Download 2015/2016 Spring Elective Courses

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Faculty of Veterinary Science, BUDAPEST
Founded in 1787 * EU-accredited since 1995
International Study Programs
1078 Budapest, István u. 2
H-1400 Budapest, P.O.Box. 2., HUNGARY
[email protected]
fax: (+361) 4784-117
phone: (+361) 4784-106
compiled by the Students’ Secretariat
1st February 2016
Elective courses offered for the Spring-term of 2015/2016
(please see Neptun for updates!)
Sign up for all electives in Neptun exclusively:
9th February, Tuesday 20.00 – 21st February, Sunday 20.00
Please note:
- About their starting date and location you will find information in the Neptun-system at the
if once you have signed up for a course but change your mind in the meantime please cancel it
by 21st February! If you do not cancel it in time, just simply do not attend the course (and the
exam) then it will be recorded as ’not completed’ and displayed on your final transcript.
- The minimum number of students prior to start the course is 15 students. If there are not
enough (at least 15) then the course will not start.
- You will also need to sign up for the exams of the elective courses later on in Neptun.
The electives are also offered for inactive students.
1. Basic Hungarian 2 (Hungarian language course) (all years)
Held by Mrs Ilona Tunkli / Dr Andrea Tereiné Bán, 26 lessons, 1 credit, practical grade,
Prerequsite: Basic Hungarian 1
2. Anatomy of Domestic Birds (all years)
Held by Dr. Novák-Hazai Diána, Dr. Czeibert Kálmán, Dr. Reinitz László
15 lectures, 2 credits, written exam, max 124 students,
prerequisite: Anatomy 1 signature
3. Development of organs (all years)
Held by Dr. Novák-Hazai Diána, Dr. Czeibert Kálmán, Dr. Reinitz László
15 lectures, 2 credits, written exam, max 124 students,
prerequisite: Anatomy 1 signature
4. Modern Materials in Life Sciences (after 1st year)
Held by Dr. Zoltán Vincze (Chemistry Dept.), 24 lectures, 2 credits, written exam, max
100 students
Prerequisite: Chemistry 1+2 & Biophysics successful exam (or being exempted in both),
5. Physiological Basis of Cardiology (after 1st year)
Held by Dr. Tibor Bartha, e-learning course: 3 credits, written exam, max 100 students,
Visit their webpage : for announcement.
Prerequisite: Physiology I. Ends with a written exam.
6. Physiology of learning (after 1st year) – NEW!!!
Held by Dr.Tóth István (Physiology Dept.), 26 lessons, 2 credits, max 30 students
Prerequisites: Anatomy III + Physiology I
7. Animal Paleophysiology (after 1st year) – NEW!!!
Held by Dr. Kiss Dávid Sándor (Physiology Dept.), 26 lectures, 2 credits, max 25
Prerequisite: Physiology 1 completed
8. Patobiochemistry (after 2nd year)
Held by Dr. Zsuzsanna Neogrády (Biochemistry Dept.), 15 lectures, 2 credits, max 50
students. Prerequisite: Biochemistry 2
9. Forensic Animal Genetics (after 2nd year)
Held by Professor László Zöldág / Dr. Zsolt Pádár, 15 lectures, 3 credits. written exam,
Prerequisite: successful Genetics exam
10. Horse in the Farrier’s View (after 2nd year)
Held by Dr. Balázs Gerics, 15h lectures, 3 credits. written exam, max. 100 students
Prerequisite: Anatomy III and Topographic Anatomy successful exams
11. Horse Breeding (from 3rd year)
Held by Prof. László Zöldág, 15 lectures, 3 credits, written exam, max. 80 students
Prerequisite: successful Animal Breeding exam
12. Breeding and Nutrition of Fur Bred Animals – NEW!!!
Held by Dr. Hullár István (Animal Nutrition Dept.), 20 lectures, 2 credits, max 30
Prerequisite: Nutition 1 exam
13. Clinical Hungarian (for year 3+4+5)
held by the Foreign Language Department, 28 lessons, 2 credits, ends with a practical grade. Max.
30 students
prerequisite: Clinical Hungarian 1.
14. Hot Topics in Human Nutrition (from 3rd year)
Held by Prof. Sándor Fekete (Animal Breeding Dept.) 15 lectures, 3 credits, max 100
students. See their announcement board at Bldg. J, 3rd floor, Lab Animal dept for starting
date and location!
Prerequisite: Nutrition I or Futtermittelkunde (from German program) signature
15. Pharmacotherapeutics (after 3rd year)
Held by Dr. Csikó György (Pharmacology Dept.), 15 lectures, 4 credits, written exam,
max. 100 students
Prerequisite: Pharmacology II successful final exam
16. Veterinary Neonatology (from 4th year) – NEW!!!
Held by Prof. Szenci Ottó (Obstetrics Dept.), 15 lectures, 2 credits
Prerequisite: Pathology I, Clin. Diagn. Anima Breeding, Pathophysiology)
17. Petfish Disease (from 4th year)
Held by Dr. Baska Ferenc, 18 lessons, 3 credits, max 100 students
Sign up in Neptun, as well as personally at the first lecture!
Prerequisite: Pathology II practical grade
18. Parasitic Zoonoses (from 4th year)
Held by Dr. Róbert Farkas, 15 lessons, 3 credits, written exam, max 50 students
Prerequisite: Parasitology II successful exam
19. Clinical Endocrinology (from 4th year)
Held by Dr. Thúróczy Julianna, 30 lessons, 6 credits, written exam, max 35 students
Prerequisite: Obstetrics I practical grade
20. Parasitoses of different companion, zoo, safari park and biofarm animals and
their importance in the practice (from 4th year)
Held by Dr. Fok Éva (Parasitology Department) 15 lessons, 3 credits, written exam, max
50 students,
Prerequisite: Parasitology II final exam
21. Assisted Reproduction (from 4th year)
Held by Dr. Sándor Cseh, 6 credits, max 30 students
Prerequisite: Obstetrics I practical grade
22. Special Operation procedures in soft tissue surgery (from 4th year)
Held by Dr. Tibor Németh, 6 credits, 10 lectures + 5 practicals, written exam, max. 80 students
Prerequisite: Surgery I successful exam
23. Exotic Mammal Medicine (for 5th year only) – NEW!!!
Held by Dr. Gál János (Exotic Dept.), 20 lectures + 6 practicals, 2 credits, max. 50
students. prerequisite: Laboratory Animal Science exam
24. Dermatology of Cats and Dogs (for 5th year only)
Held by Dr. Tarpataki Noémi, 18 lectures + 2 practicals, 4 credits, written exam, max 40
Prerequisite: Internal Medicine III successful final exam
25. Welfare Assessments on Farm Animals (for 5th year only) – NEW!!!
Held by Dr. Jurkovich Viktor (Animal Hygiene Dept.)
25 lectures+20 practicals, 3 credits, oral exam
Prerequisite: Applied Ethology, Animal Hygiene 2 exam
26. Clinical Demonstration (for 5th year only)
Held by Dr. Sterczer Ágnes (Internal Medicine Dept.), 9 credits, 3X5 lessons on
Saturdays, max 50 students
prerequisite: Internal Medicine 3 signature
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