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Herbal Detox
Program Store
Alkalising – Detoxifying – Cleansing
y Made
P ro
l D etox
t a g e To
we e k
e w Ze al
Toxicity in the Body
Preparing to Detox
Eating Guidelines
The Four-Week Program
Energising ALKALISER™
Revitalising Liver DETOX™
Herbal Colon CLEANSE™
Detox Herbs
Other Detox Support
Where to from here?
Healthy Recipes
We at BioBalance are happy to be alongside you on your
path to health and wellness. Our Herbal Detox Program™ is
designed to give you tools and guidelines to help you clean
out those buried toxins that prevent you from living life to the
BioBalance brings you three distinct herbal detox blends in
one package, crafted to support deep cleansing of toxins and
elimination of pathogens. Our Program minimises unpleasant
symptoms of detox by supporting full and regular bowel
All herbs in our unique New Zealand-made Herbal Detox
Program™ are certified organic or wild crafted, and include
powerful New Zealand native herbs. All are tested and
certified for quality. We take care to source only the best
herbs available for our products.
Why do we need to detoxify our tissues?
Healthy bodies are naturally detoxifying the waste products of
living, breathing and eating. The liver and other specialised
organs and glands identify, neutralise and expel toxins. They
become burdened by the impact of damaging toxins from
many sources, including:
•industrially processed food and drinks
•GMO ingredients in food
•chemical herbicide and pesticide residues
•polluted air and water sources
•medical and recreational drugs (incl. alcohol and tobacco)
•domestic and work environments
Burdened with toxic overload, our degraded internal
environment allows pathogens to thrive and disease to
Herbal Detox | Introduction
Our Two-Stage Herbal Detox Program™:
1. Prepares the body for the changes and extra burden of
2. Supports healthy deep level detoxification and expulsion of
toxins via elimination channels.
Toxicity in the Body
Cellular Toxicity – You Are What You Ingest
All disease comes from cells not functioning properly.
The two reasons for malfunctioning cells are poor
nutrition and cellular toxicity. The more waste builds up
in cells the less nutrient exchange is possible. As those
environmental stressors impact your body’s natural
resources, toxins such as heavy metals build up in the
tissues. Rubbish accumulates both inside the cell and
in the surrounding fluid which exchanges nutrients
for waste via the cell membrane. Energy is spent on a
cascade of toxic effects as oxidative stress damages cells
and the liver can no longer filter and purify the blood
Symptoms of toxic overload begin to manifest such as:
Herbal Detox | Toxicity in the Body
•stomach upsets
•bowel irregularities
•bad breath
•flatulence, bloating
•weight gain
•disturbed sleep
•lowered vitality
•loss of libido and zest
for life
•sluggish feeling
•foggy thinking
•muscle stiffness
•skin outbreaks
•weak immune response
Your liver is a hard-working detoxifier and fat
metaboliser with 500-plus functions. A key factor in
reversing fatty liver disease caused by toxic burdens is
3 exchanging old dietary and lifestyle habits for healthier
long-term choices.
Preparing to Detox
It’s time to give your body a well-deserved detox of the
heavy metals, chemicals and pathogens lodged in fatty
tissues that are causing ill-health. Our Herbal Detox
Program™ supports the detoxifying organs in two vital
1. Drawing stored toxins from the tissues into the
2. Removing them safely from the body so they are not
reabsorbed into the tissues.
Effects of detox
Detoxing can bring temporary physical discomfort.
Emotional issues may also surface as your tissues release
old burdens. Think holistically–it’s a physical cleanout
and more. It can be a valuable life-changing experience.
Possible effects during the first few days as blood
toxins increase, may include headache, memory lapse,
moodiness, nausea, rash, constipation, fatigue, dizziness
or palpitations.
Stage Two – Revitalising Liver DETOX™ supports
intensive deep cleansing of the tissues, with Herbal Colon
CLEANSE™ supporting full elimination of toxins from the
Begin to reduce the ongoing toxic burden on your
body. Eliminate problem foods during the Herbal Detox
Program™ as a starting point for making lasting healthy
changes to your old dietary habits.
Herbal Detox | Preparing to Detox
How the Herbal Detox Program™ minimises these symptoms
Stage One – Energising ALKALISER™ supports the first
layer of cleansing for 2 weeks, preparing your body
for the deep-level detox of cellular and extra-cellular
toxins. This helps avoid a sudden rush of toxins into the
Eating Guidelines
Stages One and Two of the Herbal Detox Program™ will
be more effective when you:
CHOOSE to Avoid eating or drinking foods that slow your
metabolism and burden your tissues. These can include:
•refined white bread or flour, gluten grains (wheat, rye,
barley, oats)
•dairy products (see exceptions next page)
•flavour enhancers and other food additives
•fast foods, highly processed/refined foods
•alcohol, drugs, caffeine, black tea
•hydrogenated vegetable oils and spreads
CHOOSE to Minimise:
•nightshade plants (potatoes, tomatoes, chilli, etc)
•red meat, factory-farmed poultry, factory-farmed salmon
or other seafood
•unfermented soy (including tofu), peanuts
•toxic pesticides, herbicides, hormones
Herbal Detox | Eating Guidelines
Eliminating common food allergen groups (gluten grains,
dairy, legumes, nightshades, etc) during this time creates
a great opportunity for you to notice any differences you
experience without them.
Preferably cook with water and bake or steam food. If
sautéing, it’s best to use virgin vegetable oils, preferably
organic. Coconut oil is the most heat-stable oil, up to
177°C, and contains healthy fats and nutrients. Olive
oil is another good option for cooking, but better
eaten unheated.
Eating Guidelines
Feel reassured that you will get the best results when you
choose the best quality food that is available and that you
can afford. Choose mostly organic, but remember: stress
is not on the menu.
MOSTLY Eat and Drink plenty of non-GMO, organically
grown and produced (whole)foods:
•a variety of fresh fruit vegetables for fibre, vitamins &
minerals (esp. spinach, kale, blueberries, cranberries for
•all root vegetables (except potatoes), garlic & onions
•seaweeds (kelp, wakame) for trace minerals
•nuts (not peanuts) and seeds (chia, pumpkin)
•unpolluted wild-caught oily fish, extra virgin olive or
coconut oil
•goat or sheep feta, plain yoghurt and (grass-fed) butter (in
moderate amounts)
•water, lemon juice, herb teas, coconut water, non-caffeine
grain coffees (dandelion, chicory, burdock, carob)
Herbal Detox | Eating Guidelines
OTHER Food Options:
•non-gluten grains (rice, millet, buckwheat, quinoa,
amaranth), coconut or almond flour
•raw, unpasteurised or fermented foods for their high
enzyme and probiotic content
•organic or free range eggs and small servings of organic
The Four-Week Program
The Herbal Detox Program™ provides three herbal
products carefully designed to alkalise, detoxify and
cleanse your tissues in two stages. In Stage One you
gently prepare your body for the deep-level cleanse
of cellular and extra-cellular toxins in Stage Two. This
process minimises the usual symptoms and discomfort of
an intensive detoxification process. For best results take
these herbal products at least half an hour before food.
Stage One – Preparation
Take Energising ALKALISER™ for two weeks. At the same
time begin eliminating foods that burden your liver and
Directions - Adults only
Energising ALKALISER™
Take 6 capsules in the morning, or 3 capsules morning
and evening, half an hour before food.
Stage Two – Intensive Detox and Elimination
After completing Stage One, for the next two weeks take
Revitalising Liver DETOX™ concurrently with Herbal
Colon CLEANSE™. Only eat or drink foods that support
detoxification during this time.*
Herbal Detox | The Four-Week Program
Directions - Adults only
Revitalising Liver DETOX™
Take 6 capsules per day, half an hour before food.
Herbal Colon CLEANSE™
Take 6 capsules per day, half an hour before food.
You can take these at the same time or at different times
of the day.
Always read the label and use as directed,
supplementary to a balanced diet.
Or as directed by a healthcare professional.
Store below 30°C in a dry place.
Keep out of reach of children
*See Eating Guidelines on pages 5-6
Energising ALKALISER™
In Stage One of the Herbal Detox Program™, Energising
ALKALISER™ gently prepares the digestive tract, liver and
other detoxifying organs for the deep-level cleanse of
cellular and extra-cellular toxins in Stage Two. This twoweek process minimises common effects and discomfort
of an intensive detoxification process. After completing
the Herbal Detox Program™, take Energising ALKALISER™
daily to maintain cleansing and elimination. This is a
proprietary blend of alkalising and energising herbs. See
label for all ingredients.
•Alkalising tissues and healthy pH balance
•Cellular nutrient exchange and energy production
•Cleansing of toxins from tissues & blood
•Detox without discomfort
•Regular bowel action
•Normal weight management
Energising ALKALISER™
can be taken as a
stand-alone product
for maintaining healthy
detoxification and
optimal nutrition.
Herbal Detox | Energising ALKALISER™
Why it Works
Nourishing herbs and enzyme-rich superfoods support
optimum cellular nutrition and cleansing. They revitalise
cellular metabolism and alkalise tissues to support
normal pH balance. Combining metabolic, antioxidant
and glycaemic balancing properties, Energising
ALKALISER™ paves the way for a successful Stage Two of
the Herbal Detox Program™.
Revitalising Liver DETOX™
Revitalising Liver DETOX™ is a key product in Stage
Two of the BioBalance Herbal Detox Program™. It is a
proprietary blend of cleansing and revitalising herbs
designed to support the liver and other detoxifying
organs to metabolise fat and remove the burden of toxic
waste from tissues. See label for all ingredients.
Why it Works
Potent herb synergies nourish and support optimal liver
function for removal and elimination of toxins hidden
away in excess fat cells in the body. Combining bitter,
enzymatic and metabolic properties, Revitalising Liver
DETOX™ supports detoxification of the whole body
both inside the cells and in the extra-cellular fluid
surrounding the cells.
Herbal Detox | Revitalising Liver DETOX™
•Liver detox and blood cleansing
•Healthy fat metabolism
•Heavy metal detox
•Cellular and extra-cellular elimination of toxins
•Cleansing of toxins from tissues & skin
•Normal weight management
Revitalising Liver
DETOX™ can be
taken as a standalone product.
Herbal Colon CLEANSE™
Herbal Colon CLEANSE™ is the second key product in
Stage Two of the BioBalance Herbal Detox Program™.
It is a proprietary blend of eliminating and bowel
cleansing herbs designed to support effective elimination
of pathogens and impacted toxic waste material while
nourishing and toning the colon.
Why it Works
This combination of ten carefully chosen herbs supports
and nourishes your colon to fully eliminate released
toxins and pathogens that can thrive in an unhealthy gut
environment. Combining bitter, astringent and peristaltic
properties, Herbal Colon CLEANSE™ supports optimal
bowel elimination so no toxins remain in circulation to be
reabsorbed by the tissues.
Herbal Colon CLEANSE™
can be taken as a standalone product.
Herbal Detox | Herbal Colon Cleanse™
•Colon cleansing
•Elimination of pathogens and toxins
•Regular bowel action
•Healthy gut environment
•Liver & gallbladder function
•Natural blood purification
•Healthy weight management
Kawakawa (Macropiper excelsum) Detox Herbs
Barleygrass (Hordeum vulgare) Nutrient storehouse
Barleygrass is a gluten-free superfood rich in digestive
enzymes, probiotics and prebiotic fibre, essential amino
acids, dense concentrations of minerals, vitamins, and
a powerful antioxidant (superoxide dismutase). Barley
grass supports digestion and detox. It has an affinity with
the blood, being rich in chlorophyll, the ‘blood of plants’.
Black Walnut Hulls (Juglans nigra)
Pathogen remover
A valuable cleansing herb in a short-term intensive
detox. Black walnut hulls support bowel regularity
and elimination of most common pathogens from the
intestines and other tissues. A great tonic for the digestive
tract, gallbladder and spleen.
Herbal Detox | Detox Herbs
Beetroot (Beta vulgaris) Blood tonic
Known for its affinity with liver and blood, beetroot gives
strong support to detox activity via the stomach, liver
and bile duct, supporting blood purification and bowelregulating mechanisms in the body. Betaine in beetroot
supports stomach acid production, normal cholesterol
levels and a healthy liver.
Burdock Root (Arctium lappa) Blood cleanser
A key ingredient in the Canadian herb formula Essiac
given to Rene Caisse by the Ojibway Indians. This nutritive
herb is a powerful liver and skin tonic that supports the
body to cleanse from the inside out, eliminating toxic
and acidic overload. Its purifying action supports blood
cleansing and healthy skin.
Detox Herbs
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)
Weight manager
A warming digestive stimulant with thermogenic action,
cinnamon also supports stable blood sugar and healthy
glucose metabolism. Its antiseptic aromatic oils support
the body to eliminate pathogens. It soothes discomfort
from intestinal gas, supporting stomach emptying and
Coriander leaf (Coriandrum sativum)
Heavy metal chelator
This culinary herb supports chelation and removal
of numerous heavy metals from the body, including
mercury, aluminium and lead. With strong antioxidant
and antiseptic properties, coriander leaf (cilantro) is one
of the best detox and digestive herbs available.
Herbal Detox | Detox Herbs
Dandelion root (Taraxacum officinale) Liver tonic
This is one of the best liver and gallbladder tonics,
supporting fat metabolism and blood detoxification.
Containing all the nutrients needed to nourish and
restore healthy blood and pH balance via the liver, bile
flow, pancreas and spleen. Dandelion’s actions are
energising and grounding.
Fennel seed (Foeniculum vulgare)
Aromatic protector
Fennel supports fat metabolism in the liver and the
flushing of pathogenic toxins via kidneys, with strong
antioxidant protection against free radical damage.
Aromatic oils support calming muscle relaxation and
bowel tone if flatulence and bloating occur.
Detox Herbs
Ginger Root (Zingiber officinale)
Ayurvedic activator
This warming circulatory tonic herb supports fatty tissue
detox, and is a catalyst for the action of other herbs.
Ginger is gastro-protective and carminative for digestive
ease and bowel regularity, and antioxidant-rich for cell
protection from free radicals.
Harakeke (Phormium tenax)
Digestive tonic
Our native flax root is called the “aloe vera of NZ” for its
tonic effect on digestion and bowel regularity. Harakeke
supports detoxification, elimination and intestinal health
with astringent, alterative, laxative and calming actions.
Kawakawa (Macropiper excelsum) Systemic purifier
New Zealand’s most versatile native herb, its big heartshaped leaves are a tonic for the stomach, liver, kidney,
bladder and bowel – it supports the entire alimentary
canal from ingestion to excretion. Kawakawa moderates
the temporary toxic load in the bloodstream, so your
detox experience feels easier. Great for skin, respiratory
and cardiovascular health too.
Herbal Detox | Detox Herbs
Horopito (Pseudowintera colorata)
Gut restorer
Our native pepper tree is a warming herb supporting
a cold constitution and weak digestion. Horopito
has scientifically proven antiseptic, antioxidant and
carminative properties. It supports natural relief of
temporary discomfort due to the flushing of toxins.
Detox Herbs
Kelp (Ecklonia radiata)
Oceanic superfood
100% New Zealand grown in wild-floating forests,
sustainably harvested and tested free of radioactive
contamination, our kelp is a heavy metal detoxifier that
soothes the digestive tract and supports bowel regularity.
This marine superfood provides all the minerals needed
to maintain health, plus alginate to prevent absorption of
toxic heavy metals.
Kumarahou (Pomaderris kumeraho)
Herbal detergent
Known in New Zealand as gum-diggers soap, its slippery
saponins help clean and flush impurities from the blood.
Kumarahou supports detox via liver and gallbladder,
kidneys, lymph, lungs, and pancreas. Calming and
purifying actions support a complete detoxification and
elimination process.
Herbal Detox | Detox Herbs
Lemon Peel (Citrus x limon)
Prebiotic alkaliser
High vitamin C benefits immune health, supporting
lymph glands to detoxify. It supports alkalinity, liver
detoxification pathways, healthy cholesterol and fat
metabolism. Lemon peel is naturally fluid-balancing with
prebiotic fibre for healthy bowel action. Pectin supports
sugar metabolism for healthy weight management.
Liquorice Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
Glycaemic balancer
Adding natural sweetness to the mix, this great liver
protective and adrenal tonic supports sugar regulation
and helps manage cravings. It supports healthy bile flow,
blood detox, and bowel regularity while soothing GI tract
membranes and supporting healthy gut flora to thrive in
the colon.
Detox Herbs
Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis)
Soothing demulcent
A soothing and protective mucilaginous herb,
marshmallow has a cooling and moistening action on
mucous membranes while strengthening bowel action.
Tonic and nutritive properties support digestive health
and effective bowel elimination of released toxins. A
naturally soothing herb that supports trouble-free detox.
(Rosmarinus officinalis)
Head clearer
This is a nutrient-rich digestive
tonic and calming, liver
protective herb that supports
healthy bile flow from the
gallbladder. Rosemary helps
clear the head and supports
blood cleansing while
detoxing. A key antioxidant,
rosmarinic acid supports
normal cell expression as well
as gastrointestinal health.
Herbal Detox | Detox Herbs
Peppermint (Mentha piperita) Gas remover
Its carminative properties, similar to ginger and fennel,
take the ‘gas’ out of the gastrointestinal tract. Peppermint
supports stomach emptying and tones the colon while
supporting the detox effect of each herb via capillary
dilation. Helps minimise any unpleasant symptoms of
Detox Herbs
Tanekaha (Phyllocladus trichomanoides) Liver support
Tanekaha (celery pine) is the most important New
Zealand liver herb and a good constitutional for the
stomach. Its astringency supports liver and gallbladder
protection against pathogens and heavy metal toxicity. In
fact, Tanekaha’s activity begins in the mouth and supports
digestive tract health throughout its entire length.
Wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum)
Nourishing superfood
A rich source of B vitamins, zinc, copper, iron and
manganese, enzymes, antioxidants, chlorophyll
and complex proteins, wheatgrass complements
barleygrass as another gluten-free superfood supporting
detoxification, blood cleansing and healthy digestive
Herbal Detox | Detox Herbs
Wormwood (Artemisia absinthum) Bitter tonic
This is one of the best bitter tonics for nourishing a
protective internal environment in the body against
harmful organisms. Aptly named, wormwood’s stomach
and liver-toning, bowel regularity and nervine actions
make it a wonderful tonic for digestive health.
Other Detox Support
Healthy lifestyle options to support detox pathways
•Regular hydration with plenty of fresh, good-quality,
naturally sourced water
•Choosing fresh organic produce and eating plenty and
varied raw foods; eating more vegetables than fruit
•Getting your body moving with regular exercise, e.g.
walking, swimming, cycling, paddling, yoga, playing sport
•Relaxation and a regular sleeping pattern
•Eating or drinking fermented foods such as miso,
sauerkraut, kombucha and kefir, rich in probiotic microorganisms that colonise and restore the gut ecology
needed for health
•Stimulating your skin with a loofah or body brush
•Light massage followed by bathing in Epsom salts for 20
minutes or less
•Both Finnish and infrared sauna (dry heat) or a steam
room (moist heat)
•Drinking bentonite or zeolite clay mixed with water to
draw out and eliminate toxins
•Finding ways to deal with and release emotional stress
Herbal Detox | Other Detox Support
BioBalance has a range of other products that support
healthy nutrition and restoration of gut health, including
superfoods, seaweeds, powdered vegetable drinks, nuts
and seeds, herbs and vitamins.
Where to from here?
Congratulations! You have completed the Herbal Detox
Program™. BioBalance hopes that this deep cleansing
and elimination process has presented you with an
opportunity to support your health and wellbeing.
After completing the Herbal Detox Program™, you can
continue a healthy eating pattern based around the
guidelines given*.
We invite you to check out our website at for more information, and please
join our growing community on Facebook at
*See Eating Guidelines on pages 5-6 and Other Detox Support on page 18
Ongoing Maintenance
Resume taking Energising ALKALISER™† to provide
alkalising nutrition and maintain healthy detoxification
of cells and tissues. This supports ongoing natural
cleansing and elimination of ingested toxins so they
don’t accumulate in your body.
You can also take Revitalising Liver DETOX™ and Herbal
Colon CLEANSE™ as stand-alone products, for extra detox
support as required, either together or individually.†
Herbal Detox | Where to from here?
† See Directions on the label.
Healthy Recipes
Vegan Coriander Pesto
•½ cup BioBalance Certified Organic Raw Cashew Nuts
•2 cups fresh coriander (or basil leaves if you prefer)
•2-3 cloves fresh garlic
•Juice of ½ a lemon
•Sea salt & ground black pepper to taste
•¼-½ cup organic extra virgin olive oil
Blend all ingredients except for oil in a small food
processor. Slowly add the olive oil while the machine
is running, until you have a smooth paste. Continue
blending for 15 seconds to thin the sauce out.
Alternatively, crush all of the ingredients in a mortar and
pestle and blend until smooth.
Herbal Detox | Healthy Recipes
Green Superfood Smoothie
•2 large organic apples
•A few pre-soaked brazil nuts
•Juice of 1 lime or lemon
•½ an avocado or banana
•A handful of bean sprouts
•2 cups spinach leaves, chopped
•2 tsp Energising ALKALISER Powder
•½-1 tsp BioBalance Certified Organic Maca Powder
•½ tsp BioBalance Certified Organic Spirulina Powder –
•2 cups coconut water/coconut milk/almond milk/water –
any one of these or a combination
Cut and core apples and rinse the soaked nuts. Blend all
ingredients and serve. Makes 2 servings.
Healthy Recipes
Herbal Detox | Healthy Recipes
Roasted Kumara Salad with Feta
•1 large golden kumara (sweet potato)
•2-4 sliced red radishes
•100g rocket
•12 Kalamata olives, halved - optional
•50g goat feta, crumbled
•Lime juice
•Organic olive oil
•Ground black pepper
Preheat oven to 200°C. Chop the kumara into 1cm
pieces. Place on a tray greased with olive (or coconut) oil
and bake in the oven for 45 minutes. Allow to cool for
about 20 minutes – it is okay if still slightly warm in the
salad. In a large bowl, toss together the rocket, kumara,
radishes, olives and feta. Season with pepper and dress
with olive oil and lime juice.
Zesty Beetroot and Carrot Salad
•2 carrots
•1 medium beetroot
•¼ cup sunflower seeds – optional
•¼ cup pumpkin seeds – optional
•¼ cup sliced almonds – optional
•Juice of 1 lime (or lemon)
•1 clove crushed garlic
•1 cup parsley or coriander leaves, finely diced
Grate the carrot and beetroot. Place in a large serving bowl
and mix together with garlic and lime juice. Toast the seeds
and nuts over a medium heat until fragrant, then add to the
salad along with the finely chopped parsley or coriander.
Combine well and leave to marinate for 30 min before
Healthy Recipes
Herbal Detox | Healthy Recipes
Nutty Rice Salad
•1 cup organic rice
•2 tsp BioBalance Certified Organic Chia Seeds
•Organic extra virgin olive oil or BioBalance Certified
Organic Coconut Oil
•1 onion, sliced or chopped
•3-4 cloves garlic, chopped
•1 tsp fresh root ginger, grated or chopped
•¼ cup BioBalance Certified Organic Raw Cashew Nuts
•¼ cup sunflower seeds or pine nuts
•¼ cup pumpkin seeds
•Juice of 1 lemon
•Chopped fresh coriander leaves or mint
•Dash of tamari
•Ground black pepper
Boil rice and chia seeds until cooked. Roast nuts and seeds at
a medium heat, or alternatively sauté with onion, garlic and
ginger in coconut oil over a medium heat for 1-2 minutes.
Combine with cooked rice and chia and add lemon juice and
coriander or mint. Season with tamari and black pepper.
Drizzle with olive oil and serve.
Healthy Recipes
Lemon Mint Soup*
•1 tbsp BioBalance Certified Organic Coconut Oil
•1 medium onion, finely diced
•4 garlic cloves, minced
•750g fresh or frozen peas or shredded spinach leaves
•½ cup mint leaves roughly chopped
•1 litre vegetable stock
•Juice and zest of 1 lemon
•Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
Herbal Detox | Healthy Recipes
Warm the oil in a large pot, add the chopped onion and
cook on a gentle heat for 5 minutes or until the onion is
soft. Add the garlic and cook for a further 2 minutes. Add
¾ of the peas or spinach, the chopped mint leaves, and
3 cups of the stock. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes.
Blend the soup to a thick puree. Return it to the pan,
season with salt and pepper and add the remaining peas
or spinach, stock, lemon zest and juice. Cook for a further
5 minutes and serve.
You can also freeze this soup into portion sized
containers for lunches.
*Adapted from Maddy Bellcroft’s Nourishfull website recipe.
Q: Is the Herbal Detox Program™ suitable for everyone?
A: No, it’s not for everyone. Detox supplements are not
recommended if you’re:
•breastfeeding, pregnant or trying for a baby
•a child or very elderly
•in advanced stages of disease
•experiencing some mental illnesses including severe
depression or eating disorders
Caution: If you’re on any form of prescribed medication,
always check with your health professional before
starting the Herbal Detox Program™.
Q: Will the Herbal Detox Program™ help me lose weight?
A: Detoxing overburdened tissues is important for
restoring healthy digestion and fat metabolism. Herbal
Detox Program™ supports healthy weight management
while you introduce dietary and lifestyle changes that give
your body better nutrition and less toxic load. In the long
run, it is what you eat, drink, breathe and think on a daily
basis that shapes your physical form.
Q: Will I have more energy and vitality if I use BioBalance
Herbal Detox Program™?
A: We recognise people want to boost their energy
levels to meet busy lifestyle demands. The specific herb
combinations in each Herbal Detox formula are designed
to support blood cleansing, cell nutrition and energy
production so that your natural vitality can flourish.
Herbal Detox | FAQs
Q: Do I have to change my diet for this program to work?
A: Making gradual healthy changes to your daily eating
patterns while avoiding sugar and junk food is the key
to your long-term health. Meanwhile, BioBalance Herbal
Detox Program™ will give your body a great boost
and short-term cleanout. Then continuing to take the
Energising ALKALISER™ daily will help you maintain
detox and digestive balance as you continue improving
your diet.
Q: What benefits can I look forward to if I use the Herbal
Detox Program™?
A: Detoxifying improves cell, tissue and organ function
throughout the body, so many health benefits are
possible. Look forward to more vitality and a greater
sense of wellbeing mentally, emotionally and physically
after completing the program. You’ll gain the most
benefit if you make the suggested dietary changes as
well as using our detox products.
Q: Will the program eliminate heavy metals from my body?
A: Specific herbs including coriander leaf (cilantro),
kelp, beetroot, wheatgrass and barley grass are
chelating agents for heavy metals and other toxins. All
three products in the Herbal Detox Program™ support
elimination of heavy metals from the body.
Q: Can I use these products for my skin problems?
A: All of our detox products contain herbs that specifically
support skin health. The skin is another organ of
elimination that the body uses to expel toxins when liver,
kidneys, lymph and bowels are overburdened with work,
so your skin will love our Herbal Detox Program™.
Herbal Detox | FAQs
Q: Do I need to stop drinking coffee and wine while using
the Herbal Detox Program™?
A: Yes, we recommend you avoid caffeine, alcohol and
other drugs while taking these supplements to get the
best value from them. Your body will have much more
opportunity to detoxify without the added toxic burden
on your system from these substances.
Q: Is it vital I use only organic foods and purified water?
A: It’s not essential and we don’t want you feeling
stressed because you can’t be totally organic. Just eat and
drink the best quality food and water you can find and
afford for the best results.
Q: What if my usual bowel pattern changes?
A: Taking Energising ALKALISER™ in Stage One allows
your body to gradually prepare for the intensive detox in
Stage Two so there is no sudden impact on your usual
patterns. If you experience any difficulty with your bowels
it will be temporary only, while your body adjusts to the
changes. Herbal Colon CLEANSE™ is specifically designed
for healthy bowel elimination.
Q: What sets BioBalance Herbal Detox Program™ apart
from others? Is it for intensive use or daily maintenance?
Can I take it long term?
A: Our range of products covers all options! Two
important qualities distinguish BioBalance Herbal Detox
Program™ from others:
1. Our carefully designed two-stage Program prepares the
body to achieve maximum benefit from detox herbs while
minimising unpleasant effects (see Preparing to Detox
2. Our detox products provide you with options for both
a short-term intensive detox and long-term ongoing
maintenance of detox and elimination.
At BioBalance we love to get your feedback and we’re
happy to answer questions about the Herbal Detox
Program™. Go to our website at
and on each product page we invite you to publish your
‘Reviews’. You can also ‘Ask Our Wellness Team’ if you
have any product-related question.
Herbal Detox | FAQs
Q: Do I have to take Revitalising Liver Detox™ at a
separate time of day to Herbal Colon Cleanse™?
A: No, you don’t have to! It’s okay to take Herbal Colon
Cleanse™ and Revitalising Liver Detox™ at the same time
if this works for you. Take them together, or separately, at
any time of the day that suits you best, or you can divide
the doses and spread them throughout the day. The most
important thing is to take them every day for two weeks,
and for best results take them on an empty stomach.
Your Herbal Detox Program™ contains:
Energising ALKALISER™ 84 Vegetarian Capsules
Revitalising Liver DETOX™ 84 Vegetarian Capsules
Herbal Colon CLEANSE™ 84 Vegetarian Capsules
P ro
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Code: 6434
y Made
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BioBalance New Zealand Ltd
30 Orion St, Collingwood 7073
New Zealand
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