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“Some People Say...”
Directions: Below are things that “some people say” about HIV/AIDS.
In your notebook, decide if the statement is either true or false. Explain your reasoning.
Some people say that only gay and bisexual men are likely to be infected with HIV. True or false? Why?
Some people say that only people with multiple sexual partners are likely to be infected with HIV. True or
false? Why?
Some people say that you can get HIV from donating blood. True or false? Why?
Some people say that alcohol and illicit drug use can make people vulnerable to HIV infection when they
share needles/syringes/works/skin-popping equipment. True or false? Why?
Some people say that you can contract HIV by sharing a drink with someone who has HIV. True or false?
Some people say that having other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can make it more likely that you’ll
get HIV. True or false? Why?
Some people say you can tell if someone has HIV by looking at him or her. True or false? Why?
Some people say you can get HIV from insect bites. True or false? Why?
Some people say that tears transmit HIV. True or false? Why?
10. Some people say it is rare to get HIV from a blood transfusion in the United States. True or false? Why?
11. Some people say the risk of HIV transmission from a healthcare provider (doctor, dentist, nurse, technician)
is small. True or false? Why?
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