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Figure 6.1 The Concept of Coupling Reactions
Figure 6.1 The Concept of Coupling Reactions
Figure 6.2 ATP
Figure 6.2 ATP
In-Text Art, Ch. 6, p. 102 (1)
Figure 6.3 Oxidation, Reduction, and Energy
In-Text Art, Ch. 6, p. 102 (2)
In-Text Art, Ch. 6, p. 102 (2)
Figure 6.4 NAD+/NADH Is an Electron Carrier in Redox Reactions
Figure 6.4 NAD+/NADH Is an Electron Carrier in Redox Reactions
Figure 6.4 NAD+/NADH Is an Electron Carrier in Redox Reactions (Part 1)
Figure 6.4 NAD+/NADH Is an Electron Carrier in Redox Reactions (Part 2)
Figure 6.5 Chemiosmosis
Figure 6.5 Chemiosmosis
Figure 6.5 Chemiosmosis (Part 1)
Figure 6.5 Chemiosmosis (Part 2)
Figure 6.6 An Experiment Demonstrates the Chemiosmotic Mechanism
Figure 6.6 An Experiment Demonstrates the Chemiosmotic Mechanism
Figure 6.6 An Experiment Demonstrates the Chemiosmotic Mechanism (Part 1)
Figure 6.6 An Experiment Demonstrates the Chemiosmotic Mechanism (Part 2)
Figure 6.7 ATP, Reduced Coenzymes, and Metabolism
Figure 6.7 ATP, Reduced Coenzymes, and Metabolism
Figure 6.8 Energy Metabolism Occurs in Small Steps
Figure 6.8 Energy Metabolism Occurs in Small Steps
Figure 6.9 Energy-Releasing Metabolic Pathways
In-Text Art, Ch. 6, p. 107
Figure 6.10 Glycolysis Converts Glucose into Pyruvate
Figure 6.10 Glycolysis Converts Glucose into Pyruvate
Figure 6.10 Glycolysis Converts Glucose into Pyruvate (Part 1)
Figure 6.10 Glycolysis Converts Glucose into Pyruvate (Part 2)
Figure 6.10 Glycolysis Converts Glucose into Pyruvate (Part 3)
In-Text Art, Ch. 6, p. 108 (1)
In-Text Art, Ch. 6, p. 108 (2)
Figure 6.11 The Citric Acid Cycle
Figure 6.11 The Citric Acid Cycle
Figure 6.12 Electron Transport and ATP Synthesis in Mitochondria
Figure 6.12 Electron Transport and ATP Synthesis in Mitochondria
Apply the Concept, Ch. 6, p. 109
Figure 6.13 Fermentation
Figure 6.13 Fermentation (Part 1)
Figure 6.13 Fermentation (Part 2)
Figure 6.14 Relationships among the Major Metabolic Pathways of the Cell
Figure 6.15 An Overview of Photosynthesis
Figure 6.16 The Electromagnetic Spectrum
Figure 6.16 The Electromagnetic Spectrum
In-Text Art, Ch. 6, p. 114
Figure 6.17 Absorption and Action Spectra
Figure 6.17 Absorption and Action Spectra
Figure 6.18 The Molecular Structure of Chlorophyll
Figure 6.18 The Molecular Structure of Chlorophyll
Figure 6.18 The Molecular Structure of Chlorophyll (Part 1)
Figure 6.18 The Molecular Structure of Chlorophyll (Part 2)
Figure 6.19 Noncyclic Electron Transport Uses Two Photosystems
Figure 6.19 Noncyclic Electron Transport Uses Two Photosystems
Apply the Concept, Ch. 6, p. 117
Figure 6.20 Cyclic Electron Transport Traps Light Energy as ATP
Figure 6.20 Cyclic Electron Transport Traps Light Energy as ATP
Figure 6.21 The Calvin Cycle
Figure 6.21 The Calvin Cycle
Figure 6.22 RuBP Is the Carbon Dioxide Acceptor
Figure 6.22 RuBP Is the Carbon Dioxide Acceptor
In-Text Art, Ch. 6, p. 119
Figure 6.23 Products of Glucose Metabolism
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