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Kids Connect
at Gilda’s Club Westchester
support for children impacted by cancer
WHAT is Kids Connect?
Kids Connect is a NEW peer support group for children
who are impacted by cancer. Kids express feelings,
share common experiences and learn about cancer
through expressive activities like art, games, poetry
and stories.
WHO is Kids Connect for?
Children between the ages of 5-12 who either have
cancer themselves (or are post-treatment) or have a
family member living with cancer (or who is posttreatment).
WHEN is Kids Connect offered?
Kids Connect is an ongoing group that meets twice a
month on Thursday evenings from 6:30-8:30pm.
Where is Kids Connect?
Kids Connect is at Gilda’s Club Westchester located at
80 Maple Avenue, White Plains, NY
HOW do I sign my child up for Kids Connect?
To sign up, please call Jen Scully, Children, Teens &
Families Manager at GCW: 914-644-8844.
For more information on Kids Connect, please contact Children, Teens and Families
Manager, Jen Scully: 914-644-8844 or [email protected].
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