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6 STEPS to transform your body
Control your portions
Pay attention to everything you eat
Calorie Equation: calories burned – calories eaten = calorie deficit
Example: 2,300 burned – 1,500 eaten = 800 calorie deficit
LET’S BEGIN. The actual goal of most fitness and slimming programs is to
increase the ratio of lean muscle to stored fat. That means trimming a lot of fat
and building muscle for a toned look. It does not necessarily mean “losing weight.”
Muscle weighs a lot more than fat, so as your ratio of lean mass to fat changes,
you shrink at the same weight. Beware of diets that promise rapid weight loss,
as these tend to promote dehydration techniques that can be dangerous. Sure,
you can wring a lot of water out of your system to lose weight, but once you are
properly hydrated again you’ll gain most of the weight back. Also, when you
drastically reduce calories, you alter your body’s metabolism so it more readily
stores excess calories as fat, which is the opposite of what you’re trying to do.
In general, eat until you’re satisfied, not until you are full or stuffed. When eating
out, eat half of what you are served. You don’t have to clean your plate. When
eating protein, make it lean and about 3 oz. (the size of your palm or a deck of
cards). And when eating a salad, don’t ruin it with excess amounts of dressing.
TIP: Since the goal is overall body transformation, let’s do it in a reasonable
amount of time: 90 days, 45 days, 30 days—whatever suits your status today.
To get healthy results, eat and take supplements to support an exercise routine.
The trick is to eat the right food at the right time. Your body will burn off fat
every day while you get healthier overall.
Calories in: First, regulate how many calories you consume. We recommend
that if “trimming fat” is your goal, 1,200 to 1,500 calories per day is as low as
you want to go. Any lower and your body will think it’s starving and reset your
metabolism. Targeting a number that is 500 calories per day less than you burn
will result in losing a pound per week. We recommend starting with 1,200 to
2,000 calories per day, depending on your goal, which will steer you away from
large portions. Add calories only when you feel you need additional energy.
After all, food is fuel. (That’s a general guideline for the millions of people who
will read this. For more specific details about your personal caloric needs, we
suggest you call a registered dietician or diet center.)
Now that you have an estimate of how many calories your body needs, you
just need to make sure that you consume less than that, and your body will
be forced to access its stored fat to make up the difference. That’s how you
lose fat: force your body to use stored energy by controlling the “energy”
(aka calories) you put in.
Calories out: Second, approximate how many calories your body uses each
day using the following grid, which is calculated based on your body weight,
your lifestyle, and the assumption that you will burn 300 calories in every
rigorous 30-minute workout. (FYI: It’s possible to burn 800 calories per hour
with Beachbody programs, but we recommend you start with 400 to 500 per
hour, as it’s safer to underestimate at first.)
The Daily Deficit
450 calories = lose 1/8 pound a day, 11 lbs. of fat in 90 days
900 calories = lose 1/4 pound a day, 22 lbs. of fat in 90 days
1,100 calories = lose 1/3 pound a day, 30 lbs. of fat in 90 days
1,600 calories = lose 1/2 pound a day, 45 lbs. of fat in 90 days
Control Your Calorie Intake and Portion Size
This is what we call the “Classic Calorie Equation.” Your daily exercise routine
will increase the amount of calories you burn each day. If you also make sure
that you eat fewer calories than you burn, poof!—you burn excess stored fat.
It’s a simple, scientifically proven fact that never fails. And here’s how to do it.
1. Control your portions. Don’t eat until you are full; eat until you’re not hungry.
2. Pay Attention to everything you eat. Fresh veggies, lean meats, and foods
lower in fat and higher in fiber are the basis of our nutrition guide.
3. Consistent, 5-times-a-day eating schedule. IMPORTANT! Stick to the
schedule so you do not get hungry and overeat, and so your body has enough
fuel to rebuild after exercise.
4. Hydrate and Cleanse your body by drinking water. Your body is around
70% water. Drink at least 2 liters (8 glasses) per day.
What you eat has a direct effect on everything from the way your body works to
your mood to the amount of fat your body burns or stores. For long-term weight
management (and health), we suggest that you pay attention to everything you
eat and use the eyeball method* of controlling portion size. Balancing the type
of foods you’re eating and always making sure you’re getting enough protein†
are also important.
How Many Calories Your Body Needs
2 to 4x/wk
4 to 6x/w
Beachbody Rules for Choosing Foods
Use fresh vegetables to replace processed foods and you will lose weight.
5. Fortify your diet with a multivitamin. An exceptional multivitamin ensures
that you get all the nutrients you need when cutting calories.
Egg whites have less fat than whole eggs.
When looking at a plate of food you suspect is high in fat (like pizza) or carbohydrates
(like pasta), eat half the helping you would normally eat. Do not overeat.
6. Refrain from eating at the wrong times, like right before bed, or because
you’re feeling stressed or bored.
A glass of water 30 minutes before a meal will curb your hunger.
Try not to have a drink with your meals. If you must, limit it to a glass of wine,
juice, nonfat milk, or your best choice, water.
Avoid soda, beer, and hard alcohol, as they are very calorie-dense. Limit diet
sodas to one per day, as too much can affect your body’s pH levels.
Coffee and tea (better) are fine in moderation, just don’t add cream or sugar.
Choose low-density, high-fiber foods whenever possible.
The “eyeball method” means knowing how much you should eat by looking at it and having a basic
tool for knowing how much is enough.
According to the book The Zone by Dr. Barry Sears, you need 75 to 120 grams of protein a day,
depending on your lean muscle mass and lifestyle.
Note: Be prepared for people to make comments about the small portion size
of your dessert so they can justify the embarrassing mound they’re about to
consume. Your defense when this happens is your commitment to the goal.
When you reach it, you’ll be walking around feeling great about yourself and
your health, and your clothes will be fitting perfectly—if not a little loosely. Soon
you will see these same people who gave you a hard time, and they’ll be asking
for your advice about how to lose their soft belly. It’s then that you’ve won! But
don’t rub it in. Turn them on to and you’ve got a friend for life
(in them and in us!).
Avoid saturated and trans fats in red meats, full-fat dairy foods, and processed
foods. Learn to read labels.
Avocados, raw nuts, flaxseeds, and olive oil are great sources of essential
fatty acids—just keep portions very small. Fat is extremely dense and has
more than twice the calories per gram as protein and carbs.
Skinless white meat is generally a better choice than red meat.
This has been proven repeatedly in clinical trials, in Hollywood, and by the
general public. The Daily Deficit works. If you want to hit a very specific weight
loss goal, this is how you can do it, to the pound, to the day. And we’re not talking
water weight—we’re talking about burning off significant stored fat. The trick
is to be disciplined about calorie intake.
If you MUST have dessert, on your birthday or at a social gathering where it’s
irresistible, then be smart—a cup of fruit is the best way to go to satisfy a sweet
tooth. But if you still can’t avoid it, give yourself the leeway to enjoy it, and take
about a third of what you would normally reach for. That means if you’re going
to have a piece of pumpkin pie, have a “sliver of a sliver,” not a “slice.”
Breads, Pastas, Rice, and Fruits:
Be sure to eat whole grains and brown rice instead of refined grains and white
rice. The fiber will slow sugar absorption so your body can better handle the
sugars and not just store them as fat.
Always choose whole fruits instead of juice.
Foods in this category are calorie-dense, so limit to three small servings per day.
Every meal should be conservative in portion size and have a fairly even ratio of
calories from carbs, proteins, and fats. Shoot for 40% of your calories to come
from carbs, 30% from protein, and 30% from fat.
Once you accumulate a 3,500-calorie deficit, you’ve burned off 1 pound of fat!
By controlling the calorie deficit, you can control your weight loss:
When you’re confronted with the dessert tray, remember the goal: you want
to chisel your body as quickly as possible. Now, slowly step away from the
chocolate cake. Please—step away from the chocolate cake. (Did it work?)
A large salad is great, but try to limit the dressing to one or two tablespoons
of low-fat or nonfat dressing like vinaigrette instead of a coating of creamy
dressing, which can blow the whole reason for eating salad anyway.
A side portion of veggies should be steamed or raw. Prepared this way, veggies
have so few calories that you can pretty much eat them ‘til you’re full. A plateful
of raw veggies has about 100 calories. Indulge!
Avoid butter or cream-based sauces on veggies. Lemon juice, soy sauce, and
mustard are good ways to add flavor without adding fat calories.
We recommend using Michi’s Ladder (see page 10) to guide your food choices
throughout the day. The closer you eat to the top, the better results you will get.
It’s a direct relationship that cannot be overemphasized. No matter how much
you work out, if you don’t make smarter food choices, you will not see that layer
of padding around your waist or thighs go away. On the other hand, if you give
yourself three solid weeks of eating at the top of Michi’s Ladder, the results will
startle you.
*Above 200 pounds, add 100 calories for each additional 10 pounds.
Ah, wonderful, glorious dessert!
Choose lean meats (turkey, chicken, pork) vs. fatty red meats.
The portion of meat for a meal should be no larger than the palm of your hand
(around 3 to 4 ounces).
Broil, grill, or bake—never fry!
Avoid cream sauces and gravies.
If you don’t eat meat, substitute tempeh, tofu, low-fat dairy products, and legumes.
6 STEPS to transform your body
Control your portions
Pay attention to everything you eat
Calorie Equation: calories burned – calories eaten = calorie deficit
Example: 2,300 burned – 1,500 eaten = 800 calorie deficit
LET’S BEGIN. The actual goal of most fitness and slimming programs is to
increase the ratio of lean muscle to stored fat. That means trimming a lot of fat
and building muscle for a toned look. It does not necessarily mean “losing weight.”
Muscle weighs a lot more than fat, so as your ratio of lean mass to fat changes,
you shrink at the same weight. Beware of diets that promise rapid weight loss,
as these tend to promote dehydration techniques that can be dangerous. Sure,
you can wring a lot of water out of your system to lose weight, but once you are
properly hydrated again you’ll gain most of the weight back. Also, when you
drastically reduce calories, you alter your body’s metabolism so it more readily
stores excess calories as fat, which is the opposite of what you’re trying to do.
In general, eat until you’re satisfied, not until you are full or stuffed. When eating
out, eat half of what you are served. You don’t have to clean your plate. When
eating protein, make it lean and about 3 oz. (the size of your palm or a deck of
cards). And when eating a salad, don’t ruin it with excess amounts of dressing.
TIP: Since the goal is overall body transformation, let’s do it in a reasonable
amount of time: 90 days, 45 days, 30 days—whatever suits your status today.
To get healthy results, eat and take supplements to support an exercise routine.
The trick is to eat the right food at the right time. Your body will burn off fat
every day while you get healthier overall.
Calories in: First, regulate how many calories you consume. We recommend
that if “trimming fat” is your goal, 1,200 to 1,500 calories per day is as low as
you want to go. Any lower and your body will think it’s starving and reset your
metabolism. Targeting a number that is 500 calories per day less than you burn
will result in losing a pound per week. We recommend starting with 1,200 to
2,000 calories per day, depending on your goal, which will steer you away from
large portions. Add calories only when you feel you need additional energy.
After all, food is fuel. (That’s a general guideline for the millions of people who
will read this. For more specific details about your personal caloric needs, we
suggest you call a registered dietician or diet center.)
Now that you have an estimate of how many calories your body needs, you
just need to make sure that you consume less than that, and your body will
be forced to access its stored fat to make up the difference. That’s how you
lose fat: force your body to use stored energy by controlling the “energy”
(aka calories) you put in.
Calories out: Second, approximate how many calories your body uses each
day using the following grid, which is calculated based on your body weight,
your lifestyle, and the assumption that you will burn 300 calories in every
rigorous 30-minute workout. (FYI: It’s possible to burn 800 calories per hour
with Beachbody programs, but we recommend you start with 400 to 500 per
hour, as it’s safer to underestimate at first.)
The Daily Deficit
450 calories = lose 1/8 pound a day, 11 lbs. of fat in 90 days
900 calories = lose 1/4 pound a day, 22 lbs. of fat in 90 days
1,100 calories = lose 1/3 pound a day, 30 lbs. of fat in 90 days
1,600 calories = lose 1/2 pound a day, 45 lbs. of fat in 90 days
Control Your Calorie Intake and Portion Size
This is what we call the “Classic Calorie Equation.” Your daily exercise routine
will increase the amount of calories you burn each day. If you also make sure
that you eat fewer calories than you burn, poof!—you burn excess stored fat.
It’s a simple, scientifically proven fact that never fails. And here’s how to do it.
1. Control your portions. Don’t eat until you are full; eat until you’re not hungry.
2. Pay Attention to everything you eat. Fresh veggies, lean meats, and foods
lower in fat and higher in fiber are the basis of our nutrition guide.
3. Consistent, 5-times-a-day eating schedule. IMPORTANT! Stick to the
schedule so you do not get hungry and overeat, and so your body has enough
fuel to rebuild after exercise.
4. Hydrate and Cleanse your body by drinking water. Your body is around
70% water. Drink at least 2 liters (8 glasses) per day.
What you eat has a direct effect on everything from the way your body works to
your mood to the amount of fat your body burns or stores. For long-term weight
management (and health), we suggest that you pay attention to everything you
eat and use the eyeball method* of controlling portion size. Balancing the type
of foods you’re eating and always making sure you’re getting enough protein†
are also important.
How Many Calories Your Body Needs
2 to 4x/wk
4 to 6x/w
Beachbody Rules for Choosing Foods
Use fresh vegetables to replace processed foods and you will lose weight.
5. Fortify your diet with a multivitamin. An exceptional multivitamin ensures
that you get all the nutrients you need when cutting calories.
Egg whites have less fat than whole eggs.
When looking at a plate of food you suspect is high in fat (like pizza) or carbohydrates
(like pasta), eat half the helping you would normally eat. Do not overeat.
6. Refrain from eating at the wrong times, like right before bed, or because
you’re feeling stressed or bored.
A glass of water 30 minutes before a meal will curb your hunger.
Try not to have a drink with your meals. If you must, limit it to a glass of wine,
juice, nonfat milk, or your best choice, water.
Avoid soda, beer, and hard alcohol, as they are very calorie-dense. Limit diet
sodas to one per day, as too much can affect your body’s pH levels.
Coffee and tea (better) are fine in moderation, just don’t add cream or sugar.
Choose low-density, high-fiber foods whenever possible.
The “eyeball method” means knowing how much you should eat by looking at it and having a basic
tool for knowing how much is enough.
According to the book The Zone by Dr. Barry Sears, you need 75 to 120 grams of protein a day,
depending on your lean muscle mass and lifestyle.
Note: Be prepared for people to make comments about the small portion size
of your dessert so they can justify the embarrassing mound they’re about to
consume. Your defense when this happens is your commitment to the goal.
When you reach it, you’ll be walking around feeling great about yourself and
your health, and your clothes will be fitting perfectly—if not a little loosely. Soon
you will see these same people who gave you a hard time, and they’ll be asking
for your advice about how to lose their soft belly. It’s then that you’ve won! But
don’t rub it in. Turn them on to and you’ve got a friend for life
(in them and in us!).
Avoid saturated and trans fats in red meats, full-fat dairy foods, and processed
foods. Learn to read labels.
Avocados, raw nuts, flaxseeds, and olive oil are great sources of essential
fatty acids—just keep portions very small. Fat is extremely dense and has
more than twice the calories per gram as protein and carbs.
Skinless white meat is generally a better choice than red meat.
This has been proven repeatedly in clinical trials, in Hollywood, and by the
general public. The Daily Deficit works. If you want to hit a very specific weight
loss goal, this is how you can do it, to the pound, to the day. And we’re not talking
water weight—we’re talking about burning off significant stored fat. The trick
is to be disciplined about calorie intake.
If you MUST have dessert, on your birthday or at a social gathering where it’s
irresistible, then be smart—a cup of fruit is the best way to go to satisfy a sweet
tooth. But if you still can’t avoid it, give yourself the leeway to enjoy it, and take
about a third of what you would normally reach for. That means if you’re going
to have a piece of pumpkin pie, have a “sliver of a sliver,” not a “slice.”
Breads, Pastas, Rice, and Fruits:
Be sure to eat whole grains and brown rice instead of refined grains and white
rice. The fiber will slow sugar absorption so your body can better handle the
sugars and not just store them as fat.
Always choose whole fruits instead of juice.
Foods in this category are calorie-dense, so limit to three small servings per day.
Every meal should be conservative in portion size and have a fairly even ratio of
calories from carbs, proteins, and fats. Shoot for 40% of your calories to come
from carbs, 30% from protein, and 30% from fat.
Once you accumulate a 3,500-calorie deficit, you’ve burned off 1 pound of fat!
By controlling the calorie deficit, you can control your weight loss:
When you’re confronted with the dessert tray, remember the goal: you want
to chisel your body as quickly as possible. Now, slowly step away from the
chocolate cake. Please—step away from the chocolate cake. (Did it work?)
A large salad is great, but try to limit the dressing to one or two tablespoons
of low-fat or nonfat dressing like vinaigrette instead of a coating of creamy
dressing, which can blow the whole reason for eating salad anyway.
A side portion of veggies should be steamed or raw. Prepared this way, veggies
have so few calories that you can pretty much eat them ‘til you’re full. A plateful
of raw veggies has about 100 calories. Indulge!
Avoid butter or cream-based sauces on veggies. Lemon juice, soy sauce, and
mustard are good ways to add flavor without adding fat calories.
We recommend using Michi’s Ladder (see page 10) to guide your food choices
throughout the day. The closer you eat to the top, the better results you will get.
It’s a direct relationship that cannot be overemphasized. No matter how much
you work out, if you don’t make smarter food choices, you will not see that layer
of padding around your waist or thighs go away. On the other hand, if you give
yourself three solid weeks of eating at the top of Michi’s Ladder, the results will
startle you.
*Above 200 pounds, add 100 calories for each additional 10 pounds.
Ah, wonderful, glorious dessert!
Choose lean meats (turkey, chicken, pork) vs. fatty red meats.
The portion of meat for a meal should be no larger than the palm of your hand
(around 3 to 4 ounces).
Broil, grill, or bake—never fry!
Avoid cream sauces and gravies.
If you don’t eat meat, substitute tempeh, tofu, low-fat dairy products, and legumes.
6 STEPS to transform your body
Control your portions
Pay attention to everything you eat
Calorie Equation: calories burned – calories eaten = calorie deficit
Example: 2,300 burned – 1,500 eaten = 800 calorie deficit
LET’S BEGIN. The actual goal of most fitness and slimming programs is to
increase the ratio of lean muscle to stored fat. That means trimming a lot of fat
and building muscle for a toned look. It does not necessarily mean “losing weight.”
Muscle weighs a lot more than fat, so as your ratio of lean mass to fat changes,
you shrink at the same weight. Beware of diets that promise rapid weight loss,
as these tend to promote dehydration techniques that can be dangerous. Sure,
you can wring a lot of water out of your system to lose weight, but once you are
properly hydrated again you’ll gain most of the weight back. Also, when you
drastically reduce calories, you alter your body’s metabolism so it more readily
stores excess calories as fat, which is the opposite of what you’re trying to do.
In general, eat until you’re satisfied, not until you are full or stuffed. When eating
out, eat half of what you are served. You don’t have to clean your plate. When
eating protein, make it lean and about 3 oz. (the size of your palm or a deck of
cards). And when eating a salad, don’t ruin it with excess amounts of dressing.
TIP: Since the goal is overall body transformation, let’s do it in a reasonable
amount of time: 90 days, 45 days, 30 days—whatever suits your status today.
To get healthy results, eat and take supplements to support an exercise routine.
The trick is to eat the right food at the right time. Your body will burn off fat
every day while you get healthier overall.
Calories in: First, regulate how many calories you consume. We recommend
that if “trimming fat” is your goal, 1,200 to 1,500 calories per day is as low as
you want to go. Any lower and your body will think it’s starving and reset your
metabolism. Targeting a number that is 500 calories per day less than you burn
will result in losing a pound per week. We recommend starting with 1,200 to
2,000 calories per day, depending on your goal, which will steer you away from
large portions. Add calories only when you feel you need additional energy.
After all, food is fuel. (That’s a general guideline for the millions of people who
will read this. For more specific details about your personal caloric needs, we
suggest you call a registered dietician or diet center.)
Now that you have an estimate of how many calories your body needs, you
just need to make sure that you consume less than that, and your body will
be forced to access its stored fat to make up the difference. That’s how you
lose fat: force your body to use stored energy by controlling the “energy”
(aka calories) you put in.
Calories out: Second, approximate how many calories your body uses each
day using the following grid, which is calculated based on your body weight,
your lifestyle, and the assumption that you will burn 300 calories in every
rigorous 30-minute workout. (FYI: It’s possible to burn 800 calories per hour
with Beachbody programs, but we recommend you start with 400 to 500 per
hour, as it’s safer to underestimate at first.)
The Daily Deficit
450 calories = lose 1/8 pound a day, 11 lbs. of fat in 90 days
900 calories = lose 1/4 pound a day, 22 lbs. of fat in 90 days
1,100 calories = lose 1/3 pound a day, 30 lbs. of fat in 90 days
1,600 calories = lose 1/2 pound a day, 45 lbs. of fat in 90 days
Control Your Calorie Intake and Portion Size
This is what we call the “Classic Calorie Equation.” Your daily exercise routine
will increase the amount of calories you burn each day. If you also make sure
that you eat fewer calories than you burn, poof!—you burn excess stored fat.
It’s a simple, scientifically proven fact that never fails. And here’s how to do it.
1. Control your portions. Don’t eat until you are full; eat until you’re not hungry.
2. Pay Attention to everything you eat. Fresh veggies, lean meats, and foods
lower in fat and higher in fiber are the basis of our nutrition guide.
3. Consistent, 5-times-a-day eating schedule. IMPORTANT! Stick to the
schedule so you do not get hungry and overeat, and so your body has enough
fuel to rebuild after exercise.
4. Hydrate and Cleanse your body by drinking water. Your body is around
70% water. Drink at least 2 liters (8 glasses) per day.
What you eat has a direct effect on everything from the way your body works to
your mood to the amount of fat your body burns or stores. For long-term weight
management (and health), we suggest that you pay attention to everything you
eat and use the eyeball method* of controlling portion size. Balancing the type
of foods you’re eating and always making sure you’re getting enough protein†
are also important.
How Many Calories Your Body Needs
2 to 4x/wk
4 to 6x/w
Beachbody Rules for Choosing Foods
Use fresh vegetables to replace processed foods and you will lose weight.
5. Fortify your diet with a multivitamin. An exceptional multivitamin ensures
that you get all the nutrients you need when cutting calories.
Egg whites have less fat than whole eggs.
When looking at a plate of food you suspect is high in fat (like pizza) or carbohydrates
(like pasta), eat half the helping you would normally eat. Do not overeat.
6. Refrain from eating at the wrong times, like right before bed, or because
you’re feeling stressed or bored.
A glass of water 30 minutes before a meal will curb your hunger.
Try not to have a drink with your meals. If you must, limit it to a glass of wine,
juice, nonfat milk, or your best choice, water.
Avoid soda, beer, and hard alcohol, as they are very calorie-dense. Limit diet
sodas to one per day, as too much can affect your body’s pH levels.
Coffee and tea (better) are fine in moderation, just don’t add cream or sugar.
Choose low-density, high-fiber foods whenever possible.
The “eyeball method” means knowing how much you should eat by looking at it and having a basic
tool for knowing how much is enough.
According to the book The Zone by Dr. Barry Sears, you need 75 to 120 grams of protein a day,
depending on your lean muscle mass and lifestyle.
Note: Be prepared for people to make comments about the small portion size
of your dessert so they can justify the embarrassing mound they’re about to
consume. Your defense when this happens is your commitment to the goal.
When you reach it, you’ll be walking around feeling great about yourself and
your health, and your clothes will be fitting perfectly—if not a little loosely. Soon
you will see these same people who gave you a hard time, and they’ll be asking
for your advice about how to lose their soft belly. It’s then that you’ve won! But
don’t rub it in. Turn them on to and you’ve got a friend for life
(in them and in us!).
Avoid saturated and trans fats in red meats, full-fat dairy foods, and processed
foods. Learn to read labels.
Avocados, raw nuts, flaxseeds, and olive oil are great sources of essential
fatty acids—just keep portions very small. Fat is extremely dense and has
more than twice the calories per gram as protein and carbs.
Skinless white meat is generally a better choice than red meat.
This has been proven repeatedly in clinical trials, in Hollywood, and by the
general public. The Daily Deficit works. If you want to hit a very specific weight
loss goal, this is how you can do it, to the pound, to the day. And we’re not talking
water weight—we’re talking about burning off significant stored fat. The trick
is to be disciplined about calorie intake.
If you MUST have dessert, on your birthday or at a social gathering where it’s
irresistible, then be smart—a cup of fruit is the best way to go to satisfy a sweet
tooth. But if you still can’t avoid it, give yourself the leeway to enjoy it, and take
about a third of what you would normally reach for. That means if you’re going
to have a piece of pumpkin pie, have a “sliver of a sliver,” not a “slice.”
Breads, Pastas, Rice, and Fruits:
Be sure to eat whole grains and brown rice instead of refined grains and white
rice. The fiber will slow sugar absorption so your body can better handle the
sugars and not just store them as fat.
Always choose whole fruits instead of juice.
Foods in this category are calorie-dense, so limit to three small servings per day.
Every meal should be conservative in portion size and have a fairly even ratio of
calories from carbs, proteins, and fats. Shoot for 40% of your calories to come
from carbs, 30% from protein, and 30% from fat.
Once you accumulate a 3,500-calorie deficit, you’ve burned off 1 pound of fat!
By controlling the calorie deficit, you can control your weight loss:
When you’re confronted with the dessert tray, remember the goal: you want
to chisel your body as quickly as possible. Now, slowly step away from the
chocolate cake. Please—step away from the chocolate cake. (Did it work?)
A large salad is great, but try to limit the dressing to one or two tablespoons
of low-fat or nonfat dressing like vinaigrette instead of a coating of creamy
dressing, which can blow the whole reason for eating salad anyway.
A side portion of veggies should be steamed or raw. Prepared this way, veggies
have so few calories that you can pretty much eat them ‘til you’re full. A plateful
of raw veggies has about 100 calories. Indulge!
Avoid butter or cream-based sauces on veggies. Lemon juice, soy sauce, and
mustard are good ways to add flavor without adding fat calories.
We recommend using Michi’s Ladder (see page 10) to guide your food choices
throughout the day. The closer you eat to the top, the better results you will get.
It’s a direct relationship that cannot be overemphasized. No matter how much
you work out, if you don’t make smarter food choices, you will not see that layer
of padding around your waist or thighs go away. On the other hand, if you give
yourself three solid weeks of eating at the top of Michi’s Ladder, the results will
startle you.
*Above 200 pounds, add 100 calories for each additional 10 pounds.
Ah, wonderful, glorious dessert!
Choose lean meats (turkey, chicken, pork) vs. fatty red meats.
The portion of meat for a meal should be no larger than the palm of your hand
(around 3 to 4 ounces).
Broil, grill, or bake—never fry!
Avoid cream sauces and gravies.
If you don’t eat meat, substitute tempeh, tofu, low-fat dairy products, and legumes.
6 STEPS to transform your body
Control your portions
Pay attention to everything you eat
Calorie Equation: calories burned – calories eaten = calorie deficit
Example: 2,300 burned – 1,500 eaten = 800 calorie deficit
LET’S BEGIN. The actual goal of most fitness and slimming programs is to
increase the ratio of lean muscle to stored fat. That means trimming a lot of fat
and building muscle for a toned look. It does not necessarily mean “losing weight.”
Muscle weighs a lot more than fat, so as your ratio of lean mass to fat changes,
you shrink at the same weight. Beware of diets that promise rapid weight loss,
as these tend to promote dehydration techniques that can be dangerous. Sure,
you can wring a lot of water out of your system to lose weight, but once you are
properly hydrated again you’ll gain most of the weight back. Also, when you
drastically reduce calories, you alter your body’s metabolism so it more readily
stores excess calories as fat, which is the opposite of what you’re trying to do.
In general, eat until you’re satisfied, not until you are full or stuffed. When eating
out, eat half of what you are served. You don’t have to clean your plate. When
eating protein, make it lean and about 3 oz. (the size of your palm or a deck of
cards). And when eating a salad, don’t ruin it with excess amounts of dressing.
TIP: Since the goal is overall body transformation, let’s do it in a reasonable
amount of time: 90 days, 45 days, 30 days—whatever suits your status today.
To get healthy results, eat and take supplements to support an exercise routine.
The trick is to eat the right food at the right time. Your body will burn off fat
every day while you get healthier overall.
Calories in: First, regulate how many calories you consume. We recommend
that if “trimming fat” is your goal, 1,200 to 1,500 calories per day is as low as
you want to go. Any lower and your body will think it’s starving and reset your
metabolism. Targeting a number that is 500 calories per day less than you burn
will result in losing a pound per week. We recommend starting with 1,200 to
2,000 calories per day, depending on your goal, which will steer you away from
large portions. Add calories only when you feel you need additional energy.
After all, food is fuel. (That’s a general guideline for the millions of people who
will read this. For more specific details about your personal caloric needs, we
suggest you call a registered dietician or diet center.)
Now that you have an estimate of how many calories your body needs, you
just need to make sure that you consume less than that, and your body will
be forced to access its stored fat to make up the difference. That’s how you
lose fat: force your body to use stored energy by controlling the “energy”
(aka calories) you put in.
Calories out: Second, approximate how many calories your body uses each
day using the following grid, which is calculated based on your body weight,
your lifestyle, and the assumption that you will burn 300 calories in every
rigorous 30-minute workout. (FYI: It’s possible to burn 800 calories per hour
with Beachbody programs, but we recommend you start with 400 to 500 per
hour, as it’s safer to underestimate at first.)
The Daily Deficit
450 calories = lose 1/8 pound a day, 11 lbs. of fat in 90 days
900 calories = lose 1/4 pound a day, 22 lbs. of fat in 90 days
1,100 calories = lose 1/3 pound a day, 30 lbs. of fat in 90 days
1,600 calories = lose 1/2 pound a day, 45 lbs. of fat in 90 days
Control Your Calorie Intake and Portion Size
This is what we call the “Classic Calorie Equation.” Your daily exercise routine
will increase the amount of calories you burn each day. If you also make sure
that you eat fewer calories than you burn, poof!—you burn excess stored fat.
It’s a simple, scientifically proven fact that never fails. And here’s how to do it.
1. Control your portions. Don’t eat until you are full; eat until you’re not hungry.
2. Pay Attention to everything you eat. Fresh veggies, lean meats, and foods
lower in fat and higher in fiber are the basis of our nutrition guide.
3. Consistent, 5-times-a-day eating schedule. IMPORTANT! Stick to the
schedule so you do not get hungry and overeat, and so your body has enough
fuel to rebuild after exercise.
4. Hydrate and Cleanse your body by drinking water. Your body is around
70% water. Drink at least 2 liters (8 glasses) per day.
What you eat has a direct effect on everything from the way your body works to
your mood to the amount of fat your body burns or stores. For long-term weight
management (and health), we suggest that you pay attention to everything you
eat and use the eyeball method* of controlling portion size. Balancing the type
of foods you’re eating and always making sure you’re getting enough protein†
are also important.
How Many Calories Your Body Needs
2 to 4x/wk
4 to 6x/w
Beachbody Rules for Choosing Foods
Use fresh vegetables to replace processed foods and you will lose weight.
5. Fortify your diet with a multivitamin. An exceptional multivitamin ensures
that you get all the nutrients you need when cutting calories.
Egg whites have less fat than whole eggs.
When looking at a plate of food you suspect is high in fat (like pizza) or carbohydrates
(like pasta), eat half the helping you would normally eat. Do not overeat.
6. Refrain from eating at the wrong times, like right before bed, or because
you’re feeling stressed or bored.
A glass of water 30 minutes before a meal will curb your hunger.
Try not to have a drink with your meals. If you must, limit it to a glass of wine,
juice, nonfat milk, or your best choice, water.
Avoid soda, beer, and hard alcohol, as they are very calorie-dense. Limit diet
sodas to one per day, as too much can affect your body’s pH levels.
Coffee and tea (better) are fine in moderation, just don’t add cream or sugar.
Choose low-density, high-fiber foods whenever possible.
The “eyeball method” means knowing how much you should eat by looking at it and having a basic
tool for knowing how much is enough.
According to the book The Zone by Dr. Barry Sears, you need 75 to 120 grams of protein a day,
depending on your lean muscle mass and lifestyle.
Note: Be prepared for people to make comments about the small portion size
of your dessert so they can justify the embarrassing mound they’re about to
consume. Your defense when this happens is your commitment to the goal.
When you reach it, you’ll be walking around feeling great about yourself and
your health, and your clothes will be fitting perfectly—if not a little loosely. Soon
you will see these same people who gave you a hard time, and they’ll be asking
for your advice about how to lose their soft belly. It’s then that you’ve won! But
don’t rub it in. Turn them on to and you’ve got a friend for life
(in them and in us!).
Avoid saturated and trans fats in red meats, full-fat dairy foods, and processed
foods. Learn to read labels.
Avocados, raw nuts, flaxseeds, and olive oil are great sources of essential
fatty acids—just keep portions very small. Fat is extremely dense and has
more than twice the calories per gram as protein and carbs.
Skinless white meat is generally a better choice than red meat.
This has been proven repeatedly in clinical trials, in Hollywood, and by the
general public. The Daily Deficit works. If you want to hit a very specific weight
loss goal, this is how you can do it, to the pound, to the day. And we’re not talking
water weight—we’re talking about burning off significant stored fat. The trick
is to be disciplined about calorie intake.
If you MUST have dessert, on your birthday or at a social gathering where it’s
irresistible, then be smart—a cup of fruit is the best way to go to satisfy a sweet
tooth. But if you still can’t avoid it, give yourself the leeway to enjoy it, and take
about a third of what you would normally reach for. That means if you’re going
to have a piece of pumpkin pie, have a “sliver of a sliver,” not a “slice.”
Breads, Pastas, Rice, and Fruits:
Be sure to eat whole grains and brown rice instead of refined grains and white
rice. The fiber will slow sugar absorption so your body can better handle the
sugars and not just store them as fat.
Always choose whole fruits instead of juice.
Foods in this category are calorie-dense, so limit to three small servings per day.
Every meal should be conservative in portion size and have a fairly even ratio of
calories from carbs, proteins, and fats. Shoot for 40% of your calories to come
from carbs, 30% from protein, and 30% from fat.
Once you accumulate a 3,500-calorie deficit, you’ve burned off 1 pound of fat!
By controlling the calorie deficit, you can control your weight loss:
When you’re confronted with the dessert tray, remember the goal: you want
to chisel your body as quickly as possible. Now, slowly step away from the
chocolate cake. Please—step away from the chocolate cake. (Did it work?)
A large salad is great, but try to limit the dressing to one or two tablespoons
of low-fat or nonfat dressing like vinaigrette instead of a coating of creamy
dressing, which can blow the whole reason for eating salad anyway.
A side portion of veggies should be steamed or raw. Prepared this way, veggies
have so few calories that you can pretty much eat them ‘til you’re full. A plateful
of raw veggies has about 100 calories. Indulge!
Avoid butter or cream-based sauces on veggies. Lemon juice, soy sauce, and
mustard are good ways to add flavor without adding fat calories.
We recommend using Michi’s Ladder (see page 10) to guide your food choices
throughout the day. The closer you eat to the top, the better results you will get.
It’s a direct relationship that cannot be overemphasized. No matter how much
you work out, if you don’t make smarter food choices, you will not see that layer
of padding around your waist or thighs go away. On the other hand, if you give
yourself three solid weeks of eating at the top of Michi’s Ladder, the results will
startle you.
*Above 200 pounds, add 100 calories for each additional 10 pounds.
Ah, wonderful, glorious dessert!
Choose lean meats (turkey, chicken, pork) vs. fatty red meats.
The portion of meat for a meal should be no larger than the palm of your hand
(around 3 to 4 ounces).
Broil, grill, or bake—never fry!
Avoid cream sauces and gravies.
If you don’t eat meat, substitute tempeh, tofu, low-fat dairy products, and legumes.
6 STEPS to transform your body
Control your portions
Pay attention to everything you eat
Calorie Equation: calories burned – calories eaten = calorie deficit
Example: 2,300 burned – 1,500 eaten = 800 calorie deficit
LET’S BEGIN. The actual goal of most fitness and slimming programs is to
increase the ratio of lean muscle to stored fat. That means trimming a lot of fat
and building muscle for a toned look. It does not necessarily mean “losing weight.”
Muscle weighs a lot more than fat, so as your ratio of lean mass to fat changes,
you shrink at the same weight. Beware of diets that promise rapid weight loss,
as these tend to promote dehydration techniques that can be dangerous. Sure,
you can wring a lot of water out of your system to lose weight, but once you are
properly hydrated again you’ll gain most of the weight back. Also, when you
drastically reduce calories, you alter your body’s metabolism so it more readily
stores excess calories as fat, which is the opposite of what you’re trying to do.
In general, eat until you’re satisfied, not until you are full or stuffed. When eating
out, eat half of what you are served. You don’t have to clean your plate. When
eating protein, make it lean and about 3 oz. (the size of your palm or a deck of
cards). And when eating a salad, don’t ruin it with excess amounts of dressing.
TIP: Since the goal is overall body transformation, let’s do it in a reasonable
amount of time: 90 days, 45 days, 30 days—whatever suits your status today.
To get healthy results, eat and take supplements to support an exercise routine.
The trick is to eat the right food at the right time. Your body will burn off fat
every day while you get healthier overall.
Calories in: First, regulate how many calories you consume. We recommend
that if “trimming fat” is your goal, 1,200 to 1,500 calories per day is as low as
you want to go. Any lower and your body will think it’s starving and reset your
metabolism. Targeting a number that is 500 calories per day less than you burn
will result in losing a pound per week. We recommend starting with 1,200 to
2,000 calories per day, depending on your goal, which will steer you away from
large portions. Add calories only when you feel you need additional energy.
After all, food is fuel. (That’s a general guideline for the millions of people who
will read this. For more specific details about your personal caloric needs, we
suggest you call a registered dietician or diet center.)
Now that you have an estimate of how many calories your body needs, you
just need to make sure that you consume less than that, and your body will
be forced to access its stored fat to make up the difference. That’s how you
lose fat: force your body to use stored energy by controlling the “energy”
(aka calories) you put in.
Calories out: Second, approximate how many calories your body uses each
day using the following grid, which is calculated based on your body weight,
your lifestyle, and the assumption that you will burn 300 calories in every
rigorous 30-minute workout. (FYI: It’s possible to burn 800 calories per hour
with Beachbody programs, but we recommend you start with 400 to 500 per
hour, as it’s safer to underestimate at first.)
The Daily Deficit
450 calories = lose 1/8 pound a day, 11 lbs. of fat in 90 days
900 calories = lose 1/4 pound a day, 22 lbs. of fat in 90 days
1,100 calories = lose 1/3 pound a day, 30 lbs. of fat in 90 days
1,600 calories = lose 1/2 pound a day, 45 lbs. of fat in 90 days
Control Your Calorie Intake and Portion Size
This is what we call the “Classic Calorie Equation.” Your daily exercise routine
will increase the amount of calories you burn each day. If you also make sure
that you eat fewer calories than you burn, poof!—you burn excess stored fat.
It’s a simple, scientifically proven fact that never fails. And here’s how to do it.
1. Control your portions. Don’t eat until you are full; eat until you’re not hungry.
2. Pay Attention to everything you eat. Fresh veggies, lean meats, and foods
lower in fat and higher in fiber are the basis of our nutrition guide.
3. Consistent, 5-times-a-day eating schedule. IMPORTANT! Stick to the
schedule so you do not get hungry and overeat, and so your body has enough
fuel to rebuild after exercise.
4. Hydrate and Cleanse your body by drinking water. Your body is around
70% water. Drink at least 2 liters (8 glasses) per day.
What you eat has a direct effect on everything from the way your body works to
your mood to the amount of fat your body burns or stores. For long-term weight
management (and health), we suggest that you pay attention to everything you
eat and use the eyeball method* of controlling portion size. Balancing the type
of foods you’re eating and always making sure you’re getting enough protein†
are also important.
How Many Calories Your Body Needs
2 to 4x/wk
4 to 6x/w
Beachbody Rules for Choosing Foods
Use fresh vegetables to replace processed foods and you will lose weight.
5. Fortify your diet with a multivitamin. An exceptional multivitamin ensures
that you get all the nutrients you need when cutting calories.
Egg whites have less fat than whole eggs.
When looking at a plate of food you suspect is high in fat (like pizza) or carbohydrates
(like pasta), eat half the helping you would normally eat. Do not overeat.
6. Refrain from eating at the wrong times, like right before bed, or because
you’re feeling stressed or bored.
A glass of water 30 minutes before a meal will curb your hunger.
Try not to have a drink with your meals. If you must, limit it to a glass of wine,
juice, nonfat milk, or your best choice, water.
Avoid soda, beer, and hard alcohol, as they are very calorie-dense. Limit diet
sodas to one per day, as too much can affect your body’s pH levels.
Coffee and tea (better) are fine in moderation, just don’t add cream or sugar.
Choose low-density, high-fiber foods whenever possible.
The “eyeball method” means knowing how much you should eat by looking at it and having a basic
tool for knowing how much is enough.
According to the book The Zone by Dr. Barry Sears, you need 75 to 120 grams of protein a day,
depending on your lean muscle mass and lifestyle.
Note: Be prepared for people to make comments about the small portion size
of your dessert so they can justify the embarrassing mound they’re about to
consume. Your defense when this happens is your commitment to the goal.
When you reach it, you’ll be walking around feeling great about yourself and
your health, and your clothes will be fitting perfectly—if not a little loosely. Soon
you will see these same people who gave you a hard time, and they’ll be asking
for your advice about how to lose their soft belly. It’s then that you’ve won! But
don’t rub it in. Turn them on to and you’ve got a friend for life
(in them and in us!).
Avoid saturated and trans fats in red meats, full-fat dairy foods, and processed
foods. Learn to read labels.
Avocados, raw nuts, flaxseeds, and olive oil are great sources of essential
fatty acids—just keep portions very small. Fat is extremely dense and has
more than twice the calories per gram as protein and carbs.
Skinless white meat is generally a better choice than red meat.
This has been proven repeatedly in clinical trials, in Hollywood, and by the
general public. The Daily Deficit works. If you want to hit a very specific weight
loss goal, this is how you can do it, to the pound, to the day. And we’re not talking
water weight—we’re talking about burning off significant stored fat. The trick
is to be disciplined about calorie intake.
If you MUST have dessert, on your birthday or at a social gathering where it’s
irresistible, then be smart—a cup of fruit is the best way to go to satisfy a sweet
tooth. But if you still can’t avoid it, give yourself the leeway to enjoy it, and take
about a third of what you would normally reach for. That means if you’re going
to have a piece of pumpkin pie, have a “sliver of a sliver,” not a “slice.”
Breads, Pastas, Rice, and Fruits:
Be sure to eat whole grains and brown rice instead of refined grains and white
rice. The fiber will slow sugar absorption so your body can better handle the
sugars and not just store them as fat.
Always choose whole fruits instead of juice.
Foods in this category are calorie-dense, so limit to three small servings per day.
Every meal should be conservative in portion size and have a fairly even ratio of
calories from carbs, proteins, and fats. Shoot for 40% of your calories to come
from carbs, 30% from protein, and 30% from fat.
Once you accumulate a 3,500-calorie deficit, you’ve burned off 1 pound of fat!
By controlling the calorie deficit, you can control your weight loss:
When you’re confronted with the dessert tray, remember the goal: you want
to chisel your body as quickly as possible. Now, slowly step away from the
chocolate cake. Please—step away from the chocolate cake. (Did it work?)
A large salad is great, but try to limit the dressing to one or two tablespoons
of low-fat or nonfat dressing like vinaigrette instead of a coating of creamy
dressing, which can blow the whole reason for eating salad anyway.
A side portion of veggies should be steamed or raw. Prepared this way, veggies
have so few calories that you can pretty much eat them ‘til you’re full. A plateful
of raw veggies has about 100 calories. Indulge!
Avoid butter or cream-based sauces on veggies. Lemon juice, soy sauce, and
mustard are good ways to add flavor without adding fat calories.
We recommend using Michi’s Ladder (see page 10) to guide your food choices
throughout the day. The closer you eat to the top, the better results you will get.
It’s a direct relationship that cannot be overemphasized. No matter how much
you work out, if you don’t make smarter food choices, you will not see that layer
of padding around your waist or thighs go away. On the other hand, if you give
yourself three solid weeks of eating at the top of Michi’s Ladder, the results will
startle you.
*Above 200 pounds, add 100 calories for each additional 10 pounds.
Ah, wonderful, glorious dessert!
Choose lean meats (turkey, chicken, pork) vs. fatty red meats.
The portion of meat for a meal should be no larger than the palm of your hand
(around 3 to 4 ounces).
Broil, grill, or bake—never fry!
Avoid cream sauces and gravies.
If you don’t eat meat, substitute tempeh, tofu, low-fat dairy products, and legumes.
6 STEPS to transform your body
Control your portions
Pay attention to everything you eat
Calorie Equation: calories burned – calories eaten = calorie deficit
Example: 2,300 burned – 1,500 eaten = 800 calorie deficit
LET’S BEGIN. The actual goal of most fitness and slimming programs is to
increase the ratio of lean muscle to stored fat. That means trimming a lot of fat
and building muscle for a toned look. It does not necessarily mean “losing weight.”
Muscle weighs a lot more than fat, so as your ratio of lean mass to fat changes,
you shrink at the same weight. Beware of diets that promise rapid weight loss,
as these tend to promote dehydration techniques that can be dangerous. Sure,
you can wring a lot of water out of your system to lose weight, but once you are
properly hydrated again you’ll gain most of the weight back. Also, when you
drastically reduce calories, you alter your body’s metabolism so it more readily
stores excess calories as fat, which is the opposite of what you’re trying to do.
In general, eat until you’re satisfied, not until you are full or stuffed. When eating
out, eat half of what you are served. You don’t have to clean your plate. When
eating protein, make it lean and about 3 oz. (the size of your palm or a deck of
cards). And when eating a salad, don’t ruin it with excess amounts of dressing.
TIP: Since the goal is overall body transformation, let’s do it in a reasonable
amount of time: 90 days, 45 days, 30 days—whatever suits your status today.
To get healthy results, eat and take supplements to support an exercise routine.
The trick is to eat the right food at the right time. Your body will burn off fat
every day while you get healthier overall.
Calories in: First, regulate how many calories you consume. We recommend
that if “trimming fat” is your goal, 1,200 to 1,500 calories per day is as low as
you want to go. Any lower and your body will think it’s starving and reset your
metabolism. Targeting a number that is 500 calories per day less than you burn
will result in losing a pound per week. We recommend starting with 1,200 to
2,000 calories per day, depending on your goal, which will steer you away from
large portions. Add calories only when you feel you need additional energy.
After all, food is fuel. (That’s a general guideline for the millions of people who
will read this. For more specific details about your personal caloric needs, we
suggest you call a registered dietician or diet center.)
Now that you have an estimate of how many calories your body needs, you
just need to make sure that you consume less than that, and your body will
be forced to access its stored fat to make up the difference. That’s how you
lose fat: force your body to use stored energy by controlling the “energy”
(aka calories) you put in.
Calories out: Second, approximate how many calories your body uses each
day using the following grid, which is calculated based on your body weight,
your lifestyle, and the assumption that you will burn 300 calories in every
rigorous 30-minute workout. (FYI: It’s possible to burn 800 calories per hour
with Beachbody programs, but we recommend you start with 400 to 500 per
hour, as it’s safer to underestimate at first.)
The Daily Deficit
450 calories = lose 1/8 pound a day, 11 lbs. of fat in 90 days
900 calories = lose 1/4 pound a day, 22 lbs. of fat in 90 days
1,100 calories = lose 1/3 pound a day, 30 lbs. of fat in 90 days
1,600 calories = lose 1/2 pound a day, 45 lbs. of fat in 90 days
Control Your Calorie Intake and Portion Size
This is what we call the “Classic Calorie Equation.” Your daily exercise routine
will increase the amount of calories you burn each day. If you also make sure
that you eat fewer calories than you burn, poof!—you burn excess stored fat.
It’s a simple, scientifically proven fact that never fails. And here’s how to do it.
1. Control your portions. Don’t eat until you are full; eat until you’re not hungry.
2. Pay Attention to everything you eat. Fresh veggies, lean meats, and foods
lower in fat and higher in fiber are the basis of our nutrition guide.
3. Consistent, 5-times-a-day eating schedule. IMPORTANT! Stick to the
schedule so you do not get hungry and overeat, and so your body has enough
fuel to rebuild after exercise.
4. Hydrate and Cleanse your body by drinking water. Your body is around
70% water. Drink at least 2 liters (8 glasses) per day.
What you eat has a direct effect on everything from the way your body works to
your mood to the amount of fat your body burns or stores. For long-term weight
management (and health), we suggest that you pay attention to everything you
eat and use the eyeball method* of controlling portion size. Balancing the type
of foods you’re eating and always making sure you’re getting enough protein†
are also important.
How Many Calories Your Body Needs
2 to 4x/wk
4 to 6x/w
Beachbody Rules for Choosing Foods
Use fresh vegetables to replace processed foods and you will lose weight.
5. Fortify your diet with a multivitamin. An exceptional multivitamin ensures
that you get all the nutrients you need when cutting calories.
Egg whites have less fat than whole eggs.
When looking at a plate of food you suspect is high in fat (like pizza) or carbohydrates
(like pasta), eat half the helping you would normally eat. Do not overeat.
6. Refrain from eating at the wrong times, like right before bed, or because
you’re feeling stressed or bored.
A glass of water 30 minutes before a meal will curb your hunger.
Try not to have a drink with your meals. If you must, limit it to a glass of wine,
juice, nonfat milk, or your best choice, water.
Avoid soda, beer, and hard alcohol, as they are very calorie-dense. Limit diet
sodas to one per day, as too much can affect your body’s pH levels.
Coffee and tea (better) are fine in moderation, just don’t add cream or sugar.
Choose low-density, high-fiber foods whenever possible.
The “eyeball method” means knowing how much you should eat by looking at it and having a basic
tool for knowing how much is enough.
According to the book The Zone by Dr. Barry Sears, you need 75 to 120 grams of protein a day,
depending on your lean muscle mass and lifestyle.
Note: Be prepared for people to make comments about the small portion size
of your dessert so they can justify the embarrassing mound they’re about to
consume. Your defense when this happens is your commitment to the goal.
When you reach it, you’ll be walking around feeling great about yourself and
your health, and your clothes will be fitting perfectly—if not a little loosely. Soon
you will see these same people who gave you a hard time, and they’ll be asking
for your advice about how to lose their soft belly. It’s then that you’ve won! But
don’t rub it in. Turn them on to and you’ve got a friend for life
(in them and in us!).
Avoid saturated and trans fats in red meats, full-fat dairy foods, and processed
foods. Learn to read labels.
Avocados, raw nuts, flaxseeds, and olive oil are great sources of essential
fatty acids—just keep portions very small. Fat is extremely dense and has
more than twice the calories per gram as protein and carbs.
Skinless white meat is generally a better choice than red meat.
This has been proven repeatedly in clinical trials, in Hollywood, and by the
general public. The Daily Deficit works. If you want to hit a very specific weight
loss goal, this is how you can do it, to the pound, to the day. And we’re not talking
water weight—we’re talking about burning off significant stored fat. The trick
is to be disciplined about calorie intake.
If you MUST have dessert, on your birthday or at a social gathering where it’s
irresistible, then be smart—a cup of fruit is the best way to go to satisfy a sweet
tooth. But if you still can’t avoid it, give yourself the leeway to enjoy it, and take
about a third of what you would normally reach for. That means if you’re going
to have a piece of pumpkin pie, have a “sliver of a sliver,” not a “slice.”
Breads, Pastas, Rice, and Fruits:
Be sure to eat whole grains and brown rice instead of refined grains and white
rice. The fiber will slow sugar absorption so your body can better handle the
sugars and not just store them as fat.
Always choose whole fruits instead of juice.
Foods in this category are calorie-dense, so limit to three small servings per day.
Every meal should be conservative in portion size and have a fairly even ratio of
calories from carbs, proteins, and fats. Shoot for 40% of your calories to come
from carbs, 30% from protein, and 30% from fat.
Once you accumulate a 3,500-calorie deficit, you’ve burned off 1 pound of fat!
By controlling the calorie deficit, you can control your weight loss:
When you’re confronted with the dessert tray, remember the goal: you want
to chisel your body as quickly as possible. Now, slowly step away from the
chocolate cake. Please—step away from the chocolate cake. (Did it work?)
A large salad is great, but try to limit the dressing to one or two tablespoons
of low-fat or nonfat dressing like vinaigrette instead of a coating of creamy
dressing, which can blow the whole reason for eating salad anyway.
A side portion of veggies should be steamed or raw. Prepared this way, veggies
have so few calories that you can pretty much eat them ‘til you’re full. A plateful
of raw veggies has about 100 calories. Indulge!
Avoid butter or cream-based sauces on veggies. Lemon juice, soy sauce, and
mustard are good ways to add flavor without adding fat calories.
We recommend using Michi’s Ladder (see page 10) to guide your food choices
throughout the day. The closer you eat to the top, the better results you will get.
It’s a direct relationship that cannot be overemphasized. No matter how much
you work out, if you don’t make smarter food choices, you will not see that layer
of padding around your waist or thighs go away. On the other hand, if you give
yourself three solid weeks of eating at the top of Michi’s Ladder, the results will
startle you.
*Above 200 pounds, add 100 calories for each additional 10 pounds.
Ah, wonderful, glorious dessert!
Choose lean meats (turkey, chicken, pork) vs. fatty red meats.
The portion of meat for a meal should be no larger than the palm of your hand
(around 3 to 4 ounces).
Broil, grill, or bake—never fry!
Avoid cream sauces and gravies.
If you don’t eat meat, substitute tempeh, tofu, low-fat dairy products, and legumes.
6 STEPS to transform your body
Control your portions
Pay attention to everything you eat
Calorie Equation: calories burned – calories eaten = calorie deficit
Example: 2,300 burned – 1,500 eaten = 800 calorie deficit
LET’S BEGIN. The actual goal of most fitness and slimming programs is to
increase the ratio of lean muscle to stored fat. That means trimming a lot of fat
and building muscle for a toned look. It does not necessarily mean “losing weight.”
Muscle weighs a lot more than fat, so as your ratio of lean mass to fat changes,
you shrink at the same weight. Beware of diets that promise rapid weight loss,
as these tend to promote dehydration techniques that can be dangerous. Sure,
you can wring a lot of water out of your system to lose weight, but once you are
properly hydrated again you’ll gain most of the weight back. Also, when you
drastically reduce calories, you alter your body’s metabolism so it more readily
stores excess calories as fat, which is the opposite of what you’re trying to do.
In general, eat until you’re satisfied, not until you are full or stuffed. When eating
out, eat half of what you are served. You don’t have to clean your plate. When
eating protein, make it lean and about 3 oz. (the size of your palm or a deck of
cards). And when eating a salad, don’t ruin it with excess amounts of dressing.
TIP: Since the goal is overall body transformation, let’s do it in a reasonable
amount of time: 90 days, 45 days, 30 days—whatever suits your status today.
To get healthy results, eat and take supplements to support an exercise routine.
The trick is to eat the right food at the right time. Your body will burn off fat
every day while you get healthier overall.
Calories in: First, regulate how many calories you consume. We recommend
that if “trimming fat” is your goal, 1,200 to 1,500 calories per day is as low as
you want to go. Any lower and your body will think it’s starving and reset your
metabolism. Targeting a number that is 500 calories per day less than you burn
will result in losing a pound per week. We recommend starting with 1,200 to
2,000 calories per day, depending on your goal, which will steer you away from
large portions. Add calories only when you feel you need additional energy.
After all, food is fuel. (That’s a general guideline for the millions of people who
will read this. For more specific details about your personal caloric needs, we
suggest you call a registered dietician or diet center.)
Now that you have an estimate of how many calories your body needs, you
just need to make sure that you consume less than that, and your body will
be forced to access its stored fat to make up the difference. That’s how you
lose fat: force your body to use stored energy by controlling the “energy”
(aka calories) you put in.
Calories out: Second, approximate how many calories your body uses each
day using the following grid, which is calculated based on your body weight,
your lifestyle, and the assumption that you will burn 300 calories in every
rigorous 30-minute workout. (FYI: It’s possible to burn 800 calories per hour
with Beachbody programs, but we recommend you start with 400 to 500 per
hour, as it’s safer to underestimate at first.)
The Daily Deficit
450 calories = lose 1/8 pound a day, 11 lbs. of fat in 90 days
900 calories = lose 1/4 pound a day, 22 lbs. of fat in 90 days
1,100 calories = lose 1/3 pound a day, 30 lbs. of fat in 90 days
1,600 calories = lose 1/2 pound a day, 45 lbs. of fat in 90 days
Control Your Calorie Intake and Portion Size
This is what we call the “Classic Calorie Equation.” Your daily exercise routine
will increase the amount of calories you burn each day. If you also make sure
that you eat fewer calories than you burn, poof!—you burn excess stored fat.
It’s a simple, scientifically proven fact that never fails. And here’s how to do it.
1. Control your portions. Don’t eat until you are full; eat until you’re not hungry.
2. Pay Attention to everything you eat. Fresh veggies, lean meats, and foods
lower in fat and higher in fiber are the basis of our nutrition guide.
3. Consistent, 5-times-a-day eating schedule. IMPORTANT! Stick to the
schedule so you do not get hungry and overeat, and so your body has enough
fuel to rebuild after exercise.
4. Hydrate and Cleanse your body by drinking water. Your body is around
70% water. Drink at least 2 liters (8 glasses) per day.
What you eat has a direct effect on everything from the way your body works to
your mood to the amount of fat your body burns or stores. For long-term weight
management (and health), we suggest that you pay attention to everything you
eat and use the eyeball method* of controlling portion size. Balancing the type
of foods you’re eating and always making sure you’re getting enough protein†
are also important.
How Many Calories Your Body Needs
2 to 4x/wk
4 to 6x/w
Beachbody Rules for Choosing Foods
Use fresh vegetables to replace processed foods and you will lose weight.
5. Fortify your diet with a multivitamin. An exceptional multivitamin ensures
that you get all the nutrients you need when cutting calories.
Egg whites have less fat than whole eggs.
When looking at a plate of food you suspect is high in fat (like pizza) or carbohydrates
(like pasta), eat half the helping you would normally eat. Do not overeat.
6. Refrain from eating at the wrong times, like right before bed, or because
you’re feeling stressed or bored.
A glass of water 30 minutes before a meal will curb your hunger.
Try not to have a drink with your meals. If you must, limit it to a glass of wine,
juice, nonfat milk, or your best choice, water.
Avoid soda, beer, and hard alcohol, as they are very calorie-dense. Limit diet
sodas to one per day, as too much can affect your body’s pH levels.
Coffee and tea (better) are fine in moderation, just don’t add cream or sugar.
Choose low-density, high-fiber foods whenever possible.
The “eyeball method” means knowing how much you should eat by looking at it and having a basic
tool for knowing how much is enough.
According to the book The Zone by Dr. Barry Sears, you need 75 to 120 grams of protein a day,
depending on your lean muscle mass and lifestyle.
Note: Be prepared for people to make comments about the small portion size
of your dessert so they can justify the embarrassing mound they’re about to
consume. Your defense when this happens is your commitment to the goal.
When you reach it, you’ll be walking around feeling great about yourself and
your health, and your clothes will be fitting perfectly—if not a little loosely. Soon
you will see these same people who gave you a hard time, and they’ll be asking
for your advice about how to lose their soft belly. It’s then that you’ve won! But
don’t rub it in. Turn them on to and you’ve got a friend for life
(in them and in us!).
Avoid saturated and trans fats in red meats, full-fat dairy foods, and processed
foods. Learn to read labels.
Avocados, raw nuts, flaxseeds, and olive oil are great sources of essential
fatty acids—just keep portions very small. Fat is extremely dense and has
more than twice the calories per gram as protein and carbs.
Skinless white meat is generally a better choice than red meat.
This has been proven repeatedly in clinical trials, in Hollywood, and by the
general public. The Daily Deficit works. If you want to hit a very specific weight
loss goal, this is how you can do it, to the pound, to the day. And we’re not talking
water weight—we’re talking about burning off significant stored fat. The trick
is to be disciplined about calorie intake.
If you MUST have dessert, on your birthday or at a social gathering where it’s
irresistible, then be smart—a cup of fruit is the best way to go to satisfy a sweet
tooth. But if you still can’t avoid it, give yourself the leeway to enjoy it, and take
about a third of what you would normally reach for. That means if you’re going
to have a piece of pumpkin pie, have a “sliver of a sliver,” not a “slice.”
Breads, Pastas, Rice, and Fruits:
Be sure to eat whole grains and brown rice instead of refined grains and white
rice. The fiber will slow sugar absorption so your body can better handle the
sugars and not just store them as fat.
Always choose whole fruits instead of juice.
Foods in this category are calorie-dense, so limit to three small servings per day.
Every meal should be conservative in portion size and have a fairly even ratio of
calories from carbs, proteins, and fats. Shoot for 40% of your calories to come
from carbs, 30% from protein, and 30% from fat.
Once you accumulate a 3,500-calorie deficit, you’ve burned off 1 pound of fat!
By controlling the calorie deficit, you can control your weight loss:
When you’re confronted with the dessert tray, remember the goal: you want
to chisel your body as quickly as possible. Now, slowly step away from the
chocolate cake. Please—step away from the chocolate cake. (Did it work?)
A large salad is great, but try to limit the dressing to one or two tablespoons
of low-fat or nonfat dressing like vinaigrette instead of a coating of creamy
dressing, which can blow the whole reason for eating salad anyway.
A side portion of veggies should be steamed or raw. Prepared this way, veggies
have so few calories that you can pretty much eat them ‘til you’re full. A plateful
of raw veggies has about 100 calories. Indulge!
Avoid butter or cream-based sauces on veggies. Lemon juice, soy sauce, and
mustard are good ways to add flavor without adding fat calories.
We recommend using Michi’s Ladder (see page 10) to guide your food choices
throughout the day. The closer you eat to the top, the better results you will get.
It’s a direct relationship that cannot be overemphasized. No matter how much
you work out, if you don’t make smarter food choices, you will not see that layer
of padding around your waist or thighs go away. On the other hand, if you give
yourself three solid weeks of eating at the top of Michi’s Ladder, the results will
startle you.
*Above 200 pounds, add 100 calories for each additional 10 pounds.
Ah, wonderful, glorious dessert!
Choose lean meats (turkey, chicken, pork) vs. fatty red meats.
The portion of meat for a meal should be no larger than the palm of your hand
(around 3 to 4 ounces).
Broil, grill, or bake—never fry!
Avoid cream sauces and gravies.
If you don’t eat meat, substitute tempeh, tofu, low-fat dairy products, and legumes.
To succeed, it is very important to follow a consistent eating schedule. Consistency
will actually give you a profound sense of control over your world, and it will
also assure two things:
Eat to carve out your physique
within an hour of waking up
2–3 hours after breakfast
2–3 hours after snack
2–3 hours after lunch
finished at least 3 hours before bed
The wrong time to eat is when
you’re not hungry. We often eat
when we’re stressed, bored, upset,
or just because food is available.
Try to be aware of your hunger
level and monitor unnecessary
snacks and calories.
FORTIFY your diet with a multivitamin. When you exercise hard and/or reduce
your diet, your body can easily suffer from vitamin deficiencies. Most nutritionists
believe that multivitamins are absolutely essential, especially for active individuals,
because it’s difficult to get enough nutrients from your diet alone. The combination
of daily stress, processed foods, and nutrient-depleted soils may leave your
daily diet with deficiencies, which can threaten healthy muscle growth,
energy production, protein metabolism, and fat burning. Taking a
good multivitamin will ensure that your body has the nutrients it
needs to function properly. We recommend ActiVit® multivitamins,
but there are other good brands as well. The key is quality and
freshness—when it comes to vitamins, you get what you pay for!
(7 AM)
(9–10 AM)
(12–1 PM)
(3–4 PM)
(7–8 PM)
*The snacks should be small, depending on your caloric needs (e.g., small piece of fruit, meal
replacement bar, etc.).
The most important aspects of this eating schedule are that you DO eat breakfast,
and that you DO stop eating 3 hours BEFORE bedtime. (You might start to get
hungry before bedtime, but you will enjoy 8 hours of solid fat burning if you can
control yourself.) By allowing your body to sleep in “fasting mode”—meaning
you are not in the midst of digesting a meal—your body will access stored fat
for energy. What better time to be slightly hungry than while you sleep? You
wake up hungry, and you eat breakfast on schedule!
Try to eat your last meal about 3 hours before bedtime. By going to sleep on an
empty stomach, your body will burn stored fat while you sleep.
drinks, which are generally high in carbs, your body’s insulin levels rise to cope
with the additional carbohydrates in your system. That means that during the time
you process those carbs through your bloodstream, your body’s hormones are
focused on burning that type of fuel for energy. Thus, if you consume those carbs
before your workout, you will be in the mode to burn the carbs in your body more
than the stored fat around your waist and thighs. That’s why we highly recommend
putting your body in a semi-fasting state, meaning you are working out with little
to no food in your digestive system. For hydration, don’t use sports drinks, use
water. Your body will then be in “fat-burning mode,” and the results from your
effort will be maximized.
REFRAIN from eating at the wrong times. Don’t eat just before you work out,
right before bed, or because you’re stressed. You want your body to be in
“fat-burning mode” whenever possible.
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Michi’s Ladder is a guideline for healthy nutrition. If you only ate from Tiers 1 and
2, you would have a near-perfect diet. Eating clean foods that properly fuel your
body will provide countless health and mental benefits. As a daily range, you should
strive to eat 70% from Tier 1, 22% from Tier 2, 5% from Tier 3, 2% from Tier 4 and
less than 1% from Tier 5. Log in to for meal planning tools.
You won’t get over-hungry, and thus overeat at the next meal, and
You will encourage an increase in your metabolism (that’s the Holy Grail!).
It’s best not to consume a sports drink or energy bar before working out.
It’s the wrong food at the wrong time, as they encourage your body’s
“carb-burning mode.” Try to eat a couple of hours before you work out, and
drink only water. Controlling the foods you eat before a workout will maximize
the ability of your exercise to burn stored fat.
According to some high-profile dieticians and trainers, if you exercised for a
month and didn’t see the fat reduction you wanted, it’s probably due to your
insulin levels being too high while you were working out. That means your body
wasn’t attacking the fat stores, even though you were working your hardest.
Your body has two main sources of energy: stored fat and stored
carbohydrates. When you eat or drink substances like energy bars or sports
So if you limit your carbs before exercise and before sleep, your body has more
time to function as an effective fat-burning machine.
Agave nectar C
Almond milk P F C
Applesauce (big brand) C
Beef, ground, super lean
(under 10% fat) P F
Beef, lean cuts P F
Broths (veggie,
chicken, etc.) C
Butter, unsalted F
Canola oil F
Cheese, hard
Cheese, low-fat P F
Chicken taco, baked P F C
Chili (no lard/or
sugar added) P F
Amaranth P C
Apples, with skin C
(without sauce) P C
Arugula C
Asparagus C
Barley C
Beans P C F
Beets C
Blueberries C
Bok choy C
Boysenberries C
Bran C
Broccoli P C
Broccoli sprouts P C
Brussels sprouts P C
Cabbage C
Carrots C
Cauliflower C
Celery C
Chard P C
Cherries C
Chickpeas P C
Citrus fruits C
Collard greens P C
Cottage cheese, nonfat P
Cucumbers C
Egg whites P
Endive C
Fish (broiled,
steamed, grilled) P F
Flaxseed F
Garlic, fresh C
Grapefruit C
Grapes C
Hempseed F
Kale P F C
(homemade, no sugar) C
Apples, skinless C
Applesauce (raw) C
Avocados F
Bagels, whole grain C
Bananas C
Bread, whole-grain F C
Broths (veggie, chicken,
etc., low sodium) F C
Buffalo, super lean
(under 10% fat) P F
Cereal, whole-grain P F C
Cheese, nonfat P
Coconut F
Coffee, black or
cappuccino w/
nonfat milk C
Corn F C
Cottage cheese, low-fat P F
Couscous P F C
Cream cheese, nonfat P
Dates C
Eggs, whole P F
Eggplant C
Feta cheese, low-fat P F
white meat only P F
Figs C
Granola, raw, no sugar P F C
Hummus P F C
Juice, fresh-squeezed
w/ pulp, no sugar C
Kiwifruit C
Lentils P F C
Lettuce (romaine,
green or red leaf) C
Melon, C
Milk, nonfat P C
Mushrooms C
Mustard C
Natto P F C
Nectarines C
Onions C
Papayas C
Peaches C
Pears, with skin C
Peas P C
Peppers C
Pineapple C
Plums C
Prunes C
Quinoa P C
Radishes C
Raspberries C
Refried beans (nonfat) P C
Rice, whole grain C
Salsa (natural,
no sugar or oil) C
Spelt P C
Spinach P C
Squash C
Strawberries C
String beans P C
Sweet potatoes C
Tea (green or black, no sugar)
Tomato sauce (no sugar) C
Tomatoes C
Yams C
Yogurt, nonfat, no sugar P C
Zucchini C
Lettuce, iceberg C
Maple syrup (natural,
no sugar added) C
Milk, 2% P F C
Molasses C
Muesli (big brand) P C
Oatmeal, flavored P C
Pancakes, buckwheat C
Pasta, whole-grain C
Pickles C
Popcorn, plain F C
Potatoes, baked or boiled C
Refried beans, low-fat P F C
Rice cakes C
Rice milk C
5 Sample Food Plans (approx. 1,200 calories/day)
Rice, white C
Sauerkraut C
Shellfish P
Shrimp P
Soy milk P F C
Soy nuts P F C
Sugar alcohols (Truvia &
anything ending in –tol) C
Sushi P F C
Tortillas, whole wheat F C
Veal P F
Wine, red C
Wine, white C
Artificial sweeteners
(sucralose, aspartame,
saccharine, etc.)
Bagels, refined flour C
Beef, ground,
lean (under 20% fat) P F
Beer C
Bread, refined flour C
Butter (salted) F
Caesar salad, w/ chicken P F C
Canadian bacon P F
Cheese, soft
(including bleu and goat) F
Chips, low-fat, baked C
Cobb salad P F C
Coffee, iced mocha latte w/
nonfat milk P C
Coffee, latte
w/ whole milk P F C
Coffee cake F C
Crackers F C
Cream cheese F
Fish, fried P F
Fowl, with skin P F
Fowl, ground, lean
(under 20% fat) P F
Graham crackers C
Ham P F
Hot dogs, turkey P F
Ice cream, sugar-free
or fat-free F C
Jell-O C
Jerky, turkey P
Juice, from concentrate C
Lamb chops P F
Lasagna P F C
Macaroni and cheese F C
Mayonnaise F
Meat loaf P F
Milk, whole P F C
Muffins F C
Nut butters, processed F C
Nuts, salted or roasted F
Pancakes F C
Peanut butter, not raw F C
Pizza, thin crust veggie P F C
Popcorn, w/ salt and butter F C
Pork chop P F
Potato salad
or macaroni salad F C
Pretzels C
Pudding, w/ low-fat milk F C
Reuben sandwich P F C
Sauce, steak, etc. C
Sherbet C
Sloppy Joe,
lean beef or turkey P F C
Soup, canned creamy P F C
Soy sauce
Spaghetti, w/ meatballs P F C
Sub sandwich P F C
Sweet-and-sour sauce F C
Tortilla, refined flour
or corn F C
Tuna salad
or chicken salad P F
Yogurt, frozen C
Mangoes C
Meat, wild game P F
Milk, 1% P F C
Muesli, raw, no sugar P F C
Nut butters, raw,
no additives P F
Nuts, raw P F
Oatmeal P C
Olive oil F
Olives F
Plantains C
Pork tenderloin P F
Raisins C
Ricotta cheese, nonfat P
Ry Krisp® C
Crackers, whole-grain F C
Cream cheese, low-fat P F
Fowl, ground, super lean
(under 10% fat) P F
Fowl, skinless,
dark meat only P F
French fries, baked F C
Fruit, dried C
Granola (no sugar added) C
Honey C
Jam or marmalade
(no sugar added) C
Ketchup (store bought,
no sugar added) C
Lamb, lean P F
Alcohol, hard liquor
Bacon P F
Baked beans P F C
Beef, ground, regular
(over 20% fat) P F
Beef taco, fried P F C
“Breaded” foods F C
Breakfast sandwich,
fast food P F C
Cake F C
Candy P F C
Cereal, sugared P F C
Chicken a la King P F C
Chicken, buffalo wings,
nuggets, tenders P F C
Chicken or
fish sandwich, fried P F C
Seitan P F C
Squid P F
Steak, super lean P F
Sunflower seeds P F
Tahini P F
Tempeh P F C
Tofu P F C
Vegetable juice C
Veggie burger P F C
Yacon syrup C
Yogurt, low fat,
no sugar P F C
Chicken fried steak P F C
Chips, potato or corn F C
Chocolate P F C
Cinnamon bun F C
Coffee, mocha, macchiato,
ice blended, frappé, triple
caramel vanilla buzz
bomb, etc. F C
Cookies, Oreo etc. F C
Creamed veggies F C
Creamer, nondairy F C
Diner fare P F C
Doughnuts F C
Energy drinks C
Fowl, ground, regular
(over 20% fat) P F
French fries F C
Gravy P F
Grilled cheese sandwich P F C
Hamburger, fast food P F C
High fructose corn syrup C
Hot dogs P F C
“Hydrogenated” foods F
Ice cream F C
Jerky, beef, pork, venison P F C
Juice, sugar added C
Lobster Newburg P F C
Margarine F
Milk, cream
or half-half P F C
Nachos F C
Onion rings F C
Pastries F C
Pies F C
QUESTIONS should be answered
3 oz. white
turkey meat
2 slices
whole wheat bread
1/2 cup soup,
Steamed veggies
1 medium piece fruit
1-1/2 cups pasta
with 1/4 cup
marinara sauce
3 oz. broiled
chicken breast
Steamed veggies
Romaine lettuce with
1 Tbsp. low-fat
2/3 cup oatmeal
with 1/2 cup
banana slices
1 cup nonfat milk
1 medium piece fruit
with 1/4 cup low-fat
cottage cheese
3 oz. tuna
1 Tbsp. nonfat mayo
2 slices whole
wheat bread
Steamed veggies
1 scoop Shakeology*
1 cup water
Ice to taste
3 oz. grilled or broiled
salmon with marinade
(2 Tbsp. light soy
sauce, 1 Tbsp.
ginger, 1 Tbsp. garlic)
Steamed veggies
1 cup brown rice
2 waffles with
2 tsp. light syrup
2/3 cup OJ
1 scoop Shakeology*
1 cup water
Ice to taste
2 oz. ham
1 oz. low-fat
Swiss cheese
2 slices rye bread
Brown mustard
1 oz. baked
potato chips
1 medium piece fruit
1/2 cup frozen
yogurt or sorbet
3 oz. grilled red
(lean cut, palm size)
1 small baked
potato with 1 Tbsp.
fat-free sour cream
Steamed veggies
1 slice whole
wheat bread
1/2 cup turkey chili
1 oz. low-fat
cheddar cheese
1/2 sourdough roll
1/2 cup fresh fruit
Steamed veggies
1 scoop Shakeology*
1 cup water
Ice to taste
Veggie hot dog
Hot dog bun
Light spread of
1 small baked potato
with 1 Tbsp. fat-free
sour cream
Steamed veggies
1 medium apple
1 scoop Shakeology*
1/2 banana
1 Tbsp. nut butter
1 cup water
Ice to taste
1 scoop Shakeology*
3 egg whites or
1/2 cup Egg Beaters® 1 cup water
(flavored with salsa)
Ice to taste
1 slice whole wheat
toast with 1 pat butter
1 cup oat bran cereal
with 1 cup fruit
1 cup nonfat milk
Pizza, delivered P F C
Potato skins, fried F C
Refried beans, w/ lard P F C
Salad dressing, creamy F C
Sausage P F
Soft drinks, diet
(read the studies)
Soft drinks, sugared C
Sports drinks & foods
(okay if playing sports)
Sugar, refined C
Syrup C
Tater tots F C
Toaster pastries F C
Vegetable oil
(cheap big brand) F
1 Tbsp. peanut butter
or almond butter with
1/2 cup nuts (plain
peanuts, cashews,
almonds, etc.)
*Available only at
How important is the “no eating within 3 hours of bedtime” rule?
This is a great “trick” to keep your body in fat-burning mode. As you sleep,
your body doesn’t really need food, but it gets hungry because you usually eat
every 3 or 4 hours. Your body looks for carbohydrates to consume, but since
you haven’t eaten recently, there will be a shortage. Then the body looks to
stored fat—BINGO! Also, your body has a growth hormone spike while you
sleep which aids in the metabolism of fat. Food in your system can interfere
with that spike. So it’s your call—want to lose weight while you sleep? Sleep
on an empty stomach!
Does the type of food really make a difference if you still limit calories?
Why do you give us Michi’s Ladder and the other guidelines too?
Michi’s Ladder ranks foods, but it shouldn’t be the be-all and end-all for you.
What matters more is the makeup of the food: the percentage of carbs, proteins,
and fats. For example, if your body doesn’t get enough protein, then it goes into
“starvation mode” and lowers your BMR (basal metabolic rate). Many people who
eat like birds, but eat only carbs, have high body fat. That’s why many women
are finding such great results when they add protein to their diet. They haven’t
been getting enough for years, and suddenly they do and POW! Up goes the BMR.
I just had a baby and I want to go for stunning results by just using the top-tier
foods. I’m finding it hard to make a workable menu. Any suggestions?
Don’t despair. Lots of moms have turned their fitness around. Don’t worry too
much about sticking with the Tier 1 category, especially at first. Try instead to
keep to the top three tiers! Stick with it, and don’t be too hard on yourself if you
occasionally fall off for a day or two.
1 slice pizza
(1/8 of 15-inch
medium pizza)
Salad with 1 Tbsp.
low-fat dressing
1 cup fresh fruit or
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Find recipes, tips, peer support, and expert advice on the Message Boards at Or if you belong to the Team Beachbody community, visit today!
3 oz. skinless grilled
turkey breast
1 medium sweet
Steamed veggies
1 cup fresh fruit
3/4 cup brown rice
Consult your physician before starting and following this or any other nutrition plan.
© 2010 Beachbody. All rights reserved. Distributed by Product Partners, LLC, Santa Monica, CA 90404
CONSISTENT 5x-a-day eating schedule
HYDRATE AND CLEANSE your body by drinking water.
Drink at least 2 liters or 8 glasses of water a day. This is the
step people seem to take for granted. But in conjunction with
supplements, improved food intake, and exercise, the catalyst
to flushing out the bad stuff and keeping your body healthy is
water. It also helps you feel full during the day. A balanced
eating schedule with lots of water is a very manageable routine.
To succeed, it is very important to follow a consistent eating schedule. Consistency
will actually give you a profound sense of control over your world, and it will
also assure two things:
Eat to carve out your physique
within an hour of waking up
2–3 hours after breakfast
2–3 hours after snack
2–3 hours after lunch
finished at least 3 hours before bed
The wrong time to eat is when
you’re not hungry. We often eat
when we’re stressed, bored, upset,
or just because food is available.
Try to be aware of your hunger
level and monitor unnecessary
snacks and calories.
FORTIFY your diet with a multivitamin. When you exercise hard and/or reduce
your diet, your body can easily suffer from vitamin deficiencies. Most nutritionists
believe that multivitamins are absolutely essential, especially for active individuals,
because it’s difficult to get enough nutrients from your diet alone. The combination
of daily stress, processed foods, and nutrient-depleted soils may leave your
daily diet with deficiencies, which can threaten healthy muscle growth,
energy production, protein metabolism, and fat burning. Taking a
good multivitamin will ensure that your body has the nutrients it
needs to function properly. We recommend ActiVit® multivitamins,
but there are other good brands as well. The key is quality and
freshness—when it comes to vitamins, you get what you pay for!
(7 AM)
(9–10 AM)
(12–1 PM)
(3–4 PM)
(7–8 PM)
*The snacks should be small, depending on your caloric needs (e.g., small piece of fruit, meal
replacement bar, etc.).
The most important aspects of this eating schedule are that you DO eat breakfast,
and that you DO stop eating 3 hours BEFORE bedtime. (You might start to get
hungry before bedtime, but you will enjoy 8 hours of solid fat burning if you can
control yourself.) By allowing your body to sleep in “fasting mode”—meaning
you are not in the midst of digesting a meal—your body will access stored fat
for energy. What better time to be slightly hungry than while you sleep? You
wake up hungry, and you eat breakfast on schedule!
Try to eat your last meal about 3 hours before bedtime. By going to sleep on an
empty stomach, your body will burn stored fat while you sleep.
drinks, which are generally high in carbs, your body’s insulin levels rise to cope
with the additional carbohydrates in your system. That means that during the time
you process those carbs through your bloodstream, your body’s hormones are
focused on burning that type of fuel for energy. Thus, if you consume those carbs
before your workout, you will be in the mode to burn the carbs in your body more
than the stored fat around your waist and thighs. That’s why we highly recommend
putting your body in a semi-fasting state, meaning you are working out with little
to no food in your digestive system. For hydration, don’t use sports drinks, use
water. Your body will then be in “fat-burning mode,” and the results from your
effort will be maximized.
REFRAIN from eating at the wrong times. Don’t eat just before you work out,
right before bed, or because you’re stressed. You want your body to be in
“fat-burning mode” whenever possible.
Get amazing online support on the Message Boards!
Find recipes, tips, peer support, and expert advice on the Message Boards at Or if you belong to the Team Beachbody® community, visit today!
Michi’s Ladder is a guideline for healthy nutrition. If you only ate from Tiers 1 and
2, you would have a near-perfect diet. Eating clean foods that properly fuel your
body will provide countless health and mental benefits. As a daily range, you should
strive to eat 70% from Tier 1, 22% from Tier 2, 5% from Tier 3, 2% from Tier 4 and
less than 1% from Tier 5. Log in to for meal planning tools.
You won’t get over-hungry, and thus overeat at the next meal, and
You will encourage an increase in your metabolism (that’s the Holy Grail!).
It’s best not to consume a sports drink or energy bar before working out.
It’s the wrong food at the wrong time, as they encourage your body’s
“carb-burning mode.” Try to eat a couple of hours before you work out, and
drink only water. Controlling the foods you eat before a workout will maximize
the ability of your exercise to burn stored fat.
According to some high-profile dieticians and trainers, if you exercised for a
month and didn’t see the fat reduction you wanted, it’s probably due to your
insulin levels being too high while you were working out. That means your body
wasn’t attacking the fat stores, even though you were working your hardest.
Your body has two main sources of energy: stored fat and stored
carbohydrates. When you eat or drink substances like energy bars or sports
So if you limit your carbs before exercise and before sleep, your body has more
time to function as an effective fat-burning machine.
Agave nectar C
Almond milk P F C
Applesauce (big brand) C
Beef, ground, super lean
(under 10% fat) P F
Beef, lean cuts P F
Broths (veggie,
chicken, etc.) C
Butter, unsalted F
Canola oil F
Cheese, hard
Cheese, low-fat P F
Chicken taco, baked P F C
Chili (no lard/or
sugar added) P F
Amaranth P C
Apples, with skin C
(without sauce) P C
Arugula C
Asparagus C
Barley C
Beans P C F
Beets C
Blueberries C
Bok choy C
Boysenberries C
Bran C
Broccoli P C
Broccoli sprouts P C
Brussels sprouts P C
Cabbage C
Carrots C
Cauliflower C
Celery C
Chard P C
Cherries C
Chickpeas P C
Citrus fruits C
Collard greens P C
Cottage cheese, nonfat P
Cucumbers C
Egg whites P
Endive C
Fish (broiled,
steamed, grilled) P F
Flaxseed F
Garlic, fresh C
Grapefruit C
Grapes C
Hempseed F
Kale P F C
(homemade, no sugar) C
Apples, skinless C
Applesauce (raw) C
Avocados F
Bagels, whole grain C
Bananas C
Bread, whole-grain F C
Broths (veggie, chicken,
etc., low sodium) F C
Buffalo, super lean
(under 10% fat) P F
Cereal, whole-grain P F C
Cheese, nonfat P
Coconut F
Coffee, black or
cappuccino w/
nonfat milk C
Corn F C
Cottage cheese, low-fat P F
Couscous P F C
Cream cheese, nonfat P
Dates C
Eggs, whole P F
Eggplant C
Feta cheese, low-fat P F
white meat only P F
Figs C
Granola, raw, no sugar P F C
Hummus P F C
Juice, fresh-squeezed
w/ pulp, no sugar C
Kiwifruit C
Lentils P F C
Lettuce (romaine,
green or red leaf) C
Melon, C
Milk, nonfat P C
Mushrooms C
Mustard C
Natto P F C
Nectarines C
Onions C
Papayas C
Peaches C
Pears, with skin C
Peas P C
Peppers C
Pineapple C
Plums C
Prunes C
Quinoa P C
Radishes C
Raspberries C
Refried beans (nonfat) P C
Rice, whole grain C
Salsa (natural,
no sugar or oil) C
Spelt P C
Spinach P C
Squash C
Strawberries C
String beans P C
Sweet potatoes C
Tea (green or black, no sugar)
Tomato sauce (no sugar) C
Tomatoes C
Yams C
Yogurt, nonfat, no sugar P C
Zucchini C
Lettuce, iceberg C
Maple syrup (natural,
no sugar added) C
Milk, 2% P F C
Molasses C
Muesli (big brand) P C
Oatmeal, flavored P C
Pancakes, buckwheat C
Pasta, whole-grain C
Pickles C
Popcorn, plain F C
Potatoes, baked or boiled C
Refried beans, low-fat P F C
Rice cakes C
Rice milk C
5 Sample Food Plans (approx. 1,200 calories/day)
Rice, white C
Sauerkraut C
Shellfish P
Shrimp P
Soy milk P F C
Soy nuts P F C
Sugar alcohols (Truvia &
anything ending in –tol) C
Sushi P F C
Tortillas, whole wheat F C
Veal P F
Wine, red C
Wine, white C
Artificial sweeteners
(sucralose, aspartame,
saccharine, etc.)
Bagels, refined flour C
Beef, ground,
lean (under 20% fat) P F
Beer C
Bread, refined flour C
Butter (salted) F
Caesar salad, w/ chicken P F C
Canadian bacon P F
Cheese, soft
(including bleu and goat) F
Chips, low-fat, baked C
Cobb salad P F C
Coffee, iced mocha latte w/
nonfat milk P C
Coffee, latte
w/ whole milk P F C
Coffee cake F C
Crackers F C
Cream cheese F
Fish, fried P F
Fowl, with skin P F
Fowl, ground, lean
(under 20% fat) P F
Graham crackers C
Ham P F
Hot dogs, turkey P F
Ice cream, sugar-free
or fat-free F C
Jell-O C
Jerky, turkey P
Juice, from concentrate C
Lamb chops P F
Lasagna P F C
Macaroni and cheese F C
Mayonnaise F
Meat loaf P F
Milk, whole P F C
Muffins F C
Nut butters, processed F C
Nuts, salted or roasted F
Pancakes F C
Peanut butter, not raw F C
Pizza, thin crust veggie P F C
Popcorn, w/ salt and butter F C
Pork chop P F
Potato salad
or macaroni salad F C
Pretzels C
Pudding, w/ low-fat milk F C
Reuben sandwich P F C
Sauce, steak, etc. C
Sherbet C
Sloppy Joe,
lean beef or turkey P F C
Soup, canned creamy P F C
Soy sauce
Spaghetti, w/ meatballs P F C
Sub sandwich P F C
Sweet-and-sour sauce F C
Tortilla, refined flour
or corn F C
Tuna salad
or chicken salad P F
Yogurt, frozen C
Mangoes C
Meat, wild game P F
Milk, 1% P F C
Muesli, raw, no sugar P F C
Nut butters, raw,
no additives P F
Nuts, raw P F
Oatmeal P C
Olive oil F
Olives F
Plantains C
Pork tenderloin P F
Raisins C
Ricotta cheese, nonfat P
Ry Krisp® C
Crackers, whole-grain F C
Cream cheese, low-fat P F
Fowl, ground, super lean
(under 10% fat) P F
Fowl, skinless,
dark meat only P F
French fries, baked F C
Fruit, dried C
Granola (no sugar added) C
Honey C
Jam or marmalade
(no sugar added) C
Ketchup (store bought,
no sugar added) C
Lamb, lean P F
Alcohol, hard liquor
Bacon P F
Baked beans P F C
Beef, ground, regular
(over 20% fat) P F
Beef taco, fried P F C
“Breaded” foods F C
Breakfast sandwich,
fast food P F C
Cake F C
Candy P F C
Cereal, sugared P F C
Chicken a la King P F C
Chicken, buffalo wings,
nuggets, tenders P F C
Chicken or
fish sandwich, fried P F C
Seitan P F C
Squid P F
Steak, super lean P F
Sunflower seeds P F
Tahini P F
Tempeh P F C
Tofu P F C
Vegetable juice C
Veggie burger P F C
Yacon syrup C
Yogurt, low fat,
no sugar P F C
Chicken fried steak P F C
Chips, potato or corn F C
Chocolate P F C
Cinnamon bun F C
Coffee, mocha, macchiato,
ice blended, frappé, triple
caramel vanilla buzz
bomb, etc. F C
Cookies, Oreo etc. F C
Creamed veggies F C
Creamer, nondairy F C
Diner fare P F C
Doughnuts F C
Energy drinks C
Fowl, ground, regular
(over 20% fat) P F
French fries F C
Gravy P F
Grilled cheese sandwich P F C
Hamburger, fast food P F C
High fructose corn syrup C
Hot dogs P F C
“Hydrogenated” foods F
Ice cream F C
Jerky, beef, pork, venison P F C
Juice, sugar added C
Lobster Newburg P F C
Margarine F
Milk, cream
or half-half P F C
Nachos F C
Onion rings F C
Pastries F C
Pies F C
QUESTIONS should be answered
3 oz. white
turkey meat
2 slices
whole wheat bread
1/2 cup soup,
Steamed veggies
1 medium piece fruit
1-1/2 cups pasta
with 1/4 cup
marinara sauce
3 oz. broiled
chicken breast
Steamed veggies
Romaine lettuce with
1 Tbsp. low-fat
2/3 cup oatmeal
with 1/2 cup
banana slices
1 cup nonfat milk
1 medium piece fruit
with 1/4 cup low-fat
cottage cheese
3 oz. tuna
1 Tbsp. nonfat mayo
2 slices whole
wheat bread
Steamed veggies
1 scoop Shakeology*
1 cup water
Ice to taste
3 oz. grilled or broiled
salmon with marinade
(2 Tbsp. light soy
sauce, 1 Tbsp.
ginger, 1 Tbsp. garlic)
Steamed veggies
1 cup brown rice
2 waffles with
2 tsp. light syrup
2/3 cup OJ
1 scoop Shakeology*
1 cup water
Ice to taste
2 oz. ham
1 oz. low-fat
Swiss cheese
2 slices rye bread
Brown mustard
1 oz. baked
potato chips
1 medium piece fruit
1/2 cup frozen
yogurt or sorbet
3 oz. grilled red
(lean cut, palm size)
1 small baked
potato with 1 Tbsp.
fat-free sour cream
Steamed veggies
1 slice whole
wheat bread
1/2 cup turkey chili
1 oz. low-fat
cheddar cheese
1/2 sourdough roll
1/2 cup fresh fruit
Steamed veggies
1 scoop Shakeology*
1 cup water
Ice to taste
Veggie hot dog
Hot dog bun
Light spread of
1 small baked potato
with 1 Tbsp. fat-free
sour cream
Steamed veggies
1 medium apple
1 scoop Shakeology*
1/2 banana
1 Tbsp. nut butter
1 cup water
Ice to taste
1 scoop Shakeology*
3 egg whites or
1/2 cup Egg Beaters® 1 cup water
(flavored with salsa)
Ice to taste
1 slice whole wheat
toast with 1 pat butter
1 cup oat bran cereal
with 1 cup fruit
1 cup nonfat milk
Pizza, delivered P F C
Potato skins, fried F C
Refried beans, w/ lard P F C
Salad dressing, creamy F C
Sausage P F
Soft drinks, diet
(read the studies)
Soft drinks, sugared C
Sports drinks & foods
(okay if playing sports)
Sugar, refined C
Syrup C
Tater tots F C
Toaster pastries F C
Vegetable oil
(cheap big brand) F
1 Tbsp. peanut butter
or almond butter with
1/2 cup nuts (plain
peanuts, cashews,
almonds, etc.)
*Available only at
How important is the “no eating within 3 hours of bedtime” rule?
This is a great “trick” to keep your body in fat-burning mode. As you sleep,
your body doesn’t really need food, but it gets hungry because you usually eat
every 3 or 4 hours. Your body looks for carbohydrates to consume, but since
you haven’t eaten recently, there will be a shortage. Then the body looks to
stored fat—BINGO! Also, your body has a growth hormone spike while you
sleep which aids in the metabolism of fat. Food in your system can interfere
with that spike. So it’s your call—want to lose weight while you sleep? Sleep
on an empty stomach!
Does the type of food really make a difference if you still limit calories?
Why do you give us Michi’s Ladder and the other guidelines too?
Michi’s Ladder ranks foods, but it shouldn’t be the be-all and end-all for you.
What matters more is the makeup of the food: the percentage of carbs, proteins,
and fats. For example, if your body doesn’t get enough protein, then it goes into
“starvation mode” and lowers your BMR (basal metabolic rate). Many people who
eat like birds, but eat only carbs, have high body fat. That’s why many women
are finding such great results when they add protein to their diet. They haven’t
been getting enough for years, and suddenly they do and POW! Up goes the BMR.
I just had a baby and I want to go for stunning results by just using the top-tier
foods. I’m finding it hard to make a workable menu. Any suggestions?
Don’t despair. Lots of moms have turned their fitness around. Don’t worry too
much about sticking with the Tier 1 category, especially at first. Try instead to
keep to the top three tiers! Stick with it, and don’t be too hard on yourself if you
occasionally fall off for a day or two.
1 slice pizza
(1/8 of 15-inch
medium pizza)
Salad with 1 Tbsp.
low-fat dressing
1 cup fresh fruit or
Get amazing online support on the Message Boards!
Find recipes, tips, peer support, and expert advice on the Message Boards at Or if you belong to the Team Beachbody community, visit today!
3 oz. skinless grilled
turkey breast
1 medium sweet
Steamed veggies
1 cup fresh fruit
3/4 cup brown rice
Consult your physician before starting and following this or any other nutrition plan.
© 2010 Beachbody. All rights reserved. Distributed by Product Partners, LLC, Santa Monica, CA 90404
CONSISTENT 5x-a-day eating schedule
HYDRATE AND CLEANSE your body by drinking water.
Drink at least 2 liters or 8 glasses of water a day. This is the
step people seem to take for granted. But in conjunction with
supplements, improved food intake, and exercise, the catalyst
to flushing out the bad stuff and keeping your body healthy is
water. It also helps you feel full during the day. A balanced
eating schedule with lots of water is a very manageable routine.
To succeed, it is very important to follow a consistent eating schedule. Consistency
will actually give you a profound sense of control over your world, and it will
also assure two things:
Eat to carve out your physique
within an hour of waking up
2–3 hours after breakfast
2–3 hours after snack
2–3 hours after lunch
finished at least 3 hours before bed
The wrong time to eat is when
you’re not hungry. We often eat
when we’re stressed, bored, upset,
or just because food is available.
Try to be aware of your hunger
level and monitor unnecessary
snacks and calories.
FORTIFY your diet with a multivitamin. When you exercise hard and/or reduce
your diet, your body can easily suffer from vitamin deficiencies. Most nutritionists
believe that multivitamins are absolutely essential, especially for active individuals,
because it’s difficult to get enough nutrients from your diet alone. The combination
of daily stress, processed foods, and nutrient-depleted soils may leave your
daily diet with deficiencies, which can threaten healthy muscle growth,
energy production, protein metabolism, and fat burning. Taking a
good multivitamin will ensure that your body has the nutrients it
needs to function properly. We recommend ActiVit® multivitamins,
but there are other good brands as well. The key is quality and
freshness—when it comes to vitamins, you get what you pay for!
(7 AM)
(9–10 AM)
(12–1 PM)
(3–4 PM)
(7–8 PM)
*The snacks should be small, depending on your caloric needs (e.g., small piece of fruit, meal
replacement bar, etc.).
The most important aspects of this eating schedule are that you DO eat breakfast,
and that you DO stop eating 3 hours BEFORE bedtime. (You might start to get
hungry before bedtime, but you will enjoy 8 hours of solid fat burning if you can
control yourself.) By allowing your body to sleep in “fasting mode”—meaning
you are not in the midst of digesting a meal—your body will access stored fat
for energy. What better time to be slightly hungry than while you sleep? You
wake up hungry, and you eat breakfast on schedule!
Try to eat your last meal about 3 hours before bedtime. By going to sleep on an
empty stomach, your body will burn stored fat while you sleep.
drinks, which are generally high in carbs, your body’s insulin levels rise to cope
with the additional carbohydrates in your system. That means that during the time
you process those carbs through your bloodstream, your body’s hormones are
focused on burning that type of fuel for energy. Thus, if you consume those carbs
before your workout, you will be in the mode to burn the carbs in your body more
than the stored fat around your waist and thighs. That’s why we highly recommend
putting your body in a semi-fasting state, meaning you are working out with little
to no food in your digestive system. For hydration, don’t use sports drinks, use
water. Your body will then be in “fat-burning mode,” and the results from your
effort will be maximized.
REFRAIN from eating at the wrong times. Don’t eat just before you work out,
right before bed, or because you’re stressed. You want your body to be in
“fat-burning mode” whenever possible.
Get amazing online support on the Message Boards!
Find recipes, tips, peer support, and expert advice on the Message Boards at Or if you belong to the Team Beachbody® community, visit today!
Michi’s Ladder is a guideline for healthy nutrition. If you only ate from Tiers 1 and
2, you would have a near-perfect diet. Eating clean foods that properly fuel your
body will provide countless health and mental benefits. As a daily range, you should
strive to eat 70% from Tier 1, 22% from Tier 2, 5% from Tier 3, 2% from Tier 4 and
less than 1% from Tier 5. Log in to for meal planning tools.
You won’t get over-hungry, and thus overeat at the next meal, and
You will encourage an increase in your metabolism (that’s the Holy Grail!).
It’s best not to consume a sports drink or energy bar before working out.
It’s the wrong food at the wrong time, as they encourage your body’s
“carb-burning mode.” Try to eat a couple of hours before you work out, and
drink only water. Controlling the foods you eat before a workout will maximize
the ability of your exercise to burn stored fat.
According to some high-profile dieticians and trainers, if you exercised for a
month and didn’t see the fat reduction you wanted, it’s probably due to your
insulin levels being too high while you were working out. That means your body
wasn’t attacking the fat stores, even though you were working your hardest.
Your body has two main sources of energy: stored fat and stored
carbohydrates. When you eat or drink substances like energy bars or sports
So if you limit your carbs before exercise and before sleep, your body has more
time to function as an effective fat-burning machine.
Agave nectar C
Almond milk P F C
Applesauce (big brand) C
Beef, ground, super lean
(under 10% fat) P F
Beef, lean cuts P F
Broths (veggie,
chicken, etc.) C
Butter, unsalted F
Canola oil F
Cheese, hard
Cheese, low-fat P F
Chicken taco, baked P F C
Chili (no lard/or
sugar added) P F
Amaranth P C
Apples, with skin C
(without sauce) P C
Arugula C
Asparagus C
Barley C
Beans P C F
Beets C
Blueberries C
Bok choy C
Boysenberries C
Bran C
Broccoli P C
Broccoli sprouts P C
Brussels sprouts P C
Cabbage C
Carrots C
Cauliflower C
Celery C
Chard P C
Cherries C
Chickpeas P C
Citrus fruits C
Collard greens P C
Cottage cheese, nonfat P
Cucumbers C
Egg whites P
Endive C
Fish (broiled,
steamed, grilled) P F
Flaxseed F
Garlic, fresh C
Grapefruit C
Grapes C
Hempseed F
Kale P F C
(homemade, no sugar) C
Apples, skinless C
Applesauce (raw) C
Avocados F
Bagels, whole grain C
Bananas C
Bread, whole-grain F C
Broths (veggie, chicken,
etc., low sodium) F C
Buffalo, super lean
(under 10% fat) P F
Cereal, whole-grain P F C
Cheese, nonfat P
Coconut F
Coffee, black or
cappuccino w/
nonfat milk C
Corn F C
Cottage cheese, low-fat P F
Couscous P F C
Cream cheese, nonfat P
Dates C
Eggs, whole P F
Eggplant C
Feta cheese, low-fat P F
white meat only P F
Figs C
Granola, raw, no sugar P F C
Hummus P F C
Juice, fresh-squeezed
w/ pulp, no sugar C
Kiwifruit C
Lentils P F C
Lettuce (romaine,
green or red leaf) C
Melon, C
Milk, nonfat P C
Mushrooms C
Mustard C
Natto P F C
Nectarines C
Onions C
Papayas C
Peaches C
Pears, with skin C
Peas P C
Peppers C
Pineapple C
Plums C
Prunes C
Quinoa P C
Radishes C
Raspberries C
Refried beans (nonfat) P C
Rice, whole grain C
Salsa (natural,
no sugar or oil) C
Spelt P C
Spinach P C
Squash C
Strawberries C
String beans P C
Sweet potatoes C
Tea (green or black, no sugar)
Tomato sauce (no sugar) C
Tomatoes C
Yams C
Yogurt, nonfat, no sugar P C
Zucchini C
Lettuce, iceberg C
Maple syrup (natural,
no sugar added) C
Milk, 2% P F C
Molasses C
Muesli (big brand) P C
Oatmeal, flavored P C
Pancakes, buckwheat C
Pasta, whole-grain C
Pickles C
Popcorn, plain F C
Potatoes, baked or boiled C
Refried beans, low-fat P F C
Rice cakes C
Rice milk C
5 Sample Food Plans (approx. 1,200 calories/day)
Rice, white C
Sauerkraut C
Shellfish P
Shrimp P
Soy milk P F C
Soy nuts P F C
Sugar alcohols (Truvia &
anything ending in –tol) C
Sushi P F C
Tortillas, whole wheat F C
Veal P F
Wine, red C
Wine, white C
Artificial sweeteners
(sucralose, aspartame,
saccharine, etc.)
Bagels, refined flour C
Beef, ground,
lean (under 20% fat) P F
Beer C
Bread, refined flour C
Butter (salted) F
Caesar salad, w/ chicken P F C
Canadian bacon P F
Cheese, soft
(including bleu and goat) F
Chips, low-fat, baked C
Cobb salad P F C
Coffee, iced mocha latte w/
nonfat milk P C
Coffee, latte
w/ whole milk P F C
Coffee cake F C
Crackers F C
Cream cheese F
Fish, fried P F
Fowl, with skin P F
Fowl, ground, lean
(under 20% fat) P F
Graham crackers C
Ham P F
Hot dogs, turkey P F
Ice cream, sugar-free
or fat-free F C
Jell-O C
Jerky, turkey P
Juice, from concentrate C
Lamb chops P F
Lasagna P F C
Macaroni and cheese F C
Mayonnaise F
Meat loaf P F
Milk, whole P F C
Muffins F C
Nut butters, processed F C
Nuts, salted or roasted F
Pancakes F C
Peanut butter, not raw F C
Pizza, thin crust veggie P F C
Popcorn, w/ salt and butter F C
Pork chop P F
Potato salad
or macaroni salad F C
Pretzels C
Pudding, w/ low-fat milk F C
Reuben sandwich P F C
Sauce, steak, etc. C
Sherbet C
Sloppy Joe,
lean beef or turkey P F C
Soup, canned creamy P F C
Soy sauce
Spaghetti, w/ meatballs P F C
Sub sandwich P F C
Sweet-and-sour sauce F C
Tortilla, refined flour
or corn F C
Tuna salad
or chicken salad P F
Yogurt, frozen C
Mangoes C
Meat, wild game P F
Milk, 1% P F C
Muesli, raw, no sugar P F C
Nut butters, raw,
no additives P F
Nuts, raw P F
Oatmeal P C
Olive oil F
Olives F
Plantains C
Pork tenderloin P F
Raisins C
Ricotta cheese, nonfat P
Ry Krisp® C
Crackers, whole-grain F C
Cream cheese, low-fat P F
Fowl, ground, super lean
(under 10% fat) P F
Fowl, skinless,
dark meat only P F
French fries, baked F C
Fruit, dried C
Granola (no sugar added) C
Honey C
Jam or marmalade
(no sugar added) C
Ketchup (store bought,
no sugar added) C
Lamb, lean P F
Alcohol, hard liquor
Bacon P F
Baked beans P F C
Beef, ground, regular
(over 20% fat) P F
Beef taco, fried P F C
“Breaded” foods F C
Breakfast sandwich,
fast food P F C
Cake F C
Candy P F C
Cereal, sugared P F C
Chicken a la King P F C
Chicken, buffalo wings,
nuggets, tenders P F C
Chicken or
fish sandwich, fried P F C
Seitan P F C
Squid P F
Steak, super lean P F
Sunflower seeds P F
Tahini P F
Tempeh P F C
Tofu P F C
Vegetable juice C
Veggie burger P F C
Yacon syrup C
Yogurt, low fat,
no sugar P F C
Chicken fried steak P F C
Chips, potato or corn F C
Chocolate P F C
Cinnamon bun F C
Coffee, mocha, macchiato,
ice blended, frappé, triple
caramel vanilla buzz
bomb, etc. F C
Cookies, Oreo etc. F C
Creamed veggies F C
Creamer, nondairy F C
Diner fare P F C
Doughnuts F C
Energy drinks C
Fowl, ground, regular
(over 20% fat) P F
French fries F C
Gravy P F
Grilled cheese sandwich P F C
Hamburger, fast food P F C
High fructose corn syrup C
Hot dogs P F C
“Hydrogenated” foods F
Ice cream F C
Jerky, beef, pork, venison P F C
Juice, sugar added C
Lobster Newburg P F C
Margarine F
Milk, cream
or half-half P F C
Nachos F C
Onion rings F C
Pastries F C
Pies F C
QUESTIONS should be answered
3 oz. white
turkey meat
2 slices
whole wheat bread
1/2 cup soup,
Steamed veggies
1 medium piece fruit
1-1/2 cups pasta
with 1/4 cup
marinara sauce
3 oz. broiled
chicken breast
Steamed veggies
Romaine lettuce with
1 Tbsp. low-fat
2/3 cup oatmeal
with 1/2 cup
banana slices
1 cup nonfat milk
1 medium piece fruit
with 1/4 cup low-fat
cottage cheese
3 oz. tuna
1 Tbsp. nonfat mayo
2 slices whole
wheat bread
Steamed veggies
1 scoop Shakeology*
1 cup water
Ice to taste
3 oz. grilled or broiled
salmon with marinade
(2 Tbsp. light soy
sauce, 1 Tbsp.
ginger, 1 Tbsp. garlic)
Steamed veggies
1 cup brown rice
2 waffles with
2 tsp. light syrup
2/3 cup OJ
1 scoop Shakeology*
1 cup water
Ice to taste
2 oz. ham
1 oz. low-fat
Swiss cheese
2 slices rye bread
Brown mustard
1 oz. baked
potato chips
1 medium piece fruit
1/2 cup frozen
yogurt or sorbet
3 oz. grilled red
(lean cut, palm size)
1 small baked
potato with 1 Tbsp.
fat-free sour cream
Steamed veggies
1 slice whole
wheat bread
1/2 cup turkey chili
1 oz. low-fat
cheddar cheese
1/2 sourdough roll
1/2 cup fresh fruit
Steamed veggies
1 scoop Shakeology*
1 cup water
Ice to taste
Veggie hot dog
Hot dog bun
Light spread of
1 small baked potato
with 1 Tbsp. fat-free
sour cream
Steamed veggies
1 medium apple
1 scoop Shakeology*
1/2 banana
1 Tbsp. nut butter
1 cup water
Ice to taste
1 scoop Shakeology*
3 egg whites or
1/2 cup Egg Beaters® 1 cup water
(flavored with salsa)
Ice to taste
1 slice whole wheat
toast with 1 pat butter
1 cup oat bran cereal
with 1 cup fruit
1 cup nonfat milk
Pizza, delivered P F C
Potato skins, fried F C
Refried beans, w/ lard P F C
Salad dressing, creamy F C
Sausage P F
Soft drinks, diet
(read the studies)
Soft drinks, sugared C
Sports drinks & foods
(okay if playing sports)
Sugar, refined C
Syrup C
Tater tots F C
Toaster pastries F C
Vegetable oil
(cheap big brand) F
1 Tbsp. peanut butter
or almond butter with
1/2 cup nuts (plain
peanuts, cashews,
almonds, etc.)
*Available only at
How important is the “no eating within 3 hours of bedtime” rule?
This is a great “trick” to keep your body in fat-burning mode. As you sleep,
your body doesn’t really need food, but it gets hungry because you usually eat
every 3 or 4 hours. Your body looks for carbohydrates to consume, but since
you haven’t eaten recently, there will be a shortage. Then the body looks to
stored fat—BINGO! Also, your body has a growth hormone spike while you
sleep which aids in the metabolism of fat. Food in your system can interfere
with that spike. So it’s your call—want to lose weight while you sleep? Sleep
on an empty stomach!
Does the type of food really make a difference if you still limit calories?
Why do you give us Michi’s Ladder and the other guidelines too?
Michi’s Ladder ranks foods, but it shouldn’t be the be-all and end-all for you.
What matters more is the makeup of the food: the percentage of carbs, proteins,
and fats. For example, if your body doesn’t get enough protein, then it goes into
“starvation mode” and lowers your BMR (basal metabolic rate). Many people who
eat like birds, but eat only carbs, have high body fat. That’s why many women
are finding such great results when they add protein to their diet. They haven’t
been getting enough for years, and suddenly they do and POW! Up goes the BMR.
I just had a baby and I want to go for stunning results by just using the top-tier
foods. I’m finding it hard to make a workable menu. Any suggestions?
Don’t despair. Lots of moms have turned their fitness around. Don’t worry too
much about sticking with the Tier 1 category, especially at first. Try instead to
keep to the top three tiers! Stick with it, and don’t be too hard on yourself if you
occasionally fall off for a day or two.
1 slice pizza
(1/8 of 15-inch
medium pizza)
Salad with 1 Tbsp.
low-fat dressing
1 cup fresh fruit or
Get amazing online support on the Message Boards!
Find recipes, tips, peer support, and expert advice on the Message Boards at Or if you belong to the Team Beachbody community, visit today!
3 oz. skinless grilled
turkey breast
1 medium sweet
Steamed veggies
1 cup fresh fruit
3/4 cup brown rice
Consult your physician before starting and following this or any other nutrition plan.
© 2010 Beachbody. All rights reserved. Distributed by Product Partners, LLC, Santa Monica, CA 90404
CONSISTENT 5x-a-day eating schedule
HYDRATE AND CLEANSE your body by drinking water.
Drink at least 2 liters or 8 glasses of water a day. This is the
step people seem to take for granted. But in conjunction with
supplements, improved food intake, and exercise, the catalyst
to flushing out the bad stuff and keeping your body healthy is
water. It also helps you feel full during the day. A balanced
eating schedule with lots of water is a very manageable routine.
To succeed, it is very important to follow a consistent eating schedule. Consistency
will actually give you a profound sense of control over your world, and it will
also assure two things:
Eat to carve out your physique
within an hour of waking up
2–3 hours after breakfast
2–3 hours after snack
2–3 hours after lunch
finished at least 3 hours before bed
The wrong time to eat is when
you’re not hungry. We often eat
when we’re stressed, bored, upset,
or just because food is available.
Try to be aware of your hunger
level and monitor unnecessary
snacks and calories.
FORTIFY your diet with a multivitamin. When you exercise hard and/or reduce
your diet, your body can easily suffer from vitamin deficiencies. Most nutritionists
believe that multivitamins are absolutely essential, especially for active individuals,
because it’s difficult to get enough nutrients from your diet alone. The combination
of daily stress, processed foods, and nutrient-depleted soils may leave your
daily diet with deficiencies, which can threaten healthy muscle growth,
energy production, protein metabolism, and fat burning. Taking a
good multivitamin will ensure that your body has the nutrients it
needs to function properly. We recommend ActiVit® multivitamins,
but there are other good brands as well. The key is quality and
freshness—when it comes to vitamins, you get what you pay for!
(7 AM)
(9–10 AM)
(12–1 PM)
(3–4 PM)
(7–8 PM)
*The snacks should be small, depending on your caloric needs (e.g., small piece of fruit, meal
replacement bar, etc.).
The most important aspects of this eating schedule are that you DO eat breakfast,
and that you DO stop eating 3 hours BEFORE bedtime. (You might start to get
hungry before bedtime, but you will enjoy 8 hours of solid fat burning if you can
control yourself.) By allowing your body to sleep in “fasting mode”—meaning
you are not in the midst of digesting a meal—your body will access stored fat
for energy. What better time to be slightly hungry than while you sleep? You
wake up hungry, and you eat breakfast on schedule!
Try to eat your last meal about 3 hours before bedtime. By going to sleep on an
empty stomach, your body will burn stored fat while you sleep.
drinks, which are generally high in carbs, your body’s insulin levels rise to cope
with the additional carbohydrates in your system. That means that during the time
you process those carbs through your bloodstream, your body’s hormones are
focused on burning that type of fuel for energy. Thus, if you consume those carbs
before your workout, you will be in the mode to burn the carbs in your body more
than the stored fat around your waist and thighs. That’s why we highly recommend
putting your body in a semi-fasting state, meaning you are working out with little
to no food in your digestive system. For hydration, don’t use sports drinks, use
water. Your body will then be in “fat-burning mode,” and the results from your
effort will be maximized.
REFRAIN from eating at the wrong times. Don’t eat just before you work out,
right before bed, or because you’re stressed. You want your body to be in
“fat-burning mode” whenever possible.
Get amazing online support on the Message Boards!
Find recipes, tips, peer support, and expert advice on the Message Boards at Or if you belong to the Team Beachbody® community, visit today!
Michi’s Ladder is a guideline for healthy nutrition. If you only ate from Tiers 1 and
2, you would have a near-perfect diet. Eating clean foods that properly fuel your
body will provide countless health and mental benefits. As a daily range, you should
strive to eat 70% from Tier 1, 22% from Tier 2, 5% from Tier 3, 2% from Tier 4 and
less than 1% from Tier 5. Log in to for meal planning tools.
You won’t get over-hungry, and thus overeat at the next meal, and
You will encourage an increase in your metabolism (that’s the Holy Grail!).
It’s best not to consume a sports drink or energy bar before working out.
It’s the wrong food at the wrong time, as they encourage your body’s
“carb-burning mode.” Try to eat a couple of hours before you work out, and
drink only water. Controlling the foods you eat before a workout will maximize
the ability of your exercise to burn stored fat.
According to some high-profile dieticians and trainers, if you exercised for a
month and didn’t see the fat reduction you wanted, it’s probably due to your
insulin levels being too high while you were working out. That means your body
wasn’t attacking the fat stores, even though you were working your hardest.
Your body has two main sources of energy: stored fat and stored
carbohydrates. When you eat or drink substances like energy bars or sports
So if you limit your carbs before exercise and before sleep, your body has more
time to function as an effective fat-burning machine.
Agave nectar C
Almond milk P F C
Applesauce (big brand) C
Beef, ground, super lean
(under 10% fat) P F
Beef, lean cuts P F
Broths (veggie,
chicken, etc.) C
Butter, unsalted F
Canola oil F
Cheese, hard
Cheese, low-fat P F
Chicken taco, baked P F C
Chili (no lard/or
sugar added) P F
Amaranth P C
Apples, with skin C
(without sauce) P C
Arugula C
Asparagus C
Barley C
Beans P C F
Beets C
Blueberries C
Bok choy C
Boysenberries C
Bran C
Broccoli P C
Broccoli sprouts P C
Brussels sprouts P C
Cabbage C
Carrots C
Cauliflower C
Celery C
Chard P C
Cherries C
Chickpeas P C
Citrus fruits C
Collard greens P C
Cottage cheese, nonfat P
Cucumbers C
Egg whites P
Endive C
Fish (broiled,
steamed, grilled) P F
Flaxseed F
Garlic, fresh C
Grapefruit C
Grapes C
Hempseed F
Kale P F C
(homemade, no sugar) C
Apples, skinless C
Applesauce (raw) C
Avocados F
Bagels, whole grain C
Bananas C
Bread, whole-grain F C
Broths (veggie, chicken,
etc., low sodium) F C
Buffalo, super lean
(under 10% fat) P F
Cereal, whole-grain P F C
Cheese, nonfat P
Coconut F
Coffee, black or
cappuccino w/
nonfat milk C
Corn F C
Cottage cheese, low-fat P F
Couscous P F C
Cream cheese, nonfat P
Dates C
Eggs, whole P F
Eggplant C
Feta cheese, low-fat P F
white meat only P F
Figs C
Granola, raw, no sugar P F C
Hummus P F C
Juice, fresh-squeezed
w/ pulp, no sugar C
Kiwifruit C
Lentils P F C
Lettuce (romaine,
green or red leaf) C
Melon, C
Milk, nonfat P C
Mushrooms C
Mustard C
Natto P F C
Nectarines C
Onions C
Papayas C
Peaches C
Pears, with skin C
Peas P C
Peppers C
Pineapple C
Plums C
Prunes C
Quinoa P C
Radishes C
Raspberries C
Refried beans (nonfat) P C
Rice, whole grain C
Salsa (natural,
no sugar or oil) C
Spelt P C
Spinach P C
Squash C
Strawberries C
String beans P C
Sweet potatoes C
Tea (green or black, no sugar)
Tomato sauce (no sugar) C
Tomatoes C
Yams C
Yogurt, nonfat, no sugar P C
Zucchini C
Lettuce, iceberg C
Maple syrup (natural,
no sugar added) C
Milk, 2% P F C
Molasses C
Muesli (big brand) P C
Oatmeal, flavored P C
Pancakes, buckwheat C
Pasta, whole-grain C
Pickles C
Popcorn, plain F C
Potatoes, baked or boiled C
Refried beans, low-fat P F C
Rice cakes C
Rice milk C
5 Sample Food Plans (approx. 1,200 calories/day)
Rice, white C
Sauerkraut C
Shellfish P
Shrimp P
Soy milk P F C
Soy nuts P F C
Sugar alcohols (Truvia &
anything ending in –tol) C
Sushi P F C
Tortillas, whole wheat F C
Veal P F
Wine, red C
Wine, white C
Artificial sweeteners
(sucralose, aspartame,
saccharine, etc.)
Bagels, refined flour C
Beef, ground,
lean (under 20% fat) P F
Beer C
Bread, refined flour C
Butter (salted) F
Caesar salad, w/ chicken P F C
Canadian bacon P F
Cheese, soft
(including bleu and goat) F
Chips, low-fat, baked C
Cobb salad P F C
Coffee, iced mocha latte w/
nonfat milk P C
Coffee, latte
w/ whole milk P F C
Coffee cake F C
Crackers F C
Cream cheese F
Fish, fried P F
Fowl, with skin P F
Fowl, ground, lean
(under 20% fat) P F
Graham crackers C
Ham P F
Hot dogs, turkey P F
Ice cream, sugar-free
or fat-free F C
Jell-O C
Jerky, turkey P
Juice, from concentrate C
Lamb chops P F
Lasagna P F C
Macaroni and cheese F C
Mayonnaise F
Meat loaf P F
Milk, whole P F C
Muffins F C
Nut butters, processed F C
Nuts, salted or roasted F
Pancakes F C
Peanut butter, not raw F C
Pizza, thin crust veggie P F C
Popcorn, w/ salt and butter F C
Pork chop P F
Potato salad
or macaroni salad F C
Pretzels C
Pudding, w/ low-fat milk F C
Reuben sandwich P F C
Sauce, steak, etc. C
Sherbet C
Sloppy Joe,
lean beef or turkey P F C
Soup, canned creamy P F C
Soy sauce
Spaghetti, w/ meatballs P F C
Sub sandwich P F C
Sweet-and-sour sauce F C
Tortilla, refined flour
or corn F C
Tuna salad
or chicken salad P F
Yogurt, frozen C
Mangoes C
Meat, wild game P F
Milk, 1% P F C
Muesli, raw, no sugar P F C
Nut butters, raw,
no additives P F
Nuts, raw P F
Oatmeal P C
Olive oil F
Olives F
Plantains C
Pork tenderloin P F
Raisins C
Ricotta cheese, nonfat P
Ry Krisp® C
Crackers, whole-grain F C
Cream cheese, low-fat P F
Fowl, ground, super lean
(under 10% fat) P F
Fowl, skinless,
dark meat only P F
French fries, baked F C
Fruit, dried C
Granola (no sugar added) C
Honey C
Jam or marmalade
(no sugar added) C
Ketchup (store bought,
no sugar added) C
Lamb, lean P F
Alcohol, hard liquor
Bacon P F
Baked beans P F C
Beef, ground, regular
(over 20% fat) P F
Beef taco, fried P F C
“Breaded” foods F C
Breakfast sandwich,
fast food P F C
Cake F C
Candy P F C
Cereal, sugared P F C
Chicken a la King P F C
Chicken, buffalo wings,
nuggets, tenders P F C
Chicken or
fish sandwich, fried P F C
Seitan P F C
Squid P F
Steak, super lean P F
Sunflower seeds P F
Tahini P F
Tempeh P F C
Tofu P F C
Vegetable juice C
Veggie burger P F C
Yacon syrup C
Yogurt, low fat,
no sugar P F C
Chicken fried steak P F C
Chips, potato or corn F C
Chocolate P F C
Cinnamon bun F C
Coffee, mocha, macchiato,
ice blended, frappé, triple
caramel vanilla buzz
bomb, etc. F C
Cookies, Oreo etc. F C
Creamed veggies F C
Creamer, nondairy F C
Diner fare P F C
Doughnuts F C
Energy drinks C
Fowl, ground, regular
(over 20% fat) P F
French fries F C
Gravy P F
Grilled cheese sandwich P F C
Hamburger, fast food P F C
High fructose corn syrup C
Hot dogs P F C
“Hydrogenated” foods F
Ice cream F C
Jerky, beef, pork, venison P F C
Juice, sugar added C
Lobster Newburg P F C
Margarine F
Milk, cream
or half-half P F C
Nachos F C
Onion rings F C
Pastries F C
Pies F C
QUESTIONS should be answered
3 oz. white
turkey meat
2 slices
whole wheat bread
1/2 cup soup,
Steamed veggies
1 medium piece fruit
1-1/2 cups pasta
with 1/4 cup
marinara sauce
3 oz. broiled
chicken breast
Steamed veggies
Romaine lettuce with
1 Tbsp. low-fat
2/3 cup oatmeal
with 1/2 cup
banana slices
1 cup nonfat milk
1 medium piece fruit
with 1/4 cup low-fat
cottage cheese
3 oz. tuna
1 Tbsp. nonfat mayo
2 slices whole
wheat bread
Steamed veggies
1 scoop Shakeology*
1 cup water
Ice to taste
3 oz. grilled or broiled
salmon with marinade
(2 Tbsp. light soy
sauce, 1 Tbsp.
ginger, 1 Tbsp. garlic)
Steamed veggies
1 cup brown rice
2 waffles with
2 tsp. light syrup
2/3 cup OJ
1 scoop Shakeology*
1 cup water
Ice to taste
2 oz. ham
1 oz. low-fat
Swiss cheese
2 slices rye bread
Brown mustard
1 oz. baked
potato chips
1 medium piece fruit
1/2 cup frozen
yogurt or sorbet
3 oz. grilled red
(lean cut, palm size)
1 small baked
potato with 1 Tbsp.
fat-free sour cream
Steamed veggies
1 slice whole
wheat bread
1/2 cup turkey chili
1 oz. low-fat
cheddar cheese
1/2 sourdough roll
1/2 cup fresh fruit
Steamed veggies
1 scoop Shakeology*
1 cup water
Ice to taste
Veggie hot dog
Hot dog bun
Light spread of
1 small baked potato
with 1 Tbsp. fat-free
sour cream
Steamed veggies
1 medium apple
1 scoop Shakeology*
1/2 banana
1 Tbsp. nut butter
1 cup water
Ice to taste
1 scoop Shakeology*
3 egg whites or
1/2 cup Egg Beaters® 1 cup water
(flavored with salsa)
Ice to taste
1 slice whole wheat
toast with 1 pat butter
1 cup oat bran cereal
with 1 cup fruit
1 cup nonfat milk
Pizza, delivered P F C
Potato skins, fried F C
Refried beans, w/ lard P F C
Salad dressing, creamy F C
Sausage P F
Soft drinks, diet
(read the studies)
Soft drinks, sugared C
Sports drinks & foods
(okay if playing sports)
Sugar, refined C
Syrup C
Tater tots F C
Toaster pastries F C
Vegetable oil
(cheap big brand) F
1 Tbsp. peanut butter
or almond butter with
1/2 cup nuts (plain
peanuts, cashews,
almonds, etc.)
*Available only at
How important is the “no eating within 3 hours of bedtime” rule?
This is a great “trick” to keep your body in fat-burning mode. As you sleep,
your body doesn’t really need food, but it gets hungry because you usually eat
every 3 or 4 hours. Your body looks for carbohydrates to consume, but since
you haven’t eaten recently, there will be a shortage. Then the body looks to
stored fat—BINGO! Also, your body has a growth hormone spike while you
sleep which aids in the metabolism of fat. Food in your system can interfere
with that spike. So it’s your call—want to lose weight while you sleep? Sleep
on an empty stomach!
Does the type of food really make a difference if you still limit calories?
Why do you give us Michi’s Ladder and the other guidelines too?
Michi’s Ladder ranks foods, but it shouldn’t be the be-all and end-all for you.
What matters more is the makeup of the food: the percentage of carbs, proteins,
and fats. For example, if your body doesn’t get enough protein, then it goes into
“starvation mode” and lowers your BMR (basal metabolic rate). Many people who
eat like birds, but eat only carbs, have high body fat. That’s why many women
are finding such great results when they add protein to their diet. They haven’t
been getting enough for years, and suddenly they do and POW! Up goes the BMR.
I just had a baby and I want to go for stunning results by just using the top-tier
foods. I’m finding it hard to make a workable menu. Any suggestions?
Don’t despair. Lots of moms have turned their fitness around. Don’t worry too
much about sticking with the Tier 1 category, especially at first. Try instead to
keep to the top three tiers! Stick with it, and don’t be too hard on yourself if you
occasionally fall off for a day or two.
1 slice pizza
(1/8 of 15-inch
medium pizza)
Salad with 1 Tbsp.
low-fat dressing
1 cup fresh fruit or
Get amazing online support on the Message Boards!
Find recipes, tips, peer support, and expert advice on the Message Boards at Or if you belong to the Team Beachbody community, visit today!
3 oz. skinless grilled
turkey breast
1 medium sweet
Steamed veggies
1 cup fresh fruit
3/4 cup brown rice
Consult your physician before starting and following this or any other nutrition plan.
© 2010 Beachbody. All rights reserved. Distributed by Product Partners, LLC, Santa Monica, CA 90404
CONSISTENT 5x-a-day eating schedule
HYDRATE AND CLEANSE your body by drinking water.
Drink at least 2 liters or 8 glasses of water a day. This is the
step people seem to take for granted. But in conjunction with
supplements, improved food intake, and exercise, the catalyst
to flushing out the bad stuff and keeping your body healthy is
water. It also helps you feel full during the day. A balanced
eating schedule with lots of water is a very manageable routine.
To succeed, it is very important to follow a consistent eating schedule. Consistency
will actually give you a profound sense of control over your world, and it will
also assure two things:
Eat to carve out your physique
within an hour of waking up
2–3 hours after breakfast
2–3 hours after snack
2–3 hours after lunch
finished at least 3 hours before bed
The wrong time to eat is when
you’re not hungry. We often eat
when we’re stressed, bored, upset,
or just because food is available.
Try to be aware of your hunger
level and monitor unnecessary
snacks and calories.
FORTIFY your diet with a multivitamin. When you exercise hard and/or reduce
your diet, your body can easily suffer from vitamin deficiencies. Most nutritionists
believe that multivitamins are absolutely essential, especially for active individuals,
because it’s difficult to get enough nutrients from your diet alone. The combination
of daily stress, processed foods, and nutrient-depleted soils may leave your
daily diet with deficiencies, which can threaten healthy muscle growth,
energy production, protein metabolism, and fat burning. Taking a
good multivitamin will ensure that your body has the nutrients it
needs to function properly. We recommend ActiVit® multivitamins,
but there are other good brands as well. The key is quality and
freshness—when it comes to vitamins, you get what you pay for!
(7 AM)
(9–10 AM)
(12–1 PM)
(3–4 PM)
(7–8 PM)
*The snacks should be small, depending on your caloric needs (e.g., small piece of fruit, meal
replacement bar, etc.).
The most important aspects of this eating schedule are that you DO eat breakfast,
and that you DO stop eating 3 hours BEFORE bedtime. (You might start to get
hungry before bedtime, but you will enjoy 8 hours of solid fat burning if you can
control yourself.) By allowing your body to sleep in “fasting mode”—meaning
you are not in the midst of digesting a meal—your body will access stored fat
for energy. What better time to be slightly hungry than while you sleep? You
wake up hungry, and you eat breakfast on schedule!
Try to eat your last meal about 3 hours before bedtime. By going to sleep on an
empty stomach, your body will burn stored fat while you sleep.
drinks, which are generally high in carbs, your body’s insulin levels rise to cope
with the additional carbohydrates in your system. That means that during the time
you process those carbs through your bloodstream, your body’s hormones are
focused on burning that type of fuel for energy. Thus, if you consume those carbs
before your workout, you will be in the mode to burn the carbs in your body more
than the stored fat around your waist and thighs. That’s why we highly recommend
putting your body in a semi-fasting state, meaning you are working out with little
to no food in your digestive system. For hydration, don’t use sports drinks, use
water. Your body will then be in “fat-burning mode,” and the results from your
effort will be maximized.
REFRAIN from eating at the wrong times. Don’t eat just before you work out,
right before bed, or because you’re stressed. You want your body to be in
“fat-burning mode” whenever possible.
Get amazing online support on the Message Boards!
Find recipes, tips, peer support, and expert advice on the Message Boards at Or if you belong to the Team Beachbody® community, visit today!
Michi’s Ladder is a guideline for healthy nutrition. If you only ate from Tiers 1 and
2, you would have a near-perfect diet. Eating clean foods that properly fuel your
body will provide countless health and mental benefits. As a daily range, you should
strive to eat 70% from Tier 1, 22% from Tier 2, 5% from Tier 3, 2% from Tier 4 and
less than 1% from Tier 5. Log in to for meal planning tools.
You won’t get over-hungry, and thus overeat at the next meal, and
You will encourage an increase in your metabolism (that’s the Holy Grail!).
It’s best not to consume a sports drink or energy bar before working out.
It’s the wrong food at the wrong time, as they encourage your body’s
“carb-burning mode.” Try to eat a couple of hours before you work out, and
drink only water. Controlling the foods you eat before a workout will maximize
the ability of your exercise to burn stored fat.
According to some high-profile dieticians and trainers, if you exercised for a
month and didn’t see the fat reduction you wanted, it’s probably due to your
insulin levels being too high while you were working out. That means your body
wasn’t attacking the fat stores, even though you were working your hardest.
Your body has two main sources of energy: stored fat and stored
carbohydrates. When you eat or drink substances like energy bars or sports
So if you limit your carbs before exercise and before sleep, your body has more
time to function as an effective fat-burning machine.
Agave nectar C
Almond milk P F C
Applesauce (big brand) C
Beef, ground, super lean
(under 10% fat) P F
Beef, lean cuts P F
Broths (veggie,
chicken, etc.) C
Butter, unsalted F
Canola oil F
Cheese, hard
Cheese, low-fat P F
Chicken taco, baked P F C
Chili (no lard/or
sugar added) P F
Amaranth P C
Apples, with skin C
(without sauce) P C
Arugula C
Asparagus C
Barley C
Beans P C F
Beets C
Blueberries C
Bok choy C
Boysenberries C
Bran C
Broccoli P C
Broccoli sprouts P C
Brussels sprouts P C
Cabbage C
Carrots C
Cauliflower C
Celery C
Chard P C
Cherries C
Chickpeas P C
Citrus fruits C
Collard greens P C
Cottage cheese, nonfat P
Cucumbers C
Egg whites P
Endive C
Fish (broiled,
steamed, grilled) P F
Flaxseed F
Garlic, fresh C
Grapefruit C
Grapes C
Hempseed F
Kale P F C
(homemade, no sugar) C
Apples, skinless C
Applesauce (raw) C
Avocados F
Bagels, whole grain C
Bananas C
Bread, whole-grain F C
Broths (veggie, chicken,
etc., low sodium) F C
Buffalo, super lean
(under 10% fat) P F
Cereal, whole-grain P F C
Cheese, nonfat P
Coconut F
Coffee, black or
cappuccino w/
nonfat milk C
Corn F C
Cottage cheese, low-fat P F
Couscous P F C
Cream cheese, nonfat P
Dates C
Eggs, whole P F
Eggplant C
Feta cheese, low-fat P F
white meat only P F
Figs C
Granola, raw, no sugar P F C
Hummus P F C
Juice, fresh-squeezed
w/ pulp, no sugar C
Kiwifruit C
Lentils P F C
Lettuce (romaine,
green or red leaf) C
Melon, C
Milk, nonfat P C
Mushrooms C
Mustard C
Natto P F C
Nectarines C
Onions C
Papayas C
Peaches C
Pears, with skin C
Peas P C
Peppers C
Pineapple C
Plums C
Prunes C
Quinoa P C
Radishes C
Raspberries C
Refried beans (nonfat) P C
Rice, whole grain C
Salsa (natural,
no sugar or oil) C
Spelt P C
Spinach P C
Squash C
Strawberries C
String beans P C
Sweet potatoes C
Tea (green or black, no sugar)
Tomato sauce (no sugar) C
Tomatoes C
Yams C
Yogurt, nonfat, no sugar P C
Zucchini C
Lettuce, iceberg C
Maple syrup (natural,
no sugar added) C
Milk, 2% P F C
Molasses C
Muesli (big brand) P C
Oatmeal, flavored P C
Pancakes, buckwheat C
Pasta, whole-grain C
Pickles C
Popcorn, plain F C
Potatoes, baked or boiled C
Refried beans, low-fat P F C
Rice cakes C
Rice milk C
5 Sample Food Plans (approx. 1,200 calories/day)
Rice, white C
Sauerkraut C
Shellfish P
Shrimp P
Soy milk P F C
Soy nuts P F C
Sugar alcohols (Truvia &
anything ending in –tol) C
Sushi P F C
Tortillas, whole wheat F C
Veal P F
Wine, red C
Wine, white C
Artificial sweeteners
(sucralose, aspartame,
saccharine, etc.)
Bagels, refined flour C
Beef, ground,
lean (under 20% fat) P F
Beer C
Bread, refined flour C
Butter (salted) F
Caesar salad, w/ chicken P F C
Canadian bacon P F
Cheese, soft
(including bleu and goat) F
Chips, low-fat, baked C
Cobb salad P F C
Coffee, iced mocha latte w/
nonfat milk P C
Coffee, latte
w/ whole milk P F C
Coffee cake F C
Crackers F C
Cream cheese F
Fish, fried P F
Fowl, with skin P F
Fowl, ground, lean
(under 20% fat) P F
Graham crackers C
Ham P F
Hot dogs, turkey P F
Ice cream, sugar-free
or fat-free F C
Jell-O C
Jerky, turkey P
Juice, from concentrate C
Lamb chops P F
Lasagna P F C
Macaroni and cheese F C
Mayonnaise F
Meat loaf P F
Milk, whole P F C
Muffins F C
Nut butters, processed F C
Nuts, salted or roasted F
Pancakes F C
Peanut butter, not raw F C
Pizza, thin crust veggie P F C
Popcorn, w/ salt and butter F C
Pork chop P F
Potato salad
or macaroni salad F C
Pretzels C
Pudding, w/ low-fat milk F C
Reuben sandwich P F C
Sauce, steak, etc. C
Sherbet C
Sloppy Joe,
lean beef or turkey P F C
Soup, canned creamy P F C
Soy sauce
Spaghetti, w/ meatballs P F C
Sub sandwich P F C
Sweet-and-sour sauce F C
Tortilla, refined flour
or corn F C
Tuna salad
or chicken salad P F
Yogurt, frozen C
Mangoes C
Meat, wild game P F
Milk, 1% P F C
Muesli, raw, no sugar P F C
Nut butters, raw,
no additives P F
Nuts, raw P F
Oatmeal P C
Olive oil F
Olives F
Plantains C
Pork tenderloin P F
Raisins C
Ricotta cheese, nonfat P
Ry Krisp® C
Crackers, whole-grain F C
Cream cheese, low-fat P F
Fowl, ground, super lean
(under 10% fat) P F
Fowl, skinless,
dark meat only P F
French fries, baked F C
Fruit, dried C
Granola (no sugar added) C
Honey C
Jam or marmalade
(no sugar added) C
Ketchup (store bought,
no sugar added) C
Lamb, lean P F
Alcohol, hard liquor
Bacon P F
Baked beans P F C
Beef, ground, regular
(over 20% fat) P F
Beef taco, fried P F C
“Breaded” foods F C
Breakfast sandwich,
fast food P F C
Cake F C
Candy P F C
Cereal, sugared P F C
Chicken a la King P F C
Chicken, buffalo wings,
nuggets, tenders P F C
Chicken or
fish sandwich, fried P F C
Seitan P F C
Squid P F
Steak, super lean P F
Sunflower seeds P F
Tahini P F
Tempeh P F C
Tofu P F C
Vegetable juice C
Veggie burger P F C
Yacon syrup C
Yogurt, low fat,
no sugar P F C
Chicken fried steak P F C
Chips, potato or corn F C
Chocolate P F C
Cinnamon bun F C
Coffee, mocha, macchiato,
ice blended, frappé, triple
caramel vanilla buzz
bomb, etc. F C
Cookies, Oreo etc. F C
Creamed veggies F C
Creamer, nondairy F C
Diner fare P F C
Doughnuts F C
Energy drinks C
Fowl, ground, regular
(over 20% fat) P F
French fries F C
Gravy P F
Grilled cheese sandwich P F C
Hamburger, fast food P F C
High fructose corn syrup C
Hot dogs P F C
“Hydrogenated” foods F
Ice cream F C
Jerky, beef, pork, venison P F C
Juice, sugar added C
Lobster Newburg P F C
Margarine F
Milk, cream
or half-half P F C
Nachos F C
Onion rings F C
Pastries F C
Pies F C
QUESTIONS should be answered
3 oz. white
turkey meat
2 slices
whole wheat bread
1/2 cup soup,
Steamed veggies
1 medium piece fruit
1-1/2 cups pasta
with 1/4 cup
marinara sauce
3 oz. broiled
chicken breast
Steamed veggies
Romaine lettuce with
1 Tbsp. low-fat
2/3 cup oatmeal
with 1/2 cup
banana slices
1 cup nonfat milk
1 medium piece fruit
with 1/4 cup low-fat
cottage cheese
3 oz. tuna
1 Tbsp. nonfat mayo
2 slices whole
wheat bread
Steamed veggies
1 scoop Shakeology*
1 cup water
Ice to taste
3 oz. grilled or broiled
salmon with marinade
(2 Tbsp. light soy
sauce, 1 Tbsp.
ginger, 1 Tbsp. garlic)
Steamed veggies
1 cup brown rice
2 waffles with
2 tsp. light syrup
2/3 cup OJ
1 scoop Shakeology*
1 cup water
Ice to taste
2 oz. ham
1 oz. low-fat
Swiss cheese
2 slices rye bread
Brown mustard
1 oz. baked
potato chips
1 medium piece fruit
1/2 cup frozen
yogurt or sorbet
3 oz. grilled red
(lean cut, palm size)
1 small baked
potato with 1 Tbsp.
fat-free sour cream
Steamed veggies
1 slice whole
wheat bread
1/2 cup turkey chili
1 oz. low-fat
cheddar cheese
1/2 sourdough roll
1/2 cup fresh fruit
Steamed veggies
1 scoop Shakeology*
1 cup water
Ice to taste
Veggie hot dog
Hot dog bun
Light spread of
1 small baked potato
with 1 Tbsp. fat-free
sour cream
Steamed veggies
1 medium apple
1 scoop Shakeology*
1/2 banana
1 Tbsp. nut butter
1 cup water
Ice to taste
1 scoop Shakeology*
3 egg whites or
1/2 cup Egg Beaters® 1 cup water
(flavored with salsa)
Ice to taste
1 slice whole wheat
toast with 1 pat butter
1 cup oat bran cereal
with 1 cup fruit
1 cup nonfat milk
Pizza, delivered P F C
Potato skins, fried F C
Refried beans, w/ lard P F C
Salad dressing, creamy F C
Sausage P F
Soft drinks, diet
(read the studies)
Soft drinks, sugared C
Sports drinks & foods
(okay if playing sports)
Sugar, refined C
Syrup C
Tater tots F C
Toaster pastries F C
Vegetable oil
(cheap big brand) F
1 Tbsp. peanut butter
or almond butter with
1/2 cup nuts (plain
peanuts, cashews,
almonds, etc.)
*Available only at
How important is the “no eating within 3 hours of bedtime” rule?
This is a great “trick” to keep your body in fat-burning mode. As you sleep,
your body doesn’t really need food, but it gets hungry because you usually eat
every 3 or 4 hours. Your body looks for carbohydrates to consume, but since
you haven’t eaten recently, there will be a shortage. Then the body looks to
stored fat—BINGO! Also, your body has a growth hormone spike while you
sleep which aids in the metabolism of fat. Food in your system can interfere
with that spike. So it’s your call—want to lose weight while you sleep? Sleep
on an empty stomach!
Does the type of food really make a difference if you still limit calories?
Why do you give us Michi’s Ladder and the other guidelines too?
Michi’s Ladder ranks foods, but it shouldn’t be the be-all and end-all for you.
What matters more is the makeup of the food: the percentage of carbs, proteins,
and fats. For example, if your body doesn’t get enough protein, then it goes into
“starvation mode” and lowers your BMR (basal metabolic rate). Many people who
eat like birds, but eat only carbs, have high body fat. That’s why many women
are finding such great results when they add protein to their diet. They haven’t
been getting enough for years, and suddenly they do and POW! Up goes the BMR.
I just had a baby and I want to go for stunning results by just using the top-tier
foods. I’m finding it hard to make a workable menu. Any suggestions?
Don’t despair. Lots of moms have turned their fitness around. Don’t worry too
much about sticking with the Tier 1 category, especially at first. Try instead to
keep to the top three tiers! Stick with it, and don’t be too hard on yourself if you
occasionally fall off for a day or two.
1 slice pizza
(1/8 of 15-inch
medium pizza)
Salad with 1 Tbsp.
low-fat dressing
1 cup fresh fruit or
Get amazing online support on the Message Boards!
Find recipes, tips, peer support, and expert advice on the Message Boards at Or if you belong to the Team Beachbody community, visit today!
3 oz. skinless grilled
turkey breast
1 medium sweet
Steamed veggies
1 cup fresh fruit
3/4 cup brown rice
Consult your physician before starting and following this or any other nutrition plan.
© 2010 Beachbody. All rights reserved. Distributed by Product Partners, LLC, Santa Monica, CA 90404
CONSISTENT 5x-a-day eating schedule
HYDRATE AND CLEANSE your body by drinking water.
Drink at least 2 liters or 8 glasses of water a day. This is the
step people seem to take for granted. But in conjunction with
supplements, improved food intake, and exercise, the catalyst
to flushing out the bad stuff and keeping your body healthy is
water. It also helps you feel full during the day. A balanced
eating schedule with lots of water is a very manageable routine.
To succeed, it is very important to follow a consistent eating schedule. Consistency
will actually give you a profound sense of control over your world, and it will
also assure two things:
Eat to carve out your physique
within an hour of waking up
2–3 hours after breakfast
2–3 hours after snack
2–3 hours after lunch
finished at least 3 hours before bed
The wrong time to eat is when
you’re not hungry. We often eat
when we’re stressed, bored, upset,
or just because food is available.
Try to be aware of your hunger
level and monitor unnecessary
snacks and calories.
FORTIFY your diet with a multivitamin. When you exercise hard and/or reduce
your diet, your body can easily suffer from vitamin deficiencies. Most nutritionists
believe that multivitamins are absolutely essential, especially for active individuals,
because it’s difficult to get enough nutrients from your diet alone. The combination
of daily stress, processed foods, and nutrient-depleted soils may leave your
daily diet with deficiencies, which can threaten healthy muscle growth,
energy production, protein metabolism, and fat burning. Taking a
good multivitamin will ensure that your body has the nutrients it
needs to function properly. We recommend ActiVit® multivitamins,
but there are other good brands as well. The key is quality and
freshness—when it comes to vitamins, you get what you pay for!
(7 AM)
(9–10 AM)
(12–1 PM)
(3–4 PM)
(7–8 PM)
*The snacks should be small, depending on your caloric needs (e.g., small piece of fruit, meal
replacement bar, etc.).
The most important aspects of this eating schedule are that you DO eat breakfast,
and that you DO stop eating 3 hours BEFORE bedtime. (You might start to get
hungry before bedtime, but you will enjoy 8 hours of solid fat burning if you can
control yourself.) By allowing your body to sleep in “fasting mode”—meaning
you are not in the midst of digesting a meal—your body will access stored fat
for energy. What better time to be slightly hungry than while you sleep? You
wake up hungry, and you eat breakfast on schedule!
Try to eat your last meal about 3 hours before bedtime. By going to sleep on an
empty stomach, your body will burn stored fat while you sleep.
drinks, which are generally high in carbs, your body’s insulin levels rise to cope
with the additional carbohydrates in your system. That means that during the time
you process those carbs through your bloodstream, your body’s hormones are
focused on burning that type of fuel for energy. Thus, if you consume those carbs
before your workout, you will be in the mode to burn the carbs in your body more
than the stored fat around your waist and thighs. That’s why we highly recommend
putting your body in a semi-fasting state, meaning you are working out with little
to no food in your digestive system. For hydration, don’t use sports drinks, use
water. Your body will then be in “fat-burning mode,” and the results from your
effort will be maximized.
REFRAIN from eating at the wrong times. Don’t eat just before you work out,
right before bed, or because you’re stressed. You want your body to be in
“fat-burning mode” whenever possible.
Get amazing online support on the Message Boards!
Find recipes, tips, peer support, and expert advice on the Message Boards at Or if you belong to the Team Beachbody® community, visit today!
Michi’s Ladder is a guideline for healthy nutrition. If you only ate from Tiers 1 and
2, you would have a near-perfect diet. Eating clean foods that properly fuel your
body will provide countless health and mental benefits. As a daily range, you should
strive to eat 70% from Tier 1, 22% from Tier 2, 5% from Tier 3, 2% from Tier 4 and
less than 1% from Tier 5. Log in to for meal planning tools.
You won’t get over-hungry, and thus overeat at the next meal, and
You will encourage an increase in your metabolism (that’s the Holy Grail!).
It’s best not to consume a sports drink or energy bar before working out.
It’s the wrong food at the wrong time, as they encourage your body’s
“carb-burning mode.” Try to eat a couple of hours before you work out, and
drink only water. Controlling the foods you eat before a workout will maximize
the ability of your exercise to burn stored fat.
According to some high-profile dieticians and trainers, if you exercised for a
month and didn’t see the fat reduction you wanted, it’s probably due to your
insulin levels being too high while you were working out. That means your body
wasn’t attacking the fat stores, even though you were working your hardest.
Your body has two main sources of energy: stored fat and stored
carbohydrates. When you eat or drink substances like energy bars or sports
So if you limit your carbs before exercise and before sleep, your body has more
time to function as an effective fat-burning machine.
Agave nectar C
Almond milk P F C
Applesauce (big brand) C
Beef, ground, super lean
(under 10% fat) P F
Beef, lean cuts P F
Broths (veggie,
chicken, etc.) C
Butter, unsalted F
Canola oil F
Cheese, hard
Cheese, low-fat P F
Chicken taco, baked P F C
Chili (no lard/or
sugar added) P F
Amaranth P C
Apples, with skin C
(without sauce) P C
Arugula C
Asparagus C
Barley C
Beans P C F
Beets C
Blueberries C
Bok choy C
Boysenberries C
Bran C
Broccoli P C
Broccoli sprouts P C
Brussels sprouts P C
Cabbage C
Carrots C
Cauliflower C
Celery C
Chard P C
Cherries C
Chickpeas P C
Citrus fruits C
Collard greens P C
Cottage cheese, nonfat P
Cucumbers C
Egg whites P
Endive C
Fish (broiled,
steamed, grilled) P F
Flaxseed F
Garlic, fresh C
Grapefruit C
Grapes C
Hempseed F
Kale P F C
(homemade, no sugar) C
Apples, skinless C
Applesauce (raw) C
Avocados F
Bagels, whole grain C
Bananas C
Bread, whole-grain F C
Broths (veggie, chicken,
etc., low sodium) F C
Buffalo, super lean
(under 10% fat) P F
Cereal, whole-grain P F C
Cheese, nonfat P
Coconut F
Coffee, black or
cappuccino w/
nonfat milk C
Corn F C
Cottage cheese, low-fat P F
Couscous P F C
Cream cheese, nonfat P
Dates C
Eggs, whole P F
Eggplant C
Feta cheese, low-fat P F
white meat only P F
Figs C
Granola, raw, no sugar P F C
Hummus P F C
Juice, fresh-squeezed
w/ pulp, no sugar C
Kiwifruit C
Lentils P F C
Lettuce (romaine,
green or red leaf) C
Melon, C
Milk, nonfat P C
Mushrooms C
Mustard C
Natto P F C
Nectarines C
Onions C
Papayas C
Peaches C
Pears, with skin C
Peas P C
Peppers C
Pineapple C
Plums C
Prunes C
Quinoa P C
Radishes C
Raspberries C
Refried beans (nonfat) P C
Rice, whole grain C
Salsa (natural,
no sugar or oil) C
Spelt P C
Spinach P C
Squash C
Strawberries C
String beans P C
Sweet potatoes C
Tea (green or black, no sugar)
Tomato sauce (no sugar) C
Tomatoes C
Yams C
Yogurt, nonfat, no sugar P C
Zucchini C
Lettuce, iceberg C
Maple syrup (natural,
no sugar added) C
Milk, 2% P F C
Molasses C
Muesli (big brand) P C
Oatmeal, flavored P C
Pancakes, buckwheat C
Pasta, whole-grain C
Pickles C
Popcorn, plain F C
Potatoes, baked or boiled C
Refried beans, low-fat P F C
Rice cakes C
Rice milk C
5 Sample Food Plans (approx. 1,200 calories/day)
Rice, white C
Sauerkraut C
Shellfish P
Shrimp P
Soy milk P F C
Soy nuts P F C
Sugar alcohols (Truvia &
anything ending in –tol) C
Sushi P F C
Tortillas, whole wheat F C
Veal P F
Wine, red C
Wine, white C
Artificial sweeteners
(sucralose, aspartame,
saccharine, etc.)
Bagels, refined flour C
Beef, ground,
lean (under 20% fat) P F
Beer C
Bread, refined flour C
Butter (salted) F
Caesar salad, w/ chicken P F C
Canadian bacon P F
Cheese, soft
(including bleu and goat) F
Chips, low-fat, baked C
Cobb salad P F C
Coffee, iced mocha latte w/
nonfat milk P C
Coffee, latte
w/ whole milk P F C
Coffee cake F C
Crackers F C
Cream cheese F
Fish, fried P F
Fowl, with skin P F
Fowl, ground, lean
(under 20% fat) P F
Graham crackers C
Ham P F
Hot dogs, turkey P F
Ice cream, sugar-free
or fat-free F C
Jell-O C
Jerky, turkey P
Juice, from concentrate C
Lamb chops P F
Lasagna P F C
Macaroni and cheese F C
Mayonnaise F
Meat loaf P F
Milk, whole P F C
Muffins F C
Nut butters, processed F C
Nuts, salted or roasted F
Pancakes F C
Peanut butter, not raw F C
Pizza, thin crust veggie P F C
Popcorn, w/ salt and butter F C
Pork chop P F
Potato salad
or macaroni salad F C
Pretzels C
Pudding, w/ low-fat milk F C
Reuben sandwich P F C
Sauce, steak, etc. C
Sherbet C
Sloppy Joe,
lean beef or turkey P F C
Soup, canned creamy P F C
Soy sauce
Spaghetti, w/ meatballs P F C
Sub sandwich P F C
Sweet-and-sour sauce F C
Tortilla, refined flour
or corn F C
Tuna salad
or chicken salad P F
Yogurt, frozen C
Mangoes C
Meat, wild game P F
Milk, 1% P F C
Muesli, raw, no sugar P F C
Nut butters, raw,
no additives P F
Nuts, raw P F
Oatmeal P C
Olive oil F
Olives F
Plantains C
Pork tenderloin P F
Raisins C
Ricotta cheese, nonfat P
Ry Krisp® C
Crackers, whole-grain F C
Cream cheese, low-fat P F
Fowl, ground, super lean
(under 10% fat) P F
Fowl, skinless,
dark meat only P F
French fries, baked F C
Fruit, dried C
Granola (no sugar added) C
Honey C
Jam or marmalade
(no sugar added) C
Ketchup (store bought,
no sugar added) C
Lamb, lean P F
Alcohol, hard liquor
Bacon P F
Baked beans P F C
Beef, ground, regular
(over 20% fat) P F
Beef taco, fried P F C
“Breaded” foods F C
Breakfast sandwich,
fast food P F C
Cake F C
Candy P F C
Cereal, sugared P F C
Chicken a la King P F C
Chicken, buffalo wings,
nuggets, tenders P F C
Chicken or
fish sandwich, fried P F C
Seitan P F C
Squid P F
Steak, super lean P F
Sunflower seeds P F
Tahini P F
Tempeh P F C
Tofu P F C
Vegetable juice C
Veggie burger P F C
Yacon syrup C
Yogurt, low fat,
no sugar P F C
Chicken fried steak P F C
Chips, potato or corn F C
Chocolate P F C
Cinnamon bun F C
Coffee, mocha, macchiato,
ice blended, frappé, triple
caramel vanilla buzz
bomb, etc. F C
Cookies, Oreo etc. F C
Creamed veggies F C
Creamer, nondairy F C
Diner fare P F C
Doughnuts F C
Energy drinks C
Fowl, ground, regular
(over 20% fat) P F
French fries F C
Gravy P F
Grilled cheese sandwich P F C
Hamburger, fast food P F C
High fructose corn syrup C
Hot dogs P F C
“Hydrogenated” foods F
Ice cream F C
Jerky, beef, pork, venison P F C
Juice, sugar added C
Lobster Newburg P F C
Margarine F
Milk, cream
or half-half P F C
Nachos F C
Onion rings F C
Pastries F C
Pies F C
QUESTIONS should be answered
3 oz. white
turkey meat
2 slices
whole wheat bread
1/2 cup soup,
Steamed veggies
1 medium piece fruit
1-1/2 cups pasta
with 1/4 cup
marinara sauce
3 oz. broiled
chicken breast
Steamed veggies
Romaine lettuce with
1 Tbsp. low-fat
2/3 cup oatmeal
with 1/2 cup
banana slices
1 cup nonfat milk
1 medium piece fruit
with 1/4 cup low-fat
cottage cheese
3 oz. tuna
1 Tbsp. nonfat mayo
2 slices whole
wheat bread
Steamed veggies
1 scoop Shakeology*
1 cup water
Ice to taste
3 oz. grilled or broiled
salmon with marinade
(2 Tbsp. light soy
sauce, 1 Tbsp.
ginger, 1 Tbsp. garlic)
Steamed veggies
1 cup brown rice
2 waffles with
2 tsp. light syrup
2/3 cup OJ
1 scoop Shakeology*
1 cup water
Ice to taste
2 oz. ham
1 oz. low-fat
Swiss cheese
2 slices rye bread
Brown mustard
1 oz. baked
potato chips
1 medium piece fruit
1/2 cup frozen
yogurt or sorbet
3 oz. grilled red
(lean cut, palm size)
1 small baked
potato with 1 Tbsp.
fat-free sour cream
Steamed veggies
1 slice whole
wheat bread
1/2 cup turkey chili
1 oz. low-fat
cheddar cheese
1/2 sourdough roll
1/2 cup fresh fruit
Steamed veggies
1 scoop Shakeology*
1 cup water
Ice to taste
Veggie hot dog
Hot dog bun
Light spread of
1 small baked potato
with 1 Tbsp. fat-free
sour cream
Steamed veggies
1 medium apple
1 scoop Shakeology*
1/2 banana
1 Tbsp. nut butter
1 cup water
Ice to taste
1 scoop Shakeology*
3 egg whites or
1/2 cup Egg Beaters® 1 cup water
(flavored with salsa)
Ice to taste
1 slice whole wheat
toast with 1 pat butter
1 cup oat bran cereal
with 1 cup fruit
1 cup nonfat milk
Pizza, delivered P F C
Potato skins, fried F C
Refried beans, w/ lard P F C
Salad dressing, creamy F C
Sausage P F
Soft drinks, diet
(read the studies)
Soft drinks, sugared C
Sports drinks & foods
(okay if playing sports)
Sugar, refined C
Syrup C
Tater tots F C
Toaster pastries F C
Vegetable oil
(cheap big brand) F
1 Tbsp. peanut butter
or almond butter with
1/2 cup nuts (plain
peanuts, cashews,
almonds, etc.)
*Available only at
How important is the “no eating within 3 hours of bedtime” rule?
This is a great “trick” to keep your body in fat-burning mode. As you sleep,
your body doesn’t really need food, but it gets hungry because you usually eat
every 3 or 4 hours. Your body looks for carbohydrates to consume, but since
you haven’t eaten recently, there will be a shortage. Then the body looks to
stored fat—BINGO! Also, your body has a growth hormone spike while you
sleep which aids in the metabolism of fat. Food in your system can interfere
with that spike. So it’s your call—want to lose weight while you sleep? Sleep
on an empty stomach!
Does the type of food really make a difference if you still limit calories?
Why do you give us Michi’s Ladder and the other guidelines too?
Michi’s Ladder ranks foods, but it shouldn’t be the be-all and end-all for you.
What matters more is the makeup of the food: the percentage of carbs, proteins,
and fats. For example, if your body doesn’t get enough protein, then it goes into
“starvation mode” and lowers your BMR (basal metabolic rate). Many people who
eat like birds, but eat only carbs, have high body fat. That’s why many women
are finding such great results when they add protein to their diet. They haven’t
been getting enough for years, and suddenly they do and POW! Up goes the BMR.
I just had a baby and I want to go for stunning results by just using the top-tier
foods. I’m finding it hard to make a workable menu. Any suggestions?
Don’t despair. Lots of moms have turned their fitness around. Don’t worry too
much about sticking with the Tier 1 category, especially at first. Try instead to
keep to the top three tiers! Stick with it, and don’t be too hard on yourself if you
occasionally fall off for a day or two.
1 slice pizza
(1/8 of 15-inch
medium pizza)
Salad with 1 Tbsp.
low-fat dressing
1 cup fresh fruit or
Get amazing online support on the Message Boards!
Find recipes, tips, peer support, and expert advice on the Message Boards at Or if you belong to the Team Beachbody community, visit today!
3 oz. skinless grilled
turkey breast
1 medium sweet
Steamed veggies
1 cup fresh fruit
3/4 cup brown rice
Consult your physician before starting and following this or any other nutrition plan.
© 2010 Beachbody. All rights reserved. Distributed by Product Partners, LLC, Santa Monica, CA 90404
CONSISTENT 5x-a-day eating schedule
HYDRATE AND CLEANSE your body by drinking water.
Drink at least 2 liters or 8 glasses of water a day. This is the
step people seem to take for granted. But in conjunction with
supplements, improved food intake, and exercise, the catalyst
to flushing out the bad stuff and keeping your body healthy is
water. It also helps you feel full during the day. A balanced
eating schedule with lots of water is a very manageable routine.
To succeed, it is very important to follow a consistent eating schedule. Consistency
will actually give you a profound sense of control over your world, and it will
also assure two things:
Eat to carve out your physique
within an hour of waking up
2–3 hours after breakfast
2–3 hours after snack
2–3 hours after lunch
finished at least 3 hours before bed
The wrong time to eat is when
you’re not hungry. We often eat
when we’re stressed, bored, upset,
or just because food is available.
Try to be aware of your hunger
level and monitor unnecessary
snacks and calories.
FORTIFY your diet with a multivitamin. When you exercise hard and/or reduce
your diet, your body can easily suffer from vitamin deficiencies. Most nutritionists
believe that multivitamins are absolutely essential, especially for active individuals,
because it’s difficult to get enough nutrients from your diet alone. The combination
of daily stress, processed foods, and nutrient-depleted soils may leave your
daily diet with deficiencies, which can threaten healthy muscle growth,
energy production, protein metabolism, and fat burning. Taking a
good multivitamin will ensure that your body has the nutrients it
needs to function properly. We recommend ActiVit® multivitamins,
but there are other good brands as well. The key is quality and
freshness—when it comes to vitamins, you get what you pay for!
(7 AM)
(9–10 AM)
(12–1 PM)
(3–4 PM)
(7–8 PM)
*The snacks should be small, depending on your caloric needs (e.g., small piece of fruit, meal
replacement bar, etc.).
The most important aspects of this eating schedule are that you DO eat breakfast,
and that you DO stop eating 3 hours BEFORE bedtime. (You might start to get
hungry before bedtime, but you will enjoy 8 hours of solid fat burning if you can
control yourself.) By allowing your body to sleep in “fasting mode”—meaning
you are not in the midst of digesting a meal—your body will access stored fat
for energy. What better time to be slightly hungry than while you sleep? You
wake up hungry, and you eat breakfast on schedule!
Try to eat your last meal about 3 hours before bedtime. By going to sleep on an
empty stomach, your body will burn stored fat while you sleep.
drinks, which are generally high in carbs, your body’s insulin levels rise to cope
with the additional carbohydrates in your system. That means that during the time
you process those carbs through your bloodstream, your body’s hormones are
focused on burning that type of fuel for energy. Thus, if you consume those carbs
before your workout, you will be in the mode to burn the carbs in your body more
than the stored fat around your waist and thighs. That’s why we highly recommend
putting your body in a semi-fasting state, meaning you are working out with little
to no food in your digestive system. For hydration, don’t use sports drinks, use
water. Your body will then be in “fat-burning mode,” and the results from your
effort will be maximized.
REFRAIN from eating at the wrong times. Don’t eat just before you work out,
right before bed, or because you’re stressed. You want your body to be in
“fat-burning mode” whenever possible.
Get amazing online support on the Message Boards!
Find recipes, tips, peer support, and expert advice on the Message Boards at Or if you belong to the Team Beachbody® community, visit today!
Michi’s Ladder is a guideline for healthy nutrition. If you only ate from Tiers 1 and
2, you would have a near-perfect diet. Eating clean foods that properly fuel your
body will provide countless health and mental benefits. As a daily range, you should
strive to eat 70% from Tier 1, 22% from Tier 2, 5% from Tier 3, 2% from Tier 4 and
less than 1% from Tier 5. Log in to for meal planning tools.
You won’t get over-hungry, and thus overeat at the next meal, and
You will encourage an increase in your metabolism (that’s the Holy Grail!).
It’s best not to consume a sports drink or energy bar before working out.
It’s the wrong food at the wrong time, as they encourage your body’s
“carb-burning mode.” Try to eat a couple of hours before you work out, and
drink only water. Controlling the foods you eat before a workout will maximize
the ability of your exercise to burn stored fat.
According to some high-profile dieticians and trainers, if you exercised for a
month and didn’t see the fat reduction you wanted, it’s probably due to your
insulin levels being too high while you were working out. That means your body
wasn’t attacking the fat stores, even though you were working your hardest.
Your body has two main sources of energy: stored fat and stored
carbohydrates. When you eat or drink substances like energy bars or sports
So if you limit your carbs before exercise and before sleep, your body has more
time to function as an effective fat-burning machine.
Agave nectar C
Almond milk P F C
Applesauce (big brand) C
Beef, ground, super lean
(under 10% fat) P F
Beef, lean cuts P F
Broths (veggie,
chicken, etc.) C
Butter, unsalted F
Canola oil F
Cheese, hard
Cheese, low-fat P F
Chicken taco, baked P F C
Chili (no lard/or
sugar added) P F
Amaranth P C
Apples, with skin C
(without sauce) P C
Arugula C
Asparagus C
Barley C
Beans P C F
Beets C
Blueberries C
Bok choy C
Boysenberries C
Bran C
Broccoli P C
Broccoli sprouts P C
Brussels sprouts P C
Cabbage C
Carrots C
Cauliflower C
Celery C
Chard P C
Cherries C
Chickpeas P C
Citrus fruits C
Collard greens P C
Cottage cheese, nonfat P
Cucumbers C
Egg whites P
Endive C
Fish (broiled,
steamed, grilled) P F
Flaxseed F
Garlic, fresh C
Grapefruit C
Grapes C
Hempseed F
Kale P F C
(homemade, no sugar) C
Apples, skinless C
Applesauce (raw) C
Avocados F
Bagels, whole grain C
Bananas C
Bread, whole-grain F C
Broths (veggie, chicken,
etc., low sodium) F C
Buffalo, super lean
(under 10% fat) P F
Cereal, whole-grain P F C
Cheese, nonfat P
Coconut F
Coffee, black or
cappuccino w/
nonfat milk C
Corn F C
Cottage cheese, low-fat P F
Couscous P F C
Cream cheese, nonfat P
Dates C
Eggs, whole P F
Eggplant C
Feta cheese, low-fat P F
white meat only P F
Figs C
Granola, raw, no sugar P F C
Hummus P F C
Juice, fresh-squeezed
w/ pulp, no sugar C
Kiwifruit C
Lentils P F C
Lettuce (romaine,
green or red leaf) C
Melon, C
Milk, nonfat P C
Mushrooms C
Mustard C
Natto P F C
Nectarines C
Onions C
Papayas C
Peaches C
Pears, with skin C
Peas P C
Peppers C
Pineapple C
Plums C
Prunes C
Quinoa P C
Radishes C
Raspberries C
Refried beans (nonfat) P C
Rice, whole grain C
Salsa (natural,
no sugar or oil) C
Spelt P C
Spinach P C
Squash C
Strawberries C
String beans P C
Sweet potatoes C
Tea (green or black, no sugar)
Tomato sauce (no sugar) C
Tomatoes C
Yams C
Yogurt, nonfat, no sugar P C
Zucchini C
Lettuce, iceberg C
Maple syrup (natural,
no sugar added) C
Milk, 2% P F C
Molasses C
Muesli (big brand) P C
Oatmeal, flavored P C
Pancakes, buckwheat C
Pasta, whole-grain C
Pickles C
Popcorn, plain F C
Potatoes, baked or boiled C
Refried beans, low-fat P F C
Rice cakes C
Rice milk C
5 Sample Food Plans (approx. 1,200 calories/day)
Rice, white C
Sauerkraut C
Shellfish P
Shrimp P
Soy milk P F C
Soy nuts P F C
Sugar alcohols (Truvia &
anything ending in –tol) C
Sushi P F C
Tortillas, whole wheat F C
Veal P F
Wine, red C
Wine, white C
Artificial sweeteners
(sucralose, aspartame,
saccharine, etc.)
Bagels, refined flour C
Beef, ground,
lean (under 20% fat) P F
Beer C
Bread, refined flour C
Butter (salted) F
Caesar salad, w/ chicken P F C
Canadian bacon P F
Cheese, soft
(including bleu and goat) F
Chips, low-fat, baked C
Cobb salad P F C
Coffee, iced mocha latte w/
nonfat milk P C
Coffee, latte
w/ whole milk P F C
Coffee cake F C
Crackers F C
Cream cheese F
Fish, fried P F
Fowl, with skin P F
Fowl, ground, lean
(under 20% fat) P F
Graham crackers C
Ham P F
Hot dogs, turkey P F
Ice cream, sugar-free
or fat-free F C
Jell-O C
Jerky, turkey P
Juice, from concentrate C
Lamb chops P F
Lasagna P F C
Macaroni and cheese F C
Mayonnaise F
Meat loaf P F
Milk, whole P F C
Muffins F C
Nut butters, processed F C
Nuts, salted or roasted F
Pancakes F C
Peanut butter, not raw F C
Pizza, thin crust veggie P F C
Popcorn, w/ salt and butter F C
Pork chop P F
Potato salad
or macaroni salad F C
Pretzels C
Pudding, w/ low-fat milk F C
Reuben sandwich P F C
Sauce, steak, etc. C
Sherbet C
Sloppy Joe,
lean beef or turkey P F C
Soup, canned creamy P F C
Soy sauce
Spaghetti, w/ meatballs P F C
Sub sandwich P F C
Sweet-and-sour sauce F C
Tortilla, refined flour
or corn F C
Tuna salad
or chicken salad P F
Yogurt, frozen C
Mangoes C
Meat, wild game P F
Milk, 1% P F C
Muesli, raw, no sugar P F C
Nut butters, raw,
no additives P F
Nuts, raw P F
Oatmeal P C
Olive oil F
Olives F
Plantains C
Pork tenderloin P F
Raisins C
Ricotta cheese, nonfat P
Ry Krisp® C
Crackers, whole-grain F C
Cream cheese, low-fat P F
Fowl, ground, super lean
(under 10% fat) P F
Fowl, skinless,
dark meat only P F
French fries, baked F C
Fruit, dried C
Granola (no sugar added) C
Honey C
Jam or marmalade
(no sugar added) C
Ketchup (store bought,
no sugar added) C
Lamb, lean P F
Alcohol, hard liquor
Bacon P F
Baked beans P F C
Beef, ground, regular
(over 20% fat) P F
Beef taco, fried P F C
“Breaded” foods F C
Breakfast sandwich,
fast food P F C
Cake F C
Candy P F C
Cereal, sugared P F C
Chicken a la King P F C
Chicken, buffalo wings,
nuggets, tenders P F C
Chicken or
fish sandwich, fried P F C
Seitan P F C
Squid P F
Steak, super lean P F
Sunflower seeds P F
Tahini P F
Tempeh P F C
Tofu P F C
Vegetable juice C
Veggie burger P F C
Yacon syrup C
Yogurt, low fat,
no sugar P F C
Chicken fried steak P F C
Chips, potato or corn F C
Chocolate P F C
Cinnamon bun F C
Coffee, mocha, macchiato,
ice blended, frappé, triple
caramel vanilla buzz
bomb, etc. F C
Cookies, Oreo etc. F C
Creamed veggies F C
Creamer, nondairy F C
Diner fare P F C
Doughnuts F C
Energy drinks C
Fowl, ground, regular
(over 20% fat) P F
French fries F C
Gravy P F
Grilled cheese sandwich P F C
Hamburger, fast food P F C
High fructose corn syrup C
Hot dogs P F C
“Hydrogenated” foods F
Ice cream F C
Jerky, beef, pork, venison P F C
Juice, sugar added C
Lobster Newburg P F C
Margarine F
Milk, cream
or half-half P F C
Nachos F C
Onion rings F C
Pastries F C
Pies F C
QUESTIONS should be answered
3 oz. white
turkey meat
2 slices
whole wheat bread
1/2 cup soup,
Steamed veggies
1 medium piece fruit
1-1/2 cups pasta
with 1/4 cup
marinara sauce
3 oz. broiled
chicken breast
Steamed veggies
Romaine lettuce with
1 Tbsp. low-fat
2/3 cup oatmeal
with 1/2 cup
banana slices
1 cup nonfat milk
1 medium piece fruit
with 1/4 cup low-fat
cottage cheese
3 oz. tuna
1 Tbsp. nonfat mayo
2 slices whole
wheat bread
Steamed veggies
1 scoop Shakeology*
1 cup water
Ice to taste
3 oz. grilled or broiled
salmon with marinade
(2 Tbsp. light soy
sauce, 1 Tbsp.
ginger, 1 Tbsp. garlic)
Steamed veggies
1 cup brown rice
2 waffles with
2 tsp. light syrup
2/3 cup OJ
1 scoop Shakeology*
1 cup water
Ice to taste
2 oz. ham
1 oz. low-fat
Swiss cheese
2 slices rye bread
Brown mustard
1 oz. baked
potato chips
1 medium piece fruit
1/2 cup frozen
yogurt or sorbet
3 oz. grilled red
(lean cut, palm size)
1 small baked
potato with 1 Tbsp.
fat-free sour cream
Steamed veggies
1 slice whole
wheat bread
1/2 cup turkey chili
1 oz. low-fat
cheddar cheese
1/2 sourdough roll
1/2 cup fresh fruit
Steamed veggies
1 scoop Shakeology*
1 cup water
Ice to taste
Veggie hot dog
Hot dog bun
Light spread of
1 small baked potato
with 1 Tbsp. fat-free
sour cream
Steamed veggies
1 medium apple
1 scoop Shakeology*
1/2 banana
1 Tbsp. nut butter
1 cup water
Ice to taste
1 scoop Shakeology*
3 egg whites or
1/2 cup Egg Beaters® 1 cup water
(flavored with salsa)
Ice to taste
1 slice whole wheat
toast with 1 pat butter
1 cup oat bran cereal
with 1 cup fruit
1 cup nonfat milk
Pizza, delivered P F C
Potato skins, fried F C
Refried beans, w/ lard P F C
Salad dressing, creamy F C
Sausage P F
Soft drinks, diet
(read the studies)
Soft drinks, sugared C
Sports drinks & foods
(okay if playing sports)
Sugar, refined C
Syrup C
Tater tots F C
Toaster pastries F C
Vegetable oil
(cheap big brand) F
1 Tbsp. peanut butter
or almond butter with
1/2 cup nuts (plain
peanuts, cashews,
almonds, etc.)
*Available only at
How important is the “no eating within 3 hours of bedtime” rule?
This is a great “trick” to keep your body in fat-burning mode. As you sleep,
your body doesn’t really need food, but it gets hungry because you usually eat
every 3 or 4 hours. Your body looks for carbohydrates to consume, but since
you haven’t eaten recently, there will be a shortage. Then the body looks to
stored fat—BINGO! Also, your body has a growth hormone spike while you
sleep which aids in the metabolism of fat. Food in your system can interfere
with that spike. So it’s your call—want to lose weight while you sleep? Sleep
on an empty stomach!
Does the type of food really make a difference if you still limit calories?
Why do you give us Michi’s Ladder and the other guidelines too?
Michi’s Ladder ranks foods, but it shouldn’t be the be-all and end-all for you.
What matters more is the makeup of the food: the percentage of carbs, proteins,
and fats. For example, if your body doesn’t get enough protein, then it goes into
“starvation mode” and lowers your BMR (basal metabolic rate). Many people who
eat like birds, but eat only carbs, have high body fat. That’s why many women
are finding such great results when they add protein to their diet. They haven’t
been getting enough for years, and suddenly they do and POW! Up goes the BMR.
I just had a baby and I want to go for stunning results by just using the top-tier
foods. I’m finding it hard to make a workable menu. Any suggestions?
Don’t despair. Lots of moms have turned their fitness around. Don’t worry too
much about sticking with the Tier 1 category, especially at first. Try instead to
keep to the top three tiers! Stick with it, and don’t be too hard on yourself if you
occasionally fall off for a day or two.
1 slice pizza
(1/8 of 15-inch
medium pizza)
Salad with 1 Tbsp.
low-fat dressing
1 cup fresh fruit or
Get amazing online support on the Message Boards!
Find recipes, tips, peer support, and expert advice on the Message Boards at Or if you belong to the Team Beachbody community, visit today!
3 oz. skinless grilled
turkey breast
1 medium sweet
Steamed veggies
1 cup fresh fruit
3/4 cup brown rice
Consult your physician before starting and following this or any other nutrition plan.
© 2010 Beachbody. All rights reserved. Distributed by Product Partners, LLC, Santa Monica, CA 90404
CONSISTENT 5x-a-day eating schedule
HYDRATE AND CLEANSE your body by drinking water.
Drink at least 2 liters or 8 glasses of water a day. This is the
step people seem to take for granted. But in conjunction with
supplements, improved food intake, and exercise, the catalyst
to flushing out the bad stuff and keeping your body healthy is
water. It also helps you feel full during the day. A balanced
eating schedule with lots of water is a very manageable routine.