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By Erin Horner
Every living thing is made up of cells.
Some are animal cells. Others are made up
of plant cells. Inside each cell are
organelles. Organelle means "little organ."
Each of these little organs has a different
function. One organelle is called a
chloroplast. Chloroplasts are found only in
plant cells. Inside each chloroplast is a
chemical called chlorophyll. It is a green
pigment that makes a plant appear green.
Together, chloroplasts and chlorophyll have a very important job. They make it
possible for plants to absorb the energy from the sun. This energy is used during
photosynthesis, the process that plants use to make the glucose that they use as
food. Without chloroplasts, plants would not be able to make their own food. A
chloroplast may be a "little organ," but it has a big job!
1. Write one fact and one opinion about 2. What is the main idea of this
3. What is one fact from the story?
All cells are complex.
Animal cells are simpler than
plant cells.
Organelles have big jobs.
A plant cell contains more than
one type of organelle.
All living things contain cells.
All cells create their own food.
Photosynthesis uses energy
from the sun.
Organelles called chloroplasts
play an important role in plant life.
4. Choose the best title.
All Plants Produce Food
My Plant is Bigger Than Your
It's Not Easy Being Green
Chloroplasts: Organelles With
a Big Name and a Big Job!
5. What do you think a plant would look like 6. (Compare and contrast) How are
if it did not contain chloroplasts? Explain
organelles in a plant cell similar to organs in
your answer.
the human body? How are they
different? Explain your answer.