* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Water The source of water supply may be generally classified as (a) Surface waters: (i) Rivers (ii) Lakes (iii) Impounding reservoirs (b) Ground waters: (i) Springs (ii) Infiltration galleries (iii) wells. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SURFACE WATERS: 1. More suspended solids (impurities) are present in surface waters. 2. Surface water may contain more pathogenic bacteria as pathogenic bacteria are generally embodied in suspended impurities. 3. Surface water generally has color due to presence of Iron-oxide, mineralogical compounds, suspended particles…. Etc GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF GROUND WATERS: 1. Ground water contain large amount of the dissolved impurities. 2. It is generally free from suspended matter as it gets strained during its passage through the porous underground strata. 3. It is soft or hard as it comes into contact with the Geological formations. 4. The Bacterial content is usually low due to the straining of suspended impurities. 5. It may have taste and odour due to presence of organic matter dissolved during passage through underground strata.