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CSCI 141 Computational Problem Solving
Homework 2
1. The standard deviation Οƒ of an entire population of values tells us how closely
grouped the values are. For a normal distribution, 68.2% of the values in the
population are within 1 standard deviation of the population's mean value, and
95.4% of the values in the population are within 2 standard deviations of the
population's mean value. We compute the width of 1 standard deviation as
𝜎 = √ βˆ‘(π‘₯𝑖 βˆ’ πœ‡)2
where πœ‡ is the arithmetic mean (average) of all of the values. So we sum the
squared differences of each value from the mean, take the average of that
sum, and then take the square root of that average.
avg = (a + b + c)/3
mean = (a + b + c)/3
mean = [a + b + c] / 3
mean = avg(a, b, c)
avg = math.avg(a, b, c)
def stdev(a, b, c):
def stdev():
def pstdev(a b c):
float stdev(a, b, c):
def try(a, b, c):
Contained in the Python code below is a fully correct function that computes
and returns the standard deviation of three integers provided as parameters.
Each group contains at least one line from the correct function. Select exactly
one line from each group and reorder those selections to restore the correct
function. Note that indentation has been removed; restore the indentation to
appropriate levels in your solution. Note the groups span more than one page.
return variance ** 0.5
return math.sqrt(variance)
print(variance ** 0.5)
return stdev
total = (a-mean)**2 + (b-mean)**2 + (c-mean)**2
stdev = (a-mean)**2 + (b-mean)**2 + (c-mean)**2
variance = a-mean**2 + b-mean**2 + c-mean**2
stdev = ((a-mean)**2 + (b-mean)**2 + (c-mean)**2)**0.5
total = (a-mean + b-mean + c-mean)**2
variance = total / 3
stdev = (total / 3) ** 0.5
variance = stdev ** 0.5
stdev = variance ** 0.5
variance = mean**2
def stdev(a, b, c): #B
mean = (a + b + c)/3 #A
total = (a-mean)**2 + (b - mean)**2 + (c - mean)**2 #D
variance = total/3 #E
return variance ** 0.5 #C
2. The following segment of Python code claims to print the sum of all multiples
of three less than a certain user-input number. The algorithm is correct, but
the implementation contains several syntax errors. Identify each error and
show how to fix it. Also explain in English why it was an error.
n = input('Enter a number: ')
total = 0
while (n > 0):
if n % 3 is 0: # is should be ==
total = total + i # i should be n
n -= 1
return total
In the first line, the string for the input prompt is missing
quotation marks. Note the added quotes in green above.
The second line is correct.
The third line is correct
In the fourth line, comparison between integers is done with the
== operator. The is keyword in Python asks if the two operands
are the same object, not whether the objects have the same
value. (Consider the difference closely when using classes).
The fifth line contains two errors. One is that we forgot to update
total after adding i to it. Note the green assignment above.
Also, there is no variable i in this code, so that should be n.
The sixth line is correct.
The seventh line is correct.
3. Provide two separate Python functions, each taking two parameters a and b.
One function should compute a // b, and the other should compute a % b.
Neither function can employ any direct form of multiplication, division, or
Note that division is nothing more than repeated
subtraction. To compute a // b, we simply count how
many times we can subtract b from a and return that
def div(a, b):
quotient = 0
while b <= a:
a = a - b
quotient = quotient + 1
return quotient
Likewise, a % b is simply whatever is left in a after we
subtract b from it as many times as possible.
def mod(a, b):
while b <= a:
a = a - b
return a
4. You are asked to complete the following class definition:
class Rocket (object):
There are three class methods:
A class constructor, which takes the initial (x,y) position of the rocket
and stores it.
A method named move that takes two arguments dx and dy and
increments the rocket’s (x,y) position by dx and dy, respectively.
A method named distance_from that takes as its argument another
rocket object and computes the Euclidean distance between the
rockets and returns the result.
Contained in the Python code below is a fully correct definition of the Rocket
class. Each group contains at least one line from the correct code. Select
exactly one line from each group and reorder those selections to restore the
correct class definition. Note that indentation has been removed; restore the
indentation to appropriate levels in your solution. Note the groups span more
than one page.
self.__x = x
x = self.x
self.x = x
__x = x
y = self.y + dy
self.y = dy
self.__y = self.__y + dy
self.y = self.y + dy
self.__x = self.__x + dx
x = self.x + dx
self.x = self.x + dx
self.x = dx
other.distance = ((self.x - other.x)**2 + (self.y - other.y)**2)**(1/2)
distance = ((self.x - other.x)**2 + (self.y - other.y)**2)**(1/2)
self.__distance = ((self.x - other.x) + (self.y - other.y))**(1/2)
distance = ((self.x - dx)**2 + (self.y - dy)**2)**(1/2)
self.__y = y
self.y = y
__y = y
y = self.y
self.move (dx, dy):
move (self, __dx, __dy):
move (dx, dy):
move (self, dx, dy):
__init__ (x, y):
init (x, y):
__init__ (self, x, y):
init (self, x, y):
distance_from (other):
distance_from (self, __other):
self.distance_from (other):
distance_from (self, other):
class Rocket (object): #given
def __init__(self, x, y): #G
self.x = x #A
self.y = y #H
def move (self, dx, dy): #B
self.x = self.x + dx #E
self.y = self.y + dy #D
def distance_from (self, other): #I
distance = ((self.x - other.x)**2 + (self.y - other.y)**2)**(1/2) #F
return distance #C
5. Without using a computer, determine what will be printed by the following
class MeatAndThree (object):
def __init__(self, meat, veg1, veg2, veg3):
self.__meat = meat
self.__veg1 = veg1
self.__veg2 = veg2
self.__veg3 = veg3
def __str__(self):
s = 'Today''s lunch special is ' + \
self.__meat + ' with ' +\
self.__veg1 + ', ' +\
self.__veg2 + ', and ' +\
self.__veg3 + '.'
return s
def change_side(self, old_side, new_side):
if (self.__veg1 == old_side):
self.__veg1 == new_side
if (self.__veg2 == old_side):
self.__veg2 == new_side
if (self.__veg3 == old_side):
self.__veg3 == new_side
menu = MeatAndThree('fried chicken', 'lima beans',
'mashed potatoes', 'collards')
menu.change_side('mashed potatoes', 'rice')
Todays lunch special is fried chicken with lima
beans, mashed potatoes, and collards.
Todays lunch special is fried chicken with lima
beans, mashed potatoes, and collards.
Note that 'Todays' does not contain an apostrophe. It
looks like the __str__ function tries to include an
apostrophe, but the double apostrophe only terminates
and then resumes the string.
Also, notice that the sides do not change. This is because
in the change_side method, we do not actually perform
any assignments. When we try to change from mashed
potatoes to rice, the variable veg2 and old_side match. In
the conditional, though, we do not update veg2 to be
new_side. Instead, we ask if veg2 and new_side are equal
(they are not). Python says False, but we ignore the
return value of the comparison. No variables are
modified. Also, this sounds delicious and I'm hungry now.