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Class Summary
What is an Asset?
Asset Anatomy 101
Plugging into WebGUI
Asset Construction
Advanced Topics
Asset Packaging
What is an Asset?
Everything in WebGUI is an Asset
Core Assets
Functional Assets
Definition: A functional asset produces something
simple that has no style and can be served up by
HTTP Level Functions
● HTTP Redirect
● Shortcuts
What is an Asset? (Cont)
Sub-Level Assets
Definition: A sub-level asset produces a function of a
larger process that can be served up by itself
Application Level Assets
Application level assets inherit asset properties to
provide core level functionality to large scale
Wobjects are Application Level Assets
Asset Anatomy 101
How do we begin writing an asset?
Basic Design
Is it necessary?
What do I want it to do?
Can I borrow or reuse existing source?
What data do I need to store?
What should I call it?
Set up the Database
Write a create script
assetId and revisonDate must be a joint primary key
Asset Anatomy 101 (Cont)
Write a drop script
Build an Asset Shell
Declaration statements
Package Statement
Use Statements
is-a relationship Statement
Asset Anatomoy 101 (Cont)
Add Foundation Methods
addRevision – specifies how to save revisions of your asset
definition – specifies asset properties required by WebGUI
asset name
database table name
class name
custom asset properties
Asset Anatomy 101 (Cont)
duplicate – specifies how to copy your asset
Asset Anatomy 101 (Cont)
getEditForm – called by www_edit container class to generate the
tabform on the user facing edit page
getIcon – returns the location of the icons related to your asset
Asset Anatomy 101 (Cont)
processPropertiesFromFormPost – called by www_editSave
to process properties from the form post.
purge – specifies how to purge asset data from the system
purgeRevision – specifies how to purge individual revisions of an asset
Asset Anatomy 101 (Cont)
view - called by the www_view container class to generate the
main user
facing view of the asset.
www_edit – Web exposed method responsible for generating the user
facing edit screen for assets.
Asset Anatomy 101 (Cont)
www_view – Web exposed method responsible for generation the main user
facing screen of the asset
Plugging Into WebGUI
Put your asset in the proper location
Create your database table
Create your templates
You can do this manually for development purposes
Add your Asset to the WebGUI config file
Restart Apache
Asset Construction
Stay Object Oriented!
Error Handling
If you allow users to use your application incorrectly, they
Make sure you fill all the gaps
www methods are special
Asset Packaging
The WebGUI Asset Installer / Uninstaller
Removes the need to create install/uninstall scripts for your asset
Keeps track of the asset version making it simple to write upgrades
for your asset
Fully Installs or Upgrades an asset with a single command.
Creates / Updates all templates with a proper lineage
Creates / Updates all database tables
Updates the asset version table
Updates the WebGUI config file
Copies all files and collateral to the proper locations under the root WebGUI
Fully Uninstalls an asset with a single command
Removes all templates
Removes all database tables and installed assets
Updates the WebGUI config file
Removes all files and collateral from the root WebGUI folder
Asset Packaging (Cont)
Using the Asset Installer
Installer Setup
Create the file tree
bin folder
meta.wg – contains meta data about the asset including version, class
name, author, and author email
● – generalized script for installing assets. Not to be modified
setup.sql – sql script containing the assetVersion table if the user has never
used the installer
readme.txt – readme file which explains how to install assets for the users
● – generalized script for uninstalling assets. Not to be modified
docs folder
install folder – contains your create scripts
template folder – contains your templates
uninstall – contains your drop scripts
upgrade – contains your upgrade scripts
lib folder
WebGUI folder – contains a WebGUI tree clone with your asset files in their
proper location.
Asset Packaging (Cont)
Update the meta file
Move your create script into docs/install
Your create script should begin with create-
Move your drop script into docs/uninstall
Use the meta file to set the version and class of your asset as well as to take
credit for your work
Your drop script should begin with drop-
Create your template files in docs/template
Create your templates in text files ending in .tmpl
Add the appropriate meta data to the beginning of your template
Meta data begins with a #, so be careful when crafting your templates.
Asset Packaging (Cont)
Move your asset and all it's collateral to the lib folder
The WebGUI folder should mirror the WebGUI root folder, not the
root/WebGUI/lib/WebGUI folder
Anything under this tree will be copied (overwritten if the file exists) to the
WebGUI tree in the exact folder it displays under.
A note about upgrades
To upgrade your asset, simply include upgrade scripts (both sql and pl) which
are named appropriately
upgrade_x.x.x-y.y.y where x.x.x is the currently installed version and y.y.y is
the version to upgrade to. y.y.y should match the version number in the
meta.wg file.