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Prehensile Tailed Skink
Order: Squamata | Family: Scincidae | Genus/Species: Corucia zebrata
Solomon Islands - Southwest
Pacific Ocean. There are two
subspecies of the Solomon
Islands skink: the common
(Corucia zebrata zebrata)
and the northern (Corucia
zebrata alfredschmidti).
They are arboreal, usually
found in the upper canopy of
forested areas in its range.
Diet in the Wild
Prehensile Tailed Skinks or “Monkey-tailed Skinks” are herbivores, feeding on leaves, flowers,
fruit, and stems.
These skinks are viviparous with the female providing a placenta for its young giving live birth,
usually to one individual, after a gestation period of six - eight months. Newborn skinks will stay
with the communal group for the first year and will be protected by the parents as well as
unrelated adults.
Size and lifespan
This is the world’s largest skink with adults reaching a length of 32 inches. Its prehensile tail will
be more than half its length.
Conservation Status
CITES: Appendix II - limits are placed on the number of animals in commercial trade between
countries. The Solomons are rapidly being deforested for lumber and agriculture. Destruction of
habitat and depletion by the pet trade have greatly reduced this animal's chances for survival.
Exportation of this species is illegal to protect the declining population.