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William Harvey
William Harvey
was an English physician
who made seminal contributions in anatomy and
physiology. He was the first known to describe
completely and in detail the systemic circulation and
properties of blood being pumped to the brain and body
by the heart.
of Blood
Harvey was able to make his discoveries
because he ignored medical text books, preferring
his own observations and the deductions he made
during dissections of animals.
Remarkably, western medical beliefs and
theories about blood and circulation had advanced
little since Galen wrote his medical textbooks in
Rome 1400 years earlier.
William Harvey
Harvey’s knowledge came from observations
he made of blood flowing through the veins and
arteries of living animals that he cut open. Through
modern eyes, his living dissections look cruel, and
there were no anesthetics in Harvey’s time.
Nevertheless, it is how we arrived at an
understanding of blood and its circulation in the
William Harvey
In 1628, aged 50, Harvey published his
masterpiece usually referred to as De Motu Cordis
the Motion of the Heart. Its full title in English is:
Anatomical Studies on the Motion of the Heart and
Blood in Animals.
In De Motu Cordis Harvey became the first
person to accurately describe the function of the heart
and the circulation of blood around the body.
William Harvey
When he published in Frankfurt his
completed treatise on the circulation of the
blood, the De Motu Cordis. As a result of
negative comments by other physicians.
Harvey’s own medical practice
declined because of the barrage of criticism,
he took from physicians.
The End
William Harvey died in London,
aged 79, at the home of one of his
brothers, on June 3, 1657. The cause of
death was most probably a cerebral
hemorrhage. William Harvey’s grave can
be found in the village of Hempstead, in
the England county of Essex.
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Benjawan Jaitrong
Class 4.3 Number 20