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11 geoDB Extension (database manager)
This extension allows users easy, standardised access to geographic databases from
different providers. At present, gvSIG supports the following database management
Oracle Spatial (SDO Geometry)
gvSIG stores the different connections made during the various sessions. Thus, users do
not need to input the parameters of every server they connect to. Likewise, if a project file
is opened which has a database connection, the user will only be required to enter the
The extension has two user interfaces, one to manage the data sources and another to add
the layers to the view.
11.1 The spatial database connection manager
Select the menu See – Spatial database connection manager (figure 1) to open the
dialogue box which allows you to add, remove, connect and disconnect the connections to
the different types of databases containing geographic information. If you have already
used this manager in an earlier gvSIG session, the previous connections will appear (figure
2). If not, the dialogue box will be empty.
Figure 1. Access to the geoDB connection
Figure 2. The connection manager
Click on Add to introduce the parameters of a new connection (figure 3).
NB: From gvSIG version 1.1 onwards, it should be noted that the name of the database
must be written correctly and that it is case sensitive. If you wish to open a project saved in
a version prior to gvSIG 1.1 which includes layers belonging to a database whose
connections have not taken this factor into consideration, the data must be recovered by
reconnecting to the original data base.
You can either connect there and then or remain offline. Open connections appear with a
link and with “[C]” before their name (figure 4). If you wish to open a connection, select it
and click on Connect. You will be asked to enter the password (figure 5) and the
connection will then be made.
Figure 3. Adding a new connection
Figure 4. The connection has been made
Figure 5. Password request
11.2 Adding a geoDB layer to the view
In the Project Manager, create a new view and open it using the New and Open buttons.
Use the Add layer icon to add a layer to the view. Go to the GeoDB tab in the dialogue box
to add a new layer of this type (figure 6).
You must choose a connection (if you select one which is disconnected, you will then be
asked enter the password), select one or more tables and the attributes you wish to
download from each layer and, optionally, set an alphanumeric restriction and an area of
interest. You can give each layer a different name to that of the table. Click on Ok to view
the table’s geometries in the view.
This window also allows you to specify a new connection if the database is not registered in
the data source catalogue.
Any alphanumeric restriction must be introduced by means of a valid SQL expression
which is attached as a WHERE clause to each call to the database.
Given that the table may take several seconds to load, a small icon appears next to the
name of the table indicating that this process is underway. When the table has been
loaded, the small blue icon disappears and the gvSIG view is automatically refreshed to
allow the geometries to be viewed.
Figure 6. Adding a geoDB layer
Figure 7. Views with geometries from a
geographic database
Figure 8. Mini icon showing layers are loading
11.3 Exporting a gvSIG layer to a spatial database
This function allows new tables to be created in the spatial database from any vectorial
source in gvSIG. These tables can be created as follows:
3. Create a vectorial layer of any type, for instance by opening an SHP file using the
Add layer button (figure 9).
4. Select the layer by clicking on its name in the left-hand side of the screen (figure 10).
5. In the Layer – Export to menu, select the type of database you wish to export the
layer to. The example shows an Oracle database (figure 11).
6. You will then be asked to introduce the name of the table which will be created in the
database (Oracle) and whether or not you wish to include the newly-created layer in
the current view.
If all goes well, the new vectorial geoDB layer will appear in the view and you will be able to
work with it in the usual way.
Figure 9. Adding a vectorial layer
Figure 10. Selecting the layer to export
Figure 11. Exporting to Oracle Spatial
Figure 12. Export progress bar
11.4 Oracle Spatial
These notes supplement the documentation for the geoDB extension with regard to the
driver for Oracle Spatial.
This driver allows access to any table from an installation of both Oracle Spatial and Oracle
Locator (in both cases from version 9i onwards) which has a column that stores SDO-type
11.4.1 Metadata
The driver only lists tables which have their geographic metadata in the
Given that each table’s metadata is available, the interface makes use of that data and
automatically presents the column (or columns) of geometries. Likewise, ROWID, which is
a unique descriptor for each row used internally by Oracle, is used and this ensures that
identification is correct.
11.4.2 Data types
Two and three-dimensional data of the following types are supported:
8. Point and multipoint
9. Line and multiline
10. Polygon and multipolygon
11. Collection
At present, layers in LRS format (Linear Referencing System) are not supported.
11.4.3 Coordinate systems in Oracle
Oracle has its own system for cataloguing coordinate and reference systems. Miguel Ángel
Manso, on behalf of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, has provided a list of equivalent
values for the Oracle system and the EPSG system and this is included in the driver as a
DBF file.
Conversions from one coordinate system to another are carried out by gvSIG since its
performance has proved to be superior.
11.4.4 Notes on reading geometries
The driver constantly performs geometric requests (in other words constantly calculates
which geometries intersect with the current gvSIG view) and it is therefore essential that
the database has a spatial index linked to the column in question. If this index does not
exist, an error window appears (figure 1) and the table or view cannot be added to the
gvSIG view.
In addition, the driver needs to set a unique identifier for the records of the table or view,
and this is not possible for certain types of views. If such a problem occurs, it will be
detected by the driver and an error message will also appear (figure 2). As a result, the
view cannot be loaded to gvSIG from the database.
Figure 1. Warning regarding the lack of a spatial index
Figure 2. Warning regarding the fact that a ROWID could not be obtained
11.4.5 Transferring a layer from gvSIG to Oracle
If you wish to export a layer to an Oracle database, you will also be asked if you wish to
include the view’s current coordinate system in the table at the end of the process
described in the manual. This may be useful in cases where we do not wish to include such
information in the table for reasons of compatibility with other applications or information
To work with two Oracle geometries (the most common case is an intersection), the two
geometries must have the same coordinate system. Each geometry has an SRID field
which can have the value NULL.
For instance, if we have a table with geometries in EPSG:4326 (Oracle code 8307) and
another with geometries in EPSG:4230 (Oracle code 8223), it will not be possible to carry
out SQL instructions to perform calculations directly between the geometries of one table
and another. However, if these tables’ geometries do not have a coordinate system (i.e.
SRID is NULL), then operations can be performed between the geometries of these tables,
bearing in mind the errors involved in carrying out intersections between different
coordinate systems.
When reading a table whose geometries have a coordinate system set at NULL, it is
understood that the user will make sure that the geometries are appropriate for the current
view, since no reprojection is possible (this may change with the new gvSIG extension for
the advanced use of coordinate systems).
In short, not storing the coordinate system allows for a more flexible use of geometries.