* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
JURNAL BISNIS AKUNTANSI Vol. 15, No. 1a, Is. 9, November 2013, Hlm. 119-132 PENGARUH LEVERAGE KEUANGAN, RISIKO SAHAM, ROA, KAPITALISASI PASAR, VOLUME PERDAGANGAN, DAN INSTITUTIONAL OWNERSHIP TERHADAP LIKUIDITAS SAHAM SYAHRIAN STIE Trisakti [email protected] Publisher Version Official Url : ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research is to test and analyze empirically the influence of financial leverage, risk , ROA, market capitalization, trading volume, and institutional ownership on liquidity. This study was also to improve consistency of result from prior studies. Sample of this research is mining sector companies that listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange for period 2007-2012. The technique used on this research was the purposive sampling, where 7 companies that meet the criteria and were analyzed using descriptive statistics and panel data regression model with pool ols to test the hypothesis. The Empirical evidence of this research show that the risk influence the liquidity, while financial leverage, ROA, market capitalization, trading volume, and institutional ownership do not influence liquidity. Overall, the independent variables influence the liquidity simultaneously Keyword: Liquidity, financial leverage, risk, ROA, market capitalization,trading volume, institutional ownership .