Download Sea Plants Can Transform Your Health

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Q: How do I take Sea Vegg®?
A: Sea Vegg® comes in a capsule form, and the recommended dosage is 3 capsules per day. A serving size
is 1 capsule.
Q: Should I take Sea Vegg with food?
A: Some studies suggest that is it more beneficial to take supplements with food for maximum absorption*,
but you do not have to take Sea Vegg® with food.
Q: Will Sea Vegg® interfere with medications?
A: It is always advisable to consult your doctor before taking any dietary supplements or beginning any new
routine. Sea Vegg® is an all natural dietary supplement that should not interfere with other medications
or supplements.
Q: Is the capsule vegetarian?
A: Yes.
Q: Do the seaweeds in Sea Vegg® vary from season to season?
A: Yes. Depending on the season, the seaweed types in Sea Vegg® will vary.
Q: How are the 12 varieties of seaweed chosen?
A: The 12 types of seaweed in Sea Vegg® were selected from 10,000 for their superior nutritional profiles.
Q: What is Whole Food Nutrition?
A: The basis of Whole Food Nutrition is that we receive our nutrition from food - not from synthetic pills
and medicines.
Q: Can I take Sea Vegg® if I’m taking thyroid medication?
A: There is a warning on the label that states: “This product contains iodine. If you are currently taking
thyroid medication, please consult with your health care practitioner before use.”
Q: Do I have to take Sea Vegg® for the rest of my life?
A: If you want to “Feed Your Body Right,” and give your body all the nutrients it needs, Sea Vegg® should
always be part of your daily routine.
Questions? Call 1.800.942.2443
Warning: This product contains organic iodine. If you are currently taking thyroid medication, please consult with your
health care practitioner before use.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose,
treat, cure or prevent any disease.
© 2007 ITV Marketing Group, Inc.
by FarmaSea® Health
The nutrients of the sea and the sun
combined in an easy-to-take capsule!
Sea Plants Can Transform Your Health
One of Ear th’s Greatest Treasures
Sea vegetation has been acknowledged as a detoxifier, a balanced source of nutrients, and
many people believe sea vegetation acts as a miraculous healing agent. Ocean algae are
the richest natural source of minerals, trace minerals and rare earth elements.
Research has proven that the waters of our oceans contain some
of the richest known sources of mineral elements. Rain, erosion
and rivers bring all the valuable vitamins of the earth into the
ocean, and sea plants absorb them.
Sea Vegg® feeds your cells with the most nutritionally
potent and mineral-rich family of plants on Earth.
Since humans cannot directly consume the rays
of the sun and the nutrients of the sea, we rely on
ocean plants that concentrate the energy from
these two powerful sources through the miracle
of photosynthesis.
These vast sources of nutrition may become much more
important than any of us now realize. Land degradation,
pollution and over farming has had a drastic effect on
the soil. The fruits and vegetables we eat derive their vitamins
and minerals from the soil. If the food grown on land can no
longer give us all the nutrients our bodies require and need,
we must turn to the rich vegetation of the ocean.
Sea Vegg® provides hundreds of natural compounds
and is synthetic-toxin free. Sea Vegg® does not absorb
toxic amounts of any element. With Sea Vegg®, the
oldest plants on Earth are now the world’s newest and
healthiest supplement!
“My mission is to bring something from the ocean
that’s so perfectly suited for our biology that when
people begin to take it, it will feed them in a way
they’ve never been fed.”
Sea Vegg® is a 100% vegetable dietary supplement
which contains twelve nutritionally dense species of
whole sea plants, chosen from 10,000 varieties. Many
of these plants are harvested off the coast of Ireland
in cooperation with the Irish Government and their accredited scientists.
-Scott Kennedy, Founder of FarmaSea® Health, LLC
Ancient Miracle of the Sea
Sea plants are more potent than any land plant and contain hundreds of natural plant
compounds known as phyto (plant) nutrients. Many of these natural compounds are
necessary, but are missing from our processed food supply.
Algae is one of the most ancient forms of life on the planet coming into existence about
1.5 billion years ago. Seaweed, a complex type of algae, has been used for a variety of
purposes all over the world for thousands of years.
The U.S. Government has now increased its suggestion of fruit and vegetable intake from
3-5 servings per day to 5-13 servings per day. The land plants we are accustomed to
eating, however, are not nearly as beneficial as sea plants. Sea Vegg® contains a full spectrum
of natural (photosynthetic) vitamins, trace minerals, lipids, plant sterols, amino acids, omega
3’s and 6’s, antioxidants, growth hormones, polyphenols, flavonoids and much more.
It also contains powerful phytonutrients Fucoidan and Laminarin which are not found in
land plants.
• The Chinese people have used seaweed since 2700 BC. In 600 BC, Sze Teu wrote that
seaweed was prepared as food for special guests or kings.
“Most supplements on the market today contain synthetic compounds
and are created in a lab. We aren’t missing synthetic compounds in our diet,
why should we supplement with them?”
-Scott Kennedy, Founder of FarmaSea® Health, LLC
• Mediterranean cultures began harvesting seaweed as early as 46 BC. Greeks and Romans
alike used seaweed medicinally.
• There is an extensive record of edible seaweed being used in Ireland and Scotland. In
Ireland, people started collecting algae in 1200 AD.
• For over 2000 years, seaweed has been used as a supportive food in the Japanese
diet. Six types of seaweed were used in everyday cooking in Japan in 800 AD. In 794,
Japanese people used seaweed to make nori, a key component in sushi.
•Ancient Hawaiians grew kelp gardens using 60-70 species of seaweed for food, medicine,
ceremonies, and leis.