeles and London, 1984), pp.
16. ---------------, ‘Who are the Bengal Muslims? Conversion and Islamization in
Bengal,’ in: R.Robinson and S. Clarke (eds), Religious Conversion in India:
Modes, Motivations, and Meanings (Oxford and New Delhi, 2003), pp. 75-97.
17. Ellickson, Jean. ‘Filling in the religious landscape in Bangladesh.’ The
Journal of Social Studies (Dhaka) 101 (2004), 1-20.
18. Ernst, Carl W. "An Indo-Persian Guide to Sufi Shrine Pilgrimage." In
Manifestations of Sainthood in Islam, edited by Grace Martin Smith and Carl
W. Ernst (Istanbul: The Isis Press, 1994), pp. 43-68.
19. ----------------. "The Interpretation of the Classical Sufi Tradition in India: The
Shama'il al-atqiya' of Rukn al-Din Kashani." Sufi 22 (1994), pp. 5-10.
20. ----------------. Eternal Garden: Mysticism, History, and Politics at a South
Asian Sufi Center. SUNY Series in Muslim Spirituality in South Asia. State
University of New York Press, 1992.
21. ----------------, “The Interpretation of the Classical Sufi Tradition in India: The
Shama’il al atqiya’ of Rukn al-din Kashani.” Sufi 22, 1994, pp. 5-10
22. ----------------. trans., “Conversations of Sufi Saints” in The Religions of South
Asia, ed. Donald S. Lopez, Jr, Princeton University Press, 1995, pp. 513-17
23. ----------------., trans. "Lives of Sufi Saints." In The Religions of South Asia, ed.
Donald S. Lopez, Jr., Princeton Readings in Religions (Princeton University
Press, 1995), pp. 495-506 [lives of Muhammad ibn Ja`far Makki, from Akhbar
al-akhyar, and Burhan al-Din Gharib, from Fath al-awliya'].
24. Francis Robinson, Islam and Muslim in South Asia, Oxford University Press,
25. Friedmann, Y. ‘Islamic Thought in Relation to the Indian Context,’ in: M.
Gaborieau (ed.), Islamet Société en Asie du Sud (Paris, 1986), pp. 79-91.3.
26. Gardner, Katy. ‘Mullahs, migrants, miracles: Travel and transportation in
Sylhet.’ In T.N. Madan, ed. Muslim Communities of South Asia: Culture,
Society, Power, 3rd enlarged ed. New Delhi: Manohar, 2001 [1993], pp. 149176.
27. Gilmartin, David. "Shrines, Succession and Sources of Moral Authority in the
Punjab." In Pakistan: The Social Sciences' Perspective, ed. Akbar S. Ahmed
(Karachi: Oxford University Press, 1990), pp. 146-64.
28. Green, Nile. Indian Sufism since the Seventeenth Century : Saints, Books, and
Empires in the Muslim Deccan. Routledge Sufi Series; 18; Variation:
RoutledgeCurzon Sufi Series. London; New York: Routledge, 2006,
29. Haq, Mahfuz-ul. The True Way. Faridpur, 1982. [on pir of Atrashid]
30. Hardy, P. ’Some General Characteristics Analysed,’ in: P. Hardy, Historians
of Medieval India: Studies in Indo-Islamic Historical Writing (New Delhi,
31. Huq, Enamul. A History of Sufism in Bengal, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh
Publication, 30, Dacca, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, 1975
32. Huq, Muhammad Enamul. “Bange Sufi Prabhab” In Mansur Musa (ed.),
Enamul Huq Rachanabali, vol. 1, Bangla Academy, Dhaka, 1991
33. Islam, Riazul, “South Asian Sufis and their Social Linkage (mainly 14th
Century)”, in Cultural Interaction in South Asia, ed. S.A.I. Tirmizi, Delhi,
1993, pp. 90-99
34. ----------------, "A Note on Zanbil: The Practice of Begging among the Sufis in
South Asia (Mainly 14th Century)." Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society
44 (1996), pp. 5-11.
35. ----------------, Sufism in South Asia : Impact on Fourteenth Century Muslim
Society, Reprint. New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2003, xxvi, 489
36. ----------------. "A Comparative Study of the Treatment of Futuh in the
Principal Chishti Records." Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society 40
(1992), pp. 91-96.
37. ----------------. "Sufism and Economy: A Study in Interrelationship (A Study of
the Futuh System in South Asia Mainly during the Fourteenth Century)." in
Indian Historical Review 18 (1992), pp. 31-58.
38. ----------------. "Ideas on Kasb in South Asian Sufism." Indian Historical
Review 17 (1991), pp. 90-121.
39. ----------------. "South Asian Sufis and their Social Linkage (Mainly 14th
Century)." In Cultural Interaction in South Asia, ed. S. A. I. Tirmizi (New
Delhi: Hamdard Institute of Historical Research, 1993), pp. 90-99.
40. Islam, Sirajul, (ed.). History of Bangladesh. 3 vols. Dhaka: Asiatic Society of
Bangladesh, 1992
41. Jackson, Paul. "A History of the Chishti Shaikhs." In Islam in India: Studies
and Commentaries, Vol. 2, Religion and Religious Education, edited by
Christian W. Troll, pp. 250-60. Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 1985.
A critical review of vol. I of K. A. Nizami's Urdu Tarikh-i mashayikh-i Chisht
42. Kabir, Mafizullah. ‘Aspects of Sufism in Bangladesh (1200-1700): Search for
a Conceptual Framework’ In Rafiuddin Ahmed (ed). Islam in Bangladesh:
Society Culture and Politics. Dhaka: Bangladesh Itihas Samiti, 1983.
43. Khan, K. D. Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti : Social and Educational Relevance.
New Delhi: Sarup & Sons, 2004.
44. Latif, Shaikh Abdul. The Muslim Mystic Movement in Bengal 1305-1550
[1580?]. Aligarh: Centre of Advanced Study in History: Aligarh Muslim
University; Kolkata: K.P. Bagchi, 1993.
45. Lawrence, Bruce B. "The Diffusion of Hindu/Muslim Boundaries in South
Asia: Contrasting Evidence from the Literature and the Tomb Cults of
Selected Indo-Muslim Sayings." In Identity and Division in Cults and Sects in
South Asia, ed. Peter Gaeffke and David A. Utz, Proceedings of the South
Asia Seminar, 1 (Philadelphia: Department of South Asia Regional Studies,
1984), pp. 125-32.
46. ------------------------. Notes from a Distant Flute : The Extant Literature of
Pre-Mughal Indian Sufism. Tehran: Imperial Iranian Academy of Philosophy,
47. Liebeskind, Claudia. Piety on its Knees : Three Sufi Traditions in South Asia
in Modern Times. Delhi ; New York: Oxford University Press, 1998,
48. Mills, Samuel [Peter] Landell. ‘An anthropological account of Islamic holy
men in Bangladesh.’ Ph.D. dissertation. London: London School of
Economics, University of London, 1992.
49. Moini, S.I.H., “Rituals and Customary Practices at the Dargah of Ajmer,” in
Christian W. Troll, ed., Muslim Shrines in India, Delhi, Oxford University
Press, 1989, pp. 60-75
50. Moinul Haq, S. "Rise and Expansion of the Chishtis in the Subcontinent."
Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society 22 (1974), pp. 157-94, 207-48.
51. Nizami, K. A. "Early Indo-Muslim Mystics and their Attitude towards the
State." Islamic Culture 22 (1948), pp. 387-98; 23 (1949), pp. 13-21, 162-70,
312-24; 24 (1950), pp. 60-71.
52. ---------------, "Some Aspects of Khanqah Life in Medieval India." Studia
Islamica 8 (1957), pp. 51-70.
53. ---------------, “Some Aspects of Khanqah Life in Medieval India,” in Studies
Islamica 8, 1957, pp. 51-70
54. O’Connell, Joseph T., ‘Bengali Religions,’ Encyclopedia of Religion, edited
by Mircea Eliade. New York: Macmillan, Free Press, 1987. Vol. 2, pp. 100109.
55. Pinto, Desiderio, Piri-Muridi Relationship: A Study of he Nizamuddin Durgah,
Manohar, 1995
56. Pinto, Desiderio. Piri-Muridi Relationship: A Study of the Nizamuddin Durgah.
Manohar, 1995.
57. Qureshi, Regula Burckhardt. Sufi Music of India and Pakistan: Sound, Context
and Meaning in qawwali. Chicago: Univesity of Chicago Press, 1995.
58. Robinson, F. ’Islam and Muslim Society in South Asia,’ in: F. Robinson,
Islam and Muslim Historyin South Asia (New Delhi, 2000), pp. 44-65.
59. Rashid, S. A. "Some Chishti Saints of Bengal." Proceedings of the Pakistan
Historical Conference 2 (1952), pp. 207-16.
60. ---------------. “Some Chishti Saints of Bengal”, Proceedings of the Pakistan
Historical Conference, 2, 1952, 207-16
61. Rasool, Ghulam, Chishti Nizami Sufi Order of Bengal till mid 15th Century
and its Socio-religious Contribution, Delhi, 1990
62. Rasool, Ghulam. Chishti Nizami Sufi Order of Bengal till mid 15th Century
and its Socio-religious Contribution. Delhi: Idarah-i Adabiyat- Delli, 1990.
63. Rawlinson, Andrew. The Book of Enlightened Masters: Western Teachers in
Eastern Traditions. Chicago: Open Court, 1997. See esp. "Sufi Movement and
the Sufi Order," pp. 543-52.
64. Rizvi, Saiyid Athar Abbas, A History of Sufism in India, 2 vols., Delhi:
Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 1978
65. Roy, Asim. ‘The Pir tradition: A case study in Islamic syncretism in traditional
Bengal.’ In Asim Roy, ed. Islam in South Asia: A Regional Perspective. New
Delhi: South Asian Publishers, 1996.
66. -------------. The Islamic Syncretistic Tradition in Bengal. Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 1983.
67. Salim, Mohammad. "Attitude of Chishti Saints towards Political Power."
Proceedings of the Pakistan Historical Conference 2 (1952), pp. 225-29.
68. Salim, Muhammad. The Holy Saint of Ajmer. Bombay: the author, 1949. 85 p.
69. -----------------------. "A Reappraisal of the Sources on Shaykh Mu`in al-Din
Ajmeri." Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society 16 (1968), pp. 145-52.
70. Saqlayin, Golam. Purba Pakistaner Sufi Sadhok, Dacca, 1961
71. Sarkar, Jadunath., ed. [1948]. History of Bengal, Vol. 2, Muslim Period.
Dhaka: Univ. of Dhaka.
72. Sharab, A. H. The Life and Teachings of Khawaja Moinud-din Hasan Chishti.
Ajmer: Khawaja Publications, 1959.
73. Sharda, Sadhu Ram. Sufi Thought: Its Development in Panjab and its Impact
on Panjabi Literature, from Baba Farid to 1850 A.D. 1st ed. New Delhi]
Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers: 1974.
74. Sharib, Z. H. Khawaja Gharib Nawaz. Available from Sufi Books.
75. Singh, Nagendra Kr. Islamic Mysticism in India. New Delhi: A.P.H. Pub. Corp,
76. Siddiqui, M.S. ‘Origin and Development of the Sufi Order in the Deccan,
1300-1538 A.D.’ Islamic Culture (Hyderabad) 51 (1977) 209-219
77. Suvorova, A. A. Muslim Saints of South Asia : The Eleventh to Fifteenth
Centuries. RoutledgeCurzon Sufi Series. London ;; New York:
RoutledgeCurzon, 2004,
78. Tamizi, Mohammad Yahya, Sufi Movement in Eastern India, available from
Sufi Books
79. Tamizi, Mohammad Yahya. Sufi Movement in Eastern India. Available from
Sufi Books.
80. Tarafdar, Momtazur Rahman. 1986. “The Bengali Muslims in the Pre-colonial
Period: Problems of Conversion, Class Formation and Cultural Evolution.”
Pursartha (Paris), no.9: 93-110.
81. Thorp, John P. ‘Masters of the earth: Conceptions of power among the
Muslims of rural Bangladesh.’ Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago,
82. Valiuddin, Mir. Contemplative Disciplines in Sufism. Ed. Gulshan Khakee.
London: East-West Publications, 1980. Ch. 5, "Methods of Dhikr: The
Chishtiyya Order," pp. 75-92.
General Works:
1. Abbas, Shemeem Burney. The Female Voice in Sufi Ritual : Devotional
Practices of Pakistan and India. 1st ed. Austin, Tex: University of Texas Press,
2. Abrahamov, Binyamin. Divine Love in Islamic Mysticism : The Teachings of
Al-Ghazâlî and Al-Dabbâgh. RoutledgeCurzon Sufi Series. London ;; New
York: RoutledgeCurzon, 2003,
3. Al-Ghazzali, The Book of Knowledge, London, George Allen and Unwin Ltd,
4. Al-Hujwiri, The Kashf al-Mahjub, the Oldest Persian Treatise on Sufism,
London, Luzac Press, 1959.
5. Al-Qashani, Abd al-Razzaq, A Glossary of Sufi Technical Terms, London,
Octagon Press, 1991.
6. Al-Suhrawardi, Abu al-Najib, A Sufi Rule for Novices, Cambridge, MA,
Harvard University Press, 1975.
7. Amuli Sayyid Haydar, Inner Secrets of the Path, Longmead, Element Books,
8. Ansari, Muhammad Abdul Haq. Sufism and Shariah : A Study of Shaykh
Ahmad Sirhindi's Effort to Reform Sufism. Leicester: Islamic Foundation, 1986.
9. Ardalan, Nader, The sense of unity : the Sufi tradition in Persian architecture,
Chicago, London, U. of Chicago Pr, 1973.
10. Awn, Peter J. Satan's Tragedy and Redemption : Iblis in Sufi Psychology.
Studies in the History of Religions : Supplements to Numen ;; 44; Variation:
Studies in the History of Religions ;; 44. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1983.
11. Baldick, Julian. Mystical Islam : An Introduction to Sufism. New York
University Studies in Near Eastern Civilization ;; no. 13. New York: New
York University Press, 1989.
12. Bayman, Henry. The Black Pearl : Spiritual Illumination in Sufism and East
Asian Philosophies. Rhinebeck, N.Y: Monkfish Book Pub. Co, 2005,
13. Bhatnagar, R. S. Dimensions of Classical Sufi Thought. 1st ed. Delhi: Motilal
Banarsidass, 1984.
14. Birge, John Kingsley, The Bektashi order of dervishes, London, Luzac & co.;
Hartford, Conn., Hartford seminary press, 1937.
15. Buehler, Arthur F., Sufi Heirs of the Prophet : The Indian Naqshbandiyya and
the Rise of the Mediating Sufi Shaykh, Studies in Comparative Religion;
Variation: Studies in Comparative Religion (Columbia, S.C.). Columbia:
University of South Carolina Press, 1998.
16. Burckhardt, Titus, An Introduction to Sufism, Aquarian Press, 1990.
17. Chittick, William C., Faith and Practice of Islam: Three Thirteenth-Century
Sufi Texts, Albany, State University of New York Press, 1992.
18. -----------------------. The Sufi Path of Knowledge, Albany, State University of
New York Press, 1989.
19. -----------------------, The Sufi Path of Love: The Spiritual Teachings of Rumi,
Albany, State University of New York Press, 1984.
20. -----------------------, Sufism : A Short Introduction. Oxford: Oneworld
Publications, 2000.
21. Dahnhardt, Thomas. Change and Continuity in Indian Sufism : A NaqshbandiMujaddidi Branch in the Hindu Environment. Islamic Heritage in CrossCultural Perspectives ;; no. 3. New Delhi: D.K. Printworld, 2002.
22. El Sakkakini, Widad. First among Sufis : The Life and Thought of Rabia AlAdawiyya, the Woman Saint of Basra. London: Octagon Press, 1982.
23. Ernst Carl W. Following Muhammad Rethinking Islam in the Contemporary
World, Edinburgh Press, 2004
24. ---------------. Teachings of Sufis: Guide to Sufism, Boston: Shambhala
Publications, 1999
25. ---------------. The Shambhala Guide to Sufism, Shambala, 1997
26. ---------------. Ruzbihan Baqli : Mysticism and the Rhetoric of Sainthood in
Persian Sufism. Curzon Sufi Series. Richmond, Surrey: Curzon Press, 1996.
27. ---------------. Words of Ecstasy in Sufism. SUNY Series in Islam. Albany:
State University of New York Press, 1985.
28. Ewing, Katherine Pratt. Arguing Sainthood: Modernity, Psychoanalysis and
Islam. Durham: Duke University Press, 1997.
29. Fadiman, James & Frager, Robert (ed.). Essential Sufism, HarperSanFrancisco,
30. Gellner, Ernest, Saints of the Atlas, Chicago, University of Chicago Press,
31. Ghazzali. Inner Dimensions of Islamic Worship. Leicester, U.K: Islamic
Foundation, 1983.
32. ----------. `Abdulqayyum. Letters of Al-Ghazzali. 1st ed. Lahore: Islamic
Publications, 1976.
33. ----------. Al-`Allaf, Mashhad Ghazzali and Bidayat al-hidayah. The Beginning
of Guidance : The Complete English and Arabic Text of Al-Ghazali's Bidayat
Al-HidayaIIC-Classic Series, 2005.
34. ---------. Buchman, David (trans.). The Niche of Lights. Islamic Translation
Series. [Mishkat al-anwar]. 1st ed. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University
Press, 1998,
35. Gilsenan, Michael. Recognizing Islam. New York: Pantheon Books, 1982.
36. Haeri, Shaykh Fadhlalla, Living Islam East and West, Longmead/Dorset,
Element Books Limited, 1989.
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