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page 1
Issue: 11
March 2009
In this issue:
• March is Nutrition
• Food for thought
• What’s the deal
with extra protein?
• Understanding the
elusive Vegan
• Healthy eating on
the run
• What’s Cooking
• Upcoming Events
We all know how important good nutrition is for optimal physical and mental health. It can
be clearly realized after consuming a high fat, low nutrient meal and attempting to successfully
engage in physical activity or mental concentration. We regularly promote healthy eating to
patients, but often neglect our own health!
Although we may know what we should eat, many factors can affect what we actually eat.
Some common reasons for not making healthy food choices include: knowledge, attitudes, food
preparation skills, time, cost, cultural values, traditions, advertising and the type of food available
in grocery stores, workplaces, schools and community settings.
Quote of the
“The wise man
should consider that
health is the greatest
of human blessings.
Let food be your
~ Hippocrates
The good news is that although these obstacles are real and can be challenging to overcome, it can
be done! Healthy eating can be quick and easy. March is National Nutrition Month and the perfect
time to aim for healthier food choices.
Nutrition Month® is a campaign from Dietitians of Canada. This year’s theme is “Stay Active.
Eat Like a Champion”. It promotes eating well in order to fuel our bodies for an active lifestyle
of at least 30-60 minutes of activity 3 days a week.
This newsletter includes articles with tips, ideas and suggestions for incorporating healthy food
choices in your day to day life. It also includes perspectives from your fellow classmates on
nutrition related topics.
I hope you enjoy this newsletter and find some practical tips to include healthy foods in your
everyday lives!
Lesley Burgess, guest editor of this month’s issue, is a Regional Nutritionist with the Health Promotion Division
of Eastern Health. She is also Chair of Dietitians of Newfoundland and Labrador, Newfoundland and Labrador
College of Dietitians and the MUN Med Wellness Nutrition Sub-committee.
Stay Active. Eat Like a Champion.
Holly Grant, R.D. and Lesley Burgess, R.D, MSc
Canada’s Food Guide recommends building 30-60 minutes of
moderate physical activity into your life EVERYDAY!
is brought to
you by Dietitians
of Canada and
thousands of
dietitians across
the country in
collaboration with
the campaign
sponsors. The
official sponsors of
the 2009 Nutrition
Month Campaign
--EurestChartwellsMorrison - ESS
Members of
Compass Group
--Dairy Farmers of
Canada and
Mills Canada
In order to have the energy to meet these recommendations
you must eat a well balanced diet. A common misconception
amongst exercisers is that you need expensive supplements to
get the most out of your workouts, but choosing wholesome
foods from the Canada’s Food Guide is a sure way to get all the
nutrients, vitamins and minerals that you need.
Timing is the key!
To have energy for exercise you should supply your body with carbohydrates before any activity
since they are the muscles preferred fuel source. Carbohydrates can be found in fruits, vegetables,
grains, and dairy products. Muscles will store the energy from these foods and have it ready to use
when you start moving! The key is to give the food enough time to break down in your stomach
and travel to the muscles for storage. Therefore you should try to consume a snack a couple of
hours before exercise. Healthy snacks include such things as: a peanut butter sandwich, glass of
milk, and a banana.
What should I eat after I exercise?
After your workout it is important to provide your body with
nutrients to repair any damage to muscle and to replace the
carbohydrates in those muscles that were used during exercise.
It is tempting to purchase protein supplements but they are
just an expensive form of protein that can be found in our
food. Your body is meant to process natural foods, rather than
Protein found in meats, nuts, legumes, and dairy, will provide
you with all the amino acids you need to repair your muscles.
A great post-exercise snack could be a glass of chocolate milk
(protein) and a piece of fruit (carbohydrates).
Where can I go to find more information?
Check out for lots of great tips that
you can use to make wise food choices to support your active
Holly Grant R.D. graduated with a Bachelor of Science from Memorial University and completed
her Dietetic internship with Eastern Health. She is currently enrolled in the International Olympic
Committee’s Sports Nutrition Diploma program. Holly competes in marathons and triathlons
and experiences first hand the positive impact that healthy nutrition has on physical activity
Lesley Burgess, R.D., MSc is a Regional Nutritionist with Eastern Health.
Food for thought
Janine Woodrow, R.D.
Food is political. We all eat, so we all have
opinions about grub. Unlike smoking, which has
been undoubtedly proven to be bad for your health,
food can fit a whole range of categories all at once
from healthy to ‘not-so-great’ depending on your
individual health status and on the nutritional
composition of the particular item (e.g. fat, fibre,
sodium, sugar, etc).
Given the complexity of today’s food industry
and our high-speed lives, it’s hard not to be
mechanically swayed by the ever-so-convenient
packaging, flashy targeted advertising, and the
trend de jour when it comes to dieting (the latest
being the trickery of the 100 kcal packaging,
which are often portion controlled sugar and
saturated fat with little fibre or other nutrients!)
A line from the latest Killers song comes to mind
when it comes to our ever changing eating patterns
“are we human or are we dancers?”…
I recall the not-so-distant past being a full-time
graduate student navigating though the cafeteria
looking for a late lunch at 3 pm or sailing past a
peculiar and alarming amount of what Canada’s
Food Guide classifies as’ limit’ foods (cakes,
cookies, potato chips and candy) in the gift shop
on the hunt for some nuts, a granola bar or carton
of milk to recharge the biological battery. My
philosophy has always been ‘keep it simple’
… if it cannot be categorized in one of the four
food groups of the Canada Food Guide then it’s
probably not offering much in the line of nutrition
… and therefore will likely not help you to persist
through pages of scientific journal articles or
hours of dissertation writing.
released its revised
food guide in
2007. The prior
revision was in
1992 and a whole
lot of research has
that time to inform
the content of
the new version.
It has been my
Dietitian that nearly everyone recognizes
Canada’s Food Guide, but many people do not
understand how to practically use it on a daily
basis for planning meals and snacks.
The new food guide breaks down the
recommended number of servings from each
food group according to gender and age. For
example, if you are a 25 year old woman you
should aim to have the following each day: • 7- 8 vegetables and fruit (fresh, frozen or
• 6 -7 grain products (whole grains more often)
• 2 milk and alternatives (low fat milk and
• 2 meats and alternatives (only about the size of
a deck of cards each!!)
• 30 - 45 mL (2 to 3 Tbsp) of unsaturated oils and
fats (think canola and olive oil)
• A multivitamin that includes folic acid and iron
Do you meet the new
• choosing vegetables and fruit over juice,
• eating at least one dark green and one orange
vegetable each day,
• drinking plain water for thirst,
• eating fish at least two times per week and
• taking 10 μg (400 IU) of vitamin D each day if
you are over the age of 50.
Detailed lists of foods and the recommended
serving sizes can be found on the Health Canada
So, the next time you are navigating your way
through your local supermarket, restaurant menu,
or corner store try to stick to the basics of the food
guide. Also keep in mind … children don’t need
a ‘special menu’ of battered and fried foods in
friendly shapes. Go for a reduced potion of the
same food the family is enjoying.
Bon appetite!
Janine Woodrow, Registered Dietitian and
currently works with the Health Promotion
and Wellness Division, Government of
Newfoundland and Labrador. In January, 2009,
she defended her PhD within the Faculty of
Dietitians of
Canada offers
a tool to help
Canadians make
healthy eating
choices. The
recipe analyzer is a
unique interactive
on-line tool that
offers consumers
a quick and easy
way to assess the
nutritional value
of their favourite
recipes. To use the
tool, simply visit
the Dietitians of
Canada website:
ca/eatwell and
click on Recipe
What’s the Deal with Extra Protein?
Curtis Budden
Each year Canadians spend millions of dollars on protein supplementation in hopes that it will
have some effect on one’s physical fitness or overall health. Have you ever wondered if taking
extra protein will actually do all that it promises? There is no doubt that protein intake is essential
for physical health, however, how much protein is needed and does extra protein help with weight
loss or muscle building?
How much protein do we need?
The current recommendation for protein intake is 0.8 g/kg of body weight. Therefore a 150 lbs
person would require 54.5 g of protein each day.
Food Sources of
Amount consumed
Protein contained
1 cup
Milk and Alternatives
Cow’s Milk
175 g
250 ml
125 ml
125 ml
Meat and Alternatives
Source: Nutrient Value of Common Foods
7-9 g
30 g
75 g
24.5 g
75 g
19 g
1 egg
20 g
12 g
A well balanced diet according to Canada’s Food Guide for an adult female includes 2 servings
of Milk and Alternatives (such as 2 cups of milk) and 2 servings of Meat and Alternatives (75 g
of chicken and 125 ml of tuna). This would provide over 60 grams of protein, which is actually
more protein than the recommended amount. In fact, major nutritional organizations say that the
average Canadian consumes above and beyond what is needed. If this is the case, then a logical
question to ask is:
Why buy protein supplements in the first place?
The answer to this question is multifaceted and has been the quest of many
researchers around the world. Are there times when additional protein could
be useful? There is a wealth of information regarding the use of protein to
enhance both weight loss and muscle recovery.
A study conducted in the Netherlands showed that after a month long lowenergy diet, people who consumed 18% protein in their diet regained 50% less weight than did
those on a lower-protein diet (15% total energy) after 3 months. This increased protein was taken
in the form of a meal replacement, much like the ones pictured.
Interestingly, the people with a higher protein intake reported a greater feeling of ‘fullness’ and the
weight that they did regain was fat free mass.
A more long-term study in the US followed people on a high-protein diet for 12 months and compared
them to people with relatively lower protein intake (although it was within the acceptable Dietary
Reference Intake, DRI, for protein intake and was isocaloric with the other diet). After 4 months,
both groups of people lost the same amount of weight however, the group on the higher protein
diet actually lost more body fat. After 12 months a similar trend was seen. There was a greater
compliance to the high protein diet, which may also suggest a benefit for weight maintenance.
These studies examine protein use to promote weight changes but protein is also marketed as a
muscle-boosting tool used by men and women of all ages.
Protein consumption in excess of that normally in the diet is touted as being a necessity for muscle
building, but is this actually true?
A study conducted in Texas compared the effect of protein supplementation on strength and body
composition after 10 weeks of strength training. It was found that strength improved in all people,
even those consuming a carbohydrate placebo. Researchers noted however that a combination of
whey and casein protein promoted a higher increase in fat-free mass. Another study conducted in
Denmark found that protein supplementation before and after leg exercise resulted in an increase
in quadriceps muscle size. They also noted a significant functional change in people consuming
protein supplements versus those consuming a sugar control.
Currently, Dietitians of Canada states that protein intake greater than the RDA may be needed for
strength athletes (in the range of 1.2-1.7 g/kg of body weight). They also state however that since
protein supplementation has not been strongly shown to enhance performance, extra protein is
aimed at maximizing results for training and minimizing the rest needed post-workout.
Overall, increasing protein intake while still adhering to the acceptable macronutrient distribution
range (protein should account for 10-35% of total calories) may allow you to feel full for a longer
period of time and aid in losing more body fat than by cutting protein and replacing it with
carbohydrates. The recommendation for protein is 0.8g/kg body weight and may vary slightly if
you participate in regular endurance or strength training exercises. Protein, like the other nutrients
that constitute our diets is essential but it can be consumed in healthy quantities by eating foods
such as meats, poultry, lentils and nuts. If you are considering running off to the nearest GNC store
to buy a 5 lbs tub of protein powder stop and determine the amount of protein you are consuming
each day.
Bottom line: Chances are you are already meeting the RDA for protein and by eating a few more
nuts or having an extra glass of milk you will save your money and benefit from the extra nutrients
found in eating whole foods.
Curtis Budden is a first year medical student who has an honours degree in Biochemistry(Nutrition).
Active in sport, he has a strong interest in proper nutrition to enhance athletic performance
What is a
The titles
Dietitian”, and
“Dietitian” are
protected by law -through provincial
legislation -- so
that only qualified
who have met
qualifications can
use that title.
A dietitian is a
health professional
who has a
Bachelor’s degree,
in foods and
nutrition, as well
as a period of
practical training
in a hospital
or community
setting. Dietitians
are members
of a provincially
profession that has
Public Protection
as their mandate.
Dietitians are
held accountable
for their conduct
and the care they
Understanding the elusive Vegan
Janelle Taylor
In my short time as a vegan I have come across my fair share of blank and confused faces. In an
effort to clarify the mysterious ways of the vegan I have decided to share a sample of some of the
questions I get asked on a regular basis.
“Vegan? Is that the same as vegetarian?”
Actually they are quite different. While vegetarians refrain from eating the flesh of animals (this
may or may not include fish), vegan diets are free from all animal sources. No consumption of
meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, or eggs.
“How do you get your protein?”
Despite what the meat, egg, and milk industry might tell
you there are a multitude of sources that can provide
you with more than enough protein to sustain a healthy,
active lifestyle. Tofu (don’t grimace!) is a delicious,
easy, and inexpensive way to help obtain your protein
requirements and with so many ways to prepare it you’ll
find endless recipes to keep your meals interesting! Other
great protein rich foods essential to sustaining a healthy vegan diet include lentils, beans, nuts,
seeds, soy products, and whole grains. A study by the American Dietetic Association has shown
that meat based diets actually contain protein levels far beyond the daily requirements and are
consistently rising along with the prevalence of heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and osteoporosis.
Vegan sources of protein do not contain any of the saturated fat or cholesterol that animal products
do and thus supply your body with the necessary amount of protein without clogging arteries!
“Aren’t you worried about osteoporosis?”
“Nothing will benefit
human health and
increase the chances
for survival of life
on Earth as much
as the evolution to a
vegetarian diet.”
~ Albert Einstein
Milk industries have made a fortune pushing the “Got Milk?” commercials, scaring people to
death about bone health and osteoporosis, and Western society has been eating it up or gulping
it down to be more precise. With all this milk being consumed how is it that the prevalence of
osteoporosis is so high in Western milk loving countries while barely an issue in areas where
adults rarely, if ever, drink milk? There is serious debate about this issue and I am not going to
pretend to be an expert on it but think about it before reverting back to the imprinted “milk does
the body good!” response. High animal based protein diets have been shown to leach calcium
from the body, significantly depleting calcium stores, this can lead to decreased bone density and
osteoporosis. There are plenty of ways to get calcium without milk and without expensive dietary
supplements including soymilk, green vegetables such as broccoli, turnip greens, or kale, tofu,
nuts, seeds, beans, oats and grains.
“Your iron must be so low!”
This was a big concern for me when first making this transition since iron levels can be a problem
for many women vegan or otherwise. The main thing is to be vigilant about reading the nutrition
facts labels and ingredient lists (personally I think everyone should be doing this regardless of
lifestyle because it’s the only true way to know what you are actually eating!). Iron rich foods
do include red meat, fish, and poultry but they also include oatmeal, whole grain cereals, dark
green leafy vegetables, dried fruit, lentils, and beans.
Also it is important to note that iron absorption can
be significantly lower then the amount of iron in
food and that even if you are consuming adequate
amounts your body may not be absorbing enough.
Drinking tea or coffee too close to an iron rich
meal decreases iron absorption while eating
vitamin C rich foods directly before or with an
iron rich meal significantly increases absorption.
My iron is actually better now then it ever was
when I ate meat because I am more attentive to
what I put in my body. To keep my iron levels high
I eat things like oatmeal with fruit, chili with bell
peppers and tomatoes, or strawberries in a spinach
“But WHAT do you eat?”
I think people picture vegans living on nothing but salad and raw carrots, which technically would
be vegan friendly, but where’s the fun in that! I transitioned from eating meat to vegetarian to vegan
in very small baby steps but I never saw myself being able to handle cutting out all animal products
from my diet. When I ate meat I would say I could never be vegetarian because I couldn’t live without
chicken, once I became vegetarian I said I could never imagine being vegan-I could never give up
egg white omelets! The truth is I eat more exciting and delicious foods now then I ever did when I
ate meat. I have to put more thought and effort into my meals because I can’t fill half my plate with
meat anymore!
Supermarkets here in the metro area offer a fairly good selection of fake meats, cheese, milk, and
yogurt all made with cholesterol free soy and full of protein, calcium, iron and a ton of flavor! It takes
a bit of experimenting but once you find the brands you like it’s easy to make your favorite omnivore
dishes into vegan friendly delights! I have really learned to embrace my inner Martha and love for
cooking and I have no choice, as I am the only person in my house that does not eat meat. If do not
cook, I do not eat!
So to get back to the original question- what do I eat? For the most part any non-vegan dish can be
made vegan with some simple alterations. My favorite foods include sloppy joes, lasagna, quesadillas,
pizza, and chocolate pudding – all vegan friendly if made with the right ingredients- and all foods
that my carnivore friends have enjoyed in disbelief about the lack of meat, cheese, or cream included.
I hope that this article has helped explain some of the more confusing misconceptions about vegan
nutrition. Properly adhering to a vegan diet can do wonders for your health and well being, however I
highly encourage anyone considering making the switch to thoroughly research this subject in order
to avoid compromising their health. I realize this article is not going to make everyone stop eating
animal products and that was not my intention I assure you. I just wanted to open some people up to
the idea that vegan food is nothing to be afraid of and that it can be a healthy and delicious way of
Janelle Taylor has a Bachelors degree in Biochemistry from Memorial and is currently in her first
year of medical school. In addition to her passion for nutrition and health she is a sports and fitness
enthusiast and loves taking part in a wide range of physical activities.
Healthy Eating on the Run!
Lesley Burgess, RD, MSc
With a busy study and work schedule it can be easy to put
healthy eating on the back burner. Convenience foods are
readily available and often cheap. However, healthy eating may
be even more important for those with a hectic lifestyle to keep
energy levels up and the brain working at full capacity!
We have all heard about what foods are healthy such as
vegetables and fruit, whole grains, low fat milk products, lean
meats and plant-based protein sources (nuts, seeds and beans).
However when eating on the run, these choices are not always
available or the choices offered are prepared with tons of added
fat, sugar and salt.
The first key to making healthy eating a possibility is to have
healthy foods at your finger tips. Many people enjoy healthy
foods, but do not always think to eat them if they are not on
Stock up on the some healthy basics when you do find time to shop:
For great
healthy, time
saving recipes
and nutrition
information, why
not check out:
whole fruit or fruit cups packed in water or 100% juice
whole grain crackers or granola bars with little added sugar and fat
low fat yogurt
trail mix or mixed nuts
canned or bottled tomato based pasta sauces
frozen or canned vegetables
frozen or canned fruit
bagged salad greens
canned tuna or salmon
canned beans or lentils
lean meats, poultry and fish
In order to get the recommended servings of vegetables and fruit per day, you should include
vegetables and/or fruit at each meal and snack.
Vegetables and fruit are naturally low in fat, salt and added sugar and provide nutrients that will
help our body perform at its best.
When you don’t choose vegetables and fruits at meals and snacks what choices do you make?
Health 101
Did you know
that students at
MUN have free
on-line access to
the publication:
Student Health
101? And, what’s
more…. in every
issue there is a
chance to win
great prizes such
as an IPOD or
Spring Break Trips!
This month’s issue
has an article
about “cooking
healthy in college”
and one about
eating disorders.
Here is the link to
the issue:
Apples, popcorn and yogurt, which have fewer calories, and no fat will help keep your energy
levels up much more than the empty calories in chips, chocolate bars and candy offered in many
vending machines.
If you really can not find the time to pack a healthy lunch use the following tips when eating out:
a Steer away from deep fried foods
a Choose healthier side dishes such as salad
a Skip high fat dessert and go for fruit or yogurt
a Keep portion sizes under control. Order kid-sized meals or share with a friend!
a Ask for dressing, sauces and other condiments on the side. Just one tablespoon of mayonnaise
adds 100 calories and 11 grams of fat!
a Stick to water rather than fruit drinks, specialty coffees and soda. A 591 ml bottle of pop has
about 260 calories and more than 10 teaspoons of sugar!
Of course preparing your own meals and snacks gives you much more control over added fat,
sugar and salt, which often leads to healthier end product. When you do find the time to cook,
make double! Freeze stir-fries, casseroles, chili, soup and pastas. Then you will have a freezer
full of homemade microwave dinners rather than having to buy the highly processed convenience
dinners that are often loaded with salt! Cooking twice the chicken, ground turkey or lean beef you
need can leave you with extras for chicken salad, enchiladas, chili or spaghetti sauce the next day.
Hopefully you now realize that eating well on the run can be accomplished! It may take a little
prioritizing of time, but the results of looking and feeling your best and the increased mental and
physical energy are well worth it!
Student Health
101 (March 2009)
Click to see issue.
What’s Cooking?
Vietnamese Green Apple Salad
Carolyn Power
This recipe is based on a green papaya salad prevalent in the cuisines of Southeast Asia. Of course papaya is often unavailable here so the apple makes a
great substitution. This salad goes great with grilled
pork or chicken, especially if they have been marinated in lime juice
¼ cup rice vinegar
2 limes, juice & zest
¼ cup fish sauce*
1 clove garlic, smashed
1” piece of ginger, finely grated
1 tbsp brown sugar
1 tbsp chile paste
Combine all ingredients. Set aside.
* Fish sauce is a
seasoning like
soy sauce that
is used in Thai
and Vietnamese
cooking. It
is made from
anchovy extract
(mostly) and
water. It can
be found at The
Asian Variety
on Water St
and Magic Wok
grocery on
Duckworth. Some
brands have MSG
so it’s good to
read the label.
The chile paste
can also be found
2 Granny Smith Apples
1 red pepper
1 yellow or orange pepper
½ red onion
½ bunch cilantro, finely chopped
½ bunch mint, finely chopped
Julienne apples, peppers, onions and toss together with the dressing in a bowl. Add the chopped
fresh herbs. Salad can be served immediately, or be refrigerated, covered, for later use.
Carolyn Power is the chef and co-owner of the Epicurean
Restaurant on Cookstown Road in St. John’s. Carolyn’s passion
for cooking led her to a culinary school on Vancouver Island,
British Columbia, where she was exposed to a variety of cooking
styles. Her enthusiasm grew to new heights as she began to work
with local and often organic products to create spectacular
dishes. Then an opportunity to cultivate this enthusiasm in others
came when she began teaching Professional Cooking at college
in Nova Scotia. The Epicurean Kitchen is a combination of her
love of teaching and her desire to create using local ingredients,
offering a venue to share her culinary knowledge and enthusiasm with St. John’s. To learn more
about the Epicurean Kitchen visit the website at:
Upcoming Events
Memorial Community Wellness Fair (on MUN Campus)
Live well. Be active. Connect. Step into spring with the Memorial Community Wellness
Fair. Displays and activities will include: glucose and cholesterol testing, BMI height weight
measurement, meditation, foot care, nutrition and much more! Healthy refreshments will be
served and prizes can be won!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009, 10:00 am – 2:30 pm
Inco Innovation Centre, MUN
Laura Chapman, Worklife Programs Coordinator &
Kelly Neville, Wellness Coordinator/Counsellor
Price: Free!
Student Wellness Lunch and Learn: Bringing fitness into
your busy lifestyle
Facilitated by:
Tuesday, April 28, 2009, 12 noon
Theatre B, Faculty of Medicine
Carl George
Carl George is a strong supporter of preventative
medicine and a holistic approach to health and wellness.
He has been very successful in helping people reach
their personal wellness goals. In this session, Carl will
provide advice and tips on how to incorporate fitness
and wellness activities into busy lifestyles.
Lunch and Learn sessions are hosted by the Student
Wellness Committee in the Faculty of Medicine and are
open to all students in the Faculty.
Price: The Lunch and Learns are free to students in
the Faculty. Tickets must be picked up in the Office of
Student Affairs and are available on a first come, first
served basis. Tickets for this event must be picked up
by noon on Friday, April 24, 2009.
Students in
the Faculty
of Medicine
post graduate
and graduate)
are invited to
participate in a
30 day Wellness
Challenge. The
Challenge will
begin on Mnday,
April 13 and end
on Canada Health
Day, May 12.
There are prizes
to be won (thanks
to MedCareers
– Dr. June Harris
and Physician
Recruitment –
Scarlett Hann)!
The challenges
are simple and
fun. The primary
objective is to
motivate you to
think about and
enhance your
wellness. Details
about this event
will soon be
posted on the
Student Wellness
website. Stay
Special thanks to Lesley
Burgess, guest editor, and
the Nutrition Subcommittee
of the Student Wellness
Committee for preparing
this issue of the newsletter.
They have done a stellar job
putting together articles and
information with healthy
ideas for nutritious food to
fortify active lifestyles!
There will be no newsletter
published in April but we
are pleased to announce that the Wellness Committee will, once again, be sponsoring a Wellness
Challenge. Stay tuned for more information. We will also be hosting a Lunch & Learn with guest
speaker, Carl George. Carl comes highly recommended as an exceptional motivational speaker
on the topic of wellness.
We are already working on an exciting issue for May-June. The focus of this issue will be on
balancing professional and personal life. The Wellness Committee is actively seeking ideas for
articles and contributors for this issue. If you are a parent trying to juggle studies in medicine
with family life, have tips for keeping relationships alive during medical school or have some
other perspective on balancing professional and personal life, we would love to hear from you!
Drop by!
Michele Neary, Ph. D.
Student Wellness Consultant