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Unit 12, Lesson 2
4th Grade Texas History
Texas Government Leaders
© 2010, TESCCC
Texas Government
© 2010, TESCCC
 What special qualities do you think an
individual must have in order to be a
leader in the twenty-first century?
 How do we determine the effectiveness
of a leader?
 Have leadership qualities changed over
©2010, TESCCC
Leadership Qualities
Honesty and integrity
Good judgment
Sense of humor
Ability to listen and to communicate
 Ability to work with others, persuade, and
©2010, TESCCC
Dorothy “Ann” Richards
 Governor of Texas, 19911995.
 Considered the first woman
elected governor of Texas in
her own right
 Texas State Treasurer
 Delivered a keynote address
to the Democratic National
 Texas Commissioners’ Court,
 Taught social studies at
Fulmore Jr. High in Austin
from 1955 to 1956
©2010, TESCCC
Bob Bullock
 Lieutenant Governor and
President of the Senate, 19911995; 1995-1999
 Texas Comptroller of Public
Accounts, 1975-1990
 Secretary of State, 1971-1972
 Aide to the Governor, 19691971
 Assistant Attorney General,
 Texas Historical Commission,
 Texas House of
Representatives, 1957-1959
©2010, TESCCC
Barbara Jordan
 U.S. House of
Representatives 1973-1979
 Texas Senate 1966-1972
 Sponsored legislation to
include minorities in the
Voting Rights Act of 1965.
 Delivered keynote address at
the Democratic National
Convention in July 1976.
 Awarded the Medal of
Freedom, the nation’s highest
civilian honor, in 1994.
©2010, TESCCC
Lyndon B. Johnson
©2010, TESCCC
36th president of the United States 1963-1969
Vice President of the United States 1960-1963
U.S. Senator from Texas 1948-1960
Texas congressman 1937-1949
Fought actively for civil rights – Voting Rights Act of 1965
Secured programs for school children including Head Start
Medicaid for the elderly and for those who do not have health insurance
George H.W. Bush
 41st President of the
United States
 Vice-President of the
United States
 Director of the Central
Intelligence Agency
 Fought in World War II
©2010, TESCCC
George W. Bush
 43rd President of
the United States
 Governor of the
State of Texas
©2010, TESCCC
Second Father-Son to be
Presidents of the United States
©2010, TESCCC