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Thematic Area: (7) Working Lands [Human Dominated/Economic Lands (e.g., Urban, Ag, Energy etc.)]
MISSION: [To improve planning and integration of “working lands” (which include urbanized,
agricultural, forestry, industrial, and energy development) and conservation interests.]
[science objective] through [better] understanding [of how potential] land use changes [will
affect conservation goals and how these affects can be avoided or mitigated], reduce economic
impacts and pressures on the [natural] resources of the Appalachian region (in order)
[management objective] to collaboratively meet economic development and conservation
management goals [through improved] decision-making and [resource] management.
A. Heading: Regional Level
1. PROGRAM: Landscape-level Disturbances & System-level Response
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Develop/compile information about new or expanding [land] development
(e.g. urbanization, energy) within the LCC and the opportunities and cumulative impacts these have on
fish and wildlife. [Examines major disturbances (includes climate change) as well as the impacts
associated with these, regardless of ecological organization (e.g., community, species, population).]
(Grouping) – Foundational/Stock-taking Assessment/Classification System
(Grouping) – Climate Change Science and abiotic or mechanical aspects
(Grouping) – Climate Change impacts on Ecological Function and Response to Changes
(Grouping) – Energy and Related Infrastructure and Roads
 Project Description: Abandoned Mine Land assessments (AML). {It was noted that there are some
existing materials to build off.} [Editor: Vague, COP needs to elaborate/explain]
 Project Description: Forecast Energy Development in new or expanding markets (shale, wind,
[AppLCC FY11/12 Funded Project: (Kiesecker, The Nature Conservancy) “Forecast Resource
Extraction” -- to forecast energy development for shale, wind, and coal for 20-year timeframe
and produce geospatial displays.]
 Project Description: Regarding Energy Development; investigation into conservation value of lands
(mitigation banking, carbon sequestration, monetizing ecosystem services.) [Editor: COP needs to
 Project Description: Estimate demand for energy use with increased temperatures [resulting from
predicted climate change]: [assess] increases in electricity use and [as it relates to] heat island
 Project Description: Develop guidance for water withdrawals for natural gas, abandoned mine
lands (AML) and other energy uses.
[AppLCC FY11/12 Funded Project: (Fisher/Cornell University) “Development of a hydrologic
foundation and flow-ecology relationships for monitoring riverine resources in the Marcellus
Shale region”]
 (related) Project Description: Research question: What’s going to happen with land
ownership (in light of gas production)? Ownership is key. Concern that lands will revert to
local governments.
Project Description: Determine the effects of land use alterations in the energy industry on species,
populations, and natural communities.
o (related) Project Description: Effects of shale [gas development] on aquatic communities,
and thresholds of ecological impacts as it relates to this energy sector activity.
o (related) Project Description: Effects of shale [gas development] on avian communities, and
thresholds of ecological impacts as it relates to this energy sector activity.
(Grouping) – Urbanization, Population Growth and (Domestic or Industrial) Water Demands
 Project Description: Develop/compile information about the ongoing/future conversion of
agricultural land to urban and suburban uses within the LCC and the impacts these changes are
having on the character and distribution of human communities and fish and wildlife habitats {so
that partner agencies may be better able to understand system dynamics and recommend
alternatives to minimize future land-use conflicts involving human communities, wildlife, and
ecosystem service functions.}
o (related) Project Description: Create urbanization models playing out different scenarios –
future projections – for this type of development. {Details: Forecasting future spatial
footprint of development in 20 years in light of changes to demand, technology and
regulation – an appeal for an econometric model. Need social science research into policy
option and natural resource impacts given a particular policy direction. There are good
models to help with our understanding.}
o (related) Project Description: Model land use change resulting from urban growth.
o (related/component): Develop decision-support tools for growth assessments/projections;
run scenarios at a landscape level.
o (related/component): [Develop planning decision support tools to assist state and local
governments and]] other agencies with jurisdictional decision-making power [[to make
informed land use change decisions].
 Project Description: Human population shifts – need to understand [complexities of] population
growth/urbanization [patterns].
o (related) Project Description: Update the 1996 (SAMAB) Southern Appalachian Man and the
Biosphere report (Chapter 3 – Changing Demographics and Economic Conditions in
Southern. Appalachia.
o Project Description: [Other] effects [of land use change] on human populations. [Editor:
COP needs to elaborate/explain.]
(Grouping) – Agricultural Expansion and (Ag-related) Water Demands
(Grouping) – Effects of Air Pollution
 Project Description: [Evaluate] what’s happening to terrestrial and aquatic [habitats as a result of]
atmospheric impacts (from climate change, carbon emissions and/or other air quality parameters).
(Grouping) – Cumulative Impact
Project Description: [Develop a] landscape-scale approach for evaluating cumulative impacts [of
land use change] using satellite imagery, aerial photography, and geographic information systems.
o (related) Project Description: [Develop a shared database, system or method for] tracking
land use conversions over time.
o (related) Project Description: Forecast land-cover changes. {Note: Include climate change
models, but incorporates other LULC changes (urbanization, etc.).}
Project Description: Identify indicator species (also known as representative or surrogate species),
as a means of tracking [effects of land use change] (development impacts, edge effects, etc.) [on
habitats and species assemblages.]
B. Heading: Human Dimensions
2. PROGRAM: Social Component
(Grouping) – Value/Ecosystem Services and Conflict
 Project Description: [Conduct opinion survey to] understand people/group motivations [as they
relate to making decisions that involve trade-offs between environmental sustainability and human
needs or desires]. Purpose: Support ability to craft communication products that are sensitive to
public motivations but are also effective conservation tools].????
 Project Description: [Conduct research into] economics of small landowner forestry practices
(example of oak forests). {Question: Can we find triggers or tipping points that enable small
landowners to more sustainably manage forested lands?}
 Project Description: Need to identify the drivers of [environmental] change. Need to define this
around multiple sectors (forest products, [energy] industry, urbanization, etc.). [Editor: Vague, COP
needs to elaborate/explain]
(Grouping) – Recreational, Commercial, Subsistence Use
 Project Description: Impacts of land use alterations on [availability and types of outdoor] recreation.
C. Heading: System Level
3. PROGRAM: Ecological Functions of Managed/Human-Altered Systems
(Grouping) – Foundational/Stock-taking Assessment/Classification System
(Grouping) – Barriers (flows and species movement)
(Grouping) – Mitigating Ag and Forestry Impacts
 Project Description: [Develop new/enhanced] sustainable Ag and Forest land management
(Grouping) – Protection & Restoration Approaches
 Project Description: [Explore how species and habitat] restoration [can mitigate] land use stressors.
4. PROGRAM: Ecological Functions of Natural/Intact Systems
(Grouping) – Foundational/Stock-taking Assessment/Classification System
(Grouping) – Effects of Fire on Ecosystems
(Grouping) – Relationship/ Ecological flows and Nutrient dynamics
Project Description: Evaluate [ecological flow demands to] meet future [aquatic resources] needs.
(Grouping) – Ecosystem Integrity / Resiliency
D. Heading: Community Level
5. PROGRAM: Community level (description and function or basic community ecology)
E. Heading: Species/Population Level
6. PROGRAM: Basic Biological Understanding (Species-level)
(Grouping) – Basic Biological Information
(Grouping) – At-Risk Species/Populations & Endemics
(Grouping) – Contaminants/Pollutants Effects on Species/Populations
(Grouping) – Invasive organisms effect on species and populations
(Grouping) – Effects of Disease (on a species or taxonomic group)
F. Heading: “How (the LCC) Should Do Business”
 Make conflict resolution and consensus-[building training more widely available in the conservation
community; consider hosting joint sessions with industry or other public interests].
Notes: version posted: 2012-12-18