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1. During fetal development the lower extremities rotate ________ from the ventral position:
a. Medially 45 degrees
b. Medially 90
c. Laterally 45
d. Laterally 90
Upper limb rotates laterally
2. The linea aspira is located on the ____________ shaft of the femur:
a. Anterior
b. Posterior
c. Medial
d. Lateral
“Adversity does not build character, it reveals it”
3. What part of the tibia is covered in skin only:
a. Interosseous membrane
b. Lateral border
c. Medial border
d. Posterior border
4. The superior 2/5 of the acetabulum is made up of which of the following:
a. Pubis – anterior medial 1/5
b. Ilium
c. Femur
d. Ischium – posterior 2/5
5. Which of the following is a feature of the distal fibular bone
a. Head
b. Apex
c. Medial malleolus
d. Lateral malleolus
6. Where are the esophageal glands located in the esophageal tube:
a. Submucosa
b. Mucosa
c. Adventitia
d. Musculosa
7. Which portion of the digestive tract contains the largest amount of lymph tissue:
a. Stomach
b. Appendix
c. Large intestine
d. Esophagus
8. The majority of bone formation in the human system is:
a. Endochondral
b. Intramembranous
c. Cartilaginous
d. Fibrous
9. Cancer of the head of the pancreas will most likely constrict
a. Common bile duct
10. In which location of the stomach is gas best visualized on an x-ray
a. Fundus
11. The hilum of the spleen is in contact with
a. Greater curvature
b. Tail of the pancreas
c. Colic flexure
d. Stomach
12. Visible folds in the mucosa of the small intestine are termed
a. Plicae
b. Haustrations
c. Rugae
d. Taenia coli
13. Which of the following bones does not articulate with the humerus:
a. Scapula
b. Clavicle
c. Ulna
d. Radius
14. Which of the following glands produce calcitonin:
a. Parathyroid
b. Thymus
c. pancreas
d. thyroid
15. Growth hormone is secreted from
a. Adrenal cortex
b. Adrenal medulla
c. Adenohypophysis
d. Neurohypophysis – ADH and oxytocin
16. The cricoid cartilage is located at which vertebral level
a. C-4
b. C-5
c. C-6
d. C-7
17. The 2nd costal cartilage attaches at the
a. Sternal angle
b. Xiphoid process – T7
c. Jugular notch – T2
18. The flexor digitorum superficialis inserts into the
a. Distal phalange
b. Proximal phalange
c. Middle phalange
d. Metacarpals
19. The oblique popliteal ligament is an extension of the tendon of which of the following muscles
a. Gracilis
b. Semimembranosus
c. Rectus femoris
d. Gastrocnemius
20. Which structure passes under the aortic arch and posterior to the ductus arteriosus
a. Right recurrent laryngeal nerve
b. Left recurrent laryngeal nerve
c. Vagus nerve
d. Phrenic nerve
21. Which structure goes through the central tendon of the diaphragm
a. Inferior vena cava
b. Aorta
c. Esophagus
d. Thoracic duct
22. The transpyloric plane lies at which spinal level
a. L-1
b. L-2
c. L-3
d. L-4
e. L-5 – transtubercular plane
23. Which is the deepest layer of epidermis
a. Basal layer
24. Into which does the thoracic duct drain
a. Superior vena cava
b. Inferior vena cava
c. Left subclavian vein
d. Right subclavian vein
25. Where are Peyer’s patches located
a. Ileum
26. Which ligament holds the long head of the biceps in place:
a. Acromioclavicular
b. Coracohumeral
c. Glenohumeral
d. Transverse humeral
27. sd
28. Which is not attached to the posterior abdominal wall
a. Duodenum
b. Ileum
c. Jejunum
d. Pylorus
29. The gall bladder is located b/w the _________ and ____________ of the liver:
a. Caudate and left lobe
b. Caudate and right lobe
c. Quadrate and left lobe
d. Quadrate and right lobe
30. The renal papillae drain into
a. Renal pyramids
b. Renal pelvis
c. Major calyx
d. Minor calyx
31. The ureter is in contact with which abdominal muscle
a. Psoas major
32. The function of the Kupffer cell
a. Phagocytosis
33. An osteon is made up of concentric lamellae surrounding
a. Volkmann’s canal
b. Haversian canal
34. The lattice work of spongy bone is related to the arrangement of ________.
a. Osteon
b. Lamellae
c. Trabeculae
d. Canaliculi
35. Which nerve when damaged causes weakness in arm abduction
a. Long thoracic
b. Suprascapular
c. Subscapular
d. Lateral pectoral
36. The proximal attachment of the brachioradialis muscle is _____ of the humerus:
a. Medial supracondylar ridge
b. Lateral supracondylar ridge
c. Medial epicondyle
d. Lateral epicondyle
37. Which is a condyloid joint:
a. Atlas/axis
b. Radiocarpal
c. Glenohumeral
d. Tibiotalar
38. Which is the most freely moveable joint:
a. Spheroid
b. Condyloid
c. Ginglymus
d. Trochoid
39. Which ligament connects the ovaries to the uterus
a. Round – runs b/w the layers of the broad ligament across the pelvic wall into the deep inguinal
ring; merges with subcutaneous tissue of labium major
b. Transverse cervical
c. Suspensory – goes from pelvis to ovary
d. Ovarian – goes from ovary to uterus
40. Sperm are stored in the __________ to undergo maturation:
a. Seminiferous tubules
b. Epididymis
c. Vas deferens
d. Seminal vesicles
41. Meckel’s diverticulum is located in
a. Descending colon
b. Vermiform appendix
c. Pancrease
d. Ileum
42. Which is a deep muscle of the forearm:
a. Palmaris longus
b. Flexor pollicus longus
c. Pronator teres
43. The nerve supply to the extensor pollicus brevis muscle is:
a. Anterior interosseous – flexor pollicus brevis and pronator quadratus and ½ of flexor digitorum
b. Posterior interosseous
c. Superficial radial
d. Recurrent branch of the median
44. Which hormone is released from the neurohypophysis
a. Oxytocin
b. Parathormone
c. TSH
45. Which produces growth hormone
a. Pituitary
b. Thyroid
c. Adrenal medulla
46. the sternoclavicular joint is different because it contains
a. articular disc
b. hyaline cartilage
c. fibrocartilage
d. fibrous tissue
47. The posterior band of the medial collateral ligament of the elbow attaches to the ____________ of the
a. Olecranon
b. Trochlea
c. Coronoid process –
d. Styloid process
The anterior part attaches to the coronoid
lateral collateral (radial collateral); attaches to lateral epicondyle of the humorus and blends in with annular
ligament of radius
48. Which common primordial derivatives form both the reproductive and urinary tracts
a. Mesonephros – forms middle kidney and gives rise to epididymus and vas deferens
b. Paramesonephros – gives rise to genital organs
c. Mullerian duct = paramesonephros
d. Cloaca
49. Which secretes progesterone
a. Corpus luteum
b. Ovarian
c. Placenta
d. Fetus
50. Which type of epithelial tissue lines the upper vocal folds
a. Stratified squamous
b. Ciliated columnar
c. Simple columnar
d. Simple squamous
Lower vocal cords are true, upper are false
51. The larynx is derived from the ___ branchial arch
a. Fourth and sixth
52. Which muscle flexes and medially rotates the leg
a. Semimembranosus
b. Biceps femoris
c. Gluteus maximus
d. Gastrocnemius
53. Which is directly posterior to the coronoid fossa
a. Olecranon fossa
b. Olecranon process
c. Capitulum
d. Trochlea
54. The short plantar ligament attaches the ________ to the __________
a. Calcaneus/cuboid
b. Calcaneus / navicular
55. The great cardiac vein drains the
a. Left atrium and left ventricle
56. Which is a sesamoid bone
a. Pisiform
b. Triquetrum
c. Hamate
d. Scaphoid
57. Which cell is responsible for the secretion of osteoid
a. Osteoblasts
58. Which organ contains red pulp
a. Spleen
59. The suprarenal cortex secretes
a. Epinephrine
b. Cortisol
c. Testosterone
d. Estrogen
60. The suprarenal cortex is derived from
a. Mesoderm
61. Known as the pacemaker of heart
a. SA node
62. The trapezoid line is found on the
a. Clavicle
63. make up valves of heart
a. endocardium
b. myocardium
c. epicardium
64. ligament responsible for suspension of the uterus
a. broad
b. round
c. suspensory
d. rectouterine
65. The chordae tendinea are fibrous cords that connect the __________ to the ____________
a. Valve cusps; papillary muscles
b. Valve cusps; atrial wall
c. Papillary muscles; atrial wall
d. Papillary muscles; ventricular wall
66. nerve palpable at lateral aspect of the neck of fibula
a. deep peroneal
b. superficial peroneal
c. common peroneal
67. The shoulder joint is stabilized by
a. SITS muscles
68. forms superficial inguinal ring
a. external oblique
b. internal oblique – cremaster muscle
c. fascia transversalis – deep inguinal ring
69. sd
70. contained b/w crease of the lower thigh and abdomen
a. inguinal ligament
71. internal oblique muscles become the
a. cremasteric muscle
b. superficial inginal ring
c. deep inguinal ring
d. inguinal ligament
72. passes through the inguinal canal
a. round ligament of the uterus
b. suspensory ligament
c. broad ligament
d. inguinal ligament
73. The portion of the uterus above the junction of the fallopian tubes is called the
a. Fundus
b. Fornix
c. Cervix
d. Body
74. The veins of the prostate drain into which vein
a. Inferior rectal
b. External iliac
c. Internal iliac
d. Middle rectal
The prostate plexus also communicates with vertebral venous plexus
75. Artery that divides into the anterior and posterior tibial arteries
a. Popliteal
b. Femoral
c. Gluteal
d. Obturator
76. posterior tibial artery is best palpated in
a. posterior to the medial malleolus
b. dorsum of the foot
c. popliteal fossa
d. posterior to the lateral malleolus
77. The renal cells that produce rennin are located in
a. Afferent arteriole
b. Efferent arteriole
c. Renal artery
d. Segmental artery
78. purpose of chordae tendinae
a. prevent eversion of AV valve
79. purpose of foramen ovale is to shunt blood from the _______ to the _________
a. right atrium; left atrium
80. lateral collateral ligament of the knee attaches the _________ to the ____________
a. lateral epicondyle of the femur; fibular head
81. cells found throughout the respiratory tract
a. pseudostratified columnar
82. forms the posterior border of the anatomical snuffbox
a. extensor pollicus longus
b. extensor pollicus brevis – anterior border with…
c. abductor pollicus longus – anterior border
d. flexor pollicus longus
83. makes up majority of tongue
a. genioglossus
84. damage to the radial nerve in the spiral groove would cause loss of
a. elbow extension
85. vertebral level that superior and middle mediastinum meet
a. sternal angle
86. popliteal vein drains into the _______ vein
a. femoral
87. muscle involved in flexion of the distal interphalangeal joints
a. flexor digitorum superficialis
b. flexor digitorum profundus
c. palmaris longus
d. pronator teres
88. muscle that inserts into the infraglenoid tubercle
a. triceps
b. biceps
c. gastrocnemius
d. pectoralis major
e. pes anserine
i. say grace before tea
89. a lesion of the tibial nerve produces weakness in which muscle
a. gastrocnemius
90. as
91. lesion of which nerve will result in decrease in abduction and medial rotation of thigh
a. superior gluteal
92. Structure found distal to coronoid fossa on the humerus
a. Trochlea
b. Olecranon process
c. Capitulum
93. joint with an articular disc
a. temporomandibular
b. costovertebral
c. interphalangeal
d. hip
e. sternoclavicular
f. acromioclavicular
g. coracoclavicular
h. costosternal
94. sd
95. attaches to coracoid process
a. coracobrachialis, short head of biceps, pec minor
96. rotator cuff muscle that attaches to
97. inverion of the foot
a. tibialis anterior