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From Scrawny to Brawny: A
Hardgainer’s Revenge
By Derek Gray
From Scrawny to Brawny: A Hardgainer’s Revenge
From Scrawny to Brawny: A Hardgainer’s Revenge
Table of Contents
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 3
Chapter One: Laying Plans ................................................................................................... 4
Know Your Science........................................................................................................... 4
Have the right mindset..................................................................................................... 5
Chapter II: Diet and Dieting - Bitter Pill To Swallow ............................................................. 6
Set the Mark ..................................................................................................................... 6
To Eat More is To Lose Less ............................................................................................. 7
Know what type of food to Eat........................................................................................ 7
1. CARBOHYDRATES ..................................................................................................... 8
2. PROTEINS ................................................................................................................. 8
3. FATS .......................................................................................................................... 8
Back to Basics ................................................................................................................... 8
Chapter III: Building Muscles ---The Scrawny Route Out..................................................... 11
Working Out .................................................................................................................... 11
Start Light: ................................................................................................................... 12
Training Heavy: ............................................................................................................ 12
Focus on Multi-Jointed Lifts ........................................................................................ 12
Rest:............................................................................................................................. 13
Chapter IV: The Truth Is Out There ..................................................................................... 14
The Use of Supplements .................................................................................................14
Much ado about nothing.................................................................................................14
Exercise Bugs:.............................................................................................................. 14
Diet Bugs: .................................................................................................................... 15
Supplement Bugs: .......................................................................................................16
Eat, Drink and Be Merry! ..................................................................................................... 17
Chapter: From Scrawny to Brawny: A Hardgainer’s Revenge
Skinny Training 101 .......................................................................................................... 11
From Scrawny to Brawny: A Hardgainer’s Revenge
Have you ever wondered why Pop-eye had to eat spinach every time he was about to
face Brutus? Was this just a part of the cartoon or a humorous mockery of how men
project themselves? Every time Pop-eye had to battle it out with the bigger guy, he
always had to pop a can of spinach and he was sure to score victory while impressing the
girl. That does not sound so cartoonish now, does it?
Fast forward to the present century, no more Pop-eyes, no more spinach but still, the
desire to possess both prestige and girl exists. Not that it translates to anything immoral
or negative; it is just a basic human need. Just like food, work or shelter, we want respect
from others and admiration too. Understanding why men (or women) want bulkier
bodies is as easy as learning ABC.
Skinny guys tend to have less than most men have. In school, bullies are usually heavier
kids and later on in life, jocks would rule universities. Seldom, do you see a skinny guy
getting the goods and ladies in one. This must be what Rod Stewart had in mind when he
sang Some Guys have all the Luck -- because they just do.
If the guys in the movie 300 had less toned bodies, would it have worked better? Would
it have appeared more believable and glorious? The effect would not have been the
same surely. The fact is better bodies appeal to everyone. In this case, less skinny and
more toned body gets more points. If a cartoon character wanted it, then why should
real men want less? Unlike the cartoon though, the deal does not get sealed by just a can
of spinach. Poof! The similarities end here.
A lot has been said on muscle building; many have come out with different workouts or
claimed to have formulated the perfect diet. Some of them may be true and some may
actually be just a way to get noticed but no matter the power still lies within you. The
road has been paved and muscle building has spread like wildfire, now it has caught on
you. Take advantage of what is already out there and make it count for you.
Chapter: Introduction
Let this book guide you out from that scrawny look and help begin with the
From Scrawny to Brawny: A Hardgainer’s Revenge
Chapter One: Laying Plans
Know Your Science
The human body despite having the same anatomical features performs differently for
each individual. To each his own, so to speak. Having the correct understanding of how
the body works is elementary but knowing how your body meets your specific needs is
crucial to the entire process of gaining weight or building muscles.
This has been a common mistake for everyone who hoped to build muscles. Misguided
information or in-style programs opened the horizon to mistaken directions. It is like
having a goal and an assumption at the same time. You are assuming that religious gym
workouts will lead you directly to the path of owning the beefed up body you have
always wanted. Better get a lifetime membership or you will never get to see that
coming. There is a difference between you and the other guy and it is not what you think
it is.
Generally, there are three types classifying the human body. These are the endomorphs,
mesomorphs and ectomorphs. Endomorphs are usually men with larger body types;
ectomorphs are the naturally skinny people while mesomorphs have the body type
between the two.
Skinny people have a fast metabolism and thus have the difficulty of gaining weight
despite all efforts. This basically means that in order for you to finally start packing on
those muscles, you must change the way you eat, right? Yes and no.
Yes because it is true. To build muscles is to eat and as a skinny, you must eat more. But
no because how would you know how much you need to gain if you go on in straight and
eat? Know your territory and you will increase your chances of success by a wide margin.
What you see may not be what you are getting.
After you have taken a bath, do you, like many other guys, stare at the mirror and do
some pose? Do you flex your left arm and kiss those bulging muscles? Do not worry, this
Chapter: Chapter One: Laying Plans
Ectomorphs, or the naturally skinny dudes do not have an easy time gaining weight. In
bodybuilding, people who fall under the category are coined as “hardgainers”. These
types of people characteristically have a high metabolism, which burns up calories very
quickly. Owning a high metabolic rate simply means that the food breakdown in your
body happens quicker than the average person. The food you eat gets broken down so
fast before your body has the time to store some energy for repair and muscle building.
From Scrawny to Brawny: A Hardgainer’s Revenge
actually looks cute for a lot of women and so once in a while, make sure your woman is
looking. But seriously, people look at their own bodies to see what needs improvement
and this is good. Noticing is an advantage and it results to action.
As the old adage goes, a journey begins with a single step. In this case, it begins with you.
What is it that you want changed or to put it in a better context, what is it that you want
enhanced? Start with the “right” foot and balance on the weighing scale. Being skinny
may not always translate to a person being underweight. It is imperative to know your
weight classification before you claim to want to gain weight or even build muscles.
The body mass index will calculate your body’s fat percentage using your height and
weight to measure. In general, a BMI of 20-25 is considered ideal. Other sources would
note that a BMI of 18 is already considered underweight. However, It is important to
remember however that BMI serves only as a guide and consulting the doctor about
weight issues is still considered the best idea.
Have the right mindset
Many have succeeded in claiming victory with the battle against scrawniness. Each
person defined by the intensity by which they have trained. Some advocate a five-day
program while others go at it for years. In such cases, skinny people who are
contemplating on gaining weight must focus on the why rather than the how. The
readiness to start on packing some muscles is not gauged by how much one is willing to
spend or the anticipation to the physical change that will happen.
There are many external factors that may lead one to decide to gain muscle and leave
the skinny look behind. Or there may just be the very reasons why it is important to
change an image. Nevertheless, one has to remember that it is not the people out there
who will soon wear on the new image, it is not them who will sweat it out in the gym or
stop eating junk foods, it will be you and it will be your own body that will change. The
path to building muscle is not just to be better physically, but also to be confident with
being you.
Chapter: Chapter One: Laying Plans
What sets an individual apart in the completion of the goal is the tick that urges them to
go through the process. The motivation behind the idea of wanting change is the best
factor to propel a “hardgainer” to a better physique. Understanding that the road may
have been walked on by other skinnies is just the bait. The only and real prerequisite to
owning a better body is through self-motivation.
From Scrawny to Brawny: A Hardgainer’s Revenge
Chapter II: Diet and Dieting - Bitter Pill To
Packing on the muscle and gaining weight is distinct and unique for every person. Even if
the idea may have come from a magazine, a TV show or from wanting to impress a girl,
no matter it has served its purpose and has propelled you to carve your way into owning
a better self. Nonetheless, the work is yet to be done.
The first place to start with helping you gain weight is to understand the way you eat.
Unfortunately, when the words diet or dieting comes to mind, lacking or deprived is sure
to follow. So do not jump ship just yet as each individual has a distinctive path to follow.
You just may be in for a treat!
Eating is all about sustenance but knowing what to buy more and eat less is another
thing. A balanced diet will provide nutrients for energy and muscle growth while exercise
will boost muscle development.
Set the Mark
“ My current weight is ( ) and my recommended weight is ( ).”
Get the difference and you now have yourself your Target Weight. It is essential to know
and have this number in mind before going on a diet or training.
II. Count your Calories
Sadly, it is not enough to understand that skinnies need to keep in more calories than
ever before. You have to keep tabs on the calories that you eat. This will not only make
you hate working out but it will also make things easier as well.
Not all calories are the same. Some calorie-giving foods do not provide you with the
same calorie that is needed to pack on the decent muscle gain. Some foods have calories
packed in them that are useless to muscle build up. It is imperative to know the
difference between these.
BTW, What is a calorie? Daily Caloric Intake? Caloric Density?
Chapter: Chapter II: Diet and Dieting - Bitter Pill To Swallow
Before altering your diet, first choose a target weight. Fill in the blanks:
From Scrawny to Brawny: A Hardgainer’s Revenge
A calorie measures the energy in food and beverages we take in. A calorie is needed to
exist. Everything depends on the energy that comes in the form of calories. The food we
eat becomes the fuel that runs our bodies.
The amount of calorie people need is specific per individual. Factors that daily caloric
intake depends on are age, height, weight, daily activity and body type. Once you know
the number of calories you need to maintain your weight you can easily calculate the
number of calories you need in order to gain weight. For optimum health, if you increase
your calories to gain weight then gradually increase your level of physical exercise in
order to maintain or increase your lean body mass.
Caloric Density is defined as the amount of energy provided per unit measure of food.
Calorie dense foods, such as fat and refined sugars, provide many calories in a small
amount of food. Foods with low calorie density -- fruits, vegetables -- provide fewer total
calories and greater nutrition in a larger volume of food.
To Eat More is To Lose Less
Eating must be done in the right manner too. It is not enough to know that an
underweight has the liberty to eat as many as he can to gain weight. You are at liberty to
eat more but it does not say that you have to eat like a pig. The keyword to all of this
muscle building and gaining weight is healthy. Eat your way to a healthy and bulkier new
Add two or three more meals to the standard three meals a day program. Or better yet,
munch on food every two or three hours to keep your body full of the much-needed
nutrients needed to turn it into a lean and mean new you!
Know what type of food to Eat
You know calories, metabolism and BMI’s but do you know what nutrients you need to
pack on the weight? The matter of diet or the food that you will be eating while on the
way to being a brawn cannot be second-guessed. Diet is essential to any body conscious
person or to any healthy person for that matter. This is no trending topic and cannot be
considered lightly when weight is the subject.
Chapter: Chapter II: Diet and Dieting - Bitter Pill To Swallow
Because skinny or underweight people have a high metabolic rate, it is advised to
increase on the frequency of meals. To put it bluntly, you have to eat like you have never
eaten before. Eat more to lose less calories that your type of body metabolizes. To gain
mass, you should eat around 18-20 times your bodyweight in calories. The surplus in
calories will be used to create new muscles and repair body tissues in the process of
gaining weight.
From Scrawny to Brawny: A Hardgainer’s Revenge
The primary nutrients to build muscle are carbohydrates, fats and high protein foods. It
will be helpful to know the details and so read on.
They are the most important source of energy for your body. But many people stay away
from carbohydrates when gaining weight or staying fit. The fact is, carbohydrates play a
huge rule in building muscle and eliminating them from your diet may impede a good
work out plan. As the main source of energy, carbohydrates spare the breakdown of
protein. If the body has no more supply of carbohydrates in the body, it will then utilize
other sources of energy like protein --- which should have been saved for muscle build up.
Complex carbohydrates are the best as they are slow releasing. Simple carbohydrates
like fruit juices, energy drinks should be restricted to around workouts period as they
provide immediately useable energy which if not used will be stored as fat.
Some of the best complex carbohydrates are: Bread, Brown rice, oatmeal, Bagel, Pasta,
Cereals, Potatoes, beans, Quinoa and green leafy vegetables.
Protein is made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of muscle. Athletes may
require quite a bit more than this to support muscle repair, increased growth and to
protect against the general hardships of vigorous training and competing.
Fats are responsible for keeping the hormone producing glands in your body active
including testosterone, which is the most famous one for muscle building.
The benefits of using fats in your diet to gain weight is far and wide, from boosting
natural hormone levels such as testosterone, to transporting vitamins throughout your
body, to even helping with the digestion of protein.
Fats are essential to muscle building BUT must be taken in moderation are: Saturated
Fats, Essential Fatty Acids and Monounsaturated Fats.
Back to Basics
After knowing the general type of food needed for gaining weight and muscle building,
digging for the specifics should not hurt. To properly gain weight, one has to step up the
level of food intake. But which food group should be eaten the most from, and what
food should one eat the most? These are just some of the questions a skinny is left to
Chapter: Chapter II: Diet and Dieting - Bitter Pill To Swallow
The best sources for protein are: meat, fish, chicken, beans, milk, in soy products like tofu
and in lesser amounts in nuts and grains.
From Scrawny to Brawny: A Hardgainer’s Revenge
answer. Knowing all the nitty-gritties may have just crowded the table and messed up
your diet all the more. Fear Not!
The best way to start with the diet change is to set all realistic goals and make realistic
targets to gain which is easy to achieve.
Eat more and eat more frequently.
Another way to gaining weight and forcing down all that food less of a chore is to choose
foods with a higher calorie density. Higher Caloric Density Foods of Calorie-Dense Foods
are the type of food that provides many calories in a small amount of food. By consuming
them, you can get more calories in the same amount of food.
Nuts and oil seeds are in general loaded with healthy calories, so you can include nuts like
almonds, walnuts, pistachio nuts cashew nuts, groundnuts, sesame seeds, poppy seeds
or any other nuts or oilseeds according to your choice. Dried fruits are also excellent
choice or can be good fillers in between meals these include - seedless black dates, dried
figs, raisins and apricots. You can choose a dry fruit milkshake like cashew and fig
milkshake is very palatable.
Sesame Butter (Tahini)
Whole Wheat Crackers
Whole Wheat Bread
Dried Apricots
Coconut Milk
Brown Rice
Oatmeal (Oats)
Grape Juice, Pineapple Juice, Apple Juice, Orange Juice (100%)
Say NO to junk foods, processed and excess oily foods. These foods will be very
attractive way to gain weight but once you develop any wrong eating habits then it will
be difficult to get away with. Also include protein and fats to help you gain weight. Any
food that has high amount of carbohydrates and protein qualifies as best muscle building
Chapter: Chapter II: Diet and Dieting - Bitter Pill To Swallow
Below is a sample of High Caloric Density Foods Ideal for Weight Gainers:
From Scrawny to Brawny: A Hardgainer’s Revenge
Owning the proper dietary habit is very important in a weight gain program. Disciplining
yourself to stick with your diet is a crucial part of itching yourself out of the skinny suit
you are in today.
The Agents of Change: The foods that matter to gain weight.
Simple carbohydrates such as fruit have higher calorie densities than vegetables because
simple carbs are more concentrated and have less fiber. Fruit juice is even more
concentrated than the fruit itself. Complex carbohydrates (starches) such as whole
grains, pasta, cereals, beans, yams, potatoes and rice also have higher calorie densities
than fibrous carbs.
The best proteins for gaining muscle are the lean ones like chicken, lean beef, egg whites,
turkey and fish. Lean cuts of red meat like round or flank steak are excellent for gaining
weight. Avoid fatty cuts of beef, as well as pork, sausage, bacon and whole milk products
because they contain large amounts of artery-clogging, unhealthy saturated fat. Fat can
also have a major impact on the calorie content of foods. Any food that has a lot of fat in
it will have a high calorie density.
Chapter: Chapter II: Diet and Dieting - Bitter Pill To Swallow
With the proper attitude, approach and craving, you are now ready to start gaining
weight the leaner way. Combine with appropriate work out and things will work out fine.
From Scrawny to Brawny: A Hardgainer’s Revenge
Chapter III: Building Muscles ---The Scrawny
Route Out
If spa is to women then the gym is to guys. There is absolutely no guy who does not want
to hit the gym anytime and anywhere. The gym is definitely a guys’ spa – sweating,
crunching and coming off it feeling all refreshed and relaxed. Now, does this sound a lot
like the three-letter word? Hmm, this must be the reason why men love going to the gym.
But kidding aside, guys do good deeds while in the gym which converts to their over-all
manliness. The sweaty odor and sight of other guys’ bodybuilding must be a kicker to
many. The control to manipulate their own body and desire to look and feel good,
though, is what many would say that brings them to the gym. Nothing beats a good work
out, some would even say.
To maximize a workout program, it must be well adjusted to the build of the trainee.
Adapting to a regimen that has been popularized is not the right thing to do at all.
Wanting the same result seen from another man’s body is normal but doing it exactly in a
similar manner may just ruin the whole idea of your own transformation.
Working Out
Underweight, Skinny or “hardgainers” must start on a routine unlike any other.
Remember that it should not be enough to just increase pounds or put on some muscles.
Gaining weight the wrong way can lead to obesity and muscle bulge in the wrong places
that eternally distort your proportion. Mismanaged diet and gym hours are just some of
the many funny ways that can forever leave you in the spotlight.
The leeway to eat more has been given to the guy with high metabolic rate – that extra
intake will definitely gain you some weight. But alas, that is just the beginning. The
second and more important obstacle is to challenge your body with training to help that
extra calorie grow muscle in the right place.
Skinny Training 101
The other guys at the gym have their own regimen to follow. Do not create a disaster of
yourself by following his workout and not sticking to yours. It is not that you do not want
bigger muscles but want bigger muscles that are proportionate to your size. Never
Chapter: Chapter III: Building Muscles ---The Scrawny Route Out
Working out, in the gym or at home, is different for everybody. Much like the progress to
building muscles is unlike that of someone trying to cut some pounds. To achieve the
desired physical outcome specific workouts or routines must be followed. Skinny or not
skinny, building muscles the right way is crucial to looking good all over.
From Scrawny to Brawny: A Hardgainer’s Revenge
forget the science of body types and metabolic rates, he may just ruin your six day fast
forward routine if you keep looking the other way.
For starters, naturally thinner people have different responses to training than most
people and cannot recover at the same rate. This means that there is a chance that you
might not be able to tolerate the muscle building routines that those with bigger bodies
can endure. Do not rush your fitness regimen. As a beginner, it is best to start out slow
first to stimulate muscle growth without “shocking” your body.
Start Light:
Strength Training is an essential component of exercise programs for increasing
muscular strength, muscular endurance and muscle size. However, when just starting a
workout routine, the focus should be on form and intensity, not the amount of weight
you can lift. I.E. when you start out, you should not be trying to keep up with the guy
bench pressing 315 pounds for 10 reps.
Training Heavy:
First and foremost, you must make sure you have correct form for your lifts, and that you
are working the targeted muscle groups. Because of this you will need to start out
lighter, as I previously stated, so you can avoid injury. Second, once you have somewhat
mastered the form required for the core lifts, you will need to find a weight that you can
actually do for the required amount of sets. I would recommend sets between 8-10 reps
one week and 4-6 reps the very next week. These two weeks with varying repetitions
constitute a cycle. The goal is to continually increase the weight you’re lifting every cycle
by at least 10 pounds, depending on the lift. It will be very important that you chart the
weight, so you’ll know how much weight you’ll need to lift on subsequent weeks.
Again, the term lifting heavy is very relative. Just keep a slow and steady approach of
ever-increasing weight and proper form and you will get stronger and bigger.
Focus on Multi-Jointed Lifts
Multi-jointed exercises are those that stimulate the most amounts of muscle fibers. For
those needing to gain weight, this is ideal because these lifts put your body under the
most amount of stress. This is the stress that will shock your nervous system and cause
the greatest release of muscle building hormones. This results in increased muscle gain
all over the body.
Chapter: Chapter III: Building Muscles ---The Scrawny Route Out
The term lifting heavy is a very subjective one. Technically your muscles have no idea
how much you have on the bar. The thing about working out is that if you stress the
muscles then they will grow. (motto: If you stress it, it will grow) Many newbies believe
they have to lift as much weight as humanly possible, whenever they hit the gym. This is
totally wrong.
From Scrawny to Brawny: A Hardgainer’s Revenge
Examples of Multi-Jointed Lifts:
Power Cleans & Hang Cleans
Bent Over Rows
Military Press
More training does not equal more muscle growth. Understand that the purpose of
weight training is to stimulate muscle growth. Once that has been done, the muscle
needs to be repaired and new muscle needs to be built.
Chapter: Chapter III: Building Muscles ---The Scrawny Route Out
“You do not build muscle in the gym, you build muscle when resting!”
From Scrawny to Brawny: A Hardgainer’s Revenge
Chapter IV: The Truth Is Out There
The publicity in the world of fitness is voluminous – no wonder many get lost while
training. Opening a magazine or listening to a gym-buddy can likewise lead you further
down the rabbit hole. Needless to say, you have reached this far and have gathered
enough information to stand your ground. Additional material cannot be that bad, right?
The Use of Supplements
The dictionary conveniently defines supplement as something added to complete a
thing, make up for a deficiency, or extend or strengthen the whole. The most common
users of supplements are athletes and bodybuilders. Supplements commonly used
include vitamins, minerals, protein, creatine, and various ‘‘ergogenic’’ compounds.
But just as the word suggests, supplements only exist to supplement something else, a
good diet, or a good training program perhaps. There is probably nothing wrong with
using supplements just as long as there is full understanding of their potential risks and
benefits. It has been proven that the use of supplements does not compensate for poor
food choices. Where a nutrient deficiency is demonstrated, supplements may provide a
short-term solution until a dietary solution can be identified and implemented.
Much ado about nothing
Myths can do two things – scare you to continue on or make you stick with it providing
no benefit at all. But there surely won’t be any harm knowing what these are. It really is
difficult to determine whether or not claims made by diet and fitness people are true or
false. This type of hype is found elsewhere, but fitness and diet products have it really
Exercise Bugs:
The more that you workout, the larger and better your gains
Chapter: Chapter IV: The Truth Is Out There
Much hype has surrounded the use of supplements over the years as athletes have
continuously been charged with doping allegations. Noteworthy these are athletes with
a complete set of medical people monitoring their routines, diets and training. Despite
these, many still get in trouble even the point of being stripped of their achievements. To
serve as a precaution, different sports organizations have developed policies on sports
supplements. Being a beginner to all of this, it is best to begin your journey with the right
diet and proper training before deciding to use supplements in your regimen.
From Scrawny to Brawny: A Hardgainer’s Revenge
This is a commonplace mistake beginners generally make. Training only 3-4 days each
week for an hour or so each session has been proved to be effective for the majority of
those wanting to build muscle.
If you take a week off you will lose most of your gains
Taking one or two weeks off occasionally will not harm your training. By taking this time
off every eight to ten weeks in between strength training cycles it has the habit of
refreshing you and to heal those small niggling injuries.
No pain no gain
This is one myth that hangs on and on. Pain is your body signaling that something is
wrong. If you feel real pain during a workout, stop your workout and rest. To develop
muscle and increase endurance you may need to have a slight level of discomfort, but
that's not actual pain.
You need to work out for at least 30 minutes - otherwise, it’s not even worth doing.
There have been studies showing that splitting workout sessions into smaller chunks (1020 minutes each) provides similar benefits to one extended workout and in some cases
actually increases the number of calories burned.
But successful natural muscle building is a balance. It demands adequate rest time
between sets so as to bypass the cardio building capacity of muscle tissue. With a
demand for a bit more rest time between sets and a decent number of exercises for wellrounded development, workouts often need to be more than one hour.
Muscles grow from “overload” followed by adequate recuperation. In fact, if you simply
have a long series of successful workouts partnered with irregular successful
recuperations, your muscles will get bigger – period!
Diet Bugs:
By working out you can eat what ever you want to
Working out does not give you an open license to consume as many calories as you want.
Although you will burn more calories if you workout than someone who doesn't, you still
need to balance your energy intake with you energy expenditure.
By eating more protein I can build bigger muscles
Completely untrue! Traditional nutrition theory states that the body can only metabolize
an exact amount of protein per hour and that excessive daily intake can cause weight
Chapter: Chapter IV: The Truth Is Out There
Keep changing up your routine so you can “shock” your muscles
From Scrawny to Brawny: A Hardgainer’s Revenge
gain, kidney problems, osteoporosis, or diarrhea. Taking an overdose of protein can even
lead to a loss of appetite.
Drink your protein powder within thirty minutes of finishing workout taking more
advantage of the “window of opportunity”
The notion is that muscle recovery can begin faster – and thus be more efficient. But
there is no evidence whatsoever to support the notion that a “window of opportunity”
in which nutrient uptake is maximized exists immediately concluding a workout.
Supplement Bugs:
Taking steroids will make me huge
Not true, strength training and correct nutrition will grow muscle. Taking steroids
without training will not make you muscular. Most steroids allow faster muscle growth
through greater recovery, while others help increase strength, which allows for greater
stress to be put onto a muscle. Without food to build the muscle or training to stimulate
it nothing will happen. Most of the weight gain seen with the use of some steroids is due
to water retention and is not actual muscle.
Steroids build muscle without working out
Chapter: Chapter IV: The Truth Is Out There
There is no miracle pill or drug that you can take to change your body composition
overnight (or in a few weeks for that matter). If you aren’t satisfied with yourself and
want to make a change, the ONLY way is to work at it. You must keep a healthy lifestyle.
From Scrawny to Brawny: A Hardgainer’s Revenge
Eat, Drink and Be Merry!
The science has been uncovered, the food has been revealed and the routine unveiled.
The power is now within grasp to see changes. Let no amount of dieting or strength
training take you away from what you really want. To be comfortable with who you are.
And that may just probably be the best trick that you have got your sleeve.
The road is definitely not easy but it sure is an exciting one. With the right mindset, no
amount of dieting or strength training can take you farther from your goal. Allow the
information in this book to guide you and beat down all the challenges up ahead. Never
forgetting that in the long run, your body will be better to look at in the mirror.
Focus on the essentials and do not be afraid to acquire new knowledge on how to step
up your game. The world is filled with the many innovations of science and has become
an ever-changing society, do not allow yourself to get lost and always maintain your
focus. Your desire to build muscle and gain a healthy weight will surely pave the way to a
better future.
Here’s to the new Muscular You,
Derek Gray
Chapter: Eat, Drink and Be Merry!