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Also commonly known as
“Madagascar Dragon
Tree” or “Dragon Tree”.
Characterized by ribbonlike leaves.
Native to Madagascar.
Care Tips
Light: Although this
plant will tolerate low
light, it will grow best in
bright yet indirect light. Too much light will cause the leaves to
burn or bleach.
Water: Water frequently enough that the soil is moist at all times,
but is never soggy. Do not allow the soil to completely dry out between waterings. Always use distilled water to prevent the plant’s
leaves from turning yellow or dropping due to fluoride sensitivity.
Temperature: The Dracaena Marginata does best at temperatures around 75 degrees Fahrenheit. It will tolerate lower temperatures, but nothing under 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
Maintenance: Pinch off dead or dying leaves and stems as you
see them to promote new growth.
Humidity: This plant thrives in high humidity,
though it will grow in lower humidity. Increase humidity by placing the plant on a tray of pebbles
filled with water, or mist the leaves lightly once a
week until damp.
Premier Plants...For All of Life’s Celebrations!