* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
FRIDAY NIGHTS AT ST AUGUSTINE’S A series of short 40 minute talks of interest to the whole community held on Friday nights at 6pm throughout the year in St Augustine’s Church, Richmond Rd. Entry free. Complimentary glass of wine. 2009 SEPTEMBER 18th 6pm MUSIC EXTRAVAGANZA The internationally known composer Stephen Montague will give an illustrated talk about some of his extraordinary compositions for unusual locations and instruments including his ‘horn concerto’ for klaxon horn and automobiles. and his’Pastoral Symphony’ for two herds of Cumbrian sheep. OCTOBER 16th 6pm THE ROMANS IN AND AROUND CAMBRIDGE Alison Taylor, former County Archaeologist for Cambridgshire and now Editor for the Institute for Archaeologists will give an illustrated talk about Roman Cambridge and archaeological sites in the surrounding area. NOVEMBER 27th 6pm SOME MEMORIES OF AN ECUMENICAL CHURCHMAN David Thompson, retired Cambridge University Professor of Modern Church History, will give a talk about his 40 years involvement in the ecumenical movement including dialogues with the Roman Catholic Church, the World Council of Churches, and the Eastern Synod of the United Reformed Church. JANUARY DATE TBC THE SKY AT NIGHT Astronomer, Dr Robert Priddey from the UH Observatory, will give an illustrated talk about the history of astronomy from Pythagoras to the present day, including a replica of Galileo’s original telescope, and a modern six inch reflector telescope. MARCH DATE TBC AN INTRODUCTION TO BUDDHISM Kamalashila, member of the Western Buddhist Order and author of the book Meditation, the Buddhist way of tranquillity and insight, will give a talk on the basic principles of Buddhism followed by a question and answer session. He has led retreats throughout the world and helped establish a semi-monastic order in North Wales.