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Weathering Sort
In small groups of 2-3, have students sort the weathering cards as either mechanical
(physical) weathering or chemical weathering. Groups must be able to describe why the
statement or image is a particular form of weathering.
Answer Key:
1. Mechanical weathering [frost wedging]
2. Mechanical weathering [thermal expansion]
3. Chemical weathering [dissolution]
4. Chemical weathering [oxidation]
5. Mechanical weathering [biological weathering]
6. Mechanical weathering [biological weathering]
7. Chemical weathering
8. Mechanical weathering [exfoliation]
9. Mechanical weathering [abrasion]
10. Chemical weathering [dissolution]
11. Mechanical weathering [abrasion]
12. Chemical weathering [dissolution]
13. Mechanical weathering [frost wedging]
14. Mechanical weathering [abrasion]
15. Mechanical weathering [abrasion]
Weathering Sort
Cave formed by dissolved limestone
Iron containing minerals
form a rust-like material
Original minerals in a rock react
and form new minerals
10. Decaying plant
9. Wind blasting
gives off acid that
sand at rock and
weakens a rock
carving out arches
causing it to break.
Weathering Sort
11. Flood water
pounding against a
canyon wall and
wearing it down
12. Caves being
formed by acid rain
dissolving the
underground rock.
13. Water getting
into cracks, freezing,
and breaking the
rocks apart
14. Glaciers
scraping rocks
across the earth’s
15. Rocks being
made smooth by
tumbling across a
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