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Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Bucknell University
[email protected]
Assistant Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Bucknell University,
Saguaro Seminar Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School, 2012-2014. PI: Robert
American Sociological Association and National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow, Department
of Sociology, Harvard University, 2010-2012. PI: Bruce Western.
Ph.D., University of Virginia, Sociology, 2010. Dissertation: “The Hidden Injuries of Risk: Coming of
Age in the Midst of Social and Economic Uncertainty.” Committee: Sarah Corse (Chair), Allison Pugh,
and Milton Vickerman.
o Comprehensive Exams: Culture (2006) and Gender (2007): Passed with Distinction
M.A., University of Virginia, Sociology, 2006.
B.A., magna cum laude, Wellesley College, 2004.
Silva, Jennifer M. 2013. Coming Up Short: Working-Class Adulthood in an Age of Uncertainty. Oxford
University Press.
Reviewed in The American Journal of Sociology, Contemporary Sociology, The British Journal of Sociology,
Work and Occupations, InsideHigherEd, The American Conservative, Feministing, San Francisco Book
Review, Washington Independent Review of Books, and Publishers Weekly.
Honorable Mention, William J. Goode Book Award, American Sociological Association,
Family Section, 2015.
Featured in The New Yorker, “Richer or Poorer: Accounting for Inequality,” by Jill Lepore,
March 16, 2015.
Author Meets Critics Panel, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, San
Francisco, 2014.
Honorable Mention, Mirra Komarovsky Book Award, Eastern Sociological Society, 2014.
One of six “Best of 2013 in Social Mobility Research” books selected by the Brookings
Featured in The Boston Globe, “Jennifer Silva: Working-class youth are ‘privatizing happiness,’”
by Ruth Graham, August 11, 2013.
Featured on On Point (WBUR), The Kathleen Dunn Show (Wisconsin NPR), The Leonard
Lopate Show (WNYC), Think Dallas (KERA), Radio Smart Talk (WITF), Think Tank (WWL),
Specific Gravity with Jeff Schectman (KVON), The Daily Circuit (MPR), Midday with Dan
Rodricks (WYPR), and Firedoglake Book Salon, as well as others.
Articles in Refereed Journals
Weinberger, Michelle, Jane Zavisca, and Jennifer M. Silva. “Consuming for an Imagined Future:
Middle Class Consumer Lifestyle and Exploratory Experiences in the Transition to Adulthood.”
Conditional Accept: Journal of Consumer Research.
Silva, Jennifer M. “High Hopes, Hidden Inequalities: How Social Class Shapes Pathways into
Adulthood.” Forthcoming in Emerging Adulthood.
Snellman, Kaisa, Jennifer M. Silva, Carl B. Frederick, and Robert D. Putnam. 2015. “The Engagement
Gap: Social Mobility and Extracurricular Participation among American Youth.” ANNALS of the
American Academy of Political and Social Science 657(1): 194-207.
o Covered by The Atlantic: “The Activity Gap,” by Alia Wong, January 30, 2015; Bloomberg
Business, “Split in Fortunes Stalks U.S. Schoolchildren,” January 15, 2015; and The Washington
Monthly, “The Education Gap Extends to Extracurricular Activities, Too,” February 5, 2015.
Silva, Jennifer M. 2014. “Slight Expectations: Making Sense of the “Me Me Me” Generation.” Invited
Submission. Sociology Compass 8(12): 1388-1397.
Silva, Jennifer M. 2014. “Working-Class Growing Pains.” Contexts 13(2).
Silva, Jennifer M. 2012. “Constructing Adulthood in an Age of Uncertainty.” American Sociological
Review 78(4): 505-522.
Silva, Jennifer M. and Allison J. Pugh. 2010. “Beyond the Depleting Model of Parenting: Narratives of
Childrearing and Change” Sociological Inquiry 80(4): 605-627.
Silva, Jennifer M. 2008. “‘A New Generation of Women’? How Female ROTC Cadets Negotiate the
Tension between Masculine Military Culture and Traditional Femininity.” Social Forces 87(2): 937-960.
Book Chapters
Silva, Jennifer M. and Robert D. Putnam. 2015. “The Stories of Our Kids.” Methodological Appendix,
Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis. New York: Simon and Schuster.
Corse, Sarah M. and Jennifer M. Silva. “Intimate Inequalities: Love and Work in the Postindustrial
Landscape.” Forthcoming in Beyond the Cubicle: Postindustrial Culture and the Flexible Self, edited by Allison
J. Pugh. Oxford University Press.
Silva, Jennifer M. “Working-Class Youth and the Betrayal of the Future.” Forthcoming in The Working
Classes and Higher Education: Inequality of Access, Opportunity and Outcome, edited by Amy Stich and Carrie
Freie. Routledge.
Book Review:
Silva, Jennifer M. 2013. Review of Adult Supervision Required: Private Freedom and Public Constraints for
Parents and Children, by Markella B. Rutherford. Social Forces.
Silva, Jennifer M. and Sarah M. Corse. “Envisioning and Enacting Class Mobility: the Routine
Constructions of the Agentic Self.”
Remaking America: Politics, Class, and Identity in the Wake of the Great Recession. Book Manuscript in
“The Privatization of Opportunity: Class and Risk in the Age of College for All” (with Kaisa
Snellman). Manuscript in preparation.
“In Search of a Witness: Understanding the Boundary between Researcher and Participant in a World
of Social Media.” Manuscript in preparation.
“Seatbelts and Airbags: How Social Class Shapes Parental Protections against Risk.” Manuscript in
Snellman, Kaisa, Jennifer M. Silva, and Robert D. Putnam. 2015. "Inequity Outside the Classroom:
Growing Class Differences in Participation in Extracurricular Activities." Voices in Urban Education 40.
Silva, Jennifer M. 2014. “Unhappy Millennials Change the Rules, and the Greatest Generation Looks
Back.” The Boston Globe Magazine, February 7.
Silva, Jennifer M. 2013. “Young and Isolated.” The New York Times, June 23.
Silva, Jennifer M. 2013. “The 1 percent ruined love: Marriage is for the rich.” Salon, July 27.
Silva, Jennifer M. 2013. “Why People Blame Themselves.” Boston Review, August 12.
Silva, Jennifer M. 2013. "The Burdens of Working-Class Youth.” The Chronicle of Higher Education,
August 12.
Summer Grant, Action Research at Bucknell, Bucknell University, 2015.
Certificate of Teaching Excellence, Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning, Harvard University,
Postdoctoral Award for Professional Development, Harvard University, 2012.
Award for Excellence in Scholarship in the Humanities & Social Sciences, University of Virginia, 2010.
Woodrow Wilson Women’s Studies Dissertation Fellowship, 2009-2010.
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Dissertation Year Fellowship, University of Virginia, 2009-2010.
Dissertation Award, Department of Sociology, University of Virginia, 2009.
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, Teaching Resource Center, University of Virginia, 2007.
Bierstedt Prize for Best Graduate Paper in Sociology, University of Virginia, 2007.
Bucknell University
Introduction to Sociology
Growing Up Rich and Growing Up Poor in America
Culture and Power
Millennials in the Workplace
Harvard University
Harvard Business School Executive Education, Families in Business from Generation to Generation.
“Collaborating Across Generations” (Fall 2013).
Sociology Department, Coming of Age in the 21st Century (Spring 2012).
Senior Thesis Adviser (Fall 2011-Spring 2012).
o Student Keri Hartman was the winner of a Hoopes Prize, Harvard’s highest honor for
undergraduate writing.
University of Virginia
Instructor, Sociology Department: Introduction to Sociology (Summer 2007, 2009).
Teaching Assistant, Sociology Department: Popular Culture (Fall 2004), Criminology (Spring 2005),
Introduction to Social Statistics (Fall 2005/Spring 2006), Introduction to Sociology (Fall 2006/Spring
2007), Sociology of the Family (Fall 2007), Research Methods (Spring 2008).
“Coming Up Short.” Invited Talk. Center for the Study of Inequality, Cornell University, September
“Pathways to Adulthood: Opportunity, Safety Nets, and Self-Worth in the Neoliberal Era.” Invited
Talk. Centre for Research on Learning and Life Chances, Institute of Education, University College
London, June 2015.
• “Becoming a Neoliberal Subject: Distrust and Alienation on the Road to Adulthood.” Invited
Thematic Session. At the Border of Adulthood: New Insights into the Transition to Adulthood.
The Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, New York, February 2015.
• Critic, Author Meets Critics: Unequal Time: Gender, Class and Family in Employment Schedules by Dan
Clawson and Naomi Gerstel. The Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, New York,
February 2015.
“Re-Imagining Adulthood: How Working-Class Youth Negotiate Intimacy, Community, and SelfWorth in the Neoliberal Era.” Center for the Study of Race, Ethnicity and Gender, Bucknell
University, October 2014.
“Working-Class Youth and the Betrayal of the Future.” Invited Thematic Session: Social Mobility in
Hard Times. The American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, August 2014.
Author Meets Critics Panel. “Coming Up Short: Working-Class Adulthood in an Age of Uncertainty.”
American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 2014.
“Coming Up Short.” Invited Talk. University of Massachusetts-Boston, Department of English Fall
Speaker Series, Boston, MA, 2013.
“Slight Expectations: Working-Class Youth and the Transition to Adulthood.” Invited Talk. Institute
for Work and Employment Research Seminar Series, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, MA, 2013.
“Coming Up Short.” Invited Talk. University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI, 2013.
“Redefining Working-Class Adulthood in an Age of Uncertainty.” Invited Speaker. Presented at the
Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2013.
“Intimacy and Family Relations in 21st Century America” (with Sarah Corse). Sociologists for Women
in Society Winter Meeting, Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico, 2013.
“Trapped: How Risk and Uncertainty are Endangering the Futures of American Working-Class
Youth.” The American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, ASA/NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship
Program Special Session (Causes and Consequences of the Great Recession: Micro Impacts), Denver,
CO, 2012.
“The Predominance of the Family Past: Narratives of Suffering and Redemption among the
Postindustrial Working Class.” The Work and Family Researchers Network Meeting, New York, June
“The Hyper-Symbolism of the Family Past: Narratives of Suffering and Self-Transformation among
the Postindustrial Working Class.” The Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting (Presidential
Session), New York, February 2012.
“Prisoners of the Past.” The American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Montreal,
November 2011.
“Working-Class Subjectivity in an Age of Economic Uncertainty and Neoliberal Ideology.” The
Politics of Inequality Network International Meeting, Sciences Po, Paris, May 2011.
“The New Requirements of Coming of Age: Constructing Adulthood in an Age of Uncertainty.” The
Harvard Culture and Social Analysis Workshop, Harvard University, March 2011.
“The Hidden Injuries of Risk.” Invited Lecture, Wellesley College Sociology Department, October
“The Hidden Injuries of Risk.” The American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA,
August 2010.
“Slight Expectations: Coming of Age in the Midst of Economic Uncertainty.” The Eastern
Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, March 2010.
“The Effect of Care on Caregivers.” The Carework Network 6th International Carework Conference,
San Francisco, CA, August 2009.
“Reproduction, Resistance, and the Cultural Logic of Femininity.” The American Sociological
Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY, August 2007.
“Body Counts: Gender, Militarization, and the Construction of Identity.” The Eastern Sociological
Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, February 2006.
William J. Goode Book Award Committee, 2016-
Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure, Bucknell University, August 2015-
Reviewer for New York University Press, Sociological Perspectives, American Sociological Review, Social Forces,
Gender & Society, Journal of Youth Studies, and Qualitative Sociology.
Member of the American Sociological Association, Eastern Sociological Society, Work and Family
Researchers Network, and Sociologists for Women in Society.
Consultant, New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, 2014-2015.
Consultant, Diversity and Inclusion Training Program, US Department of Veterans Affairs, 20122013.
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