Download ARC2016U__Bank Alarm Controller Quick Start Guide V1.2.0

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Bank Alarm Controller Quick Start Guide
V 1.2.0
For AF 6016/ARC 2016U series
Table of Contents
PRODUCT OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1
Product Composition ................................................................................................. 1
Functions..................................................................................................................... 1
INSTALLATION AND WIRING............................................................................................... 1
Appearance ................................................................................................................. 1
Front Panel ............................................................................................................... 1
Rear Panel ............................................................................................................... 1
Device Wiring .............................................................................................................. 2
Sensor Wiring ........................................................................................................... 2
Alarm Output Wiring ................................................................................................. 3
Alarm Keyboard Wiring ............................................................................................ 4
SDK CLIENT ........................................................................................................................... 5
Connection .................................................................................................................. 5
Modify Password ........................................................................................................ 5
Network........................................................................................................................ 6
Siren Output ................................................................................................................ 7
Call Alarm Center ....................................................................................................... 7
On/Off Zone ................................................................................................................. 8
Mobile Business ....................................................................................................... 10
Arm/Unarm ................................................................................................................ 11
Alarm Status.............................................................................................................. 12
Important Safeguards and Warnings
Please read the following safeguards and warnings carefully before using the product in
order to avoid damages and losses.
Do not expose the device to lampblack, steam or dust. Otherwise it may cause
fire or electric shock.
Do not install the device at position exposed to sunlight or in high temperature.
Temperature rise in device may cause fire.
Do not expose the device to humid environment. Otherwise it may cause fire.
The device must be installed on solid and flat surface in order to guarantee safety
under load and earthquake. Otherwise, it may cause device to fall off or turnover.
Do not place the device on carpet or quilt.
Do not block air vent of the device or ventilation around the device. Otherwise,
temperature in device will rise and may cause fire.
Do not place any object on the device.
Do not disassemble the device without professional instruction.
Please use battery properly to avoid fire, explosion and other dangers.
Please replace used battery with battery of the same type.
Do not use power line other than the one specified. Please use it properly.
Otherwise, it may cause fire or electric shock.
Special Announcement
This manual is for reference only.
All the designs and software here are subject to change without prior written
If there is any uncertainty or controversy, please refer to the final explanation of
1 Product Overview
1.1 Introduction
This product is an alarm controller designed for anti-theft purpose. It integrates alarm input, alarm
output, access control, audio talk, audio push and other features. It adopts IP, PSTN, GSM and
communications to report alarm. Two RS485 interfaces, with good expansibility can be linked
with the DVR, to perform systematic design.
1.2 Product Composition
Bank alarm controller works with sensor, keyboard, siren, audio device, PSTN and PC client
which form a comprehensive link alarm system. The basic connection diagram is in Figure 1- 1.
Figure 1- 1
1.3 Functions
16-ch local alarm input, with vandal-proof function.
12-ch local NO alarm output, and alarm link output.
2-ch strong current alarm output, may turn on/off AC 220V 10A power.
10/100M self-adaptive network port.
GSM/GPRS network.
2 groups of independent RS485 data channels.
Up to 5000 alarm event records with date.
Remote user control, 1 remote data receiving center, multiple backup data receiving
Remote alarm log retrieval, remote log output.
1 group of network audio talk.
2 groups of access control ports. Audio prompt, anti-pinch and other mode available
for selection. It supports local, remote direct control on door and e-lock.
1-ch controlling signal (DC 12V 1A) output.
1-ch external DC 12V 1A power supply, 1-ch DC 5V 1A power supply.
External standard battery (DC 12V) auxiliary power, auto charging control, support low
voltage alarm.
AC220V main power supply port, main/sub power switch, support alarm in case main
power down.
2 Installation and Wiring
2.1 Appearance
2.1.1 Front Panel
Its front panel is shown in Figure 2- 1.
Figure 2- 1
Icon Name
Green:Device is running properly.
Not ON:Device encounters abnormal event.
Green:Network is well connected.
Not ON:Network is abnormal.
Green:Device is fully armed or partially armed.
Not ON:Not armed.
Green:Device is unarmed.
Not ON:Device is not in unarming status.
Green:Door 1 access control function is normal and not triggered.
Not ON:Door 1 access control function is abnormal or someone
enters through door 1.
Green:Door 2 access control function is normal and not triggered.
Door 1
Door 2
Not ON:Door 2 access control function is abnormal or someone
enters through door 2.
Green:Z1~Z16 corresponding zones have no alarm triggered.
Red:Z1~Z16corresponding zones have alarm triggered.
2.1.2 Rear Panel
Its rear panel is shown in Figure 2- 2.
Figure 2- 2
1. Device provides wiring port, insert power line or signal cable port into the wiring port
and fasten screw. And insert set alarm port.
2. The exposed part of cable/wire does not go outside of hole.
Port Name
Power Port
Port Description
Connect to grounding line
Please use the 3-pin power line in accessories to
connect to AC 220V
Alarm Output Port(AC 220V) 2 groups of NO or NC alarm outputs, can directly
control AC 220V 10A’s power supply.
External load current cannot exceed 10A.
Connect to user phone or user phone line
Alarm Input Port(ALARM IN) Switch alarm input.
2.2K resistor wire on the controller must be
connected to the sensor side, for sensor of normally
open or normally closed please see Figure 2-2.
External control of alarm output.
Alarm Output Port(ALARM
Alarm output ports in this part do not support
ON/OFF power loading.
Access Control Port
2 groups of access control ports, support local and
remote direct control of door and e-lock.
 IN:connect access control entrance on/off
 OUT:connect access control exit on/off
 CONTROL:connect door move control port.
 KEY:connect e-lock control port.
E-lock section power is usually supplied by controller
DC12V 1A output port. When e-lock has external
independent power supply, the voltage cannot
exceed DC30V, and current does not exceed 1.5A.
Other Ports(OTHERS)
 A1, B1, A2, B2:2-ch RS485, manually connect
alarm keyboard, may support input/output
 BELL:Alarm bell port, output may control DC
12V 1A, directly connect alarm bell, and alarm
 +12V:+12V 1A DC, supply external device.
 +5V:+5V 1A DC, support external device.
 BAT : Battery port, support DC12V standard
lead-acid battery as aux power supply of alarm
Network Port
Please insert network cable.
2G Antenna
2G module antenna(for only AF6016-G model)
Continuous pickup, MIC.
To debug device, configure alarm controller IP
Continuous speaker.
Audio output volume adjustment button. Rotate
clockwise to volume +; rotate counterclockwise to
volume -.
2.2 Device Wiring
2.2.1 Sensor Wiring
See Figure 2- 3.
Figure 2- 3
2.2.2 Alarm Output Wiring
See Figure 2- 4 and Figure 2- 5.
Figure 2- 4
Figure 2- 5
2.2.3 Alarm Keyboard Wiring
The alarm controller is connected to alarm programming keyboard, via alarm keyboard to set
arm/disarm and view operation status. See Figure 2- 6, keyboard “B” and “A” ports connect to B1
and A1 ports of alarm controller respectively. (Used for 485 COM) “-“ and “+” ports connect to G
and +12V ports of alarm controller respectively.
Figure 2- 6
3 SDK Client
You can login alarm controller’s SDK client to view and configure parameters of alarm controller
3.1 Connection
To login alarm controller SDK client:
Step 1. In “AlarmDeviceDemo\Bin\AlarmDevice.exe” folder, double click “AlarmDevice.exe” file.
System enters net SDK client homepage, see Figure 3- 1.
Figure 3- 1
Step 2. Enter device IP, port no., username and password. Click Login to create connection
between SDK client and device.
 Before first time login, you must ensure the used PC and controller are in the same
network segment. Default IP of controller is
 Port no.: default is 37777.
 Username: admin
 Password: admin
 Please change password after first time login, see Ch 3.2.
3.2 Modify Password
You can change system password.
Step 1. In Control&Search dropdown list, select modify password.
Step 2. Click Control&Search. See Figure 3- 2.
Figure 3- 2
Step 3. Enter username, old password, new password and confirm.
Step 4. Click modify.
3.3 Network
Device supports wireless network connection, and to configure :
Step 1. In homepage, select wireless config in the dropdown list.
Step 2. Click Set. See Figure 3- 3.
Figure 3- 3
Step 3. Enter device IP address, subnet mask and default gateway..
Step 4. Click Set.
 IP: device IP address, default IP is :
 Default subnet mask is:
 Default gateway is:
3.4 Siren Output
You can set siren output duration when alarm occurs.
Step 1. In the lower-right in homepage, select siren control from config dropdown list.
Step 2. Click Set. See Figure 3- 4.
Figure 3- 4
Step 3. In dropdown list select channel no., enter siren output duration, range is 1~10 min,
default is 5 min.
Step 4. Click Set.
Get display of current siren output duration of selected channel.
3.5 Call Alarm Center
You can set call alarm center parameter. When alarm occurs, system will send alarm info to call
Step 1. In the lower-right in homepage, select call alarm center config.
Step 2. Click Set. See
Figure 3- 5
Step 3. Configure parameter, see the following chart.
Center Name
Dial Attempts
Enable or disable call center alarm receiving function
Call center server name
Customize call center name
If call center does not answer call, the re-dial times, range
is 1~9
Time interval between two dial attempts
Use default value, which is DTMF 5/S
Dial Delay
Signal Sending
Protocol Type
User Code
Use default value, which is CID
Call center number
User code provided by call center, default is 0000
3.6 On/Off Zone
On/off zone configuration includes local alarm input channel, zone, sensor type and alarm link.
Step 1. In homepage dropdown list on the right, select on/off zone.
Step 2. Click Setup. See Figure 3- 6.
Figure 3- 6
Step 3. Click get to display existing configuration.
Step 4. Set parameters, please refer to the following chart.
Channel No.
Zone Type
Local alarm input channel no. It supports 16-ch alarm input.
Customize channel name.
After unarming, zone alarm upload time.
Instant zone
Delay zone
All-day zone
Time enter zone, when zone type is delay zone, if enter delay is 10s, then
when zone alarm is triggered, user has 10S to unarm. If user
successfully unarms within 10S, it will not link alarm. Otherwise, it
Enter Delay
Exit Delay
Sensor Type
Sensor Method
Time exit zone, when zone type is delay zone, if exit delay is 10s, then
when user set arming, which come into effect in 10s.
According to sensor type, select NO or NC.
Device supports the following sensor method:
Passive IR
Active IR
Call Button
When there is alarm input, you may auto link alarm output channel,
please refer to step 5.
Root node no., level 1 cascading address, level 2 cascading do not apply to bank alarm
controller, so not set here.
Step 5. Click
next to link setup. See Figure 3- 7.
Figure 3- 7
Step 6. (Optional) When period arming is required, you must manually set arming period, you
can set different periods in different weeks by checking box next to each period. Do not
check box of period you do not want to enable. Period cycle unit is week.
Step 7. Set link parameters, please refer to Error! Reference source not found..
Audio Call Enable
Enable audio talk call function or not, check enable if you want to use it.
(not available)
Device as calling party by default (not available)
Audio Call Calling
Audio Call
Alarm Output
Alarm Output
Protocol is Cellular by default. (not available)
Enable alarm output or not, check enable if you want to use it.
Check alarm output channel no.
Upload to Alarm
Link Audio File
Absolute Path
Alarm bell
Access Control
Access Control
Access Control
PSTN Alarm
Upload to alarm server or not, check enable if you want to use it. (not
Send SMS or not.
Enable buzzer or not, check enable id you want to use it.
Enable audio prompt or not, check to enable.
After audio prompt is enabled, enter audio file name. Full name can be
searched via file search. Please refer to Ch 2.3.8.
Enable alarm bell or not, check enable if you want to use it.
Enable access control or not , check to enable.
Select access control channel.
Select from:
 No operation
 Auto
 Open
 Close
 Always open
 Always close
When alarm occurs, link to PSTN dial up, report to call alarm center.
Check alarm center 1 and dial number of alarm center 1.
Check alarm center 2 and dial number of alarm center 2.
Chart 2- 1
Step 8. Click OK. Return to On/Off Zone configuration page.
Step 9. Click Setup to set complete.
When the setup is not successful, please check if zone has alarm; when the channel has alarm
event or its link is abnormal, both conditions will lead to failed setup.
3.7 Mobile Business
Device supports SMS service, you can send SMS to mobile phone number in setup.
Step 1. In homepage dropdown list on the right, select mobile business configuration.
Step 2. Click Set.
See Figure 3- 8.
Figure 3- 8
Step 3. Check enable switch to enable mobile business.
Step 4. Select SMS type as SMS, enter info title and mobile phone you want to receive SMS.
Step 5. Click Setup.
3.8 Arm/Unarm
Step 1. In Control&Search dropdown list, select arm/unarm.
Step 2. Click Control&Search. See Figure 3- 9.
Figure 3- 9
Step 3. Set arming/unarming.
The device currently only supports global mode, so scene mode is invalid.
Step 4. Enter password.
Step 5. Click
, select zone with alarm source input and zone with link alarm.
Step 6. Click Set.
3.9 Alarm Status
You can subscribe alarm event and cancel alarm of channel in accordance with need.
In homepage, click alarm subscription, see Figure 3- 10.
Figure 3- 10
Step 1. Click event subscription, device will report current event under alarm or abnormal status
one by one.
Step 2. Select channel no. and event type, fill in password, click cancel alarm, to cancel alarm in
this channel.
 After you subscribe alarm, if alarm input is triggered, before it is triggered, device will auto
report corresponding channel and time’s start event. When the triggering ends, device will
auto report the channel’s stop event at the moment.
 During power failure or vandal-proof switch is triggered, it will auto report.
 Operation of alarm cancellation is to re-check after alarm source triggering and output. After
this operation, device closes link output of the corresponding alarm source.
This manual is for reference only.
All the designs and software here are subject to change without prior written notice.
All trademarks and registered trademarks are the properties of their respective
If there is any uncertainty or controversy, please refer to the final explanation of us.
Please visit our website for more information.