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Unit lines of research
The lines of research shaping each unit’s identity guide the type of research conducted in a given
unit and allow researchers to discuss their projects in order to make progress together.
CDSP | CEE | CERI | CHSP | CSO | CEVIPOF | Department of economics | Law School | OSC | OFCE
Also see the crosscutting programmes’ lines of research
Centre for socio-political data - CDSP
The CDSP is a resource centre that structures its work around four types of activities:
Conducting surveys
Creating databases
Developing interactive tools
Training in social science methods
Learn more about the CDSP's work
Centre d'études européennes - CEE
The multidisciplinary and comparative research conducted at the CEE seeks to explore four major
themes shaping the development of our European societies:
A cross-cutting approach to European studies
The interlinkage between participation, democracy and government
Election studies: new paradigms and tools
The restructuring of the State and public action
Centre for international studies and research - CERI
While CERI’s main strength remains the individual contributions of its researchers, the laboratory has
initiated crosscutting work on themes that appear in several fields and coalesce around five areas:
Security and risks
International space
Capitalisms and globalization
Political trajectories
Identities and policy
Research groups are devoted to exploring the various aspects of each of these areas.
Learn more about CERI’s research groups
Centre for history at Sciences Po - CHSP
The CHSP’s work – seminars and research projects – currently revolves around four themes:
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States, institutions and societies
Wars, conflicts and violence: norms and transgressions, 19th – 20th centuries
Art, knowledge and cultures
From local to global: international history and its levels
Learn more about the Centre for history’s themes
Centre for the sociology of organizations - CSO
Research conducted at the CSO aims to produce empirical knowledge on the functioning of
organizations, market exchanges and public action in contemporary societies. The research
conducted to these ends is organized around four crosscutting themes that primarily seek to
contribute to thinking on theoretical problems:
Government, governance and regulation
Production, circulation and use of knowledge
Division and valorisation of labour
Organization and markets
Learn more about the CSO’s themes
Centre for political research at Sciences Po - CEVIPOF
CEVIPOF is developing its research activities in two major areas:
Attitudes, behaviours and political forces
Thought and the history of political ideas
Learn more about CEVIPOF’s work
Department of economics
The Department’s work is varied and while it is not structured around areas defined a priori, it shares
several themes such as the labour market, monetary policy, international trade, etc.
Learn more about the Department of Economics
Law School
The research and interests of Law School members fall under three main themes that are closely
related to its teaching programmes:
Legal cultures
Economics of law
Learn more about the Law School’s lines of research
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The Center for Studies in Social Change - OSC
The OSC studies the overall dynamic of contemporary societies in four lines of research:
Social stratification and the transformation of inequalities
Cities and urban inequalities
Lifestyles: culture and norms, social patterns, environment
Educational dynamics and policies
OFCE researchers primarily focus on nine major areas:
European governance
Social dynamics and the evaluation of public policies
Gender equality (see the PRESAGE programme, in French)
Innovations, competition and growth
The green economy and sustainability
Emerging worlds, trade relations and globalization
Banks and finance
Beyond the GDP
Learn more about the OFCE’s major areas of research (in French)
Pour en savoir plus
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