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World Religions
A WebQuest for World History
Designed by
Mr. Marsh
Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits
In World History, we strive to understand why events have happened so that
we can better understand our present and the future. One of the the most
important factors to help explain why people react in certain ways is religion.
Throughout history, belief in a certain religion has effect the political, social,
economic, and intellectual life of the believers. You will be creating a
reference chart about some of the world's major religions.
The tragic events on September 11, 2001 and the ongoing events in
Afghanistan and Iraq have affected the way many people view certain
cultures. Throughout history, many evils have been done in the name of
religion. That does not mean that the religion or the majority of believers
support those actions. In this turbulent time, it is important to learn what
these religions really teach; the message of love, peace, and harmony are
usually the central focus.
The Task
You are beginning your study of world history. Since religion is a basis for
much of human history, you will need clear reference material that will give
you some basic information about Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism,
and Buddhism, as well as some of the other belief systems.
The Process
To accomplish the tasks required, you must work your way through the
following steps:
1. Print a copy of the Internet Bibliographic Information Log so you can
make entries as you are doing research. Create your own chart based
on the World Religions Chart.
2. For each of the first 5 religions, you will be given two WWW sites to
use for information. After accessing the site, you will make entries on
your Major Religions chart about the specifics of that religion.
3. Remember Wikipedia is not a source and should not be used to complete the information
on this project.
4. Your group needs to create a product (examples: Poster, Children’s Book,
PowerPoint on the status of a religion today. The criteria for the your project are
as follows:
a. Include the name of your religion and some brief background information, such as the
founder, the date of its origin, and the region of its location.
b. Include the basic philosophies and beliefs of the religion.
c. What makes this religion unique?
d. What are some interesting customs of this religion? Is there any way to identify
practitioners of this religion?
e. Where in the world is this religion practiced today?
f. You must research your religion well enough to find out if there have been any wars or
conflict of any kind concerning it. Chances are there will be. You must cover them
sufficiently in your project. Be sure you are clear on the conflicts of the past, and those
that are still happening. Both need to be sufficiently covered.
g. How similar is your religion with the other two you have studied?
h. You Must complete the Matrix and provided that information in your project.
There are different methods of evaluation on this WebQuest. First, your
Internet Bibliographic Information Log. You will have 1 week from today to
complete this assignment. Second, your Major World Religions. Third, your
group product.
You now have some basic information about the founders of these religions
and their basic philosophy and beliefs. The next question to consider is did
belief in these religions effect the lives of the believers? How did their
civilizations develop differently from civilizations that had different beliefs?