* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
MCB 141 (mouse)development Mammalian March20,2014 Lecture9 The mouseis a eutherianmammal,an amniotewith full placentaldevelopment. development; and (Non-eutherian (platypus, whichhaveyolkyeggsandnoplacental echidna), are:1) monotremes mammals whichhaveslightlyyolkyeggsandbrieflateplacentation.) 2) marsupials, Mammalsare unitedby theirmilkproduction,hair,and a few othertraits,but not placentation. Simitaitiesof mammati and birdsin their developmeni: .Like birds,mammalshave a blastodisc(flat in humans,althoughin mouse it is bent intoa cup-shape), .a hypoblast(amphibians'haveno hypoblast),a primitivestreak,and Hensen'snode, .Like birdsthey have 4 extraembryonictissuesincludinga yolk sac even thoughthere is no volk. Differencesof mammalsand birds: .The mammalianegg is very small(100 pm) and containsno volk,few stockpiledmaternalmaterials, little granules. germ plasm probably and no or no cell polarityrelatedto axes of the embryo, .Gene expressionstartsvery early,at the 2 cell stage.Axis specificationoccursby mechanismsinvolving cell interactionsand early cell function,ratherthan by cytoplasmiclocalizations. .A mammalianinnov ir is the trophobla , an extraembryonictissuewhich is specialized uterine wall, uptakeof nutrients,and waste removal. in the implantation placental i.e., for for development, and replaces ectoderm embrvonic from seoarate comoletely This ectodermis and goes beyondthe chorionicectodermpf birds. &w Germ cells and oogonesls: mammalian germ cells don't have germ plasm granules. Their origin is not understood. They arise in prirnitive gut tissue and migrate through the gut lining and into the gonad. Zou pcllu<ldr (viblUre eovelope) I I . C umul us cells I .t \mtero' I villi Coosld r<o elB At ovulationthe ooryte is releasedformthefotlicl'ebut is slillmvered cumuluscells.Theyfall off soonafterfertilization I i Wetine 0uid240 mosm Att lH---b GRAA.FIANFOLUCLE I cL' ++Ala+ k*c HCo; 2<.ll !ta8. blastocYst €vitY (320 boso) First Morub 3. hatching i Eiffi"tB ao earlY I cell em-brYo into 8 ellg. Combine them 2' 3, or 4 at a time io any orieutation. Soon tbereafter, celle Polarize their contentr go ag to move microvilli and certaio trans' membra.ue proteina away from tbe site ofcontdct with other cellg. O ther trangmembrane Proteina (cadherine) collect at the contact Jte. Thev egtabliah aa"aPical' basal polatitY, as have manY kinttg ol epitbelial cells. ! I 'Dla3to<Iet (128 cells) apiel ffface of ell 14.imolantation FtcuRE2r | . E OaY \ \ I Developmot of a human embDfo frpm fertiliatior ro implantation. baslateEl surfacc. of ell Gavitation,or ,.formationof the blastocystcavitlt" oecursat the 32, 64, 128cell stages' cellsaretightlyjoinedin an epithelialsheet,andtheyare polarized(withapicaland Trophoblast spages.Cl-followspassively. Na*intothe intercellular regions),-pumping basalrryer,nbrane fonnation,inflatesthe cavity. osmoticmovementbfwater,as in blastocoel Stepsin establishingthe dorsal-ventralpolari'ty of the mouseembryo 3?-Cell st ge Compocted (@ss stion) &<ell stagr hlii"or. J rloM (pd4, nanog, on) sox2genes^ Step 2 Ebst€tsl .evity+ fom3tion / Trophoblast cell TiEht iuftlions 2 Events in mouse development, pre-implantation. Day 1.5:2 cell stage;geneexpressionstarts.Cleavagecontinues. r D3y 2.5: earlyI cellstage,cellstooselyanangedin a morula("bunchot,gr9R9q")-. ' Althoughthere ls a regularrelationshipof the spermentrypoint to the dorsoventralaxis,thb B cells are developmentally equivalentrrvtrenisolated;the gctetcan be splitinto 2 quartetsor fodr doubletsin any directionsand all piecesdevelop "chimeras"having normally.Atso,you can presstogether2 or 3 embryos(16 or 24 cells)and these give rtormaFsized parents. 4 or 6 the surfaceand ln the late'8cellstage,the compaction procesgbegins.Cellspolarize(segregate) suchthat microvillian-dvarioussurfaceproteinscollectat whateverpart internalcvtoplasmic-materials between of the cel[srirfaceis not in contactwith othercellq. Tightjunctionsand desmosomes'form ce|ls,makinganepit@betweentheextema|mediumandintercel|ular|iquid. r Mice fnom single culhred cells Plate the cells in a dish of syrtthetic nutrient culhrre medium. I.ct celle Erow as separate elonesthrough 15 mitoiic generatigns to EeCthoirsands ofbells, Pick one clone and replate every I0 datc for-a year or so (nrany hundreds ofcell generations). black mouse parents (fvhite recessiveto black) cellsfrom d? ffi:rd These p.roliferative innercellrnasscells are'called EMBRYONICSTEM CELLSdTESCEIIS. reDilovethe 16 inner cell mass riells from a -thecells' ili"ei*yii iel' 128cells),disaggrpgace i{iiec{edEScellscan developto anyembryonic tkieu€or to hypoblast,but hotto trophoblast. lfidant bhstocvslIntoa whitemouse'fosler. m&hef. whlctrihen givesbirthto a black3ndwhite 'pup' (mousebaby). lv--\ ve -/ MITJ baby ^+ Collec0cells from.the dish . and draw into a pipet. Inject cells into the blastocyst obtaine<l from rrhite mouseparents. r/:,t<1 foster mother t r *r-----\. / whiCemouseparents Grow up the pup ind crossit with a whi0e mate.' Get some wbolly black mice.and eomewholly white mice. The black babies come frori germ cells descendedfrom the cultured cells. Conclude: 1) These ES cells probabbfdid not maintain specific cytoplasmlc localizations for the many mitotic generations in culture. Morb tikely al lhe organizalion ls generated by the'interadion of cells wilhin the einbryo. 2) This b a g.{ri}dfnetffi ?omake MOSAIC EMBRYOSones contailtkgi$et er mere ldnds of genetically different (embryonic stem ', innercell inasscells in a cells,catledEScells)proliferating , petridishin nutdentmedium. to strdv cell Transgenesfisin tfte mouse (Gilbertbook,p. 94) ;I*rH@T @ Inncr ccll mass Microinjcct $ansg€ric ES cels into host cmbryo Clonedgcnc in wctor Culturcof cnrbryonic stem(ES)cills Mix cmbryonic stm ells with . clgrcdgcoe (e.9.,me gene enosding ore€nfluorescenl (g/F)and a i@n 'erotnoter for its Crss s.tdmerk mouseand I tl ,@"@, -'\ffi*'** | tr Dsgoicmice HcteozYgous fl|\ 'eroresston. Thisgerg cohesfromieltYd$tl i ,/ chimericProgenymlce wild'tYPc Cni-.ti. I Y & ^. @= --f--^ep 'uurL-a=:-'-- tiom€E{€lotls trarcgenic (!5%l 3 but someare parallelto the Day 3: divisionto 16 cell stage;mostcleavageplanesare perpendicular, surface,so mostcet6 1eg.12-13of them)are stillincludedin the surfaceepitheliumbutsome(egem-bryo's 34 of them)are entirelvinternal Divisions continueevery12hr.At 32cellstage,if youremovetheoutercelllayer,theinnercellscanforma new horizontal to thesurface. outerlayer;andoutercellscanformstillforma newinnerlayerbydivisions removed. the other if replace no longer can outer cells inner and By the 64 cellstage, the outercellsdevelopas the trophoblast Thusan outerlayerof cellsand an innermassare established: and the inner cell mass (lCM)cellsdevelopintothe embryoas (to placentaltissirewhichis extraembryonic) as symmetry tissues.Compactionand cleavagehave_acted weil as to other non-placentalextraembryonic brcaking mechanisms(onesthat do not requirepre-localizedspatialinputsbut give uniquegeometric outputsi.Trophoblastcellsexpressthe cdx gene,whereasICM cells expressthe oct4, nanog,and sox2 junctionsand cell polarity,leadingto of intercellular genes.The Hippo siqnalinq oathwav respondsto differences cdx geneactivationin the outercells. Day 3-S:the blastocystcavity formation processbeginsand continuesin normalenibryo.The "Ner/K ce1ls,pumpssodiumions niF""u purp', whicfris locatedon the innersurfaceoi the polarizedtrophoblast ions followpassivelythrough and bicarbonate fromthe'cellinteriorsintothe spacebetweencells. Chloride andso the ion escaping, junctions prevent from ions the Tight charge. Lfectrii inannetsto balancetfre concentrationin the intercellularspac-esooneiceeds that of the externalmedium. Waterentersby osmosis .w"rii the spacebetweencelis,creatingthe btastocystcavity. The surfacelayerof tightlyadjoined "no cellsexoands,and the innercellsdelaminateas a clump,attachedto one siteof the trophoblast trophoblast tt;r.- ihi" is noill utastocyst. The site of attachmentof the innercell mass to the trophoblastlayeris prbuautv random.Cavityformationacts as a symmettybreakingm.echanism. ' overtheinnercellmass(lCM)andthe thepolartrophoblast making layeinowdifferentiates, Thetrophoblast cellsbecomepolyploid' trophoblast The mural surface. blastoryst of the muralirophoblastovertheiemainder verylarge,andflat. multinucleate, Day4 and 5: The ICM cellscontinuedividing.ICMcellscontinueto expressthe oct4, n9!og,andsox2 with the others.The gata6-expressing gJ;"., inO tome additionqtlyexpressthe gita6 genewhile interm.ixed polar and then someof them trophoblast, the from anO aviray Olistocoet th'e iells then sort out, toward layer.Thesecellsformthe hypoblast layer,alsocalledthe ontothe muraltrophoblast mior,aie ffimuryonic endodermor.parietalendoderm'.Hypoblastcellsthat stayin contactwiththeinnercell massare fhe 'visceralendoderm'.Interiorcellsof the innercell massbecomethe epiblastor embryonic uJtoCerr, makingthe entireembryo(stillexpressingthe oct4,nanog,and sox2 genes).The few cellsof the muiaflrodnobhsiwhichare mostbisiantfromthe lCM,and thereforenot undedainby innercells(either ' , hypoblastor epiblast),produce"hatchingenzyme". cells enzymeproducer andhatching hypoblast, epiblast, Theembryonowhis a clearpolarig:polartrophoblast, polarityof theeventual embryolEachICMcell Thisrelatesdirectlyto thedorsal-ventral of themuraltrophoblast. parts(seep.4). . canstilldevelopto all embryonic Day 5: The embryo,now at 128cells,hatchesby digesting.aholein the zonapetlucida(thevitelline end intothe wall' envelope)and imolantsin the uterinewall,the polartrophoblast butthiswillbecomemuchstrongerduringimplantalion. symmetry mayhavea weakbilateral fire btastocyst in the oocyte;theydevelopin Gonclusions:the poliritiesof the mammaliinembryowere not pre-localized the courseof cleavageand osmosis,frornsymmetrybreakingoperationswhich invariablygene6te singular of the ICM). -spatialarrays(insideToutside cells;and randompartialdelamination Cell lineage relations'hip5in the Eutherian mammal early embryo 128 celSblastocyst, trophoblast --r(rdpnectooerml'ion\.^ { ' I ^ L,^ ii^Arg, ^...^_ cefls 'osmotic o.utet (6.t!p1ct:on:. cetl wbization) 1 swellino of Lurto&st acvitl implantation lrophoblasi giant cells (>128ploid) mural topheclod?rm ---> (trophoblaslcells'not contacting ICM- I over blastocystclvity) polar trophectoddrm (trophoblast cellsl -/ 1------> contacting ICM) ' 8-cell cleaved ,/ -/ ecloplacental cone ./ ./ltotlophobtastcells invade uterine wall, implanl, interact with matemal tiSSUeS extraembryonic F ----+ ectoderm chorion ectoderm amnion ectoderm embryonicectoderm "nn \ ICM celts innercells (no compaction,no polarization) \ inner cell mass (rcM) toward polartroph-/ ,r' - epiblast \=p6" primitivt ectoclem embryonicmesoderm parietal \extraen&ryonicy' ertraembryonic mesoderm (cfnrion, amnion) mesoderm (. -\ tffiremayTrevisceral arpther sn,urceas wel/) ' extraembryonic mesoderm <r lcnz\ cells \ exposed to blaslocyst cavity (blastocoel) EMSRYO embryonicendoderm f\ir""rsh hypoblasl (primilive | ---\endoderm) - I | | gotk sac, ailantbis) -\. *ElSiiX'"T"''"=1----:Sffi \ allantoisendoderm lmplantation of the 128-cell blastocyst and then after implantation, the role of the anterior visceral endoderm (AVE) in primitive streak formation. Note similaritiesto the Cerberus-secretinghypoblastof the chick. Professor Harland will continue with mouse gastrulation on 4/,2113. Day 5.5: The pro-amnioticcavity opens by programmedcell death (apoptosis)of the deep cells of the epiblastand the extraembryonic ectodermof the polar trophoblast. Day 5.5-7:The anterior-posterior axis is establishedas the anteriorvisceralendoderm(AVE;part of the hypoblastlayer)moves from a centerpositionunderlhe epiblastto a positionon one side, probablydrivenby cell migrationand cell proliferationin the hypoblast.Oppositethat side, the epiblastforms the posteriorprimitivestreak. Day 6.5: Primitivestreakformationcontinuesin the epiblaston its side oppositethe AVE of the hypoblast(the futureposterior 4 endof theembryo). begins. Day7.5Theprimitive streakreachesfull lengthandgastrulation implantation. tn havea deepinvdsive andprimates lmplantationof the blastocyst in the uterinewall. Bothrodents is moresuperfcial.pp.353-354. implantation othermammals, (B)sDfr.---- 7 daYs Blastocyst, ( D ) l 0- l I D ay s Uterinelining a MaternalcaPillarY Uterine epitheliun (endometrium) Trophoblastic lacunrc. (mattrnd blood supply) Amnionic cells Anrnionic caYity Epiblast Hypoblast . Embryonic cpiplast Blastocoel Trophoblast Human Formationof extraembryonic mesodernr 5'sdavs The proamniotic cavttyopensby -' apoplosls(programmed celldeath). "* . Thosedose to .€Eh Centralcells Centrat cellsdie. Those iisceralendodermtive. trffi - 6.0 days q.5 dayl eO L,l I I Eg EISIEG usa___{egft{ ..'dodn c o F : d.9 l '.m-ffi"Hstrf, I Extraembrfonic reticulum 6E W oo OE .bo s) z, Onsetof gastrulation The role of the anterior visceral endoderm(AVE)in establishingthe anteriorposterior axis of the mouse. ( A) -_ @ Cerberus(anti-Nodal, anti-Wnt,inti-Bmp), Dkk (anti'Wnt), Lefty (antl-Nodal) Day 5"5 Cylindrical symmetry Day 5.25 Proximal I rf-!:T,' 1a O rQ *^..o.e -Day6.25 Bilateralsymmetry Extraembryonic ectoderm -_.}- < Visceral endodirm o o Nodal. o ao cripto (co-receptor for Nodal) pistal 1'.' -* otx2 cndoderm What does the AVE do? Futuresite of anteriorneural ectoderm induetion, ' Primitive streak It is essentialfor 1) positioning of the primitivestreakoppositeit,2) preventing primitive secondary streaks,and 3) preservingthe site of developmentof the anteriorneuralplate(future.,forbbraiir and midbrain).lt resemblesthe hypoblaslof chicks-bothproduceCerberusand therebypreventNodalsignalingandendomesoderminduction.Bothare displacedto one side,andthenthe primitivesteakformswhereihey areabsent, whereasanteriorneuraltissueformsnearwheretheyare present. TheAVE doesnot itselfinduceanteriorneuraldevelopment. Thatis doneby the nodeand headendomesoderm,the'headorganizer".Whenthe headorganizeris combinedwiththd,AVEandepiblast,muchmore anteriorneutraltissueis inducedthanwhenthe headorganizeris combinedwith epiblastalone.TheAVE keepsthe epiblastin a responsivestatefor neuralinductionand anteriorneuraldevelopment by preventing endo-inesoderm inductionand preventingepidermisforinationandposteriorization.