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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Completely positive multipliers Matthew Daws Leeds Lille, Oct 2012 Matthew Daws (Leeds) CP Multipliers Lille, Oct 2012 1 / 21 Lille, Oct 2012 2 / 21 Outline 1 Locally compact quantum groups 2 Multipliers of convolution algebras 3 Bistochastic channels Matthew Daws (Leeds) CP Multipliers The von Neumann algebra of a group Let G =⇒ L∞ (G ) be a locally compact group form the von Neumann algebra Have lost the product of injective, normal G. ∆ L2 (G ). ∆(F )(s , t ) = F (st ). gives the usual convolution product on L1 (G ) ⊗ L1 (G ) → L1 (G ); is implemented by a unitary operator F ∈ L∞ (G ) L1 (G ) ω ⊗ τ 7→ (ω ⊗ τ) ◦ ∆ = ω ? τ. W ξ(s , t ) = ξ(s , s −1 t ), where can ∗-homomorphism The pre-adjoint of ∆ acting on =⇒ We recapture this by considering the ∆ : L∞ (G ) → L∞ (G × G ); The map has a Haar measure W on L2 (G × G ), ∆(F ) = W ∗ (1 ⊗ F )W , identied with the operator of multiplication by Matthew Daws (Leeds) CP Multipliers Lille, Oct 2012 F. 3 / 21 The other von Neumann algebra of a group Let VN (G ) be the von Neumann algebra acting on by the left translation operators The predual of VN (G ) L2 (G ) generated λs , s ∈ G . is the Fourier algebra (a la Eymard) A(G ), a commutative Banach algebra. ∆ : VN (G ) → VN (G )⊗VN (G ) product on A(G ), Again, there is induces the whose pre-adjoint ∆(λs ) = λs ⊗ λs . That such a ∆ exists follows as ^ ∗ (1 ⊗ x )W ^ ∆(x ) = W where σ : L2 (G × G ) → L2 (G × G ) Matthew Daws (Leeds) with ^ = σW ∗ σ, W is the swap map. CP Multipliers Lille, Oct 2012 4 / 21 How W governs everything The unitary W W12 W13 W23 = W23 W12 ; is multiplicative; L∞ (G )⊗VN (G ). and lives in The map L1 (G ) → VN (G ); L1 (G ) is the usual representation of image is σ-weakly The map dense in wish). The image is on VN (G ), A(G ) → L∞ (G ); is the usual embedding of ω 7→ (ω ⊗ ι)(W ), A(G ) σ-weakly L2 (G ) by convolution. The and norm dense in Cr∗ (G ). ω 7→ (ι ⊗ ω)(W ), into L∞ (G ) (the Gelfand map, if you L∞ (G ), dense in and norm dense in C0 (G ). The group inverse is represented by the antipode S : L∞ (G ) → L∞ (G ); S (F )(t ) = F (t −1 ). We have that S (ι ⊗ ω)(W ) = (ι ⊗ ω)(W ∗ ). Matthew Daws (Leeds) CP Multipliers Lille, Oct 2012 5 / 21 More non-commutative framework M a von Neumann algebra; ∆ a normal injective ∗-homomorphism M → M ⊗M (∆ ⊗ ι)∆ = (ι ⊗ ∆)∆; a left-invariant weight ϕ, with (ι ⊗ ϕ)∆(·) = ϕ(·)1 with (in some loose sense). a right-invariant weight Let H be the GNS space for ψ, ϕ. ^ = σW ∗ σ. W (ψ ⊗ ι)∆(·) = ψ(·)1. There is a unitary ∆(x ) = W ∗ (1 ⊗ x )W , Again form with M = lin{(ι on ⊗ ω)(W )} H ⊗H σ-weak with . Then ^ = M lin{(ι ^ )}σ-weak ⊗ ω)(W ^ =W ^ ∗ (1 ⊗ ·)W ^ ∆(·) ^. weights ϕ ^ and ψ is a von Neumann algebra, we can dene coassociative. It is possible to dene Matthew Daws (Leeds) W CP Multipliers which is Lille, Oct 2012 6 / 21 Antipode not bounded Can again dene S (ι ⊗ ω)(W ) = (ι ⊗ ω)(W ∗ ). However, in general We can factor R S S will be an unbounded, as σ-weakly-closed operator. S = R ◦ τ−i /2 . is the unitary antipode, a normal anti-∗-homomorphism M →M which is an anti-homomorphism on M∗ S ◦ ∗ ◦ S ◦ ∗ = ι. τ−i /2 group is the analytic generator of a one-parameter automorphism (τt ) of M. Each τt also induces a homomorphism on Via Tomita-Takesaki theory, the weight ^. ∇ Then ^ it (·)∇ ^ −it . (τt ) τt (·) = ∇ Matthew Daws (Leeds) ϕ ^ M∗ . has a modular operator is the scaling group. CP Multipliers Lille, Oct 2012 7 / 21 A few names An incomplete list. . . This viewpoint on L∞ (G ) and VN (G ) comes from Takesaki, Tatsuuma. Using W in a more general setting comes from Baaj, Skandalis. Work of Woronowicz on the compact case. Enock & Schwartz, Kac & Vainerman developed Kac algebras (essentially when S = R ). Masuda, Nakagami, Woronowicz gave a more complicated (but equivalent) set of axioms Current axioms are from Kustermans, Vaes. Prioritising W leads to the notion of a manageable multiplicative unitary from Woronowicz (and Soªtan). Various more algebraic approaches from van Daele. Matthew Daws (Leeds) CP Multipliers Lille, Oct 2012 8 / 21 Representation theory A corepresentation of (M , ∆) (∆ ⊗ ι)(U ) = U13 U23 . ∞ If M = L (G ) and π is is a unitary U ∈ M ⊗B(K ) a unitary representation of G on with K, then let ∼ L∞ (G )⊗B(K ). U = π(t ) t ∈G ∈ L∞ (G , B(K )) = (∆ ⊗ ι)(U ) = U13 U23 is equivalent to π(st ) = π(s )π(t ). ∗ −1 ) becomes reected in the general fact relation π(s ) = π(s That The (ι ⊗ ω)(U ) ∈ D (S ), W S (ι ⊗ ω)(U ) = (ι ⊗ ω)(U ∗ ). is a corepresentation the left regular corepresentation on Matthew Daws (Leeds) that CP Multipliers H. Lille, Oct 2012 9 / 21 ∗ Reduced and universal C -algebras {(ι ⊗ ω)(W )} gives a C∗ -algebra A. Then ∆ A → A ⊗ A (a non-denegenerate ∗-homomorphism Taking the norm closure of gives a morphism A → M (A ⊗ A)). The weights restrict to densely dened KMS weights. ∗ There is a parallel C -algebraic theory, though the axioms are more subtle. There is a maximal corepresentation W (formed from a suitable direct sum argument). Then ^u = A closure{(ω ⊗ ι)(W)} ∗ is a C -algebra, which also admits a coproduct and invariant weights (thought these might fail to be faithful). Any corepresentation ^ u → B(K ) φ:A U is of the form U = (ι ⊗ φ)(W) where ∗-representation. Cr∗ (G ). is a unique non-degenerate This parallels the formation of Matthew Daws (Leeds) C ∗ (G ) vs CP Multipliers Lille, Oct 2012 10 / 21 Multipliers I'm interested in the algebra said to be M∗ , but this is only unital when is discrete. So you can study the multipliers of Turn (M , ∆) A∗ M∗ . into a Banach algebra by using ∆ (analogue of the measures on a group). Then M∗ Indeed, the same is true for In the commutative case, of M∗ = L1 (G ) A∗u . A = Au and you get all the multipliers as measures. In the cocommutative case, B (G ), A∗ . is an essential ideal in A∗u is the Fourier-Stieltjes algebra but you get all multipliers of M∗ = A(G ) if and only if G Lille, Oct 2012 11 / 21 is amenable (Bo»ejko, Losert, Nebbia). Matthew Daws (Leeds) CP Multipliers Completely positive case Suppose that a is a completely positive multiplier of To be precise, multiplication by So the adjoint is a map on a A(G ). induces a map VN (G ), A(G ) → A(G ). and we ask that this is completely positive in the usual way. (Gilbert) There is a continuous map a (t −1 s ) = (α(t )|α(s ))K . α:G →K (de Canniere, Haagerup) Now immediate that a with is positive denite (and conversely). Notice that a is then also a positive member of positive functional on So if G B (G ), that is, a C ∗ (G ). amenable if and only if the span of the completely positive multipliers equals the space of all (completely bounded) multipliers. Matthew Daws (Leeds) CP Multipliers Lille, Oct 2012 12 / 21 Result in quantum case Let ^∗ → M ^∗ L∗ : M be a completely bounded (left) multiplier. So: L∗ (ω ? τ) = L∗ (ω) ? τ; the adjoint ^ →M ^ L = (L∗ )∗ : M is completely bounded. Theorem (Junge, Neufang, Ruan) ^ ∗ into M via There is a unique x ∈ M such that, if we embed M ^ ), then L∗ is given by left multiplication by x . ω 7→ (ω ⊗ ι)(W Theorem (D.) x ∈ M (A) and x ∗ ∈ D (S ) with S (x ∗ ) also inducing a left multiplier. Picture: abstract multiplier of a (continuous) function on A(G ) corresponds to multiplication by G. Matthew Daws (Leeds) CP Multipliers Lille, Oct 2012 13 / 21 Completely positive case Theorem (D.) Let L∗ be a left multiplier, associated to x ∈ M (A). The following are equivalent: ^ →M ^ ). L = (L∗ )∗ is completely positive (L : M ^ ∗u with L∗ (ω) = µ ? ω There is a positive functional µ ∈ A ^ ∗u ), and x = (ι ⊗ µ)(W ∗ ). (recall: M∗ ideal in A There is a unitary corepresentation U of (M , ∆) on K , and a positive µ ∈ B(K )∗ with x = (ι ⊗ µ)(U ∗ ), and with L(^ x ) = (ι ⊗ µ) U (^ x ⊗ 1 )U ∗ Matthew Daws (Leeds) CP Multipliers ^ ). (^ x ∈M Lille, Oct 2012 14 / 21 Link with Haagerup tensor product So L(^ x ) = (ι ⊗ µ)(U (^ x ⊗ 1)U ∗ ). may assume that µ is a vector state K, orthonormal basis of U By adjusting the space ωξ , and then taking acts on, we (ei ) an dene ai = (ι ⊗ ωξ,ei )(U ) ∈ M =⇒ ∗ X i ai∗ x^ ai = L(^ x ). ∗ The extended (or weak ) Haagerup tensor product (Eros-Ruan, Blecher-Smith, Haagerup (unpublished)) of u ∈ M ⊗M : u = So X i X i Matthew Daws (Leeds) xi ⊗ yi M X with i with itself is the space xi xi , ∗ X i yi yi < ∞ . ∗ eh ai∗ ⊗ ai ∈ M ⊗ M . CP Multipliers Sketch proof that CP multiplier Lille, Oct 2012 ⇒ 15 / 21 corep Actually, if we start with a CP left multiplier, then [JNR] (and a little bookkeeping) shows that for some L(^ x) = P i a ∗ x^ a . i i eh P ∗ i ∈I ai ⊗ ai ∈ M ⊗ M we have By applying the [JNR] construction twice, you nd that X i ai ⊗ ai ⊗ 1 = ∗ X i ∆(ai∗ )13 ∆(ai )23 . This is enough to construct an isometry ξ ∈ `2 (I ) U on H ⊗ `2 (I ) and with ∗ ∗ (∆ ⊗ ι)(U ∗ ) = U23 U13 , So U∗ (ι ⊗ ωξ,ei )(U ∗ ) = ai . is a corepresentation; only remains to show that unitary. This follows by using that we can nd the U (ai ) is from the Stinespring representation, and so we have some sort of minimality condition, and then using dense in ^M0 M is linearly, σ-weakly B(H ). Matthew Daws (Leeds) CP Multipliers Lille, Oct 2012 16 / 21 Positive denite elements f Recall that a function on f (st B(H ) ⊗ B(H ) is maps on B(H ), is positive denite if ) s ,t ∈G ×G = (ι ⊗ S )∆(f ) G × G. is a positive kernel on eh −1 G isomorphic to the space of completely bounded normal x ⊗ y 7→ a 7→ xay (a ∈ B(H )). So can talk of complete positivity. Theorem (D. & Salmi) x ∈ M is a completely positive multiplier if and only if eh (ι ⊗ S )∆(x ) ∈ B(H ) ⊗ B(H ) and is completely positive. Matthew Daws (Leeds) CP Multipliers Lille, Oct 2012 17 / 21 To right multipliers Introduce an involution Dene τ(·) = JK (·)∗ JK , JK K on by JK (ei ) = ei (and anti-linearity). an anti-∗-automorphism on B(K ). Then set U c = (R ⊗ τ)(U ) =⇒ (∆ ⊗ ι)(U c ) = (R ⊗ R ⊗ τ)(σ ⊗ ι)(U13 U23 ) c Uc ) = Uc Uc . = (σ ⊗ ι)(U23 13 13 23 So So Uc is a unitary corepresentation. L 0 (^ x ) = (ι ⊗ ω)(U c (^ x ⊗ 1)(U c )∗ ) The point is that ^ ◦ L0 ◦ R ^ r =R positive right multiplier of ^ ∗, M is a left multiplier. is then the adjoint of a completely with (L, r ) a double multiplier. Not surprising from the viewpoint that we're multiplying the (two-sided!) ideal Matthew Daws (Leeds) ^∗ M by elements of CP Multipliers ^ ∗u . A But. . . Lille, Oct 2012 18 / 21 For Kac algebras Have L ai = (ι ⊗ ωξ,ei )(U ∗ ), associated to bi = (ι ⊗ ωξ,ei )((U c )∗ ). Supposing that and now L0 associated to S = R, ai∗ = (ι ⊗ ωξ,ei )(U ∗ )∗ = (ι ⊗ ωei ,ξ )(U ) = R (ι ⊗ ωei ,ξ )(U ∗ ) = (ι ⊗ ωJK ξ,JK ei )((U c )∗ ) = (ι ⊗ ωξ,ei )((U c )∗ ) = bi . (Assume JK ξ = ξ). So curiously, X i So on all of ai ai = ∗ X i B(H ), x 7→ bi∗ bi = L 0 (1) = 1. X i ai∗ xai , is a unital completely positive map, and a trace-preserving completely positive map. In Quantum Information Theorey, such maps are called bistochastic quantum channels. There is a small amount of literature. . . Matthew Daws (Leeds) CP Multipliers Lille, Oct 2012 19 / 21 From a Haagerup tensor product perspective There is an asymmetry in the extended Haagerup tensor product, so the swap map σ Yet we nd that eh is unbounded on u = P ∗ i ai ⊗ ai eh M ⊗ M. is such that both u and σ(u ) are in M ⊗ M. Theorem (Pisier & Shlyakhtenko, Haagerup & Musat) Let u ∈ B(K )⊗B(K ) be such that both u and σ(u ) are in eh B(K ) ⊗ B(K ). Then the map B(K )∗ B(K )∗ → C; ω1 ⊗ ω2 7→ hu , ω1 ⊗ ω2 i is bounded for the minimal operator space tensor norm. Matthew Daws (Leeds) CP Multipliers Lille, Oct 2012 20 / 21 Curiosity; and a question If also L = L0 eh ^ ∗u satises µ = µ ◦ R ^ u ) then in M ⊗ M , µ∈A X X X u = ai∗ ⊗ ai = bi∗ ⊗ bi = ai ⊗ ai∗ , (the i i σ(u ) = u . so we even have that But in general, u = P i xi ⊗ yi eh u ∈ B(K ) ⊗ B(K ), σ(u ) = u with P i i i, x ∗x P i i i < ∞. u What extra conditions on If u = P enough! i ci∗ ⊗ di and x 7→ y ∗y does not imply that would give this representation? P i ci xdi ∗ is completely Application: Completely bounded maps positive, A(G ) → VN (G ) that's which factor through a column or row Hilbert space. Matthew Daws (Leeds) CP Multipliers Lille, Oct 2012 21 / 21