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SOL.2, 15-World Religions
Major World Religions in 1500 A.D. and the Present
Origins of the Jewish Faith
•Told by God to leave homeland of ___________________________________.
–Old Testament recognizes Abraham’s faith in God.
•God made _____________________________ with Abraham that would be father of many nations.
•Maps of Mesopotamia:
Sacred Writings of Jewish Faith
•The Hebrew Bible is made up of _______________ shorter works (books) written over a thousand year period.
–It is divided into 3 categories
•Books of Writings
•The main text is the Torah.
–Torah literally means “__________________” or “instruction” in Hebrew.
–The Torah consists of the first _________________ books in the Old Testament
•Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy.
•The ___________________________ are found within the Torah. (Exodus 20: 1-17).
–These form the basis for all of the Jewish laws to follow.
Basic Beliefs of Judaism
•There are 3 main ideas to understand about the Jewish religion:
1. Monotheism- “ethical monotheism”
2. Lawfulness- God makes the laws.
3. History- God is leading the Jewish people to accomplish His purposes for them.
•The Jewish people have a strong sense of ______________________.
They are commanded to love each other and serve each other.
–Sense of community is derived from a shared past.(common experience).
–The Torah commands them to resolve conflicts among themselves with the laws that were given to Moses.
•They believe in the absolute power of ___________________.
–People should love God with all their heart, soul, strength.
SOL.2, 15-World Religions
What do Jews believe about God?
•____________________- set apart, from another world
•____________________- He speaks to his people and communicates his will (Old Testament)
•____________________- He wants what is best for his people.
•God establishes __________________________with His people. If they do their part, God’s promises ALWAYS come true,
according to the Hebrew Bible. This is how Abraham was rewarded.
Symbols/Sacred Ceremonies in Judaism
•Side locks
•Menorah•Star of David- Main symbol of Judaism.
•Jews worship in a synagogues and Saturday is their day of worship.
Origins of Christianity
•Christianity began in the ___________ ______with the teachings of _____________ approximately 2000 years ago.
•Early followers were _________ who believed Jesus fit the criteria of the ______________.
–According to _________, the Messiah was to come establish his kingdom on earth.
–Jesus claimed that he would have his kingdom in ______, which many Jews did not agree with. This is the main difference
between Jews and Christians today. ____________ does not accept Jesus as the Messiah; Christianity does.
Teachings of Jesus
•Jesus expanded on the ________ ______. He gave his followers a new outlook on old beliefs.
Life of Jesus
•The ______________________ in the New Testament give biographies of Jesus’ life.
•He was ______________________ and _____________________
•He gathered followers by ____________________ and ____________________ _______.
•In ________________________, at the Passover, he was arrested, tried, and executed as a threat to the Roman authorities.
•Christians believe that He _____________ after 3 days, and went to Heaven to establish a ____________________ for his followers.
SOL.2, 15-World Religions
Spread of Christianity
•Soon after Jesus’ death, Christianity spread quickly through the _____________________________________.
•Christians were ____________________________________, originally, because Rome saw them as a threat.
–Christians saw _____________ as the ultimate authority, not the state. They would not worship the ___________________
•_________________ was the first Christian emperor of Rome.
–After seeing a vision of a _______________, he converted to Christianity in 312 A.D. He made ______________ the
official religion of the Roman Empire. (Edict of ____________________________)
•Eventually, the Holy Roman Empire was created
•By 1500, the unsuccessful ___________________ were finished and Christianity was about to enter a new era.
Sacred Writings
•The ________________________________
–Composed of the ____ and ___________.
•The New Testament contains Jesus’ teachings and because his life is considered ______________, Mosaic Law (Torah) is no longer
•Christians believe that the Bible is _______________________________
–The Apostle Paul’s letters make up ¾ of the New Testament.
–His letters, and the rest of the New Testament, give ______________ ________ to believers on how to live.
Beliefs of Christianity
•God is the _______________________ of the world.
________________ is in the world because He allowed it, not because He
caused it. (Free Will)
–Christians’ ultimate purpose is to serve God.
• Jesus is the ___________________________________.
He was an example on how to live. Human, humble, kind.
–_______________________________ - punishment for sins of humans, necessary for Christians to get to Heaven.
•__________________________ prove His deity.
•Jerusalem is the holy city.
–Christians worship in churches on Sunday.
SOL.2, 15-World Religions
Origins of Islam
Founder: ____________________________________
Born in _______________________ in 570 A.D.
At age 25, he married and began to pray more frequently in the hills of Mecca.
610 A.D.-began to receive images and messages.
This troubled him, so he went to a friend for advice. His friend told him to give these messages to the people of
Mecca – they did not receive his message of monotheism and Muhammad had to escape to _________________
(the Hijrah)
The messages claimed that the Bible had been misinterpreted and Muhammad was to correct this.
This made him a _____________________ in the eyes of many. (The last and the greatest of the prophets)
Messages were spread orally and, after his death (_________ A.D), put on paper.
Today, Muhammad is remembered for his natural virtue and integrity.
According to the teachings of Islam, he was an ideal family man, the leader of humanity, and the finest man who has
ever lived.
He did not claim to work miracles, though. The ________________________ was his only miracle.
Islam Sacred Texts
Gives detailed rules for living.
It is the final product of Muhammad’s message put into writing.
There are over 6000 verses and 114 sections called “_______________________.”
The surahs are arranged in descending order of length.
5 Pillars of Islam
________________________________is the only God and ______________________is his one true prophet.
A believer should pray _____________________________ times/ day.
Give to the poor. (charity)
During ____________________________________, fast from dawn to dusk.
A believer should make a ________________________ (hajj) to Mecca at least once during a lifetime, if possible.
Other beliefs of Islam
Allah is above all humans. Beyond human understanding.
Allah’s mercy outweighs ____________________________.
Long black gowns and small hats. Gowns are white if the hajj has been made.
Women: head-coverings, and ankle-length dress. (depends on the region)
Rings, pendants, bracelets with Arabic writings.
Star and Crescent Moon (main symbol of Islam).
Muslims meet in mosques on Fridays to worship
There is no clergy to lead service, just religious scholars (imams)
SOL.2, 15-World Religions
Origins of Hinduism
No specific ____________. Deep history of religious traditions, but uncertain origins.
Sacred Texts
____________- “wisdom” or “vision”. Writings transmitted orally over many years.
Upanishads – “sitting near”. Philosophical texts dealing with key concepts of Hinduism
Beliefs of Hinduism
____________-many gods. All gods together make up one spiritual reality.
3 main gods:
___________- creator
Vishnu- sustainer
Shiva- ____________
Beliefs of Hinduism
• Life is a series of endless cycles of ______________________, _________________________, ____________________.
Life governed by _____________________________ - the spiritual law that holds the cycle together.
The human dilemma is to be caught in this ________________________________ of birth and rebirth.
_______________- part of cycle. A person may come back as another person or thing.
Karma- one’s actions in life determines ___________________________________________________.
o One’s goal is to achieve _______________________ from the endless cycle. This liberation is called
o How? Religious rituals and education but no selfishness.
Caste System of India
5 levels:
Priestly and Learned Class
Warriors and rulers.
Farmers and Merchants.
Peasants and Laborers
System legally outlawed in _____________.
Ganges River
Considered ___________________________ to Hindus.
Dipping in Ganges washes away sins.
Hindus make ____________________________ and ______________________________ on banks, also.
Hindu Worship
Hindus worship in a _____________.
SOL.2, 15-World Religions
Origins of Buddhism
• Northeast India. Present-Day Nepal
• ______________________________ was the dominant religion at the time.
• Small groups questioned teachings of Hinduism.
________________________________________-born 563 B.C.
Father a wealthy prince.
Father ___________________________________ from world.
Gautama left the palace and family to ____________________________________________________.
4 Passing Sights:
Led to “the great renunciation.”
Went without food, water, sleep, or any form of __________________________________________.
o Still no Enlightenment.
Sat under _________________________________________ until achieved enlightenment.
o Refused to stand, eat, or drink until achieved his goal.
o 7 weeks
4 Basic Truths of Life:
1. Life is ________________________________________.
2. All hardship and suffering comes from ______________________________________.
3. To avoid _______________________________, avoid inappropriate _______________________________.
4. To stop desire, follow the Eightfold Path.
Eightfold Path
Know Truth
Resist Evil
Say nothing to hurt others
Respect all life
Work for the good of others
Free mind from evil thoughts.
Control thoughts-balance between pursuing goals and running from fears.
Practice Meditation.
Additional Teachings of the Buddha
Respect ALL _____________________________________________.
Buddha’s teachings are found in many ______________________________. Not one specific book.
Final Liberation-give up all _________.
SOL.2, 15-World Religions
-Shintoism comes from the Japanese words ____________________ (deity) and _____________________ (way).
-Originally, it was seen as a ______________________ of _____________________ but the spread of Buddhism
forced Shintoism to define its beliefs.
-___________- “high” or “superior being.”- term for the many spiritual beings, or powers. Many manifestations of Kami.
2 Major beliefs:
1. ________________________- cause for wonder. If humans are in ________________________ with nature, then they
will ___________________________________.
-humans are to take personal ___________________________________ for taking care of earth.
2. _______________________________- dedicated to family ancestors.
• Humans are basically __________________________. Should show willingness to _______________________________.
Stresses justice, _______________________________, and truth. Similar to _______________________________.
Shintos worship in ________________________________________.
Since World War II, Shinto seen as a way of life more than religion. The ___________________________ no longer a god.
Based on teachings of _________________________________. Born in 6th Century B.C., around same time as Buddha.
He lived at time of ___________________________________. The shogun ruled China and taxed the people heavily.
Confucius dreamed of a society ruled by __________________, ______________________, and _____________________.
He began to teach through ______________________ about good _______________________________________.
His followers collected his teachings and compiled The Analects
He taught that the ____________________________ was one that stressed education, ____________________, morality,
and __________________________________.