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Research Paper
Volume : 3 | Issue : 4 | April 2014 • ISSN No 2277 - 8179
KEYWORDS : Mars Dosha, Planets disposition,Pitru Dosha, Kalatra
Dosha,Guru Dosha, Sukra Dosha and
Mangalya Dosha Vedic Astrology.
Is Late- Marriage is Man Made?
Reseacrh Scholar Astrology, Postal Address, Dept. Sanskrit &Astrovedic Studies, PRIST
University, Thanjavur 613403.
Marriage is a great problem to many. Many marriages are happened only in later stage and parents are
worrying for the marriages not taking place in time. There are many reasons are accountable for the late marriage like:- Mars Dosha, Planets disposition,Pitru Dosha, Kalatra Dosha,Guru Dosha, Sukra Dosha and Mangalya Dosha. Let us see
what is what?.
Introduction:- Introduction :In Vedic tradition some kinds of
holiness is imported to marriage and treated as a sacred one
and made an instrument to setting up a new family and move
in the righteous path. The vedic rituals are being done by male
and female and it cannot be done by male or female alone. Thus
sage Manu in his Manusmrithi explains that in any kind of socioreligious performance, one is deemed to be complete without
presence of his counterpart. Here some doshas or bad combinations of planets makes marriage a hurdle . Let us see the various
doshas and its impact.
Mars Dosha:- Mars is playing an important role in shaping
marriage. For chasing the suitable horoscopes for Mars Dosha
Jathakams involve volume of time. One must take the potentiality of Moon, Venus, 7th Bhava, and the planets deposited in the
7th Bhava. Besides that generally the prospects of 4, 5 and 9the
houses must be examined particularly. If Mars is in 2,4,7,8 and
12 houses in the horoscope for any ascendant, it is called Mars
Dosha. Mars Dosha bride must be settled for Mars bride-groom.
This will consume volume of time for the marriage. So marriage
will be delayed one.
Planet’s Position:-The strength of the Ascendant, deposit of
Moon, fertility of Venus, structure of 7th house and the lord of
7th house and the aspect of malefic and benefic planets to the
7th house must be taken in to consideration for the speedy marriage. The above aspects are not in proper position, the marriage will be in late. If Moon and Saturn are in Punarpoo in nature in the 7th place, then marriage will be late. If he lord of the
7th place is will debilitation and too in Malefic sign or in 6, 8, 12
places, the marriage will be delayed.
Pithru Dosha:-If the Sun is in the 2nd place or in the 7th place in
the horoscope as per the ascendant or as per the Chandra lagna,
the Pithir Dosha is effected for the marriage, According to this
dosha, marriage will not be happened quickly and it may be delayed. Father will be having the habit of picking holes and postponing the marriage telling some defects in every bride-groom
or bride. Thus he may be a cause for the delay. For remedy he
should not interfere in the marriage matter. Otherwise he may
go to the Sun temple and pray the Almighty for the removal of
obstacles in the way of marriage by doing some parikarams.
Kalathira dosha:-If the Venus is in the 7th place, it is kalathira
dosha. According to the Jothidasastra rules “karako Bhava Nasti” Karakan should not be in its sthanam. The fertility of the 7th
place is affected. So marriage may be delayed. If the Venus and
Mars are together in the Kalathirasthanam marriage aspect will
be spoiled and marriage may be delayed by having illegal connection with other ladies. If the lord of 7th place is in debilitation
nature or debilitated planets should not be in the 7th place. This
is also the reason for the delay. Saturn should not be exalted or
in the own house in the 7th place, for Cancer and Leo ascendants.
For Gemini and Virgo ascendants, Jupiter should not be exalted
or in the own house in the 7the place. For above said ascendants, delayed marriage is the chance for them. For Sagittarius
and Pisces ascendants, Mercury should not be exalted or in the
own house in the 7the place in horoscope. The lord of 7th place
should not be in 6, 8 and 12 houses. This also delays the quick
marriage. The lord of 6, 8, and 12 houses should not be in the 7th
house. This also leads to late marriage.
Venus Dosha :-If Venus is debilitation in the horoscope, the native can not enjoy and can not satisfy the other sex. Naturally
they have less interest in marriage. This is one of the reasons for
the late marriage.
Jupiter Dosha : If the Jupiter is in debilitation in the horoscope,
the fertility of sperm is in question. There is remote chance for
children and if the children are available, they will be separated
from the parents.
Mangalya Dosha :- Mangalyasthanam is a holy places for ladies. 8th place is mangalysthanam as per ascendant or as per
rasi. Mars is the karakan for the mangalam. According to the rule
“Karako Bhava Nasti”, Mars should not be in the mangalyasthanam. If Mars is in the 8th place the fertility of Mangalyam will be
reduced and so late marriage is for the native.The above said
Doshas may be the reason for the late marriage.
See the details in the given horoscope for late marriage:Name
: Sri
Father’s Name
: Sri
Mother’s Name
: Smt
Date of Birth
: 14/08/1948 Saturday
Tamil Date
: Sarvathari Aadi 30
Time of Birth
: 06:33:00 AM (GMT 01:03:00 AM)
Sidereal Time
: 03:45:15
: 23:08:12 (Lahiri)
Sun Rise
: 06:09:41: AM (Disk Centre)
Sun Set
: 06:33:49 PM (Disk Centre)
Time Correction
: Standard Time (No Correction)
Place of Birth
: Salem T.N. India
: 11:39 N
: 078:12 E
Janma Nakshatra
: Jyesta Padam 3
Janma Rasi
: Scorpio
Janma Lagna
: Leo
: (Sula) Dasami
: Vythiruthi
: Karasai
: Dakshinayanam
Time Zone
: 05.30 E.I.S.T
Udhayathi Naligai
: 00 Naligai 58 Vinaligai 18 Tharparai
14/08/1948 Saturday Drik Planetary Positions (Nirayana)
173 39 54
Jupiter ( R )
118 00 19
234 30 47
120 20 41
235 58 10
174 03 04
Research Paper
122 20 41
129 59 21
015 42 47
195 42 47
066 15 26
167 49 05
111 38 16
123 35 48
Volume : 3 | Issue : 4 | April 2014 • ISSN No 2277 - 8179
to give benefic results of the ascendant. During the Sun period,
business reached maximum level. The native reached the peak
in his achievements. Totally, the Sun period gave glory in life just
like Sun rays remove all the darkness. So that it have enormous
wealth. The sun is in the Star of Aslesha which represents 2nd
house and 11th house but the same dasa period failed to create
life partner since the Sun is in the 12th house from 2nd house.
In Mooon dasa, the Moon is debilitation in nature and so it did
not give fruitful results. It created many unsolved problems and
gave torture not only to the body but also to the mind.
Changes in Bhava : Sun (Leo) Moon (Sagittarius) Mars (Libra)
Jupiter (Sagittarius)
Dasa Balance at Birth : Mercury 6 year 11 month 28 Day.
The native is hailing from a respectable family. He has more
brothers and sisters. He got education somewhat in the early
age. From beginning itself, he associated with the ancestors and
he surrendered to render the service to yield in the field of business.
According to birth time calculation, Mercury Dasa balance at
the time of birth is 6 years 9 months and 29 days. Mercury dasa
was immediately followed by 7 years Ketu dasa period. Then 20
years Venus dasa period started.
Mercury dasa and Ketu dasa periods passed away during the
early periods in life. Big Venus dasa period started and it continued for the last 20 years.
In General, as per the astrological aspects, the planet Venus is
considered as Kalathirakarakan and kalyanakarakan which is
conducive and inductive for marriage matters. It lays strong
basement and foundation for marriage. So one must take the
potentiality of the Venus in horoscope and thus one may able to
arrive conclusion about the prospects of marriage.
In Mars dasa, the planet Mars is in the 2nd house and it is in his
own star chittra and made some what good regarding marriage.
Moreover n Gocharam at that time Saturn and Jupiter were at
Aries and Jupiter aspected the 5th house of the native. The conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter at Aries removed obstacles in the
way of marriage. Even though the planet Jupiter is in Scorpio in
Rasi Chakkram it is in Sagittarius in Bhava and moreover it is in
the star of Jyesta which is for Mercury planet which owns Virgo,
the family sthanam. So in Mars dasa period in Jupiter Bukthi
marriage was arranged suddenly.
Kalathikaraka Venus must be strong in good place. In this horoscope, Saturn is in Leo. The Sun is the owner of the house. Actually Sun and Saturn are enemy planets each other. Here the
Saturn loses its own power. Moreover it is the owner of the 7th
house which gives marriage aspects. Besides that Saturn is slow
planet. So it gives effect only in later stage. So it is come to know
that the Lord of 7th place should not be weak in Horoscope. Family-sthanthipathi is Mercury. But it is in 12th house from its own
house. So the Lord of 2nd house should station in auspicious sign.
Conclusion:- In this articles the various cause for delay in marriage and how the doshas works with marriage are given in details. In the given data even born in the dasa of Budha, in the dasa
of sukra,surya and Chandra the marriage was not happened. But
in Mars dasa, the planet Mars is in the 2nd house and it is in his
own star chittra and made some what good regarding marriage.
Moreover n Gocharam at that time Saturn and Jupiter were at
Aries and Jupiter aspected the 5th house of the native. The conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter at Aries removed obstacles in the
way of marriage. Even though the planet Jupiter is in Scorpio in
Rasi Chakkram it is in Sagittarius in Bhava and moreover it is in
the star of Jyesta which is for Mercury planet which owns Virgo,
the family sthanam. So in Mars dasa period in Jupiter Bukthi
marriage was arranged suddenly. Hence the astrologer has to
see various details regarding the position of planets, the dasa,
bukthi etc.. while calculating the time ofmarriage.
In chart cited above, the Venus, the lord of 3rd and 10th house is in
the star of Arudra 4 pada in Gemini. The above said star Arudura
denotes planet Rahu and that Rahu is stationed in Aries which
is entitled to give merits and demerits of Venus. Rahu, thus, the
agent of Venus is in the 9th place. The 9th place is padagasthanams for Sthira Lagna Leo, the native Ascendant. According to the
rules, the planets in the 9th house and the Lord of the 9th house
does not give benefic results. So the planet Rahu which represents the power of Venus, can not give good results, for prosperous happy marry life. It gives only malefic results because of its
occupation of the patagasthanam. Moreover there is not touch
in any way with 7th house during this period. So marriage was
not present to the native in Venus period also.
Sun dasa followed the Venus dasa period. It is important to analyse the prospects of Sun since it is the Lord of the Ascendant. In
horoscope chart, Sun is in the 12th house and even though it is in
12th house, it is in the Ascendant in the Bhava and so it is entitled
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