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to Natural Prostate Care
Your Prostate Gland
............................................................................................... 5
Prostate Disorders
............................................................................................... 7
Diagnosis and Symptoms
............................................................................................... 8
Methods for Prostate Care
............................................................................................. 11
Ayurveda and Prostate Health
............................................................................................. 13
Herbs for Prostate Health
............................................................................................. 14
The Prostate Diet
............................................................................................. 17
Supplements for Healthy Prostate
............................................................................................. 25
Lifestyle Recommendations
............................................................................................. 27
Important Trivia
............................................................................................. 28
Additional Resources
............................................................................................. 29
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The prostate is an exocrine gland of the male reproductive system. Its
main function is to store and secrete a clear fluid that constitutes up to
one-third of the volume of semen.
A healthy prostate is slightly larger than a walnut.
It is situated in front of the rectum, just below the bladder where
urine is stored, and surrounds the tube (urethra) that carries urine
from the body.
The gland functions as part of the male reproductive system by
producing the white fluid that contains semen.
The prostate also contains smooth muscle that helps expel
semen during ejaculation; thus, prostate problems can lead to
The prostate gland has four distinct glandular regions:
1. The Peripheral Zone (PZ)
This zone is a sub-capsular portion of the posterior aspect of the
prostate gland which surrounds the distal urethra and comprises up to
70% of the normal prostate gland in young men. It is from this
portion of the gland that more than 70% of prostatic cancers originate.
2. The Central Zone (CZ)
This zone constitutes approximately 25% of the normal prostate gland
and surrounds the ejaculatory ducts. Central zone tumors account for
more than 25% of all prostate cancers.
3. The Transition Zone (TZ)
This zone is responsible for 5% of the prostate volume and very rarely
is associated with carcinoma. The transition zone surrounds the
proximal urethra and is the region of the prostate gland which grows
throughout your lifetime. It is involved in benign prostatic
4. The Anterior Fibro-muscular zone
This zone accounts for approximately 5% of the prostatic weight, is
usually devoid of glandular components, and composed only, as its
name suggests, of muscle and fibrous tissue.
Normal to Enlarged Prostate
What is BPH?
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a noncancerous enlargement of the
prostate gland. "Hyperplasia" refers to the tissue growth that occurs when
prostate cells increase in number. A prostate gland can grow as much as 50
to 100 grams with the occurrence of BPH. Imbalance of the male hormones,
particularly the estrogen-testosterone ratio, contributes to the development
of the disease.
What is Prostatitis?
Prostatitis is an infection of the prostate gland. The term “prostatitis” refers
to prostate inflammation. It occurs in four forms: Acute Bacterial Prostatitis,
Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis, Chronic Non-bacterial Prostatitis, and
Asymptomatic Inflammatory Prostatitis. Non-bacterial prostatitis can be
caused by a nerve problem or muscle malfunction whereas, acute and
chronic bacterial prostatitis are mainly caused by bacteria.
What is Prostate Cancer?
Abnormal cell division in prostate gland tissue causes malignant growth or
tumors. The underlying causes of prostate cancer are unknown. Risk factors
for the condition include age, ethnicity, lifestyle, and family history.
About one in six men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his
lifetime. Risks increase at the age of 50 in white men and at the age of 40 in
black men with no family history of the disease. African American men are at
higher risks of the disease. Japanese and African males living in their native
lands have low incidence of prostate cancer. Men whose relatives have had
prostate cancer are considered to be at high risk, too. Smoking and high
dietary fat diet are contributing factors for higher prostate cancer risks.
Although there are significant differences between BPH, prostatitis, and
prostate cancer, they have similar symptoms. It is important that you go for
a routine prostate examination especially if you experience urinary
Men above the age of 40 will frequently start having problems with their
prostate gland. The following diagnosis flowchart will help you to gain a
better understanding of your prostate condition.
Visit our Prostate Diagnosis website to make full use of this chart.
Common symptoms of prostate disorders:
Difficulty or pain while urinating
Difficulty or pain when starting to urinate
Burning sensation while urinating
Pelvic pain
“Dribbling” or incontinence
Weak urine flow
Frequent urination
Urinary tract infection
A feeling that your bladder never fully empties
Urgency to urinate
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) is a protein produced by cells of the prostate
gland. PSA is present in small quantities in the serum of men with healthy
prostates, but is often elevated in the presence of Prostate Cancer, Benign
Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), and Prostatitis.
The PSA Test measures the level of PSA in the blood:
Normal - 0 to 2.5 ng/ml
Elevated - 2.6 to 10 ng/ml
High - 10 to 19.9 ng/ml
Very High - 20 ng/ml or more
During annual tests, it is normal for your reading to go up by a few tenths of
a point every year. A drastic increase in PSA (an increase of at least 0.75
points or 20 percent) is considered a reason to worry. This test is
recommended on an annual basis for all men over 50 (and for men above 45
if there is a family history of prostate problems).
If your PSA is greater than 10, then you might have Prostate Cancer. You
should request a DRE and / or Biopsy from your doctor for further diagnosis.
If your PSA is greater than 2.5 but less than 10, then you should request a
Free PSA Test for further diagnosis. The Free PSA Test, also known as PSA-f
or FPSA or PSA II, helps your doctor decide whether you need a biopsy.
Free PSA Test
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) is a protein produced by cells of the prostate
gland. It circulates in the blood either attached to other proteins ("bound")
or unattached ("free"). It is normal to have both bound and free PSA.
The "percent-free" PSA can be calculated by dividing the amount of free PSA
by the total PSA.
Free PSA above 25% is considered high and is indicative of BPH (Benign
Prostate Hyperplasia).
Free PSA below 15% is considered low and is indicative of Prostate Cancer
and the next step might be a re-test in a month or a biopsy.
Free PSA below 7% means that Prostate Cancer is likely and a biopsy is the
next step.
Digital Rectal Exam (DRE)
A Digitial Rectal Exam (DRE) is done to check for growth in or enlargement
of the prostate gland in men. During the examination, a doctor puts a
lubricated gloved finger into your rectum. A tumor in the prostate can be felt
as a hard lump. BPH is usually felt as smooth, firm enlargement of the
If a hard lump is detected, your doctor will most likely request that a biopsy
be done to check for prostate cancer.
International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS)
The International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) is a symptom index for
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). It was developed and validated by the
American Urological Association (AUA). The IPSS is a reliable predictor of
To calculate your IPSS, please take this test.
It is best to consult with several doctors to find the best treatment for
prostate disorders. The medical methods that are available for prostate
cancer are:
Radiation Therapy
Radiation therapy uses high-powered energy to kill cancer cells. Side
effects of radiation therapy include painful urination, frequent
urination, and urgent urination.
Hormone Therapy
Hormone therapy treatment is performed to stop your body from
producing the male hormone, testosterone. Prostate cancer cells need
testosterone to help them grow rapidly.
Surgery to remove the prostate
Surgery for prostate cancer involves removal of the prostate gland,
several surrounding tissue, and a few lymph nodes.
Freezing prostate tissue
Freezing prostate tissue kills cancer cells. This method involves
freezing and heating the tissues surrounding the prostate. The cycles
of freezing and thawing kill the cancer cells, and some surrounding
healthy tissue.
Heating prostate tissue using ultrasound
High intensity ultrasound treatment uses strong sound waves to heat
prostate tissue, causing cancer cells to die.
Chemotherapy treatment uses drugs to kill growing cells rapidly,
including cancer cells. It can be administered through a vein in your
arm, in pill form, or both.
BPH cannot be cured. Treatments only reduce symptoms:
Transurethral microwave therapy (TUMT)
TUMT uses high temperature to kill tissue inside the prostate. An
antenna is inserted into the urethra to send out microwave energy
which heats the inside of the prostate - causing the tissues to shrink.
Transurethral needle ablation (TUNA)
TUNA uses heat to destroy specific areas of the prostate that are
blocking urine flow. A needlelike device is inserted up the urethra
inside a tube called a catheter. The tube protects other tissues from
being burned as the device delivers heat to targeted areas of the
Prostatitis is usually treated with oral drugs and physical therapy:
Medications for prostatitis include antibiotics, alpha blockers, pain
relievers, and muscle relaxants.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy for prostatitis includes exercise, biofeedback, sitz
baths, and prostate massage. Warm soak may also help lessen pain
and relax the lower abdominal muscles.
However, majority of men are opting for natural ways to improve and
maintain their prostate health. They turn to natural herbs to treat the
underlying causes of their condition. Diet and lifestyle changes are highly
encouraged also.
Ayurveda is an ancient medical system based on the principle of balance. Its
fundamental aim is to keep the body, mind, and spirit in perfect harmony.
Ayurveda believes that imbalance causes the development of diseases. This
whole medical system is strong in using herbs for treatment and disease
According to Ayurveda, prostate problems occur from contributing factors
like dehydration, sedentary lifestyle, improper fasting, too much intake of
bitter and pungent foods, overconsumption of alcohol and caffeine, overuse
of the sexual organs, and insufficient intake of urine purification foods.
Ayurveda prescribes herbs to support prostate function.
Boerhavia (Boerhavia Diffusa) – Supports urogenital muscles
Guggul (Commiphora Mukul) – Maintains innate prostaglandin levels
Holy Basil (Ocimum Tenuiflorum) – Promotes healthy inflammation response
Orchid Tree (Bauhinia Variegata) – Promotes healthy levels of DHT
Sensitive Plant (Mimosa Pudica) – Supports normal prostate cell health
Shatavari (Asparagus Racemosus) – Supplies phytoestrogens
Three-Leaf Caper (Crateva Nurvala) – Serves as a bladder tonic
Tribulus (Tribulus Terrestris) – Supports normal LH and testosterone levels
Extracts from all of these herbs are contained in the Ayurstate prostate care
supplement. You can learn more about these herbs and Ayurstate at .
Visit to learn more!
Your diet has a major impact on your prostate health. The following are
highly recommended for optimal prostate care.
Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are jam-packed with antioxidants, fiber, minerals,
polyphenols, and vitamins with anti-inflammatory and free radical-fighting
abilities to support prostate health. Eating 4 to 5 servings of vegetables and
2 to 3 servings of fruits daily promotes a healthier prostate.
Healthy Fats
Polyunsaturated fats are made up of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty
acids. Omega-3s come from fish, seafood, and vegetable oils while
omega-6s are mostly found in vegetable oils, nuts, and meats. These
essential fatty acids have strong anti-inflammatory properties.
Plant Protein
Plant protein is more beneficial for prostate health as compared to animal
protein. Diets rich in plant protein have been shown to reduce rates of
cancer and prostate diseases. An adult’s protein requirement is 0.8 grams
per kilogram of body weight per day. This converts about 54 grams of
protein daily for a 150 lb (68 kg) adult.
Opt for a healthier choice when obtaining the recommended daily intake of
protein. Give priority to beans, lentils, seitan, tempeh, and high protein
grains such as amaranth and quinoa in your diet over 7-ounce steaks. These
can easily help you reach your personal protein need without introducing
saturated fats, hormones, and steroids to your body.
Whole Natural Foods
Whole natural foods do not have harmful additives. More than 14,000 manmade chemicals are added to our food supply to prolong shelf life nowadays.
These additives have a negative impact on your overall health and engender
hormonal imbalances that affect your prostate. Additives and preservatives
cause your blood to become more acidic and thicken. This decreases your
blood’s ability to supply proper nutrients throughout your body. Thick blood
also serves as a better host for harmful organisms like bacteria, virus, and
parasites. Over time, thick blood starts to clog your detoxification organs
(liver, kidney, and colon). Clogged detoxification organs can affect mood,
hormonal regulation, and immune function.
Green Tea
Green tea is high in catechin, an antioxidant famous for its prostatesupporting properties. Catechin has been proven to combat prostate cancer.
It fights deadly bacteria and inhibits the growth of putrefactive bacteria
without harming friendly bacteria. Catechin also prevents free radicals
Your prostate functions optimally with sufficient water. When you maintain
hydration, you assist your body in eliminating environmental toxins,
including the byproducts of metabolism. Toxin overload from food, air, and
medicines causes your body's systems to weaken. Water detoxifies your
body, allowing your body organs to perform well.
Increase Soy Intake
Researchers believe that the estrogen-testosterone imbalance induced by
age causes the prostate gland to enlarge. 2 ounces or more of soy in your
daily diet will help restore these hormones at optimal ratio. Good sources of
soy include tofu (soybean curd), miso, tempeh, roasted soy nuts, and soy
flour or powder.
Increase Selenium Intake
Selenium is a trace mineral that helps reduce oxidation in the prostate. It
also helps your body produce selenoproteins, compounds that protect your
cells from damage. Selenium-rich foods include wheat germ, tuna, herring
and other seafood and shellfish, beef liver and kidney, eggs, sunflower and
sesame seeds, cashews, Brazil nuts, mushrooms, garlic, onions, and kelp.
Increase Zinc Intake
Consume at least 15 mg of zinc daily for a healthy prostate. Adequate zinc
prevents the formation of dihyrotestosterone (DHT), a derivative of the male
sex hormone testosterone that causes the prostate to enlarge. Zinc also
reduces risk of prostate cancer by lowering estrogen and prolactin levels.
Pumpkin seed in the shell, oysters, beans, and nuts are excellent sources of
Foods to Avoid
Beware of the foods you need to avoid while increasing your consumption of
the beneficial ones:
Fast Foods mainly consist of fat and salt. Asides from encouraging weight
gain, diabetes, and heart diseases, saturated fat raises testosterone levels
which in turn stimulate the growth of prostate tissue.
Meat, when taken in high amounts, exposes you to high levels of
carcinogens. This high exposure can lead to all types of cancer, including
prostate cancer.
Calcium and dairy foods when taken in high quantity increase risk of
prostate enlargement by reducing vitamin D metabolism. Sufficient amount
of Vitamin D in the body is essential to maintain a healthy prostate. Low-fat
milk, in particular, increases the risk of non-aggressive tumors.
Sugar threatens immune response, lowers resistance to infection, and
weakens your body’s ability to recover from illnesses. Experts believe that
sugar fuels cancer cell growth.
Alcohol in excessive amounts raises risk of prostate enlargement and highgrade prostate cancer. Alcohol disrupts hormonal balance to significantly
affect your prostate condition.
A study also suggests that alcohol diminishes the preventive properties of
finasteride, a drug that has been shown to reduce the risk of prostate
Foods containing acrylamide can increase prostate cancer risks.
Acrylamide has been labeled as a “probably human carcinogen”. High intake
of this chemical leads to cancer. French fries, potato chips, and baked goods
like doughnuts contain high levels of acrylamide.
Canned tomatoes should be avoided at all times. While tomatoes are good
for your prostate, canned tomatoes are not. Tin cans are lined with
bisphenol-A (BPA), a synthethic estrogen that can seep into the tomatoes.
BPA has been linked to cancer and other health problems.
Microwave popcorn should also be avoided. The lining of microwave
popcorn bags contain perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), a chemical linked to
infertility and cancer.
Supplementation plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy prostate. Diet
alone cannot provide the nutrition needed by your prostate. Many natural
supplements support prostate health by fighting urinary problems and
reducing inflammation. The following nutrients support prostate health:
 Beta-sitosterol is an effective natural treatment for prostate
Cayenne contains capsaicin, a substance with an ability to kill prostate
cancer cells.
Cranberry contains a unique phytonutrient known as
proanthocyanidins. They prevent bacteria from sticking to the urinary
tract walls, thus, preventing infections.
Glutamic acid helps relieve symptoms associated with prostate
Pollen extracts have the ability to significantly reduce symptoms of
BPH and prostatitis.
Quercetin helps fight inflammation. It reduces the size of the prostate
and delays the spread of prostate cancer.
Stinging Nettle is an effective anti-inflammatory agent. It helps to
manage prostate and urinary tract disorders.
Turmeric contains an active ingredient curcumin, an anti-inflammatory
antioxidant that helps to maintain prostate health.
Vitamin D decreases the risk of prostate enlargement.
Vitamin E contains anti-inflammatory properties that help men with
Zinc reduces the risk of infections and prostatitis.
Multivitamins Intake
Take a daily multivitamin supplement which includes Vitamin A (25,000 IU),
Vitamin E (1,200 IU), and Lycopene (10 mg) to support prostate health.
Improve Circulation
Perform Kegel exercises to improve blood flow to the prostate and urogenital
tissues. Kegel exercises are done by pulling up all the muscles around the
scrotum and anus, holding and releasing. 10 repetitions of this movement,
5-6 times daily will maximize blood flow to your prostate gland.
Adopt a Healthier Lifestyle
Achieve sufficient rest and exercise. Regular exercise has been shown to
strengthen the immune system, improve digestion, fortify circulation, and
facilitate the removal of waste matter from the body. Regular exercise also
reduces the risk of prostate gland enlargement. Work out for at least 30-45
minutes six days a week.
Schedule bathroom visits
Urinate regularly to “retrain” your bladder. Do this every four to six hours
during the day.
Keep Warm
Colder temperatures cause urine retention and increase your urgency to
Phytonutrients are components of plants with inflammation and
cancer-fighting properties.
Antioxidants are substances that attack free radicals, which damage
the prostate tissue.
Lignans are polyphenols that possess potent antioxidant properties.
Pomegranates are rich in antioxidants and ellagitannin, a prostatefriendly phytonutrient.
Lycopene is a phytonutrient that enhances prostate health.
Fiber helps bind toxins and eliminates them from the body.
All cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cabbage, beets, and
artichokes, contain a compound called sulforapane which helps repair
oxidative damage and removes carcinogens.
Anti-inflammatory properties including ginger, onions, berries,
pumpkin seeds, and apples are excellent support for prostate health.
More information about prostate health
and other health topics can be found on the Ayurstate website:
And in our Newsletter archives:
To better understand your prostate condition,
check our prostate disorder diagnosis flowchart here:
To calculate your International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), visit: