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Warm-up: Monday
1. Get organized! Put all of your Political
Geography (P) notes and handouts together.
2. Set up your BINGO card!
Political Geography Test Review
• an area separated
from the rest of a
• geopolitical term, originally used to describe
the process of fragmentation or division of a
region or state into smaller regions or states
that are often hostile or uncooperative with
one another.
• EX - Yugoslavia
Icelanders – Perfect ______
1. People have loyalty to the nation and a belief
in the nation
2. Government promotes the nation that
coincides with the borders
– Can build a single national identity out of
divergent people
• Boundaries created as a result of the Berlin
Conference in 1884-1885
Ethnic Diversity Map
A type of territorial shape that exhibits a narrow,
elongated land extension leading away from the
main body of the territory
 ‘protrusion’ is often peripheral from the
core with differing culture and
 Thailand and Myanmar are
leading examples
Shapes of States
• An area organized into an independent
political unit with its own population and the
authority to govern its internal and external
• process whereby regions within a state
demand and gain political strength and
growing autonomy at the expense of the
central government (e.g., Basque and
Catalonia in Spain, Chechnya in Russia, …).
• The breakdown of a state into smaller
political units
• Very small
independent countries
that have sovereignty
= meaning no other
country has power
over them
• forces that unify a state –
– national culture
– shared ideological objectives
– common faith
• One central government controls everything
• Power is not shared between states or
• majority of countries today
• According to the 1982 convention, each
country’s sovereign territorial waters extend
to a maximum of 12 nautical miles (22 km)
beyond its coast
• Beyond its territorial waters, every coastal
country may establish an Exclusive Economic
Zone (EEZ) extending 200 nautical miles from
A politico-geographic term to describe a state that
possesses a circular, oval, or rectangular territory in
which the distance from the center to any point on
the boundary exhibits little variation
 Relatively easy to govern
 Cambodia, Uruguay, and Poland are examples
Shapes of States
What the blue represents …
• forces that divide a state –
– internal religious, political, economic, linguistic, or
ethnic differences
• a country, or
especially, an
outlying portion of a
country, entirely or
mostly surrounded
by the territory of
another country.
• Political boundaries that follow a feature of
the landscape
– Examples: mountains, rivers, deserts, lakes,
_______ –Nation without a state
• This theory was adopted by the Germans
during World War II and proposed that
whoever controlled Eastern Europe and
western Asia could control the world.
Completely surrounded the territory of other states
 A ‘hole’ exists within the state’s territorial extent
 Access to the outside world is difficult for the ‘hole’
state – needs to be on friendly terms with the
‘perforated’ state
 South Africa is an excellent example (Lesotho and
Swaziland are the
‘holes’) Other examples?
Shapes of States
• The state is an organism attached to the earth
that competes with other states to thrive
• State requires lebensraum – living space
• Must devour other territories to achieve goal
• The redrawing of political districts for political
• Promotes economic growth in Europe
• Common currency
• Freer travel
• this organization was founded in order to deter
Soviet expansionism
A state whose territory consists of several
separated parts, not a contiguous whole
 The individual parts may be isolated from each
other by the land area of other states or by
international waters
 Separation is a challenge to communications and
transportation; high regionalism
 Philippines and Indonesia
are also examples.
Shapes of States
• Geopolitical theory prominent from the 1950s
to the 1980s, that speculated that if one
country in a region came under the influence
of communism, then the surrounding
countries would follow
• Geopolitical theory prominent from the 1950s
to the 1980s, that speculated that if one
country in a region came under the influence
of communism, then the surrounding
countries would follow
A state whose territory consists of several
separated parts, not a contiguous whole
 The individual parts may be isolated from each
other by the land area of other states or by
international waters
 Separation is a challenge to communications and
transportation; high regionalism
 Philippines and Indonesia
are also examples.
Shapes of States
• this organization was founded in order to deter
Soviet expansionism
• Promotes economic growth in Europe
• Common currency
• Freer travel
• The redrawing of political districts for political
Completely surrounded the territory of other states
 A ‘hole’ exists within the state’s territorial extent
 Access to the outside world is difficult for the ‘hole’
state – needs to be on friendly terms with the
‘perforated’ state
 South Africa is an excellent example (Lesotho and
Swaziland are the
‘holes’) Other examples?
Shapes of States
• The state is an organism attached to the earth
that competes with other states to thrive
• State requires lebensraum – living space
• Must devour other territories to achieve goal
• an area separated
from the rest of a
• forces that divide a state –
– internal religious, political, economic, linguistic, or
ethnic differences
_______ –Nation without a state
A type of territorial shape that exhibits a narrow,
elongated land extension leading away from the
main body of the territory
 ‘protrusion’ is often peripheral from the
core with differing culture and
 Thailand and Myanmar are
leading examples
Shapes of States
• Very small
independent countries
that have sovereignty
= meaning no other
country has power
over them
• forces that unify a state –
– national culture
– shared ideological objectives
– common faith
• The state is an organism attached to the earth
that competes with other states to thrive
• State requires lebensraum – living space
• Must devour other territories to achieve goal
• Boundaries created as a result of the Berlin
Conference in 1884-1885
Ethnic Diversity Map
• process whereby regions within a state
demand and gain political strength and
growing autonomy at the expense of the
central government (e.g., Basque and
Catalonia in Spain, Chechnya in Russia, …).
• The breakdown of a state into smaller
political units
Icelanders – Perfect ______
A politico-geographic term to describe a state that
possesses a circular, oval, or rectangular territory in
which the distance from the center to any point on
the boundary exhibits little variation
 Relatively easy to govern
 Cambodia, Uruguay, and Poland are examples
Shapes of States
• geopolitical term, originally used to describe
the process of fragmentation or division of a
region or state into smaller regions or states
that are often hostile or uncooperative with
one another.
• EX - Yugoslavia
1. People have loyalty to the nation and a belief
in the nation
2. Government promotes the nation that
coincides with the borders
– Can build a single national identity out of
divergent people
• The redrawing of political districts for political
• An area organized into an independent
political unit with its own population and the
authority to govern its internal and external
• forces that unify a state –
– national culture
– shared ideological objectives
– common faith
• a country, or
especially, an
outlying portion of a
country, entirely or
mostly surrounded
by the territory of
another country.
• According to the 1982 convention, each
country’s sovereign territorial waters extend
to a maximum of 12 nautical miles (22 km)
beyond its coast
• Beyond its territorial waters, every coastal
country may establish an Exclusive Economic
Zone (EEZ) extending 200 nautical miles from
What the blue represents …
• forces that divide a state –
– internal religious, political, economic, linguistic, or
ethnic differences
A state whose territory consists of several
separated parts, not a contiguous whole
 The individual parts may be isolated from each
other by the land area of other states or by
international waters
 Separation is a challenge to communications and
transportation; high regionalism
 Philippines and Indonesia
are also examples.
Shapes of States
• Boundaries created as a result of the Berlin
Conference in 1884-1885
Ethnic Diversity Map