Download 26 January 2016 - Huntingdon Road Surgery

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Huntingdon Road Surgery
Infection Control Meeting – 26/01/16
Present: Dr Hayton, Jane Marchant (Lead Nurse), Liz Gohery (Admin)
Minutes of last meeting and matters arising
Decontamination Policy – pages 16-25 from BMA – CQC Registration
Guidance for GP’s
Risk Assessments
Items for inclusion in annual report
1. Minutes of last meeting were read and agreed. The following items were
actioned and updated:
IPC Training
 DMH met with C+P CCG IPC Lead Nurse Belinda
 The practice was commended on having introduced a comprehensive
training programme which has been rolled out effectively. Currently 100%
of staff have been trained in effective hand hygiene within the last
 Belinda has asked for permission to use the Practice as an example of how
her training has cascaded effectively. DMH agreed.
Sharps Safety
 Following our audit into the safe use of sharps bins in our surgeries,
subsequent successful implementation of a new safer way of handling
sharps returns we wish to continue our work into reducing the risk of
inoculation injury. We are therefore looking at trying to ensure that all
patients who have sharp prescribed items at home have the means to
dispose of them i.e. are also prescribed sharps bins.
 New audit into prescribing of sharps bins designed by Dr Maguire
 1st round of data collection completed
Infection Control Audit
 The focus of the current audit is on cleanliness
 The aim being to ensure adequate cleaning from contractors and also from
our staff, and also to highlight maintenance issues
 IPC cleanliness standards will be used against
a. Huntingdon Road Reception, Waiting Room and Patient Toilet
b. Girton Reception, Waiting Room and Patient Toilet
c. Huntingdon Road Staff Room
 Data Collection has taken place
Legionnaire’s Disease Risk Assessment
 Risk Assessment conducted by ASI Environmental in October 2015
 ASI’s recommendations are being reviewed in the contexts of planned
renovation work
 DMH will produce a plan of action following the review
Needle Stick Policy
 Has been updated
2. Decontamination Policy - Guidelines documents from BMA – CQC
Registration were reviewed and discussed. It was felt that the current
Infection Control Policy at the Surgery adequately covers the
3. Risk Assessments – We will consider writing risk assessments for having
oxygen on site (JM), wheelchair use, infection control issues at Girton.
4. Maintenance – the following are for inclusion on a current maintenance
schedule: downstairs toilet holder replacement, the on-going smell in the
toilet to be checked and the hot water tap to be repaired due its difficulty
switching on/off.
AOB – Jane is to check all examination rooms to ensure that an appropriate
patient couch paper roll holder is in place.
Dates for Diary
Date of review of IPC Policy – Janaury 2017
Date of Review Waste Management Policy – Janaury 2017
Date of Review Needle Stick Policy – December 2016
Date of next IPC Meeting – Wednesday 25th May 2016
All future meetings suggested the 3rd Wednesday of the relevant month.