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& Cravings
By Diana Walker
Candida & Cravings – Copyright 2009
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Diana Walker, Cravings Coach
Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents................................................................................................................2
Do I Have Candida?.............................................................................................................3
What Causes Candidiasis?...................................................................................................5
Diagnosing A Candida Overgrowth.....................................................................................6
Healing Your Body..............................................................................................................8
Candida Solutions: What Foods Can I Eat?.......................................................................12
…What You Can Do About it...........................................................................................13
Foods That Are Your Enemy.............................................................................................13
Candida Diet-Friendly Foods.............................................................................................15
Candida Diets At Mealtimes..............................................................................................16
Are There Other Solutions Besides The Food Diet?.........................................................17
Health Food Options To Discourage Yeast Growth..........................................................18
What About Topical Solutions For Skin Type Problems..................................................20
Ending Thoughts................................................................................................................21
Seven Changes In Your Diet To Reduce Candida Overgrowth........................................22
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Diana Walker, Cravings Coach
Do I Have Candida?
Candidiasis, commonly called yeast infection or thrush, is a fungal
infection of any of the Candida species, Candida albicans is the most
common. Candidiasis thereby encompasses infections that range
from superficial, such as oral thrush and vaginitis, to systemic and
potentially life-threatening diseases.
There area many symptoms related to Candida and it is hard to
determine. It is not the norm for mainstream doctors to look at this
condition as a possible diagnosis. Many people who suffer from
Candida often go from doctor to doctor for years with no answer other
then that that are perhaps a hypochondriac or that the problem is
stress or another mental issue.
Although candida albicans is normally harmless yeast that is present
in all our bodies, it becomes a problem when several factors
(especially overuse of antibiotics) in our lifestyle cause it to grow in
great numbers and it overtakes all the other healthy microorganisms.
Once it begins to grow beyond the normal rate it should, it emits over
70 different toxins into the body, wreaking havoc in many ways and
become the ally to many common difficulties, conditions, syndromes,
and diseases that plague our society today.
Some of the most common symptoms are vaginal infections, severe
PMS, body rashes, acne, athlete’s feet and urinary track infection.
You may also develop allergies to food, dust, molds, fungus, yeast,
inhalants, and chemicals.
If you are on antibiotics and have been for some time, you may want
to have your doctor check for candida. Other indications are repeated
bouts of bronchitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, and strep or staph infections.
Extreme fatigue, headaches, muscle aches, joint pains. Psoriasis,
infections of the nails and arthritis are also indications but may not be
a result of Candida. Your brain is highly affected by Candida and you
may find that you have memory loss, serious forgetfulness, problems
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reading and many other mental conditions that may lead you to have
hopeless crying spells, severe depression, and sleep disorders.
There is no need to panic if you have a few of the symptoms, as they
can be related to a number of issues. Go down the list, do some
research, pay attention to your body, and mark down your symptoms
daily. Don’t ignore what may very well be a potential health risk. Keep
a calendar for a couple of weeks to a month and watch for signs that
you ma have candida. Look for any changes in your body that were
not there before. Keep the list near you and just take note.
If you are suspicious that you may have candida, then get to a doctor
as soon as you can and let them know you want to be tested for the
illness. Don’t allow them to bully you into thinking otherwise.
Remember it is you who pays their bills not the other way around. If
you are comfortable with it, seek a natural health professional
because they are more apt to take your symptoms serious and look
for problems like candida. So take control of your health and get
answers to your symptoms.
If you've been feeling more tired than normal, are experiencing lots of
sugar cravings and having some problems with concentration then
you may have a Candida overgrowth. Candida occurs naturally in
your digestive system. But due to several different factors it can grow
out of control.
Conventional medicine is just now coming to realize the impact that a
Candida overgrowth can have on a person’s life. Although the
condition used to be associated with advanced immune system
disorders, it’s now becoming apparent that Candida overgrowth
affects a lot of different people.
In this special report, you’ll learn what causes Candida overgrowth,
how to tell if you’ve got an overgrowth and what you can do to cure it.
With time, dedication and the knowledge from this report, you’ll be
able to put a stop to your symptoms and restore your health.
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Diana Walker, Cravings Coach
What Causes Candidiasis?
Candida albicans is a very common form of yeast that is normally
kept under control in your body. It is part of your digestive system and
it helps break down the food that you eat when it’s kept in check.
Friendly bacteria in your gut, acidophilus and bifidus, keep it from
becoming overgrown. They all three work together to regulate your
system and to keep you healthy.
Candida is actually a type of parasite, as all
digestive yeasts are. It feeds off the waste in your
digestive system. Normally, it’s helpful but the only
problem is that it's very opportunistic. As long as
acidophilus and bifidus are present, Candida is kept
under control. If you've got a weakened immune
system or anything else that compromises the
balance in your body, it mutates into a fungus and
spreads like wildfire.
As Candida spreads through your intestinal tract it causes bloating,
gas, food reactions, allergies and bowel problems. The symptoms of
candida are widespread and it can affect many different aspects of
your life. Some of the major symptoms include:
Digestive System
-abdominal gas
-sore throat
-acid reflux
-cravings for sweets
and alcohol
Skin and Body:
-rectal itching
-athlete’s foot
Mood and Mental
-mood swings
-poor memory
-learning difficulties
Some other symptoms include the inability to think clearly, loss of
energy, poor memory and sensitivity to fragrances.
The reason that Candida symptoms seem to be so widespread is that
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the Candida overgrowth can affect many different parts of your body.
As the Candida organisms proliferate they produce over 75 different
toxins that affect your body. It literally poisons your body with
chemicals. The different reactions results from each individual's
sensitivity to the different chemicals. In some cases a person can
even become allergic to Candida itself which causes a string of
allergic reactions to foods that contain yeast or high levels of sugar.
Candida overgrowth slips through the cracks of conventional
medicine because two different people may have two entirely
different sets of seemingly unrelated symptoms. For some people
Candida overgrowth is limited to persistent vaginal yeast infections.
Others experience the skin and mental health symptoms more
prominently. It's only when a health care provider or sufferer looks at
their many different symptoms through the lens of Candida that things
start to make sense.
Diagnosing A Candida
There is no simple test for Candida. Because of the lack of a clear
answer when it comes to diagnosis, many sufferers go through
months if not years of wondering whether or not their symptoms are
the cause of an overgrowth.
If you've ever been told that you're overreacting by a doctor to some
of your symptoms or if you've ever felt like you're crazy for thinking
that everything you're experiencing is connected, you're not alone.
Many Candida overgrowth sufferers have experienced this too. You're
not overreacting and you're not crazy if you have several of the
symptoms listed on the previous page.
Just because conventional medicine hasn't yet fully embraced this
diagnosis doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. By doing some selfdiagnosis you'll be able to determine if your symptoms are related to
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Candida overgrowth. If they are, you can start following the protocol
recommended in the last portion of this report.
The biggest factor in determining whether or not you have a Candida
overgrowth is to look at your lifestyle over the last several years.
There are many things that actively reduce the amount of good
bacteria in your digestive system. As you learned earlier, it’s the good
bacterium that keeps Candida in check. If you’ve had a lot of
experiences, lifestyle choices or treatments that put these bacterium
at risk and you are likely candidate for Candida overgrowth.
For example, if you've taken a lot of antibiotics in your lifetime your
good bacteria levels are not where they should be. Each time you
take a round of antibiotics, you kill off the bad bacteria as well as the
good. This disruption of balance in your digestive system makes way
for Candida to mutate and take over.
Additionally, hormone imbalances will also make you prone to
overgrowth especially in women. Birth control pills and pregnancies
all increase the likelihood of a Candida overgrowth. If you've been on
birth control for a long time or have had two or more children your
symptoms are probably Candida related.
Diet and stress levels also play a part in Candida overgrowth. The
things that you eat have an impact on the environment in your
digestive system. Poor choices and diet can weaken your immune
system and make your digestive tract a breeding ground for Candida.
Junk food, fast food and sugary foods are the main culprits when it
comes to Candida overgrowth.
If you regularly drink alcohol and vegetables are foreign to you,
you've created an imbalance in your body that allows Candida to
grow freely.
Anything that weakens the immune system allows for Candida
overgrowth and stress is no different. If you never get enough sleep,
work at a high stress job or just live your life very anxiously, your
immune system is suffering.
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Diana Walker, Cravings Coach
If you think you may have a Candida overgrowth, take a survey of the
symptoms listed on the second page and the conditions that create
overgrowth. A lot of symptoms combined with a lot of risk factors
mean that you should proceed with changing your diet and lifestyle so
that you can read yourself of Candida overgrowth.
Healing Your Body
Overcoming Candida and restoring your health is a four step process.
First, you need to eliminate foods that are feeding the Candida and
repair your diet. Next you need to build up your immune system. You
also need to add some natural remedies that will kill off the yeast
overgrowth and finally you need to restore good bacteria into your
digestive system.
Before I get into the specifics of the program, I want to emphasize
that overcoming Candida is a long yet rewarding road. In our Western
culture, we've come to expect quick fixes for everything. We want
instant results and we don't want to spend too much time worrying
about how to get them. This attitude when dealing with Candida will
make things worse in the long run.
You've got to commit yourself to following through with this Candida
program. You are going to have cravings for sweets and alcohol. It
may take several months for you to completely rid yourself of
overgrowth, but I promise if you start working now at it you'll feel
better very shortly.
This condition is a result of poor choices and it's going to take a little
bit of time to reverse those habits and instil new, more healthy ones.
At first, your symptoms may get a little worse. This is called the die off
reaction and is a result of the overgrown Candida trying to survive.
Just push through this period of time and you'll be glad that you did.
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Diana Walker, Cravings Coach
Step One: Fix Your Diet
For the vast majority of people, problems with Candida start with the
diet. The average Western diet contains far too much sugar and
carbohydrates than the body needs. And wouldn't you know, Candida
loves sugar and carbohydrates! Before you think that your antiCandida program is another one of those low-carb diets, be rest
assured that there are plenty of foods that you can eat that won’t feed
Eliminate sugar in all forms, including honey and other natural
sugars. Candida yeast thrives on sugar and if you eliminate its food
source it will start to die off. This means you need to say goodbye to
sugary treats, desserts and sugar in your coffee. For the first part of
your healing journey, it's also a good idea to limit or eliminate fruit.
Although fruit is generally very healthy, it contains sugars that
Candida likes to feed on. You can introduce it in limited amounts after
you've been eating this way for a while.
Wheat and corn are also off-limits. They contain glucose which is a
form of sugar. Other hidden sugar sources are ketchup, mayonnaise,
salad dressings, packaged lunch meats and barbecue sauce.
Become an expert label reader because most food that has been
canned, prepared or packaged contains some form of sugar in it.
When it comes to curing Candida overgrowth, you're going to have to
make a lot of things from scratch. But it is definitely going to be worth
it when your symptoms are gone!
Milk and dairy products can encourage the growth of Candida yeast.
They should all be eliminated, except for yogurt and cottage cheese.
Mushrooms, sauerkraut, vinegar and vinegar-containing products are
off the table as well.
As for beverages, when it comes to the Candida diet, water is best.
Alcohol, tea, soda and juice can all contribute to overgrowth and need
to be eliminated. Seeds and nuts can contain molds, which Candida
feeds off of, so those are out too.
Now that you know all of the things that you can't have, let's look at
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the things that you can. If you're already feeling deprived before you
started you'll be happy to know that there are still lots of different
varieties of foods that you can eat while killing off the Candida
Lean fresh meats and poultry (preferably organic) should be at the
cornerstone of your anti-Candida diet. Eggs and deep sea fish are
also safe to eat. You can pair these protein choices with legumes,
millet, amaranth and quinoa. The latter three are ancient grains which
have recently come back into the dietary landscape. Their low yeast
content makes them perfect for this diet. There are also yeast free
breads available.
Vegetables of all varieties are encouraged on this diet, especially
garlic and onions which have proven antifungal properties.
Vegetables can be cooked in oil or butter and served over brown rice,
and which is also on the “okay” list.
As previously mentioned, yogurt and low-fat cottage cheese are the
only dairy products allowed when you're fighting off Candida. If you're
creative, you can make a nice substitute desert using either one of
these ingredients that will help you get over your sweet tooth.
Step Two: Building Up Your Immune System
Although changing your diet will certainly help a lot when it comes to
killing off Candida overgrowth, you've got to take steps to help your
body heal itself. A weak immune system is the main culprit to
overgrowth so you need to start building it up.
Rebuilding your immune system is as simple as following the diet and
adding a few essential supplements. Make sure that you start taking
a good all-around multivitamin, as well as vitamin B complex and a
calcium/magnesium supplement. Taking fish oil is important as well.
And don't forget to add vitamin C into your regimen. The immune
boosting benefits of this vitamin will help get your body back on track.
You can also help rebuild your immune system by getting adequate
sleep. The effects of sleep deprivation on the body are too many to
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list in the short space. Do everything you can to get at least seven
hours of sleep per night. Sleep is the time when your body rebuilds
itself and if you don't give it adequate time to do this you're bound to
have immune system problems for the rest of your life.
Step Three: Killing Off The Yeast
You've already learned that garlic and onions can be very effective in
killing off yeast overgrowth. But these two foods are joined by many
other dietary supplements that can help eliminate the overgrowth in
your system.
In addition to garlic and onions, you can try clove oil, oil of oregano,
coconut oil and Pau d’Arco tea. The first two oils are administered by
putting 1 to 3 drops in a glass of water and drinking the mixture is
three times per day.
Coconut oil is solid at room temperature and can be eaten by the
tablespoon or used in cooking. Pau d’Arco tea is made from the bark
of a rain forest tree and can be drunk throughout the day.
Choose one to two of these supplements to use at a time. Using them
all at once is too harsh for your body and may do more harm than
good. Remember that the yeast overgrowth is going to fight back so
go slowly when it comes to adding this step. The less is more
approach is a great way to reduce the effects of die off.
Step Four: Rebuilding To Friendly Bacteria
Finally, you've got to do your work to ensure that your body will be
able to regulate Candida in the future. Planting good bacteria in your
digestive system is the best way to keep your system balanced.
Probiotics are supplements that contain the friendly bacteria that your
digestive tract needs control Candida.
You can find probiotics at your local health food store. Look for
freeze-dried acidophilus lactobacillus. Make sure that the brand that
you buy is non-dairy based and is free of soy, wheat, sugar, yeast,
gluten and any artificial coloring or preservatives. It should be in a
dark bottle which helps keep it from deteriorating from heat and light.
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If you can't find anything suitable at your local health food store, there
are many online options.
Make sure to follow the directions on the bottle carefully. Don't
increase the dosage or take more than you should. When it comes to
friendly bacteria more is definitely not better!
Remember, overcoming Candida isn’t a simple task. You’re going to
have to change your lifestyle and eating habits. With dedication you’ll
be able to rid yourself of cravings and restore your health.
Candida Solutions: What Foods
Can I Eat?
Since Candida Albicans is a form of yeast that can cause an
overgrowth in your digestive system, it is something that can be
reversed through the use of a special diet. Of course, a diet is not the
only means of getting rid of this condition, so you will want to try to
use as many techniques simultaneously to help make your Candida
cures more powerful.
The Candida yeast overgrowth will affect
more than just your digestive system,
however. It can also have an impact on
your mood and mental health as well as
affect your skin. The Candida Diet helps
with everything, but you will still want to
pursue other options topically to help rid
of break out rashes and fungal infections
on the skin.
You’ve learned what Candida is, what causes this annoying condition
and what some of the signs are; now it’s time for the next step in your
research. Learning how to get rid of it. In this report will you learn
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about a food diet that will create a foundation for your cure; along with
other remedies for getting rid of the Candida problem.
Time to find out…
…What You Can Do About it
Obviously, there isn’t a miracle pill that one could take to make the
condition disappear like the snap of your fingers. Your Road to
Recovery, so to speak, will need to start with your diet and what
foods you take in throughout the course of the day.
This report will concentrate on what you will really want to know and
that’s what you can eat, and what you should avoid; when you’re
faced with this type of ailment. Let’s get started with some of the
foods that are considered to be bad for this condition and what is
considered a healthier option to eat.
Foods That Are Your Enemy
There are many foods that can cause the Candida Overgrowth
Condition to worsen. Yes, it’s food that can initially create the
conditions for the yeast overgrowth problem to occur. The trick is to
find out what foods are the culprits in helping the yeast to grow and
avoid them as much as possible. Here are some of those food items
you should steer clear of:
This is the biggest enemy to your health. You should avoid sugar in
any form. Now, remember, a lot of foods that contain sugar, don’t
always list the word “sugar” in the ingredients. Sugar is also known as
glucose, syrup, molasses, rice syrup, sorghum and
monosaccharides. Look for these words in the foods you buy.
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Fruits That Contain Natural Sugars
Normally, you’re told that fruit is a healthy food option to eat, but in
the case of Candida, you will want to avoid those that contain natural
sugars. Be sure to stay away from frozen fruit, canned fruit, orange
juice and even melons. These can initiate the overgrowth process
quite easily.
Now that you’re trying to avoid a condition caused by yeast, you will
want to eliminate yeast from your diet. Yeast is seen in many different
foods. Those you typically see with yeast in them are breads,
crackers, pastries, rolls and even muffins. Alcohol is also something
you should avoid, because it contains some sugars that create this
Aged and Processed Cheeses
Even some of the cheeses can be harmful for this condition. Some of
the more common cheeses people tend to buy that actually should be
avoided are:
• Cheez Whiz
• Velveeta
• Cheese Snacks
• Cheese Slices
Dried, Smoked And Pickled Meats
These meats would be your processed bologna, sausages, smoked
fish, bacon and corned beef. These meats contain nitrates that are
unhealthy for you.
There are many more foods that should be avoided, but these will
give you an idea of how to get started on your own diet. Now on to
what you should eat.
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Candida Diet-Friendly Foods
The point to altering your diet is to reverse the overgrowth of this type
of yeast. Then to maintain your healthy diet, so the Candida condition
doesn’t return. The foods you should eat that help you reverse and
maintain your diet are:
You should pick lean poultry, fresh meats, and deep sea fish fillets.
Tuna and Sardines are acceptable only on occasion. Remember to
avoid the dried, processed meats.
Most vegetables are great for this kind of diet as long as you leave off
the cheese and most sauces. You should exclude sauerkraut and
mushrooms from your vegetable list.
For the most part, dairy should be avoided, but some foods can be
consumed in moderation, such as milk, cottage cheese and yogurt.
The drinks that you can consume include:
• Water
• Green Tea
• Raw Milk
Miscellaneous Items
Some other foods that are acceptable to have in your diet are:
• Pickles
• Yeast-Free Bread
• Oatmeal
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• Beans
• Buckwheat
• Brown Rice
Candida Diets At Mealtimes
The list of foods that are good for Candida diets can seem
overwhelming to some when it comes to serving meals. There are
tons of recipes that can be found for Candida diets, but here are
some meal plan suggestions for each meal that will give you an idea
of what types of things you can make.
Breakfast Meal Plan Suggestions
• Omelets
• Yogurt
• Oatmeal
• Protein Drinks
• Tea
Lunch Meal Plan suggestions
• Salads (including Mixed Green salads, Bean salads and
Spinach salads)
• Soups (including Vegetable, Bean and Tomato Soup)
• Shrimp
• Stuffed Peppers
• Water
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Dinner Meal Plan Suggestions
• Lamb Chops
• Poultry (includes Cornish Hen, Chicken, Turkey and Duck)
• Stew
• Pot Roast
• Grilled Vegetables
• Broiled Fish (includes Salmon, Swordfish, Shellfish)
• Stir-Fry Using Shrimp, Chicken, Turkey
• Water
• Raw Vegetables
• Yogurt
• Nuts
Herbal Tea
Are There Other Solutions
Besides The Food Diet?
The Candida Food diet is the number one means of gaining your
healthy body back, but there are a few other ways you can achieve
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There are some supplements that could be helpful to use along with
your food diet. They are considered to be short term solutions. The
following are some of the popular supplements that people take for
this condition:
Capricin and Yeast Fighters
These are both supplements that fight off the yeast that causes the
Candida overgrowth. These supplements are a good choice for use
with your new Food Diet.
Aerobic 07 and Dioxyclor
These supplements work by destroying the fungus, but they still
preserve the bacteria necessary for optimum health of the body.
Chinese Goldenseal Root
This one is considered an herbal antibiotic for boosting immune
systems while killing the offensive yeast.
Health Food Options To
Discourage Yeast Growth
There are tons of health food companies that offer health food items
for any diets, which help deter the growth of the offending yeast that
causes Candida Overgrowth.
Sunrider products are extremely high quality, unique, you don’t need
as much of them, and they can help with Candida and help you stay
away from sugar and junk food.
I have used these products personally since 1996, and if you want
more information, go to and subscribe to my
Diana’s Healthy Lifestyles newsletter.
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I provide free samples of some of the Sunrider products, in North
Here are Sunrider products that I have found very helpful with
Sunrider Vitadophilus
This is a product that comes in powder form and can be mixed with
water. Its purpose is to help the digestive tract break down the food
more efficiently, so the Candida yeast formation is deterred. It also
enforces general health of the digestive tract.
Sunrider Quinary
This product maintains overall health while using a formula of
blended herbs. It doesn’t contain any preservatives or chemicals.
Quinary uses the Chinese tradition of body regeneration by use of
daily maintenance. Balances the body.
Sunrider NuPlus Simply Herbs
This is an herbal, nutritional powder that can be mixed into drinks.
The nutrient packed drink enables one to super charge their
nutritional intake, much like eating organic fruits and vegetables
would. Also helps to reduce cravings for sugar and junk food.
Sunrider Calli Beverage and Fortune Delight Beverage
These beverages work much like green tea does, but with added
value. They contain antioxidants that absorb the damaging free
radicals within the body. They taste great, are very cleansing to the
body, and reduce cravings for sugar and coffee and other lifedestroying junk foods and beverages.
I invite you to go to and subscribe to my
Diana’s Healthy Lifestyles newsletter.
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What About Topical Solutions
For Skin Type Problems
Since Candida Overgrowth affects the Skin and Body as well as the
Digestive System, Mood and Mental Health; there are topical
solutions that you can look into as well as your food diets. Food diets
help long-term to maintain optimum body health, these topical
solutions are great for short-term when problems occur. Some of
these topical solutions you can use are:
Anti-Fungal Creams/Sprays
There are tons of over the counter anti-fungal creams that work to
help kill the fungal yeast invading your body. You can find creams for
Vaginitis, Athlete’s Foot, Acne, Eczema and Thrush. These products
come in sprays as well as creams, in case you aren’t thrilled with the
residue that the creams leave behind.
Anti-Fungal powder
For those who suffer from Athlete’s Foot or Nail Fungus, this powder
can help absorb moisture that accumulates in your shoes and socks
from your body’s sweat. When that moisture isn’t absorbed, it
becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and fungus.
Oral Medications
A doctor can prescribe an oral anti-fungal medication for the common
nail fungus ailment. Because it’s a prescription medication, there will
be some side effects that you will want to make sure you’re aware of
before taking the fungal med. Some people have reported the fungus
cleared up within a couple of weeks.
Natural Cures
For Athlete’s Foot and Nail Fungus, people have cleansed their feet
and toenails with anti-bacterial soap. This helps to kill bacteria and if
you make sure to dry the toes, nails and in between the toes, you can
prevent more bacteria or fungus from showing up.
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Wear Cotton Socks, which helps your feet to breathe and helps to
promote drying of the moisture in your feet. You should also avoid
wearing tight footwear to allow the feet some room to breathe.
Apple Cider Vinegar is another natural cure that can be used for
Vaginitis, Athlete’s Foot and as a digestive tract yeast killer. It can be
consumed to destroy the candida in the digestive tract, used in a
douche to help treat vaginitis, and also could be used topically on the
skin for treating conditions like Athlete’s Foot and Thrush.
Tea Tree Oil is another natural remedy for getting rid of yeast and
fungal infections on the skin. It is a topical remedy that is sometimes
used along with garlic to help increase its effectiveness in destroying
Ending Thoughts
Candida Overgrowth is a condition that many people experience at
some point within their lives. The ‘cures’ for this yeast infesting
condition will contain techniques that are administered internally and
The key to a Candida-free lifestyle will depend on how well you take
care of yourself through your food diet as well as how well your
hygiene practices are. Getting rid of the pesky Candida ailment is not
the only thing you should be looking at. There is a high risk of it
coming back time and time again, if you don’t continue to maintain a
healthy lifestyle.
While a doctor can prescribe some oral medications, like the ones for
nail fungus; you certainly aren’t limited to that option. The Yeast
condition can be treated by other means, so you can consider trying
them first before consulting a physician. If the problem persists,
though, consulting a doctor will be strongly recommended.
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Use whatever solutions you feel the most comfortable with and stick
with that regimen to make sure that your Candida problem becomes
a thing of your past and not of your future. Join the many others who
have suffered from the lasting effects of Candida and alter your
lifestyle to change your future. Your body and mind will love you for it.
Seven Changes In Your Diet To
Reduce Candida Overgrowth
If you are a candida sufferer one of the first things you need to do is
adjust your diet. Doing so may not be an easy feat but it will definitely
be well worth the effort you take in doing so.
By making changes one day and one step at a time you will be able
to help your body fight the onslaught of candida that seems to have
taken over your very being.
The changes mentioned here are not conclusive but are a great start
to a healthier you.
1. The first thing you need to look at is the foods that you should
avoid. Sugary foods, cheese, alcohol, chocolate, fermented
food, gluten, and grains like oats, wheat, rye, and barley)
should be avoided. You also want to avoid as much meat as
possible, pickles, raw mushrooms, vinegar, and any other yeast
2. A vegetarian non-dairy diet of protein, unrefined non-yeasty
grains, and vegetables is best.
3. A low carb option is good as well. Limit your daily carbs to 80
grams per day. You may crave these more as a result of
candida so please be cautious and don’t overdo what can
cause you more harm.
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Diana Walker, Cravings Coach
4. Consider eating more of the following foods as they inhibit
candida growth: garlic, broccoli, turnips, kale and collards. If at
all possible, eat these foods raw. You can create some very
tasty raw meals with fresh vegetables. A raw food diet can be
very beneficial to your health over all.
5. Be sure to add a healthy amount of fiber to your diet as well
because it helps to clean the colon where disease truly begins.
6. Clean all fresh foods carefully to remove chemical sprays,
bacteria, and fungi. Or opt for the organic version which is not
bad but still needs to be washed.
7. Opt for these safe foods: millet, brown rice, whole grains, and
beans. Of course, as mentioned, plenty of vegetable.
There are many ways you can combat candida and live a healthier
life. Making a few changes in your diet, supplement with vitamins,
minerals, and friendly minerals like lactobacillus acidophilus will help
your body to heal. You can also consider herbs like burdock, ginger,
Echinacea, golden seal, bee pollen, and kelp, which are all helpful to
use in your daily regimen.
Take the time to also research what you need to do as far as clothes,
synthetic hormones, laundering your clothes, and other factors.
The bottom line here is that you have to take control of your health or
else it will take control of you. Your diet is an essential part of your
life. What you put in your body has a direct effect on your health and
the quality of your life. It is truly your choice to choose life and one
that is full and vibrant. A diet high in healthy foods is a smart move.
Recommended Resources:
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Diana Walker, Cravings Coach
Wishing you Vibrant Health and Freedom from Candida & Cravings!
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Diana Walker, Cravings Coach