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Dr Jones & Partners - South Australia’s ONLY Flash CT provider
Superior imaging which can make a difference to diagnosis and patient management.
Dual Source CT scanning with the SOMATOM Definition Flash CT opens the door to a whole new world of diagnostic potential which
is simply not possible on a single source scanner.
• Determine the composition of renal calculi (Uric acid or Calcified). • Detection of uric acid crystals in Gout.
• Accurately remove or enhance plaque to determine true
arterial lumen.
• Elimination of motion artefact with fastest acquisition.
• Functional lung perfusion studies.
• Exquisite Coronary artery imaging with significantly reduced
radiation dose.
• Visualise even the smallest vessels with the best temporal
• Outstanding artefact reduction of metallic prosthetics,
hardware, clips and dental work.
• Precisely remove or enhance bone to clearly visualise
• Virtual non-contrast studies provide overall X-ray dose
reduction and additional diagnostic information.
Dr Jones & Partners has SA’s ONLY Dual Source CT providing unparalleled image accuracy.
Unique to the Definition Flash X-Care provides organ sensitive dose protection. In the case of chest
scans, X-Care results in 40% less dose to breast tissue by turning off the X-ray beam during anterior
portion of the tube rotation, sparing sensitive breast tissue exposure to the primary beam.
X-ray off
Exposure is automatically adjusted at other projections to maintain image quality. The same technique
is used in other body parts to protect the thyroid and eye lenses.
X-ray on
Dual Energy (DE) Lung Vessels and Perfusion
By scanning a CTPA protocol in DE mode it is possible to map the
distribution of iodine (contrast) perfusion through the lungs. This technique
can be especially useful in the case of small peripheral emboli which
become more conspicuous when colour coded. Lung PBV maps iodine
content within pulmonary parenchyma providing a pulmonary perfusion
image. Pulmonary emboli will be visualised as perfusion defects.
This technique is particularly useful for identifying small peripheral
emboli, detecting chronic emboli in pulmonary hypertension patients and
determining global severity and clinical significance of pulmonary emboli.
Dual Energy Lung PBV shows reduced perfusion in right lung due to massive
emphysema and a focal perfusion defect caused by pulmonary embolism in left lung.
For further information or bookings, phone:
08 8306 5612
St Andrew’s Hospital
Calvary Wakefield Hospital
08 8402 4401
Comprehensive care. Uncompromising quality.
Dual Energy
Tissue differentiation and
characterisation which is not possible
with single source CT
Two X-ray sources running simultaneously at different energies
acquire two data sets showing different attenuation levels.
Result: easy classification of the chemical composition of the
scanned tissue.
Dual Energy Hard Plaque Display
By using the same dual energy principles, iodine within the
vessel lumen and calcium within the wall can be colour coded.
This may further assist assessment of stenoses in difficult cases
where there is heavy calcification. In such patients detecting the
boundary between calcium and iodine, hence determining the
degree of stenosis, can be very difficult with conventional single
source CT.
Gout Detection
The Dual Energy Gout application visualises deposits of uric
acid crystals which are characteristic of gout tophi. Additionally,
the application colour codes iodine enhancement so tophi with
active inflammatory changes can be differentiated from stable
ones. This way, both the molecular cause and the activity of the
disease can be shown in a single scan. (Uric Acid = Green).
Image courtesy of Vancouver General Hospital, Vancouver Canada.
Characterisation of Renal Calculi
Dual Energy CT can identify urinary calculi and is able
to reliably demonstrate their chemical composition, in
particular separating uric acid (colour coded red) from other
predominantly calcified stones (colour coded blue).
DE Carotid CTA. Full volume MIP (top) with automatic DE bone
removal demonstrates overview of anatomy. Curved planar
reformats show calcified plaque at ICA origin (top) and high
grade restenosis post left CEA (bottom).
For the first time this unique application can identify those
patients who may benefit from non invasive medical treatment
of their stone disease.
Using Conventional CT imaging the kidney
stones can clearly be visualised; however, its
composition cannot be characterised.
The kidney stone can be characterised as a
uric acid stone and colour coded red.
DE hard plaque display (right) colour codes iodine (blue) and calcium (red) and provides
more accurate assessment of luminal calibre in heavily calcified areas.
Comprehensive care. Uncompromising
The fastest acquisition time
Flash Speed, Low Dose - Sub-mSv CTCA
2 x 128 slice technology incorporates both X-ray tubes and
detectors in a single gantry. The SOMATOM® Definition Flash
has unique millisecond scanning capability which opens the
door to new levels of patient care.
Definition Flash offers the possibility to completely eliminate
high dose cardiac CT. Even under unfavourable conditions
the patient exposure will be less than what is required for
diagnostic cardiac catheterisation.
For example, the entire thorax is scanned in less than a second
and if necessary, without a breath hold. The heart can be
scanned in only 250msec, a quarter of a heartbeat.
Such low radiation dose with exceptionally high temporal
resolution can open realistic discussions about the use of
CTCA for early detection of coronary artery disease in low- to
intermediate-risk patients.
Spiral Mode
With beta blocker, the Definition Flash Cardio mode is a
revolutionary new scanning technique unique to this scanner
which achieves ultra fast scanning at ultralow dose, scanning
the heart in as little as 250msec.
This mode can be utilised if the patient has a low stable heart
rate <60bpm (beta blockers can be used if required). The result
is a superb quality image at an X-ray dose as low as 0.4msv!
(equivalent to a plain hip X-ray).
Temporal Resolution “Freezes” the Heart
Temporal resolution is equivalent to the “shutter speed” of
a camera. The Definition Flash has a temporal resolution
less than half that of other
scanners; a result of the 280msec
gantry rotation and dual source
technology. Patients with high or
unstable heart rate and even AF
can be scanned with excellent
First Flash Spiral CTCA with scan time of 250msec and
dose 0.67mSv. Volume rendered (right) and curved
planar images of RCA, LAD andLCx show normal
coronary anatomy with no plaque or stenosis.
Volume-rendered cardiac image
Metal artefact reduction
Virtual non-contrast studies
Definition Flash CT using Dual Energy allows the use of
monoenergetic high energy images in which metal artefacts are
significantly reduced. Metal artefacts pose a significant problem
in clinical CT. After implantation of any metallic prostheses or
other hardware, visualisation of the implant itself, the interface
between implant and bone, and the surrounding tissue may
be vital. Clear visualisation is required to exclude a fracture of
the hardware, loosening, infection or haematoma. However,
metal artefacts severely impair image quality, often rendering it
impossible to answer these and relevant diagnostic questions.
Dual Energy CT is able to identify and remove the iodine from
post contrast images, potentially revealing pathology which
may have been masked. This results in “virtual noncontrast”
It is now possible to scan at any phase of contrast
enhancement and non-contrast images can be generated
afterwards. The non-contrast phase, which has previously been
a necessity in renal imaging can now be omitted, helping to
reduce dose radiation significantly.
Dual Energy Low–Dose CT Contrast Urogram
All of the above dual energy techniques can be combined to
allow comprehensive CT contrast urography with a single scan
at a fraction of the dose of conventional techniques. A split
contrast injection permits scanning in combined nephrographic
and excretory phase.
DE monoenergetic (right) and conventional 64 slice images (left) of pedicle screws in the
same patient highlighting the reduction in artefact that can be achieved.
Virtual non contrast images are generated to exclude urinary
calculi, iodine maps assess enhancement in any lesion that may
be present, and of course conventional urographic reformats
can be made. This single scan technique can result in dose
savings of up to 75%.
DE monoenergetic images show area of osteolysis adjacent acetabular
cup of THR with minimal artefact.
Ultra Low dose chest CT
Additionally there is the potential for Definition Flash CT to
provide imaging of the chest at ultra low radiation doses. This
may be of value in screening for lung carcinoma in at risk patients
who require repeated scans.
cquires a diagnostic CT
data set at approx. the same
radiation dose as 2 standard
chest X-rays.
Ultra-low dose Lung
screening for at risk patients.
Dual energy contrast urogram with combined nephrographic and excretory phase
(top right), virtual non contrast (middle right), iodine map (bottom right) and
volume rendered images (left) all generated from a single dual energy scan.
CT scan for a radiation dose of 12m Gycm
Comprehensive care. Uncompromising quality.