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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
200 Mehrhof Hall PO Box 110675 Gainesville, FL 32611-0675 Telephone (352) 392-1831 x 246 Fax (352) 392-1413 Angel-wing Begonias Today on Gardening in a Minute: angel-wing begonias. The angel-wing begonia gets its name from the shape of its leaves, which come in an array of different colors and patterns. Angel-wings are some of the largest begonias, reaching up to five feet tall. Since begonias are native to the tropics, they prefer spots with high humidity and lots of filtered sunlight. They can also thrive indoors. If you live in a cooler part of the state, be sure to protect your outdoor angel-wings from frost. Angel-wing begonias produce large clusters of white, pink, orange, or red flowers, blooming profusely early spring through autumn. If your begonia gets leggy, don’t be afraid to cut it back. An occasional light pruning will also stimulate new growth and more flowers. For more information about angel-wing begonias and many other gardening topics, contact your county Extension office or visit Gardening in a Minute dot com. Gardening in a Minute is a production of the University of Florida’s Center for Landscape Conservation and Ecology, IFAS Extension, and WUFT-FM. your solution for Florida-friendly gardening