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Miasm of Psoriasis
Overgrowth- Sycosis
 Premature growth of the skin- Tubercular
 Syco Tubercular Miasm
Drugs coming up
Ars and Kali ars
 Thyroidinum
 Kali brom- Leading remedy in Psoriasisfeels singled out by God’s vengeance,
unfortunate and helpless
 Berb aquifolium- Mahonia Aquifolium
 Manganum aceticum
 Borax- acidity, redness, painful
Arsenicum album
The appearance of the skin is dry, rough,
scaly, dirty and shrivelled. The eruptions
are frequently accuminate with excessive
scaling. There is severe burning sensation
in the eruption which is worse in the
evening, at night and by cold applications.
 Psoriasis has a tendency to alternate with
internal affections.
Arsenicum album
Always feels that he is receiving poison
from everywhere that's why he is so
particular about cleanliness, eating out
always fears there's someone out there to
rob him that all becomes obsessions later
for being watchful being careful and then
cleanliness and perfectionism
 but being the element arsenic it has
tendency to produce irritation to the
extreme which can cause death like
collapse so they are irritable always
burning from within irritated with
everything in the world
Arsenic iodatum
Dry, scaly, itching. MARKED
SCALES, leaving a raw exuding surface
beneath. There is intense burning with
itching. The patient scratches violently till it
bleeds. The psoriasis is worse in dry
cold weather, even though ars iod is a hot
patient, skin symptoms are better by
local application of heat.
Calcarea carbonica
This remedy is suited to people who are
easily fatigued by exertion, sluggish
physically, chilly with clammy hands and
feet, and often overweight. Skin problems
tend to be worse in winter. Typically solid
and responsible, these people can be
overwhelmed by too much work and
stress. Anxiety, claustrophobia, and fear of
heights are common. Cravings for sweets
and eggs are often also seen when
Calcarea is needed.
People needing this remedy often have a
long-term history of skin disorders. The
skin looks tough or leathery skin with
cracks and soreness. Itching is often
worse from getting warm, and the person
may scratch the irritated places till they
bleed. Trouble concentrating, especially in
the morning, is also often seen when this
remedy is needed.
Kali Ars
Inveterate skin diseases
 Intolerable itching aggravated by
undressing. Dry scaly wilted skin. Itching
aggravated by warmth, walking,
undressing. Psoriasis, fissures in bend
of arms and knees. Patch of psoriasis on
back, arms and spreading from elbows and
anteriorly on legs.
 Scaly itchings cause him to scratch till an
ichorous fluid discharges forming a hard
cake. Discolouration of skin after psoriasis.
Mercurius solubilis
People who seem introverted and formal—
but are very intense internally, with strong
emotions and impulses—may benefit from
this remedy. They tend to have swollen
lymph nodes and moist or greasy-looking
skin, and are very sensitive to changes in
temperature. The areas affected by
psoriasis may become infected easily.
Pustular Psoriasis
Scaly plaques may itch intensely,
thickening or crusting over if the person
scratches them too much.
 Cold applications relieve the itching
(although the person feels generally chilly
and improves with warmth).
 People who need this remedy often have
a craving for fat, and feel best in open
This remedy is often indicated for
people whose physical problems are
aggravated by stressful emotional
experiences. It is especially suited to
individuals with extremely dry skin, and
problems that involve the palms and
fingertips. The person may feel a cold
sensation after scratching, and the skin
is easily infected and may look tough
and leathery. Itching will be worse at
night, and from getting warm in bed.
People who need this remedy may also
have a tendency toward motion
sickness and are aggravated in winters.
Rhus toxicodendron
When this remedy is indicated for a person
with psoriasis, the skin eruptions are red
and swollen, and often itch intensely. Hot
applications or baths will soothe the
itching—and also muscle stiffness,
toward which these people often have a
tendency. The person is restless, and may
pace or constantly move around. A craving
for cold milk is often seen when a person
needs this remedy.
This remedy may be helpful to a person
who feels dragged out and irritable,
often with little enthusiasm for work or
family life. The person’s skin may be
look dry and stiff.
 Psoriasis may appear in many places
on the body, including the nails and
genitals. Signs of hormonal imbalance
are often seen (in either sex), and
problems with circulation are common.
 Exercise often helps this person’s
energy and mood.
This remedy may be helpful to individuals
whose psoriasis has developed after grief
or suppressed emotions. Any part of the
body can be involved but the scalp is often
 People who need this remedy often seem
sentimental, meek and quiet, and easily
embarrassed — but often have a strong
internal anger or deeply-buried hurt.
Intensely burning, itching, inflamed
eruptions that are worse from warmth and
bathing suggest a need for this remedy.
 Affected areas often look bright red and
irritated, with scaling skin that gets
inflamed from scratching.
 This remedy is sometimes helpful to
people who have repeatedly used
medications to suppress psoriasis (without
Morgan Gaertner ( like Arg nit)
Irritable, quick tempered, impatient, tense,
nervous, restless, weepy, depressed,
jealous, apprehensive, fears crowd,
excitement, company, claustrophobic
 Alopecia areata
 Craves sweets, salt
 Psoriasis elbow, knees, ankles, legs,
body even toe nails
 Eruptions thigh, waist where metal contact
Clematis erecta
The most unique feature is profuse
desquamation with severe itching,
worse washing with cold water.
 Psoriatic eruptions are present on face,
hands and scalp especially around the
 The eruption has a characteristic
modality that it gets worse during
ascending moon and as moon
descends the eruption is better.
Presence of psoriasis in individuals who
are exposed to gonorrhoea.
The skin of the hands and face is covered
with multiple psoriatic eruptions. There is a
furfuraceous peeling off the epidermis.
The lesions ulcerate easily especially from
slightest injury. Here the psoriasis is
worse in warm weather and better in
cold weather.
 There is a sensation of cobweb on the
skin. It typically affects individuals who are
excessively nervous, frightened easily and
sensitive to sudden noise.
Psoriatic eruptions especially around
eyes and ears. There is presence of
violent itching with tendency to formation
of thick crust.
 The lesions may get infected and can form
an eczematous patch which is associated
with acrid, foul smelling, pustular
Some Important Rubrics
Itching < open air- Ars, Hep, Olnd, Petro,
Itching >open air- Fagopyrum, Stron carb
 Itching
< bathing after- Bov, Calc, CP,
Clem, Mez, Sulp, Tub (uncommon)
Some Important Rubrics
Itching <hot bathing- Mez, Calc
Itching>bathing- Ana, Ars, Clem, Fago,
Kali iod, Phyto, Rad brom, RT, RV
Itching>cold bathing- Fago, Kali iod, Phyto
Itching >hot bathing- Ana, Ars, Rad brom,
RT, RV, Sil, Syp
Some Important Rubrics
Itching<bed- Kali ars, Psor, Rad brom, Sil,
Itching, changing location- Mez, Staphy
Itching, cold<- Clem, Thuja, Tub
Itching cold>- Berb, Calad, Fago, Fl acid
Itching desquamation with- Arum, Clem
Some Important Rubrics
Itching after eating meat-Ruta
Itching<undressing-Cocc, Dros, Merc, Nat
sulp, Olnd, Nit acid, RUMEX, Staphy
 Eruptions
desquamating- Mez,
Olnd, Sep, Psor, Grap, Kali ars,
Hydrocotyle, Kali sulp
Some Important Rubrics
Psoriasis, upper limbs- Iris, Kali sulp, kali
ars, RT, Sil
 Psoriasis, elbow, patches- Iris, Kali Sulp,
Kali ars, Morg gart, Phos
 Psoriasis hand- Psoriasis diffusa- Petro,
Ars, Clem, Calc, Graph, Kali bich, Lyco,
RT, Sarsa, Sulp
 Psoriasis, back of hand- chronic- Grap,
 Psoriasis-palm- Clem, Hepar, Lyco, Mur
acid, Nat sulp, PHOS, Psor, Sel, Sulp
Some Important Rubrics
Psoriasis, Lower limbs- Iris
 Psoriasis, Knee- Iris, Phos, Morg g
 Psoriasis, Leg- Kali ars, Morg g, PHOS
 Psoriasis, Ankle-Morg g
 Psoriasis, foot, sole of- Cor rub, Phos
 Psoriasis, toe nails- Morg g
Some Important Rubrics
Desquamation, exfoliation, peelingAmmon carb, Ammon mur, Bell, Sepia,
Remedies commonly coming up
Ars and Ars iod- Large scales
Kali Ars- inveterate long standing psoriasis
Iris- psoriasis of the limbs
Fagopyrum- Pruritus senilis
Kali sulp