Download HTML Email Link (ahref mailto) Guide

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HTML Email Link (ahref mailto) Guide - Add Subject,
Message, CC, BCC
Author : Edward Chung
Categories : Make A Website
Tagged as : html email link
Summary: From time to time, it might be wise to use the ahref tag to insert an HTML email
link inside the web page for visitors to compose and send emails to the email addresses
specified on the page instead of a dedicated contact form. Besides the mailto: action which
specifies the recipient email address, you can add subject, body, cc, bcc recipients to the email
for convenience of the visitors. Read below for a detailed guide.
The Mailto HTML Email Link
In the simplest form, the ahref (a) tag can be transformed into an email link by adding
the mailto: action:
[email protected]
Additional action/info can be added to the ahref (a) tag to add fine grained control:
Multiple recipient email addresses
Separate the addresses with comma
Click to email both addresses
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Edward Chung Professional Certification Process and Notes
Add CC or BCC email addresses
Insert &cc= or &bcc= or both to the ahref HTML email link
Click to email with cc
Click to email with cc and bcc
Add the email subject
Insert &subject= to the ahref link
(Optional) If a space is present in the subject, it is suggested to convert it into %20, but
modern browser can handle the subject well without conversion
Say hello to Admin OR
Say hello to Admin
Add the single line email body or multiple line email body
Insert &body= to the ahref link
If the body has several lines with line breaks, you can add %0D%0A as the tag for line
break for cross-browser compatibility. Some developers might just use %0A which
works in most cases for multiple line email body.
The conversion of space into %20 is again optional.
Say hello to Admin OR
Say hello to Admin
Special Characters – &, #, ‘, ” and foreign characters
Special Character
Foreign characters
Chinese characters
convert each occurrence of & into %26
convert each occurrence of # into %23
convert each occurrence of ‘ into %27
convert each occurrence of ” into %22
URL encode the characters, may make use of
free online URL encoding services
URL encode the characters, may make use of
free online URL encoding services
Beware when using online URL encoding services that the “&” in front of “&body”,
“&subject”, “&cc”, “&bcc” should not be encoded.
PMP Exam, PMI-ACP, ITIL Certification Best Resources
Edward Chung Professional Certification Process and Notes
When users clicking on the mailto HTML email link with the details of &body, &subject, &cc,
&bcc filled in, an email client on their computers will pop up immediately with the to, cc, bcc,
subject, body fields of the email pre-filled. This will ease the process and encourage your
visitors to really send you the emails.
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