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Member Sensitivity Tips: Dealing with Diabetes
When a man thinks of member sensitivity, he might wonder what in the
world diabetes has to do with it. On the other hand, those who are diagnosed
with diabetes might immediately wonder how the disease will affect their
intimate life. A man who is worried about diabetes and member sensitivity
can start to protect himself immediately by exercising excellent male organ
care, but it is also important to understand exactly how diabetes leads to a
decrease in male organ sensation and what can be done about it on a longterm basis.
What is diabetes?
There are two types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes is
actually an autoimmune disease that often begins in childhood or early
adulthood. In Type 1 diabetes, the body no longer produces insulin, so it
must be provided through insulin injections.
Type 2 diabetes is different. Though some people with Type 2 diabetes
might suffer from a pancreas that no longer creates as much insulin, the
usual problem lies in insulin resistance. To put it simply, the body no longer
uses insulin appropriately, and thus blood sugars are allowed to go up far too
high. When this happens, other complications can occur, including a loss of
sensitivity in certain regions of the body.
It is important to know that Type 1 diabetes is permanent – a man cannot
reverse it. The much more common Type 2 diabetes, however, can often be
reversed through a good diet and exercise regimen. This article focuses on
men who suffer from Type 2 diabetes (but the helpful hints about member
sensitivity can apply to all men, whether they have Type 1, Type 2 or no
diabetes at all!).
How does diabetes affect the male organ?
Though this is something that doctors could write books about, we’ll break it
down to something very simple: the higher a man’s blood glucose levels are,
the more likely he will suffer from issues with circulation in the tiniest blood
vessels of the body. Those tiny vessels are in the eyes, kidneys, brain and of
course, the male organ. When blood flow to those areas is compromised in
any way, nerve damage can result.
Since the male organ relies on the intricate network of nerves to feel
sensation – and the intricate network of blood vessels to get hard and stay
that way – it stands to reason that uncontrolled diabetes can really do some
damage over time.
How to prevent member sensitivity loss
When a man is diagnosed with diabetes, he must immediately consider what
it will take to change that diagnosis. Eating a healthy diet and exercising
usually lead to weight loss. A drop of even ten pounds can mean reversing
many of the symptoms of diabetes.
In the meantime, a man should closely monitor his glucose levels and make
sure they stay within what his doctor has determined is a healthy range. By
doing this, a man can ensure that his manhood health – and overall health –
stays as good as possible while he works on dropping the extra weight.
He might also be prescribed medications to keep diabetes under control.
Taking those medications exactly as directed can help ensure he stays as
healthy as possible. Skipping medications could easily mean a man’s blood
sugar runs too high, and that can mean member sensitivity is taking a serious
hit, every hour of the day.
A man can also look after the nerves in his male organ to help preserve
sensitivity. A top-notch manhood health crème (health professionals
recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for
skin) can help him on this point. He should look specifically for a crème that
contains acetyl-L-carnitine, an amino acid known for fighting peripheral
nerve damage. Applying this nutrient directly to the skin in a Shea butter
crème helps ensure a man is taking one more step toward alleviating the loss
of member sensitivity diabetes can bring.